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1、肯定比顺着题型做要记忆深刻的多。小作文(10分):复习范围(英语一、英语二 考察内容相同)书信(重点)全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达通知(重点)全面复习,熟悉格式,掌握必要表达备忘录(基本没考过,了解格式)便笺(基本没考过,了解格式)一、 书信1.格式XXX(称呼): XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(第一段) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(第二段) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.(第三段) XXXX(谨启)XXXX(署名)2.分值规划(1)小作文满分10分(2)称呼:一般表达时比较固定。根据题目的具体要求。最常见的是Dear Sir/Dear Sir or

2、 Madam/Dear Sb等等。根据题目要求来。第一排顶格子写,注意字母大小写。写出来可得1.5分。(3)第一段:一般写两句话。第一句自我介绍。可以这么写I am 谁/职务/自我介绍等。第二句话写目的,都是有模板可套用的,稍后分书信的种类进行总结。第一段写完1.5分到手。(4)第二段:一般写3-4句话。根据题干内容,尽情发挥。第二段内容一般来说是不可能背到的。需要结合题干进行改写,拓展。当然改写的意思就是改变角度或者思路去照抄题干,凑个1-2句。然后用最简单的话去描述一下即可,这一段的描述,语法,单词,短语,句子宁愿简单到小学生都能看懂,也不要出现错误。第二段一般分值3-4分。能拿个1-2分

3、就可以了。(5)第三段:一般写2句即可,全是套话。模版稍后分书信种类进行总结。这一段内容写出来1.5分。(6)谨启+署名:送分项,一般都是Yours sincerely,+某某人名。注意字母大小写,写出来可得1.5分。 如果考研小作文考的是书信,按照以上要求去写。我们简单的计算一下分值。称呼+第一段+第二段+第三段+谨启+署名=1.5+1.5+1+1.5+1.5=7分,属于中等偏上的作文水平了。所以书信的话我们的格式一定要正确,其次称呼,第一段,第三段,谨启+署名。这五块内容完全可以套用模版,绝对不能有问题。书信拿个5-7分还是很容易的。 记住,小作文不需要华丽的词藻。只要有个普普通通的表述,

4、就能拿到中等偏上的分数。3.书信分类书信共有十多种类型。这里我会为大家分类出常考的题型并给出相应的模板。供大家参考,提供一种思路。这样大家在今后的复习中也可以自己适合自己背诵的模板。(1) 建议信建议信一般就是对收信人就某个问题提出看法、建议或者忠告。模版思路如下:称呼Para1.自我介绍,建议目的。Para2.总结原因,建议1,建议2,建议3。Para3.希望关注我的信,希望建议内容有所改变,诚挚的感谢。 谨启 署名笔者参考模板:Dear Sir or Madam I am 谁/做什么的。I am writing the letter to provide you with some sug

5、gestions about 关于什么的问题/事情(来源于题干,可以改写照抄)。 Firstly,建议1.Secondly,建议2 .Furthermore,建议3.Lastly总结建议.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am looking forward to seeing some new change in 关于什么问题/事情(来源于题干,可以改写照抄) Yours sincerely, XXXXX以上就是建议信的模板。下面,笔者就帮助大家来做一做真题,感受一下如何去套模板。2009年真题(英语一):Direct

6、ions: Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. “White pollution” is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to 1) give your opinions briefly and 2) make two or three suggestions. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SH

7、EET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points) 解析:首先读完题干就能判断出这是一封限制塑料袋使用的建议信,第一段,第三段套用建议信的模板,然后称呼题干已经给出是editors,要求你给出两到三个建议。署名用的是Li Ming。那么我们就可以开工了。笔者模板范文:Dear EditorsI am an Li Ming, an environmentalist. I am writi

8、ng the letter to provide you with some suggestions about the restriction on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions.Firstly,the government should strengthen administration of “white pollution”.Secondly,we should adhere to sustainable development.Furthermore, citizens shou

