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1、,Chapter 8 经贸翻译,文体特点文本类型词语特点句法特点翻译原则文体适应性原则术语对应性原则翻译举要,固定格式型:措辞严谨,常用术语,逻辑性强,结构缜密,多长难句,语体格式化且行文规范contract,L/C,draft,B/L,certificate of origin,inspection certificate,commercial invoice,shipping advice,policy of insurance,customs declaration传递信息性:语体非正式,强调信息传递,语言简洁清晰enquiry letter,offer,counteroffer,ind

2、ent,cable/telex,fax,e-mail劝说诱导性:措辞严谨,修辞多变,以劝说读者为目的Sales letter,product ads,trade mark,instruction,claim letter,collection letter,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(一)文本类型,1、专业术语经常使用的贸易术语有:E组术语(启运):EXW:Ex WorksF组术语(主要运费未付)FOB:Free on Board 离岸价FCA:货交承运人 FAS:装运港船边交货C组术语(主要运费已付)CIF:Cost,Insurance an

3、d Freight 到岸价D组术语(运抵)DAF:边境交货DES:目的港船上交货DEQ:目的港码头交货 DDU:未完税交货DDP:完税后交货,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,1、专业术语After we have checked the L/C carefully,we request you to make the following amendment:“Partial Shipments and Transshipment Allowed.”经过仔细核对信用证,兹要求贵方作如下修改:“允许分批转运和转船。”The shippin

4、g documents for the consignment are now with us and we shall be glad if you will arrange to collect them.货运单据现在我行,请安排前来赎单。,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,2、古体词由where,there与in,by,with,after等构成的复合词汇,仅用于合同及法律文体中。特点:明晰古朴,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,thereinthereafterherei

5、naftertherebythereofherebyheretohereinhereofhereunder,在那里;在那点上,在那方面其后,从那以后以下,在下文因此,在那方面它的,在其中特此,因此,兹至此,对此此中,于此关于此点,在本文件中在此之下,在下文,2、古体词,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,This Contract is hereby made and concluded by and between _ Co.(hereinafter referred to as Part A)and _ Co.(hereinafter

6、 referred to as Part B)on _(Date),in _(Place),China,on the principle of equality and mutual benefit and through amicable consultation.,本合同双方,_ 公司(以下称甲方)与 _ 公司(以下称乙方),在平等互利的基础上,通过友好协商,于_年_月_日在中国_(地点),特签订本合同。,2、古体词,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,The Attachments to this Contract shall be

7、 deemed a part hereof and shall be effective as any other provision hereof.本合同的附件应被视为本合同的一部分,与其他条款有同样效力。In the event that there shall be newly increased items of work,the Parties hereto shall enter into an agreement for the unit price of such items.如果需新增加工程,双方应另行协定该项新增工程的单价。A certificate of the Borr

8、ower shall,substantially,comply with the form set forth in Appendix 4,and the attachments specified therein.借款人证明书,其格式基本上应遵照附录4规定的格式及其规定的附件。,3、词语叠用词语叠用确保了合同所用词语的意思不被曲解,并使原文意思高度完整、准确,更好地体现合同作为法律文书的严肃性。,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,It is the intent of the parties that all documents an

9、d annexes forming part hereof shall be read and taken together and that each and every provision or stipulation hereof be given full force,effect and applicability.However,in the event that one or more provisions or stipulations herein be declared null and void by the courts,or otherwise rendered in

10、effective,the remaining provisions and stipulations shall not be affected thereby.,3、词语叠用,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,able and willingalteration,modification or substitutionbe null and void and of no effectinsufficiency or inadequacyloss or damagenegligence,fault,or failure in the

11、duties and obligationsstipulations and provisionsterms or conditionsuse,misuse or abusevoid and voidablejust and duesole and absolute,能够与愿意变更、修改或替代作废并无效不足灭失或损坏未履行责任和义务条款条款使用、误用或滥用无效的和可以撤销的合理与正当的完全的,3、词语叠用,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,词性分类:名词叠用(power and authority)动词叠用(alter and chan

