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1、The end of a dream,Lesson 49,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,tired adj.厌烦的real adj.真正的owner n.主人spring n.弹簧mattress n.床垫gust n.一阵风sweep v.扫,刮,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,courtyard n.院子smash v.碰碎,摔碎miraculously adv.奇迹般地unhurt adj.没有受伤的glance v.扫视promptly adv.迅速地,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,1.tire N&Vv(使)疲倦,疲劳S

2、th tires sb 使某人疲倦Eg:The long class tires me.Working all day tires him.和你聊天让我很累Talking to you tires me.,be tired of sth/sb/doing sth对。感觉厌倦,Im tired of staying at home and doing nothing.我厌倦我的男朋友了I am tired of my boyfriend.我的妈妈厌倦和我爸爸吵架了My mom was tired of quarrelling with my dad.,be tired from doing.因。

3、感到累be tired out 筋疲力尽,Im very tired from running as fast as I can.After the long walk,I was tired out.包了一天的饺子让我很累I was tired from making dumplings the whole day.在去北京长途旅行后,他精疲力竭He was tired out after his long trip to Beijing.,他厌倦了玩电脑游戏。我厌倦了这个拥挤的城市。没有人会厌倦美味食品。,2.real adj.真正的(强调东西不是假的),true adj 真挚,真诚,符合

4、标准(强调符合某个标准),real man 真人true man 男子汉,好汉不到长城非好汉He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.,3.on ones own独自的(alone),He spent the Valentines Day on his own.He spent the Valentines Day alone.他独自去了上海He went to Shanghai on his own.我自己买了辆奔驰I bought a Benz on my own.,4.spring n.春天;泉水;弹簧,fount

5、ain n.人工喷泉,5.mattress n.床垫,mat n.垫子(如杯垫),cushion n.座垫,6.gust n.一阵(阵)风,a gust of anger,(一阵)无名火,breeze n.微风,gale n.大风,(突发的)一阵风,(风力比gust强),wind n.风的总称,7.sweep(sweptswept,swept)n.扫刮 vt.扫,打扫她每天早上都打扫地板/房间She sweeps the floor/the room every morning.vt.(风)吹;刮 席卷 A huge wavesweptover the deck。一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去 sw

6、eep sth.away 把刮走 The newspaper has been swept away by the wind.A new broom sweeps clean.,新官上任三把火,8.courtyard n.院子court n.院子,庭院;法庭yard n.院子backyard n.后院frontyard n.前院,9.smash v.碰碎,摔碎 vt.&vi.打碎,摔碎,(使)碎裂The cup smashed on the floor.smash sth.into pieces 把摔成碎片tear sth.into pieces 把撕成碎片The bed was smashe

7、d to pieces.The letter was torn to piece.,10.crash v.受挤压而变碎The egg is easy to crash.cut sth.into pieces 切碎,剪碎break v.打碎 vt.&vi.重击,殴打,猛砸/撞Why didnt you smash the man with your fist?A car smashed into the wall.,11.glance v.扫视glance at 扫了一眼(有意识地看)The old man glanced at the boy.glare at 怒视(生气的)stare at

8、凝视着 gaze at 盯着(无限神往,羡慕地看),glare at,怒视,Stare at,凝视,gaze at,盯着(无限神往,羡慕地看),1She _at her beautiful new diamond ring.2He _over the letter he had just received.3I told my son to stop _at that fat woman;it wasnt nice.4The woman_ at the man after he shouted rudely at her.,gazed,glanced,staring,glared,12.hur

9、t V.(hurt hurt hurt)1)v.伤 Have you hurt yourself?eg.Does it hurt?痛吗?2)v.伤害感情(尤指思想、心灵)You hurt my heart.I feel hurt.我感到受了伤害.hurt ones body3)adj.She is hurt.She is unhurt.,13.promptly adv.迅速地promptlyat once,immediately,【课文讲解】1 Tired of sleeping on the floor,a young man in Teheran saved up for years to

10、 buy a real up 攒钱,储蓄我朋友想一两年后买房,所以他正尽力攒钱 My friend wants to get married in one or two years,so hes trying to save(some money)up.2、For the first time in his life,he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.他平生第一次自豪地拥有了一张既有弹簧又带床垫的床。for the first time in ones life 平生第一次他

11、生平第一次吃当了父亲He became a father for the first time in his life.,For the first time in his life,he became the proud owner of a bed which had springs and a mattress.He became the proud father of a baby.我自豪的成为一个孩子的父亲了.be proud of=take pride inLet your sister know that you love her and are proud of her.让你的

12、姐姐知道你是爱她的,并为她骄傲 Let your sister know that you love her and take pride in her,3、Because the weather was very hot,he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.由于天气很热,他便把床搬到了他的屋顶上。on to(onto)类似与 in to(into),用于表示动作方向而不用于表示静态的位置,不但有“去”的概念还有把它放到“on”(上面)的概念。onto/on to有时可用on代替,但表示位置的on不可用onto代替:I put the

