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1、Aput up Bset upCcaught up with D came up with25 He asked me we could go to Beijing to watch the game by plane A that B if Chow D what26 His parents often encourage him hard A work B working C to work D works27 We should give love to the children lost their parents in the earthquake( 地震 )Awho B whom

2、C those D which28 Our family has bought a car so we can travel than before A most easily B 1esS easily C easily Dmore easily29 Whose exam paper is it? It be Li Lei s He always forgets to write his name on it A cant B must C shouldnt D may30 Look! How the boys are! Yes They won the game this afternoo

3、n A exciting B excitement C excite D excited二、完形填空 (共 10 小题,满分 10 分 )阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。One day a young man put an ad in most of the newspapers in England He said that his parents 31 him millions of pounds( 英镑 )He graduated from Oxford University Everyone knows this universit

4、y is one of 32 universities in the world So he had got great education thereHed like a girl to be his 33 The girl must be like the one in the bookswritten by Somerest Maugham( 英国小说家及剧作家 ), 34 Maugham was his favourite This ad was read and known 35 by parents and young girls all over the country Pare

5、nts went to shops to 36 the books They bought those books for their daughters 37 presentsGirls tried to get those books 38 They wanted to know what kind of person the writer liked so that they could marry the young man All the books written by Maugham 39 in a short time and the writer became famous

6、Can you guess who the young man was? It was Somerest Maugham 40 ! What a clever man he was!31AgiveB gave Chas given D will give32the most famousB more famousC most famousD famous33friendB classmateCwifeD teacher34thoughB soC butD because35trulyB wronglyC slowlyD quickly36look atB look overC look for

7、D look after37asB withCforD like38to keepB to sellC to readDto show39are sold outB were sold outC have sold outD sold out40himselfB herselfC itselfD themselves三、阅读理解 (共 15 小题。满分 25 分 )(A)根据下面一篇短文的内容判断下列句子的正误,正确的用“ A ”表示,错误的用“ B”表示。 (共 5小题,满分 5 分 )AIts lunchtime Youre hungry and want to get your favo

8、urite meal in the restaurant ,but there are a lot of people Waiting at the door Dont worry-in cyberworld( 网络世界 ) ,you can get your meal just on the Internet “ Shopping has never been, go easy With just a single click on your mouse , anything that you ordered online can be taken to your door quickly

9、” said Bian Jing , a twenty-year-old girl She took part in an online survival( 生存 ) competition held in Shanghai The competitors were given a little money to use online in 100 hours “I dont want to spend too much time shopping ,so I like doing shopping online better than in a usual store ”said a boy

10、 from a middle school “ Its easy to find the things you want online ”If the shoppers buy something online , they can find lower prices and wider choices of things But many teachers and parents are worried that shopping online is becoming too popular “ Its not a good way for middle school students to

11、 spend their money ”said a teacher“ I dont want them to shop online ”“Its also dangerous to lose money at online stores , because some of them just want to cheat( 欺骗) shoppers,” another teacher saidMost parents are not willing to pay the money their children spend on the Internet 41 The boy in the p

12、assage likes to go shopping in a usual store better 42 The girl named Bian Jing thinks ordering things online can save her time 43 The teachers think shopping online is a good way to spend money 44Most parents-don t want their children to do shopping online 45 The passage mainly describes different

13、opinions of shopping online (B)阅读下面两篇短文, 从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 (共 10小题,满分 20 分 )BYou re going to high school ,arent you? Maybe you don t know what to do Well, heres a list of the top six things to do when you re in high school These things will give you ideas of what your high school li

14、fe could be like Here you go!1Find your passion(激情 ) and what kind of person you are: Whether its dance, basketball , or drawing ,the important thing is that you have found something you are interested in 2Talk to people you wouldn t usually talk to : Meet new people , find new friends and even talk