9、ld improve the consciousness of safeguarding the environment. Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am looking forward to seeing some new changes in “white pollution”. Li Ming小结:1)格式一定要准确,文字量控制在100字左右。复合题目要求。2)模板的套用也辅助了写作思路。其中第一段,第三段套用模板后就是对题干进行了一个改写和照抄凑字数。3)第二段肯定是背不到的,所以发挥想象,用最简单的语句

10、进行描述即可。就好比“You are my good friend, I am your good friend, and we are good friends.”这样的语句只要切题,没有错误,同样可以拿到分数。(2)求职信顾名思义,求职信就是找工作的信件。求职信几乎就没怎么考过,因为求职信的模板太容易准备了,因为我们去找工作,无非就是谈到学历,能力和工作经历,以及拥有什么证书等。而考研出题者的目的就是让很多考生第二段是无法背到的。但是,我也要充分准备。Para1.自我介绍,是来求职的。Para2.学历、能力、工作经历描述等等。Para3.希望关注我的信,诚挚的感谢,尽快收到回信。Dear

11、Sir:I am 谁/简单自我介绍,I am writing the letter to express my strong interest in the position of 职位 advertised in local newspaper/哪里知道这个职位题干肯定有改写照抄.我有学历,我有计算机能力,写作能力,沟通交流的能力等等。Thanks a lot for your due attention to the letter. I am looking forward to your prompt reply at your earliest. XXXX作业练习:You are a

12、graduate student of XX University,and you are interested in the position of business manager that is advertised in the local newspaper. write a letter to the company stating the reasons for your application. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of

13、the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address. (10 points)首先读完题干就能判断出这是一封Li Ming来自于XX大学即将毕业的求职信,他是在本地的报纸上看到这个招聘信息的。第一段,第三段套用求职信模板,然后称呼题干未提到就使用Dear Sir or Madam,第二段用最简单的话写出自己计算机方面的能力,什么学历,获得过什么奖励,有哪些工作经验等等都可以。求职信就丢给同学们自己去总结梳理。就按照模板去套一套。自己切实用改写的方式切实去感受一下。如果考到求职信,我相信是考场批阅肯定是模板

14、泛滥。(3)辞职信辞职信就是目前的工作不想做了,可能有各方面原因:薪资、职位、晋升、胜任程度等等。但是我们应试作文还是应当写出遗憾的感觉,并且要给雇主曾经给自己的这份工作表达出感激之情。Para1.开门见山谈辞职,要是凑字数可以说明原因为何辞职。Para2.工作中薪资、晋升、职位等原因提出辞职。写出3-4句Para3.感谢曾经给我机会在这里工作,对此深表遗憾。Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing the letter to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position. The main re

15、ason is that 简单的说下原因即可凑字数的时候用一用。 First and foremost问题1,In addition问题2,Last but not least问题3. Thanks for having given me a chance to work here. I am sorry for any inconvenience caused. XXXXXX2005年真题(英语一)Two months ago you got a job as an editor for the magazine Designs & Fashions. But now you find th

16、at the work is not what you expected. You decide to quit. Write a letter to your boss, Mr. Wang, telling him your decision, stating your reason (s), and making an apology.Write your letter with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the lett

17、er; use “Li Ming” instead.You do not need to write the address. (10 points)根据题干可知,你在杂志社干了两个月的编辑工作,现在不想干了,这就是一份标准的辞职信。那么就可以套用辞职信的模板。阅读题干就知道,书信开头的称呼是Mr. Wang。署名是Li Ming。那么只要你模板背的够熟,我们就可以开工了。Dear Mr. Wang I am writing the letter to inform you of my decision to resign from my current position. Though ha

18、ving worked here for nearly two months, I find that this job is quite different from my expectation. First and foremost,my salary is far from satisfaction,which barely sustains me in this city. In addition, learning resources is limited, forcing me to give up this job. Last but not least, I havent h