13、pen onto/on the table.The pen is on the table.(不能用onto/on to)汤普森先生跳上了台上。汤普森先生在台上跳了跳。,Mr.Tom is jumped onto the stage.Mr.Tom jumped on the stage.,4、He slept very well for the first two nights,but on the third night,a storm blew up.头两天晚上,他睡得非常好。但第三天晚上起了风暴。for the first two nights 头两天晚上I study hard for

14、 the first three days.for the last three nights 最后三天晚上blow up 风越刮越大(程度在加深),(指暴风雨)出现并加剧;刮起,5、A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.,一阵大风把床从屋顶上刮了下来,把它摔碎在下面的院子里,gust表示“一阵强风,一阵狂风”,既可单独使用,也可用a gust of wind,A gust(of wind)blew my hat off.,She set off even

15、though the wind was blowing in gusts,虽然当时阵阵狂风吹着,她还是出发了,off=down/away from,below 直接放在被修饰词之后作定语,一个句子中不能出现两个动词,如果出现了两个动词,要用and或but等连词来连接,6、The young man did not wake up until the bed had struck the ground.7.Although the bed was smashed to pieces,the man was miraculously unhurt那年轻人直到床撞到地上才醒了过来。尽管床摔成了碎片,

16、但年轻人却奇迹地没有受伤。notuntil表示“直到才”,until前面没有not时,与表示一段时间的“持续动词”连用;有not时,常用表示某一时间点的动词(或瞬间动词)连用:我要在这儿呆到星期一。我要到星期一才离开。although 尽管;though 虽然,意义差不多to pieces 粉碎地,成碎片地杯子摔得粉碎 The cup was broken to pieces.,Ill stay here until Monday.I wont leave until Monday.,8、When he woke up,he was still on the mattress.9、Glanci

17、ng at the bits of wood and metal that lay around him,the man sadly picked up the mattress and carried it into his house.他醒来时,仍然躺在床垫上。年轻人看了一眼周围的碎木片和碎金属片,伤心地捡起了床垫,把它拿进了屋。glance v.看一眼,扫视Joe glanced through the newspaper while talking to me.乔一边和我聊天,一边浏览报纸。bits=pieceslie(lay,lain)不及物动词,后面一定要加“around”,不能说

18、成“lay him”,10.After he had put it on the floor,he promptly went to sleep again.,他把床垫往地板上一放,很快又睡着了。,1.时间,按照引导词分类:When,while,as:当时,在的同时When/As/While he was eating his breakfast,he heard the door bell.Since:自以来It has been two years since I came to Beijing.,从句动词为非延续性动词 whenThe boy cried when he saw his

19、mother.从句动词为延续性动词 while,as,when均可while强调“在的同时”as强调“伴随”的状态Tom fell asleep while Jerry was giving a lecture.,辨析:when/while/as,时间状语从句的破题方法,真题演练,He transplanted the little tree to the garden _ it was the best time for it.A.where B.when C.that D.until,扩展练习,Are you ready for Spain?Yes.I want the girls to

20、experience that _ they are young.A.while B.until C.if D.before,真题演练,Adozenideaswereconsidered_thearchitectdecidedonthedesignof thebuilding.A.because B.before C.whether D.unless,2.条件,逻辑关系:假设引导词:(1)假如:if,unless(if not)例:You will not pass the exam unless you work hard(你不会通过考试,除非你努力学习)=You will not pass

21、 the exam if you dont work hard(如果你努力学习,你就会通过考试),条件状语从句题的破题方法,1.读题,确认从句和主句2.分析从句和主句之间的逻辑关系(正面条件/反面条件)3.根据逻辑关系选择合适的引导词正面条件:if,in case,on condition that,providing(that),supposing,suppose(that),as long as反面条件:if not,unless,正面条件,真题演练,Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water _ they are not manag

22、ed carefully.A.though B.before C.until D.if,3.让步状语从句,真题演练,_ most of the earths surface is covered by water,fresh water is very rare and precious.A.As B.Once C.If D.Although,4.原因状语从句,真题演练,_ everybody knows about it,I dont want to talk any more.A.For B.Even C.Since D.However,5.目的状语从句,解释主句动作发生的目的,The b

23、oss asked the secretary to hurry up with the letters _ _ he could sign them.The teacher raised his voice _ _ _ the students in the back could hear more clearly.,So that,in,order that,6.结果状语从句,说明主句动作发生产生的结果,so.that,句型归纳:so+adj./adv.+thatThe problem was so complicated that it took them an entire week

24、to figure it is so rapid an increase in market supply that the price starts to fall.,such.that,句型归纳:such(+a/an)(+adj.)+n.+thatMost people go after pleasure in such a hurry that they hurry past it.,真题演练,Pop music is such an important part of society it has even influenced our B.that C.which D.where,Homework:,1.听读1-49课每天15分钟()2.背第49课()3.抄写第49课单词2遍,默1遍,造句1遍,坚持复习笔记。4.写一篇英语计划:我接下来要怎么学习英语,怎样提高自己的英语水平。,Goodbye!,

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