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2、要塌实地付出了,就一定会有奇迹出现。永远不要放弃拼搏,因为奇迹只发生在相信奇迹存在的人身上!. Grammar and VocabularySection A (10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; f

3、or the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Eat healthier without quitting sugar Not long ago, fat was regarded as the evil for a healthy diet. Before that it was salt. Now the sugar-free diet (21) _ (explode) onto the health scene and seems to have topped many peoples list of New Ye

4、ars resolutions. Sugar-free diets encourage people to avoid sweetener such as honey, soft drinks and some fruits. Some also recommend (22) _(restrict) dairy products. The diets advocates note that excessive sugar consumption may increase the risk of heart disease and some cancers. So many sugar-free

5、 followers avoid milk, yoghurt and cheese (23)_ _ the assumption that these products contain sugars. Its true we are swallowing too much of the sweet stuff, with the average American consuming around 20 teaspoons of (24)_ (add) sugar a day. But you dont need (25)_ _ (quit) sugar for healthy eating.

6、Quitting sugar is unlikely to improve your health any more than cutting down on over-processed foods and eating more vegetables. Research shows dieting is not effective over the long term and can lead to greater weight gain over time. The brain interprets dieting and restriction as hunger, (26) _ ca

7、uses the storage of fat. Besides, the sugar-free diet is confusing and imposes a set of rules that (27) _ (make) up without scientific evidence. Such a restrictive diet can create food fear or an unhealthy relationship with food. People who worry about food are more likely to diet. This may be (28)

8、_ they are worried about their weight, or about the impact certain nutrients have on their health. Through series of experiments, (29) _ the researchers are certain about is that you can eat plenty of plants, enjoy whole grains and beans. Fruit is you friend, not your enemy. Most people could probab

9、ly eat a little less sugar, a little (30) _ (often), but you dont have to quit it for good to be healthy. Section B (10分)Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you nee

10、d.A. picturing B. separated C. vary D. celebration E. complicatedF. vast G. roughly H. mythical I. delicately J. stressK. distinguishing The United Nations series of “language days” are designed to promote the use of the six official languages of the UN as well as to celebrate cultural and linguisti

11、c diversity(语言多样性). Chinese Language Day is the 20th April. Its a time chosen to fit in with the Chinese 31 of Guyu(古语), which honours Cangjie the four-eyed 32 figure who is traditionally understood to have created Chinese characters in the time of the Yellow Emperor, 5000 years ago. Mandarin(普通话)is

12、 the most-spoken language in the world, with over 1.5 billion speakers. When most people think of “Chinese”, it is Mandarin that they are 33 . But Mandarin Chinese is far from the only variant of the Chinese languageor the only language spoken in China. In fact, there are a great number of Chinese l

13、anguages. Rememberthis is a country which is both very large and very, very old. Different regions are within the 34 expanse of territory, that is, China can be 35 not only by great distances but also by broadly geographical features such as mountain ranges. It is hard to guess how many dialects act

14、ually exist. In general, dialects can be 36 classified into one of the seven large groups: Putonghua (Mandarin), Gan, Kejia (Hakka), Min, Wu, Xiang, and Yue (Cantonese). Each language group contains a large number of dialects. Understanding the situation is 37 by the fact that, while many Chinese pe

15、ople in different geographical areas of the country may not understand each other when they speak their regional dialect, they may share the same written language even if their pronunciation of different characters within that language may_38_. A _39_ feature across all Chinese languages is tone. Fo

16、r instance, Mandarin has four tones and Cantonese has six tones. Tone, in terms of language, is the pitch (高音) in which syllables (音节) in words are spoken. In Chinese, different words _40_different keys. Some words even have pitch variations in one single syllable. . Reading ComprehensionSection A (

17、15分)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. When Elinor Ostrom won the Nobel Prize for her research on economic governance in 2009, it was the first (and so far, t

18、he only) time a woman won a Nobel for Economics. That prize has 41 for nearly 50 years. We dont do a great job of recognizing womens contributions to science and innovation. My colleagues and I wondered; Is one of the reasons why women are more likely to 42 science than men because they dont receive

19、 the same recognition? To understand how 43 shapes womens motivation to remain in science, we first had to get a good measure of the motivations. We sought to first study a highly visible 44 , prizes, because large prizes tend to be understood and appreciated by the broader public, and they also inf

20、luence those who make decisions about scientific 45 and other financial support. Our study focused on prizes in the biomedical sciences. If were going to find 46 anywhere in science, it would be in this field. Women have entered biomedicine in equal numbers to men since the early 2000s. 47 this, of

21、all Nobels awarded to women, a full two-thirds have been for biomedical research. Our 48 was simple: we documented all biomedical research prizes we could find over the past five decades. We also considered the financial awards and importance associated with the prizes, as indicators of their 49 . T

22、hen we measured the percentage of prizes won by women and the association between gender and prize quality. Our initial results highlighted overall 50 news; the proportion of biomedical prizes awarded to women has risen steadily. But when we looked at the association between gender and quality of pr

23、izes awarded, we observed a major difference: on average, women scientists win prizes associated with less money and importance than men do. Importantly, our further research suggests that theres no 51 that the quality or value of women-led research is any lower than that of men, as measured by cita

24、tions (引用)per article, productivity, or width of research topics studied. 52 , women are catching up in terms of number of prizes won, but still fall significantly behind in regard to the importance and monetary awards associated with the prizes. The bottom line: while on the surface it may appear t

25、hat the gender gap has somewhat 53 when it comes to science prizes, great injustice is hidden just below. The problem likely 54 beyond the borders of science. In business, for example, prizes and funding for new technolog and innovation may follow a similar pattern, helping to explain the phenomenon

26、 observed for female entrepreneurs, again 55 by research. This is something worth examining in greater depth.41. A. remained B. awarded C. existed D. established42. A. leave B. doubt C. question D. suspect43. A. contribution B. recognition C. resolution D. promotion44. A. indicator B. substance C. c

27、onfirmation D. compliment45. A. experiments B. innovation C. study D. grants46. A. gender equality B. research prospects C. innovation patterns D. government control47. A. In line with B.Contrary to C. Compared with D. In case of 48. A. concept B. outcome C. requirement D. approach49. A. improvement

28、 B. quality C. accomplishment D. reputation50. A. vague B. sudden C. good D. fundamental51. A. description B. evidence C. document D. comparison52. A. Therefore B. However C. Instead D. Nevertheless53. A. highlighted B. eliminated C. strengthened D. narrowed54. A. dominates B. extends C. overtakes D

29、. justifies55. A. turned out B. taken on C. backed up D. held upSection B (22分)Directions:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according t

30、o the information given in the passage you have just read.(A) “The history of the world is but the biography(传记)of great men,” argued Thomas Carlyle, the advocate of what has come to be known as the “Great Man Theory of History.” This theory suggests that the broader movements and outline of history

31、 all go back to the leadership of great individuals who had unique influence on their times. Whether or not Carlyles theory proves true is debatable, but that certain individuals cast long shadows is not. As one who is entrusted with a leadership position, I find it profitable to read of others who

32、have led. Wherever you find me, youll likely find a good biography nearby. Why is this the case?First, I find good biographies fascinating. Ill occasionally read a novel, but Ive never been overly drawn to fiction. I have found myself unable to sleep while in the struggle of the Battle of Britain in William Manchesters The Last Lion. For me, not to read biographies would rob me of pleasure in my life. Second, I find good

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