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1、一 come from / be from 来自 用法1.肯定句: be 随人称和数展开.I 用am;you用are; is 连着he,she, it; 单数is; 复数are 否定句: be 动词后加not. am not ; is nt ; are nt 一般疑问句: be 动词提前 简略回答: Yes, -+ be(am, is ,are ); No, -+ be(am, is ,are) not.2.肯定句: 1. 第一人称(I ,we), 第二人称(you) ,以及其他复数,用原形come 2. 第三人称单数(he,she, it及其他单数),动词使用第三人称单数形式comes 否定

2、句: 1. 动词原形come 前加dont. 2. 动词三单形式comes 前加do e s nt , 并把三单comes 变原形come .一般疑问句:1.动词原形come句中,句首加do 2.动词三单comes 句中,句首加does, 并把三单comes 变原形come 简略回答: Yes,-+ do. No, -+ dont. Yes, - +does No, -+d o e s nt. 举例:1) Pandas come from China . _ pandas _ from China ?(一般疑问句) 2) I come from China. I _ _ sports. (否定

3、句) 3) John _ (come) from America . John _ _ from America.(否定句) 4) Annie comes from England . _ Annie _ from England ? (一般疑问句) 5) Lions _ (are) from Africa . Lions _ from Africa. ( 否定句) 二. welcome 的用法 welcome sb/ s t h 欢迎某人某物 welcome to +地点 欢迎来到. _ Jimmy as our teacher. _ _ Beijing, China. 三 also/ to

4、o/ either 也 1. 肯定句 句首,句中用also 2. 肯定句 句末, 用too. 3. 否定句 句末,用 either. 举例:I love you , _. There are _ many other animals in the zoo . I dont like meat , _.四 shall 情态动词, 能, 可以;后接动词原形, 无人称与数的变化。 _ we go and _ them? ( shall / see)五. animal 名词, 动物举例:The lion is _(a/an) animal. It is very dangerous. There ar

5、e many kinds of _( animal/ animals) in the zoo.举例:_ (a / an) elepant has big ears and a long nose. 六. such as 例如 The zoo has many kinds of animals, _ bears, zebras, giraffes and pandas.七. other 别的,其他的 How many _ animals can you see in the picture?八 Sure / of course 当然可以-Can you help me , please ? -_

6、.九 over there 那边, 那儿 There are many students _.十 which 哪个,哪些。 There are many men over there, _ is your father?十一 Look at/ watch/ see/read 看 look at 看, 指看的瞬间动作; see 看见, 侧重看的结果;watch 观看, 强调看运动中的影像比赛等,watch TV, watch movies, watch basketball 指“看”时实指“阅读”,用于看书、看报等: 举例: I _ at the blackboard, p

7、lease. How many birds can you _ in the tree? Do you _ TV at night? I like _ books at home.单项选择专练。1.The kangaroo likes to eat_ . A.leafB.leafsC.leaves2. _ is pandas favourite food. A.Bamboo B.Fruit C.Grass3.Where _ the lion come from?_.;America B.does;American C.does;America4.What do you do on S

8、unday?I want a trip _ the zoo. A.about C.to5. The panda likes _ trees. A.climb B.climbs C.climbing.6. The pandas eat _ about 12 hours a day. A.with B.for C.at7.Tony can speak English_ he cant speak Chinese_ Japanese. A. and; and B.but;and C.but; or8. go to the zoo every Sunday. A. Jim and me B.

9、 Jim and I C. I and Jim D. I and you9. He come from England. A. isnt B. doesntC. Is D. dont10. she want to go to a movie? A. Does B. Do C. Is D. Be11. Mr Green is from . A. English B. Chinese C. American D. Canada12.This is Lingling. She is five . A. years B. year old C. years old D. year o ld13 Does she like playing basketball? . A. Yes, she doesnt B. Yes, she is C. No, she doesnt D. No,she isnt14. Welcome to our zoo. .A. Thank you B. Yes C. Thats all rightD. Youre welcome

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