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1、拉丁文辞典语法缩略词强大的v1.0 可编写可改正拉丁文辞典语法缩略词GENERAL ABBREVIATIONSa.,adj. adjective形容词abbrev. abbreviation(s)缩略词abl. ablativ夺格 ( 离格 )absol. absolute(ly)无穷制的abst. abstract(ly)抽象acc. accusative,according to宾格act. active(ly)主动语态ad. (in etym.) adaptation of改写adj. adjective形容词adjl. adjectival.形容词的adv. adverb 副词advl

2、. adverbial(ly)状语的 , 副词的agr. agriculture农业anal. analogy类比app. apparently表面上appel. appellative(ly)通称appos. apposition同格 , 同位 , 并列Arab. Arabic阿拉伯的arch. archaic古代的Arm. Armenian亚美尼亚语1v1.0 可编写可改正AS. Anglo-Saxon 盎格鲁撒克逊人astrol. astrology 占星术astron. astronomy,astronomical 天文学Av Avestan 阿维斯陀语c. circiter, abo

3、ut 大概card. cardinal 基数词catachr. catachrestically 用词不妥cf. confer, compare 比较cj. conjecture 推断cl. clause 从句class. classical 古典的cod, codd codex, codices 法律cogn. cognate 同源的collat. collateral 旁系的colloq. colloquial 口语的comp. compound,composition 成分compar. comparative 比较的compl. complement 补语concr. concrete

4、 详细的conj. conjunction,conjungation 连词const. construction,construed with 解说contemp. contemporary with 同时代2v1.0 可编写可改正contr. contractedCorn. Cornish凯尔特语cos. consul执政官dat. dative与格def. definition定义dep. deponent异态的deriv. derivative,derivation衍生dim. diminutive小的dir. direct直接的dissim dissimilated, dissimil

5、ation异化dist. distinguish,distinguishable,distinct分辨disyll. disyllabic双音节的dub. dubi(us),doubtful不确立的Ed. edict 法律ed.,edd. edited by, editor(s)编写ellipt. elliptical(ly)省略的emph. emphasis,emphatic重申Eng. Englishep. epithet称呼erron. erroneous(ly)错误esp. especially特别Etr. Etruscan伊特鲁里亚语3v1.0 可编写可改正etym. etymolo

6、gy 语源学euphem. euphemism,euphemistic(ally) 委宛语ex. example 例exc. except:(in refs.)exerpta除了exclam. exclamation,exclamatory叹息词expl. explanation, explained解说expr. expression,expressing,expressed表达f.,fem. feminine阴性facet. facetious(ly)玩笑的fig. figurative(ly)比喻foll. following,followed遵照fr. fragment片Fr. Fre

7、nchfreq frequent(ly)常fut. future未来Gael. Gaelic盖尔人语Gall. Gallic高卢gd.,gdve. gerund,gerundive动名词的gen. genitive属格geog. geography,geographical地理geom. geometry,geometrical几何Ger. German德语4v1.0 可编写可改正Gk. Greek 希腊语Goth. Gothic 哥特人gram. grammar, grammatical 语法Heb. Hebrew 希伯来语的heter. heteroclite 不规则变化的hyperb.

8、hyperbolically 夸张IE. Indo-Europeanimp. imperative 祈使句impers. impersonal 无人称的impf. imperfect 未达成的inanim. inanimate 无机的inc. incerta,incertorum,uncertain 不确立ind. indicative 陈说indecl. indeclinable 无语尾变化的indir. indirect 间接的inf. infinitive 不定式inscr. inscription(s) 铭文instr. instrument(al) 工具interj. interje

9、ction 叹息词interp. interpolated 加入 , 窜改interr. interrogative 疑问词 , 疑问句intr. intransitive 不及物的5v1.0 可编写可改正Ir. Irish 爱尔兰语iron. ironical(ly) 嘲讽irreg. irregular(ly) 不规则的It. ItaliaL. Latinleg. legal(ly),in legal use 法律的Let. Lettish Lett 语LG. Low German 低地德语lit. literal(ly) 字面的Lith. Lithuanian 立陶宛语的loc. loc

10、ative 地点格log. logic(al) 逻辑. masculine 阳性med. medical 医学的metath. metathesis 换位MHG. Middle High German 中古高地德语mil. in military usage 军事用途monosyll. monosyllabic 单音节的mus. musical, in music 音乐的mythol. 神化n.,neut. neuter 中性的naut. nautical(ly) 航海的6v1.0 可编写可改正neg. negative 否认nom. nominative 主格num. numeral 数O.

11、 Old(of language)obj. object(ive) 宾语obs. obsolete 过时的obsc. obscene 猥亵occ. occasional(ly) 有时的OHG. Old High German 古高地德语OIce. Old Icelandic 古冰岛语OIr. Old IrishON. Old Norsonomat. onomatopeic(ally)像声的opp. opposite相反的or.,obl. oratio obliqua委宛表达ord. ordinal序数词orig. origin,original(ly)本来orthog. orthography

12、正字法Osc. Oscan 欧斯干语OSl. Old (Church) Slavonic旧斯拉夫语parenth. parenthetic(ally)附带说明的part. partitive(ly)表示部分的词7v1.0 可编写可改正pass. passive(ly) 被动的perh. perhapsperiphr. periphrastic(ally) 冗赘的Pers. Persian 波斯pers. personpf. perfect 达成式Pg. Portuguese 葡萄牙语phil. in philosophy哲学上phon. phonetic(ally)语音的phr. phrase

13、词组pl. plural复数pleon. pleonastic(ally)冗言的plpf. pluperfect过去达成式poet. poetic诗的poss. possessive全部格ppl. participial分词的pple. participle分词pr. preface,proem,prologue 序Pr. Provencal 人, 语praet. praetor 执政官prec. preceding, preceded 以前pred. predicate, predicative(ly) 谓语 , 表语8v1.0 可编写可改正pregn. pregnant(ly)委宛的pre

