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1、七年级期末考试英语试题陕西师大附中20122013学年度第一学期 期末考试七年级英语试题命题人:安文娟 审题人:邢敏娟注意事项:本试题分第卷和第卷两部分。第卷为客观题,60分;第卷为主观题,40分;共100分。考试时间为100分钟。第卷 客观题第一部分 听力部分(15分)I.听句子,选答语。(共5小题,计5分)本题共有5个小题,每个小题你将听到一句话,读一遍,请从所给的三个选项中选出一个最恰当的答语。1. you. B. Not at all. C. That sounds good.2. s a book. dont know. C. Yes, I do.3. m OK. B. I like

2、 strawberries. C. Hamburgers.4. . s on your desk. . speaks Chinese very well. goes to school at 9:00. has Chinese on Monday.II.听对话,选答案。(共5小题,计5分)本题共有5个小题,每个小题有一段对话和一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。6. and hamburgers. B. Eggs and burgers. and bread. 7. its exciting. B. Because its interesti

3、ngC. Because its difficult.8. . B. Twelve. C. Thirteen.An English party. BA music festival. CAn English Day10A¥19. B9. C19.III.听短文,选答案。(共5小题,计5分)本题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题所给的三个选项中选出正确答案。11. What does Bob eat for breakfastA. Two eggs and a banana. B. Hamburgers. C. An egg and two bananas.12. _ doesnt like

4、 chicken.A. Bob. B. Bobs mother. C. Tony13. Bob meets Tony _.A. in the morning. B. at noon C. in the evening.14. Tony likes hamburgers for _.A. breakfast B. dinner C. lunch of the following is not trueA. Bob is 14. B. Tony is 13. C. Bobs mother likes eggs for dinner.第二部分 笔试部分(45分)IV. 单项选择。(共10小题,计10

5、分)16. Is Julias birthday on May 1st -Yes, _. A. she is B. it is C. he is D. her is17. Miss Wang teaches _ English. We all like _ class very much. A. me; his B. me; her C. us; his D. us; her18. We have sweaters _ all colors _ ¥50 each. A. in; of ; for C. in; for D. at; of19. Are those _ rooms -Yes, t

6、hey are.A. Jim and Tom B. Jim and TomsC. Jims and Tom D. Jims and Toms20. He was born _ the morning of June 13th. A. in B. at C. on D. of21. The two _ are our English teacher and science teacher.A. woman teacher B. woman teachers C. women teacher D. women teachers22. Mum, its so hot and I am very th

7、irsty. -Heres the money, baby. Go and buy _ an ice cream. A. your B. me C. myself D. yourself23. Can you _ it in Japanese -Sorry, I cant _ Japanese.; speak B. say; say C. say; speak D. speak; say24. _ Day is on June first and _ Day is on September tenth. A. Childrens; Teachers B. Childrens; Teachers

8、 C. Childrens; Teachers D. Childrens; Teachers25. The new term is coming. The students are busy _the classrooms. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaningV. 完形填空。(共10小题,计10分) Im Linda. My school has a school 26 every year. It is 27 December, and its coming. These days my classmates are preparing fo

9、r(准备) the trip to Xian. Susan thinks 28 clothes are too old. So she 29 to buy some new ones. She buys a 30 sweater because she likes yellow. Dick likes reading. He wants to 31 a book with him. Molly likes to eat and she buys some bread and 32 like apples and bananas. William likes to 33 tennis. He b

10、uys two tennis balls. 34 Me Ill take a 35 besides clothes, food and books. Xian is so big and I may get lost. So I need a map.26. A. photo B. trip C. festival D. time27. B. at D. on28. B. his C. my D. your29. A. sees B. lets C. gets 30. A. green D. yellow31. A. meet B. come C. take 32. B. vegetables

11、 C. eggs D. milk33. B. finish D. know34. cothes C. How about old35. A. bag C. CD VI. 阅读理解。(共15小题,计25分). A) 阅读下面一篇短文,判断下列句子是否否和短文内容, 符合的用“A”表示,不符合的用“B”表示。(共5小题,计五分)ADear students,Do you like planes Do you want to make model planes If you do, please come to WOS Clay(黏土) Store. We have clay of differen

12、t colors: red, black, blue, brown and white. You can make different planes. And we will find who can make good model planes.If you come, you can get notebooks. Do you want to have a trip to Beijing If you win(赢), you can go to Beijing with us on November 10th.Please come to meet us on October17th-18

13、th.If you want to come, please call us. Our telephone number is . 36. This is an ad(广告) for clay.37. Students can take part in(参加) the activity(活动).38. If you win, you can go to Chongqing.39. The activity will be on October 19th.40. We have clay of different shapes(形状).B) 阅读B,C,D,根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(共10小

14、题,计20分)BMy name is John. Im 14 years old. I am a student in Middle School. My school has many clubs(俱乐部). It has an English club, a sports club, a music club, a science club Different students like different clubs. Some students like English and they go to the English club on Tuesday. There they spe