19、ad the opportunity to undertake important tasks. 小结:1)关注书信格式。2)注意字数,不能太多,也不能过少,100字多点点刚刚好。为什么说100字多点点刚刚好呢?有时候也要注意题干要求“about 100 words”和“no less than 100 words”。“about 100 words”对字数要求会低一点。3)关注题干中的信息点,学会抄题干改写凑字数。第二段表达可以用最简单的语句。4)在作文的阅卷工作中,众多考生提交给阅卷老师的作文。老师批阅过程中的感觉就是没有最烂,只有更烂。所以掌握一定语句表达后一定要大胆的去写。不要害怕动笔

20、写作文,很多人帮你垫背尽情发挥。(4)投诉信投诉信一般都是笔者对某个事件的牢骚和抱怨。但是应试作文不能人身攻击,客观评价。给出客观改善意见即可。Para1.自我介绍,投诉。Para2.投诉原因1,投诉原因2,投诉原因3。Para3.感谢关注我的投诉信,希望投诉内容尽早改变。 I am 自我介绍一下。I am writing the letter to make a complaint to you about关于什么事情/来自于题干改写照抄。 1、2、3、点抱怨点3-4句话 Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am loo

21、king forward to seeing some new changes as soon as possible. /I am looking forward to your prompt reply at your earliest. Yours sincerely, XXXXXXXDirections:You bought a digital camera in a store last week,and you have found that there is something wrong with it. Write a letter to store manager to e

22、xplain the problem,expresses your complaints and suggests a solution.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2.Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “LI Ming” instead. Do not write your address.由题干可知关键词是complaints可以知道这是一篇投诉信,可以套用投诉信的模板。称呼在题干中可以看出就是Manager,或者用Dear Sir or Mad

23、am也是可以的,这里的称呼指代并不是非常明朗。署名已经告知是Li Ming。再思考一下一般数码相机有那些问题,用最简单的句子表达出来凑成第二段即可。分析到此,我们就可以开工了。这里历年真题中。这一篇同学们可以自己练一练。下面我们来看一看英语二2012年的真题,是一篇投诉信。看看如何套用模板。2012年真题(英语二)Suppose you have found something wrong with the electronic dictionary that you bought from an online store the other day ,Write an email to th

24、e customer service center to:make a complaint and demand a promptsolutionYou should write about 100words on ANSERE SHEET 2Use“Zhang Wei”instead.email也是书信,可以当书信格式来写。提干的关键词是complaint投诉信,所以可以套用投诉信的模板。题干没有明确称呼就可以用Dear Sir or Madam,署名Zhang Wei,知道这些再思考一下电子词典的问题可能是电池待电不足、内容错误、按键不灵敏等等。作为第二段,怎么简单怎么写,不要出错。I a

25、m a consumer of an electronic dictionary which I bought from an online store. I am writing the letter to make a complaint to you about something wrong with the electronic dictionary.First and foremost, limited power capacity is very disappointing. The electronic dictionary must be recharged every no

26、w and then. In addition, the content of the electronic dictionary has a lot of mistakes. Last but not least,its keys are not very sensitive.Thanks a lot for your due attention to this letter. I am looking forward to your prompt reply at your earliest. Yours sincerely, Zhang Wei1)关注格式。2)关注字数。3)关注题干照抄

27、的改写。(5)道歉信写作思路就是向某人表达歉意,提出一些挽回的办法。Para1.自我介绍,向某人某事道歉。Para2.致歉补救1,致歉补救2,致歉补救3。Para3.请接受我最真诚的致歉,希望原谅我。I am 自我介绍。I am writing the letter to offer my sincere apology about题干照抄改写。原因,补救措施Please accept my heartfelt apology again. I hope that you would forgive me for my careless.2008年真题(英语一) You have just c

28、ome back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you forgot to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to 1) make an apology, and 2) suggest a solution. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Do not write the address. (10 points) 题干关键词apology得知是道歉信,称呼题干给出是Bob,署名是Li Ming。思考一下道歉原因,补救措施就可以开工了。Dear Bob:I have just arrived home. I am writing the letter to offer my sincere apology about your CD in my luggage that I forgot to return to you.I sinc

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