14、p. preposition介词pres. present此刻的prob. probably,probable可能prol. proleptic预期的pron. pronoun,pronominal代词prop. proper(ly)严格意义上的pros. in prosody韵律上prov. proverb,(proverbially)谚语qu. question问题quot. quotation引语ref. reference,referring参照refl. reflexive反身代词rel. reflective反身的relig. (in) religion,religious宗教re

15、pr. representing代表ret. retained保存rhet. in rhetoric修辞上Rom. Romancerptd. repeated重复Russ. RussianSam. Samnite意大利一古民族人 语 的9v1.0 可编写可改正sb. substantive 作名词用的词或词组. Senatus Consultum 元老院法律sc. scilicet 即Sem. Semitic 闪含语系闪语族的语言sg. singular单数sim. similar相像的Skt. Sanskrit梵语Sl. Slavonic斯拉夫人 语Sp. Spanish西班牙 ( 语) 的

16、sp. speechspec. specific(ally)详尽sts. sometimes. subordinate clause从句subj. subject(ive),subjective主题suff. suffix后缀sup. supine不活动的superl. superlative最正确的surv. (in) surveying归纳阐述si uera lectiosyll. syllable音节syn. synonym同义词synec. synecdoche 提喻法10v1.0 可编写可改正tech. technical(ly) 工艺的term. termination 停止tm.

17、 (in)tmesis 插词法topog. topographical(ly) 地质的tr. transitive 及物的transf. (in)transferred(sense). transferred epithet 转移修饰语transl. translating, translation of 翻译trisyll. trisyllabic 三音节的Umb. Umbrian 翁布里亚语unkn. unknown 未知usu. usual(ly) 往常var. variant(of) 变异vb. verb 动词vbl. verbal 动名词Ved. Vedic 吠陀梵语. uaria

18、lectio 异文voc. vocative 呼格w. withwd. word11v1.0 可编写可改正汉英术语比较表 ( 按汉语拼音次序摆列 )i 词干名词 i-stem noun半异态动词 semideponent陪伴夺格 ablative of accompaniment被动 ( 语) 态 passive voice12v1.0 可编写可改正比较 ( 等级 ) comparison比较夺格 ablative of comparison比较级 comparative degree变格 ( 法) declension变位 ( 法) conjugation宾格 accusative (cas

19、e); objective (case)宾语 object宾语不定式 objective infinitive宾语属格 objective genitive增补不定式 complementary infinitiv不定冠词 indefinite article不定式 infinitive不规则动词 irregular verb不及物动词 intransitive verb资料属格 genitive of material差别夺格 ablative of degree of difference词干 stem词根 base, roo1词汇 ( 表) vocabulary词类 parts of s

20、peech词尾 ending词形变化表 paradigm13v1.0 可编写可改正词源 ( 学) etymology从句 subordinate c1ause代词 pronoun单数 single地址夺格 ( 从哪处 ) ablative of place from which地址夺格 ( 在哪处 ) ahlative of place where地址构造 place construction第二变格 ( 法) second declension第二变位 ( 法) second conjugation第三变格 ( 法) third declension第三变位 ( 法) third conju

21、gation第四变格 ( 法) fourth declension第四变位 ( 法) fourth conjugation第五变格 ( 法) fifth declension第一变格 ( 法) first declension第一变位 ( 法) first conjugation定冠词 definite article动词 verb动词变位缩写式 synopsis动词性名词 verbal noun动词性形容词 verbal adjective动名词 gerund14v1.0 可编写可改正动 形 词 ( 将 来 时 被 动 态 分 词 ) gerundive (fu1ure passivepar

22、ticiple)独立夺格 ablative absolute独立句 independent c1ause短语 ( 习语、习用语 ) phrase夺格 ablative (case)反身代词 possessive pronoun反身物主代词 reflexive possessive方式夺格 ablative of manner分词 participles分词短语 participial phrase分别夺格 ablative of separation辅音 consonant附带条件从句 proviso clause复合词 compound复合动词 compound verb复数 plural副

23、词 adverb叹息词 interjection格case关系代词 relative pronoun关系与格 ( 兴趣与格 ) dative of reference (dative of interest)15v1.0 可编写可改正冠词 article过去达成时 pluperfect tense (past perfect)后置词 postpositive word后缀 suffix呼格 vocative (case)基本时态 primary tense基数词 cardinal numeral及物动词 transitive verb间接宾语 indirect object间接陈说 indir

24、ect statement间接命令句 jussive noun clause间接问句 indirect question间接引语 indirect quolation未来时 future tense未来时被动向不定式 future passive infinitive将 来 时 被 动 态 分 词 ( 动 形 词 )future passive participle(gerundive)未来时不定式 future infinitive未来时不定式主动向 future active infinitive未来时主动向分词 future active participle未来达成时 future p

25、erfect结果从句 result clause16v1.0 可编写可改正介词 preposition句法 syntax可能性大的未来 future more vivid可能性小的未来 future less vivid历史时态 historical tense连词 conjunction流音 liquid罗曼语 ( 罗曼诸语言 ) Romance languages描绘夺格 ablative of description描绘属格 genitive of description名词 substantive; noun命令句 imperative sentence命令式 imperative目的从句 purpose clause目的动名词 supine派生词 derivative派生时态 secondary tense派生语 derivative language祈愿句 jussive clause祈愿式 jussive祈愿虚构式 jussive subjunctive前缀 prefix17v1.0 可编写可改正强势代词 intensive pronoun屈折变化 inflection屈折形式 inflected form屈折语

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