15、ak and read English. Some students like doing sports and they go to the sports club on Monday and Thursday. They can play basketball, ping-pong and volleyball. The music club opens every Friday. Students can go there and sing. I like math and I join the math club. I go to the club on Wednesday and T

16、hursday.What club are you in Can you tell me41. Students can go to the English club on _. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Thursday D. Friday42. The Chinese meaning of the word “open” is “_”. A. 改革 B. 开放 C.成立 D. 休息43. Whats the best title(题目) for the passage A. My Hobbies B. My Favorite Subject C. Busy Stude

17、nts D. The School ClubsCWanted: English tutor(家教) Do you like kids Are you outgoing(开朗的)Do you have three years experience(经验) as an English teacher Do you have free time on Saturday and Sunday We need a woman teacher for our daughter. She is twelve and she is not good at English. For the job, you w

18、ill: Teach from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Teach our daughter English. Tell her stories in English. You will work at our house. We live in Beihai Road. The pay is ¥30 each hour. If you want to know more information, please call Mrs Yang at .44. Mrs Yang wants _ for her daughter. A. a babysitter B. a good g

19、raduate C. an English tutor D. a math tutor45. What is not a part(部分) of the jobA. Cooking for the kid. B. Working at the kids house.C. Being good with the kid. D. Telling English stories to the kid.46. If you want to be the tutor, you need to beautiful have three years teaching experiencehave

20、time on weekends be a woman teacherA. B. C. D. 47. Which is not true A. The tutor must teach the kid on weekends. B. The kid is good at English. C. The tutor can speak English. D. The tutor can get¥360,if she teaches the kid for two weeks.D Music is very popular in America and it is very important t

21、o America people. Pop or popular music is what every student likes in America. Students carry MP3 or MP4 and listen to music before class, after class, and at lunch. Students with cars buy large speakers(扬声器) and enjoy the loud music as they drive on the street. Adult drivers listen to music on the

22、radio as they drive to work. They also listen to the news about sports, the weather, and the life of American people. However, most of the radio programs are music. Popular music singers make much money. They make CDs or tapes. Some of the money from the CDs or tapes goes to the singers. The popular

23、 singers also give concerts.(音乐会). Whenever they go, all the young people want to meet them. Now , the singers are famous stars. There are another two kinds of music that are important to American people. One is called folk(民间) music. It tells stories about the life of America people. The other is c

24、alled western or country music. This was started by cowboys(牛仔) who would sing at night to the cows they were watching. Today, any music about country life and the love between country boys and girls is called western or country music. 48. How many kinds of music are there in this passageA. 3.? B. 5

25、.? C. 4. D. 2.49. Which of the following is not trueA. American students like popular music very much.? B. Adult drivers like to enjoy music when they work. music was originally(最初) sung(唱) by cowboys. D. Popular music singers make much money.50. Whats the best title(标题) for the passageA. Popular mu

26、sic B. American music. C. Country music. D. folk music. 第II卷 主观题(共40分)VII根据汉语提示, 完成句子。(共5小题,计5分)51. 请谈谈你的饮食习惯。Please talk _ your _ _.52. Tom 喜欢和朋友们在周末做游戏。Tom likes _ _ with friends _ weekends.53. 我们在同一所学校但却在不同的班级。We are in _ _ school, but we are in _ _. 认为这本书没意思。Tom _ think this book _ interesting.5

27、5. 我们的老师对我们要求很严格。 Our teacher is very _ _ us.VIII. 短文填空。选择方框内单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺,文章意思完整。每个单词用一次。(共10小题,计10分)come, family, happy, get, clean, make, like, day, shop, IThe Spring Festival (春节) is the Chinese New Years 56. It usually 57 in February. Everyone in China 58 the Spring Festival very much. When t

28、he Spring Festival comes, I usually help 59 parents 60 our house and do some 61. On that day, people get together with their 62 members. Everyone enjoys 63 dumplings, New Years cake and some other food in China. But I like to eat dumplings best. We usually eat dumplings and watch TV on the Spring Fe

29、stival eve. I say “64 New Year” to my parents and then I can 65 much lucky money. I like the Spring Festival.IX任务型阅读 (共5小题,计5分) Kate is a good girl. But she doesnt like to go outside. She thinks it is noisy outside. Her favorite place is her room. Kates mother is an art teacher. Her father has a bre

30、ad store. They are busy. One day, Kates mother comes to her room. “Kate, I want to draw a picture of you. Come with me.” Kate is happy. She puts on her red skirt and goes out with her mother. “Where shall we go, Mom I want to stay at home. Its noisy outside.” “Kate,” her mom says. “You should come out to look at the world. Its a little noisy but you can see and know about many things. And your friends need you. They want to play with you.”根据短文内容,完成下列各题。66. Kates favorite place is her _.67. Kates mother teaches _.68. Why doesnt Kate like to go outside 69. What col

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