12、ge)形容词叠用(sole and exclusive)连词叠用(when and as)介词叠用(before and on,over and above,from and after),功能分类:少数词语叠用追求并列词语相同的意义,翻译时取其相同含义:null and void,terms and conditions,provisions and stipulations多数词语叠用强调词语间的意义差别,使表达更加完整准确,翻译时要识别近义词之间的差别,找出汉语中的对应词。,3、词语叠用,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,All

13、permits,taxes and other fees arising from the prosecution and execution of the project shall be solely shouldered by the Contractor.项目施工过程中所产生的许可证费、税费及其他费用全部由承包方负担。项目执行、施工过程中所产生的许可证费、税费及其他费用均由承包方负担。,Any supplement,modification or alternation agreed by both parties shall be taken as an integral part

14、of the Contract,and has the equal legal force as the Contract itself.经双方同意,对本合同的任何补充、修改应作为合同不可分割的组成部分,并具有与合同同等的法律效力。经双方同意,对本合同所作的任何补充、修改或变更应作为合同不可分割的组成部分,并具有与合同同等的法律效力。,4、用词简洁,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,D.P.:Documents against payment 付款交单D.A.:Documents against acceptance 承兑交单All s

15、ales are final.一经售出,概不退换ENCL:enclosure随附I.R.O:in respect of关于A/C:account FYI:for your information供参考L/C:letter of credit 信用证C/O:care of 由 转交,We are delighted to receive your letter of November 29 asking whether we can supply you with Art.No 3609.我方很高兴收到贵方11月29日来函询问可否提供3609号货品。,5、词语专业性强,多义现象普遍current

16、 assets 流动资产;current liability 流动(短期)负债current cost accounting现时成本会计current account往来账户;活期帐户;往来账目,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,Buyers or their chartering agent shall advise the Seller by fax 10 days prior to the arrival of the carrying vessel at the port of shipment of the contract

17、number,name of the carrying vessel,approximate loading capacity,lay days and port of loading.买方或其租船代理人须于载货轮抵达装运港10天前以传真方式通知卖方合同号、船名、大约受载重量、预计抵达日期及装运港名。在承运船抵达装货港10天前,买方或其船代须将合同号、承运船名、船舶的近似载重量、船舶在港时间和装货港以传真的方式告知卖方。,5、词语专业性强,多义现象普遍,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,There is a tendency for a

18、n organization of this type to be rather romantic;this place isnt romantic it actually makes money.He is impressed equally by the open information policy,which circulates details of all meetings to employees,and the rapid growth.这样的公司常常是很浪漫的,但这个地方并不浪漫,实际上它是赚钱的。公司的信息公开政策同样给他以很深的印象,所有公司的会议的细节及迅速发展状况都传

19、达给雇员。这种类型的公司一向是浮而不实的,而这家公司并非如此实际上,它是盈利公司。公司的信息公开政策以及迅速成长的态势在相同程度上给他以深刻的印象,信息公开政策是指所有会议的具体内容都传达到全体员工。,5、词语专业性强,多义现象普遍,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(二)词语特点,This draft is payable on the 19th of November.本汇票11月19日到期支付。Your expenses will be reimbursed in full.贵方的开支将得到全部付还。This letter of credit w

20、ill be honored only if the seller submits a letter or telex from AAA Company certifying that all terms and requirements under L/C No.83658 have been complied with.本信用证将被承兑,只要卖方提交一份AAA公司发出的信函或电传证明编号为83658的信用证上所有的条款和要求已得到履行。The fee will always have to be borne by the beneficiary.该费用总是由受益人支付。,1、信息性文本中常

21、用套语,语气委婉礼貌,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(三)句法特点,We have/take pleasure in informing you that 兹欣告贵方In reply to your letter of,we 兹复贵方来函,我方We thank you for your letter ofcontents of which have been noted/have had our careful attention.谢谢贵方月日来信,内容已悉。We are sorry for the inconvenience that may h

22、ave caused you.对给贵方造成的不便我方深表歉意。We shall appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of these errors.望即修正这些差错,不胜感激。Thank you in advance for 承蒙谨先致谢。We must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of迟复贵方*年*月*日来函,深表歉意。,1、信息性文本中常用套语,语气委婉礼貌,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(三)句法特点,A

23、lways with pleasure at your service.竭诚为你效劳。This offer remains effective/valid/firm/open for ten days from 18th October.本报盘自10月18日起,有效期10天。With reference to your indent No.,we have not yet received the relative L/C.As this order has been outstanding for considerable time,we would ask you to give this