15、 to the people you dont like It will show what a great person you are You never know what will happen after high school 3Take part in at least one contest(竞赛 ): This will give you tears( 眼泪 ) of laughter , happiness and memories4Get a job : This will help you see what it s like to have responsibilit

16、y( 责任 ) It can also help you make a little money to spend on yourself 5Take a trip with your friends :It doesn t matter where you go or what you do , the memories will happen on the way and go on till the final place 6Do your best at school : Don t ever get lazy Working hard now will help you in the

17、 future 46 The writer mainly tells you six things you should do A in your high school yearsB at the beginning of your high school yearsC before your high school beginsD after you finish your high school47 The writer gives you advice that you should talk to the people you don t like because Ayou will

18、 feel sorry if not Bit will show how great you areCyou can show how clever you are D you can make your study better48 From Point , we know that you can in a contest A get lots of tearsB have fl strong bodyC get good grades in high schoolD have different feelings and memories49 Which of the following

19、 you d better not do according to the passage?A Find your interest B Get a;obCTake a trip with your friends D Get lazy 50 What s the main idea of the passage?A Have a happy school life B How to get along with your schoolmates C Ideas of successful high school life D Make your school life easy C“ Wow

20、! ”said Susan“ I have finished my homework and I m going to paint a picture of our stairs( 楼梯 )It s for a competition in school tomorrow ”“Do you need any help?” Mr. Cooper asked “ It s almost time for bed ”“ Ill be quick ,”said Susan.“ I wonder what colour to use ”“ Well , our stairs are brown ,” s

21、aid her father“Thanks,Dad,”said SusanWhen she finished her picture, Susan began playing with her brush which was still wet Then something happened She dropped the brush right on the picture! There in the middle of her picture was a blob( 污点 ) of brown paint!“ Oh , Dad! What will I do? ” Susan cried“

22、 My picture is ruined( 污损 ) And it s too late to paint another ”“ Let me see,”said her father “The paint blob looks just like a spot( 斑点 ) on a dogAll you have to do is to draw a dog around the spot! ”“ Thats a wonderful idea! ”cried SusanShe drew a dog around the blob of brown paint “ That looks ju

23、st fine You know ,few things are as bad as they seem at first With a little imagination you can turn bad into good ,” said Susans father The next day Susan went to school early When the competition began ,Mr. King said ,“I ve chosen three pictures,and I want you to say which one you like bestThat pi

24、cture wins! ”The children did not like the first one The next picture was on black paper ,but the stairs were redSo it was not so good Then Mr. King showed the third painting It was Susans!“ The stairs are straight” said Joe“ Yes,and the brown paint shows up well on the white paper ,” said Lucy“ And

25、 look at the little dog ,” said Terry“ He seems to belong there”The children voted and Susan s painting won Mr. King handed her the prize some paints“ Susan had a good idea。” Mr. King said “ That little dog finished a good painting It made the stairs seem real”Susan smiled She would not give away he

26、r secret But she could hardly wait to tell her father the news He was right With a little imagination you can turn something bad into something good!51 Susan was going to draw a picture for Afun Bher homework Ca competition Dan exam52Susan drew the colour “ brown ”on the white paper because A she th

27、ought“ brown ” and“ white” looked beautiful togetherBshe didnt like “ red” on black paperC she thought her classmates would like itD the stairs in her house were brown53What does the word “ something ” in this passage mean?A Susan began to paint the pictureB Susan finished painting the picture C Sus

28、an played with her wet brush D Susan dropped the brush on the picture 54MrKing thought that the picture was A bad Bgood C colourful D dark55Susans father thought that A imagination sometimes could turn bad into goodBthe colour “brown ”looked quite nice on white paperC the little dog made the picture badD the stairs in the picture looked straight第卷(非选择题,共 50 分)四、完成句子 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分。满分 10 分 )(A) 请用下面方框内所给的词或短语完成下列英语句子。每项只能用一次。clean empty used to sentence trouble1 The Chinese unite as one to face any 2 Write down the , or you will forget it 3 My brot

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