24、 matter your immediate attention.关于贵方第号订单,我方仍未收到相关的信用证。由于此订单悬而未决时日已久,兹要求贵方给以迅速处理。In compliance with the terms of the contract,we would forward you by airmail a full set of nonnegotiable documents immediately after the goods are shipped.根据合同条款,一俟货物装船,我们将给贵方航空邮寄全套不可转让单证。,2、劝说诱导性文本修辞多变,以说服读者为目的3、固定格式的正

25、式文本结构严密,逻辑性强,常用长句难句,行文严谨正式,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(三)句法特点,It is agreed between the party mentioned in Box 3 as the Owners of the motor-vessel named in Box 5,of the GT/NT indicated in Box 6 and carrying about the number of metric tons of deadweight capacity all told on summer load line

26、 stated in Box 7,now in position as stated in Box 8 and expected ready to load under this Charter Party about the date indicated in Box 9,and the party mentioned as the Charterers in Box 4 that:兹有第3栏所列的下述船舶所有人与第4栏所指的承租人,双方协议如下:内燃机船船名见第5栏,总吨/净吨见第6栏,根据夏季载重线载重量所载大约公吨数见第7栏,现在船舶动态见第8栏,根据本租船合同做好装货准备的大概日期见

27、第9栏。,第一节 文体特点,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,Practice,Your early reply to our specific inquiry will be highly appreciated.All expenses and risks thereinafter shall be born by your side.In the event the Buyer does not furnish the seller with shipping instructions on or before August 17,2007,the Seller

28、may at his option cancel this contract and demand the Buyer to pay any damages he has sustained on account of such failure of the Buyer to give such instructions.据我方所查,该货早在二月就交付了。甲乙双方须根据所述合同条款进行施工。如果贵方价格很有竞争力,我方就可大量出售服装。,译文与原文从文体角度上来说是相应的,不同文体翻译成另一种语言后读者会感到所用的语言与原文是符合的。比如商务信函翻译后还是商务信函,合同语言翻译后读起来还是合同

29、语言。,第二节 翻译原则,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(一)文体适应性原则,Your early reply is highly appreciated.承蒙早日回复,不胜感激。A diamond is forever.钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。The amendments to or alteration of this contract become effect only after they are signed by parties hereto and approved by the original approving authorities.对本合同

30、的修改须经合同各方签字并由原审批机关批准后方可生效。,Marketing occurs when people decide to satisfy needs and wants through exchange.【原译】当人们开始通过交换来满足欲望和需求的时候就出现了营销。,第二节 翻译原则,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(一)文体适应性原则,All services in business such as gift wrapping,delivery,and credit have some amount of costs associated with the

31、m,and these costs must be covered by higher prices.【原译】商业中所有的服务诸如礼品包装、送货以及赊账都有相应的成本,而这些成本要靠较高的价格来弥补。【改译】商务活动中的所有服务,诸如礼品包装、送货和赊购等,都有其相应的成本,而这些成本必须通过提高价格得到补偿。,The credit which evidences shipment of 2000 tons of steels may be used against presentation of the shipping documents.【原译】该信用证证明装两千吨钢材凭提交装船单据使用

32、。【改译】本信用证明证明两千吨钢材已装船,凭装运单证议付。,第二节 翻译原则,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(一)文体适应性原则,Should for certain reasons the Buyers not be able to inform the Seller of the foregoing details 10 days prior to the arrival of the vessel at the port of loading or should the carrying vessel be advanced or delayed,the Bu

33、yer or their chartering agent shall advise the Sellers immediately and make necessary arrangement.【原译】若买方由于某种原因不能于装运轮抵达装运港10前将上述详细情况通知卖方,或装运轮提前或推迟抵达,买方或其运输代理人须立即通知卖方并做出必要的安排。【改译】如果买方由于种种原因不能于承运船抵达装货港10天前将上述细节告知卖方,或如果承运船提前或推迟抵港,买方或其船代须立即通知买方并作出妥善安排。,第二节 翻译原则,Chapter 8:Translation of ETE,(一)文体适应性原则,A given currency could,therefore,never rise above nor fall bellow fixed points which are called interv

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