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高中英语必修四Unit 2Working the land导学稿文档格式.docx

1、 In the 190s, an parts f the untrside ere shrt f fdD His a f inreasing rie harvest nl rs in se Asian untries1 hats the ain idea f the text?A rgani farers use an ethds t eep the sil fertileB heial fertilizer is better than heial fertilizer Natural fertilizer is better than heial fertilizerD rgani far

2、ers prefer heial fertilizer beause it an iprve the sil2 Arding t the text, hih f the flling is NT the prble aused b heial fertilizer?A rp diseases an be stppedB heials als sta in the grund and undergrund ater fr a lng tie The helpful bateria and pests are illed as ell as the harful nesD an f these f

3、ertilizers are dangerus t peples health3 hih f the flling is TRUE?A rgani farers prefer heial fertilizersB rgani farers prefer using natural aste fr anials All faring is rgani faringD Farers ften gr the sae rps ear after ear4 rgani faring refers t _A all rps prdued n farsB rps gring ith heial fertil

4、izers rps gring ith natural fertilizersD rps gring ith bth natural and heial fertilizers H an as d the rgani farers have t eep their sil fertile and healph?A 3B 4 D 6II riting根据下列提示,以“Develpent f Agriulture in hina”为题,写一篇短,介绍中国农业的发展史。1 中国是一个有13亿人口的大国;2 在过去的20年里,中国发生了巨大的变化,特别是农业;现代生物技术在农业中起着重要的作用;3 中

5、国仅有占世界7%的土地,就是用这些耕地,农民们生产了供给全中国人口的粮食;4 渔业重要,淡水鱼随处可见; 人们还利用废弃的疏菜养鸡和猪;利用废物产生的气体供热和煮饭;6 如果世界上的其他地方也像中国一样充分发展农业,就不会再有饥饿了。词数:100左右参考词汇:淡水鱼 freshater fish; 废物aste; 饥饿 starvatin_ne pssible versin:Develpent f Agriulture in hinahina is a large untr ith a ppulatin f 13 billin In the past tent ears, great hang

6、es have taen plae in hina, espeiall in agriulture here dern biteh nlg plas a Great iprtant part hina has nl 7% f the rlds land It is n this arable land that the farers prdue fd fr the hle ppulatin f hina Fishing is iprtant and freshater fish an be seen everhere Vegetable aste is used t feed pigs and

7、 hiens Gas prdued fr huan and anial aste is used fr heating and ing If the rest f the rld als full develped agriulture lie hina, there uld be n starvatinIII词语辨析1 expand / extend / spread / streth【解释】expand指向四面八方的扩大扩张extend 强调向某一方向的延长spread 指消息,疾病,瘟疫等的传播、蔓延,也指把某物铺开,把胳膊张开streth 指手掌,手臂,腰,腿,颈由曲变直,由短变长的伸

8、展或伸出,多与ut连用【练习】用expand,extend,spread,streth的适当形式填空。1) The an _ the infratin arund 2) The epire _ its untr in the 16th entur 3) The rad builders red hard t _ the high a4) She _ ut her hands t eet e) The pret ill _ the it s telephne netr t ver 1000000 users2 upatin / b / r / eplent / areer / prfessinu

9、patin 指一个人经常担任的工作,不论是否领取工资。b 可数,非正式用语,指一份固定的赚钱工作,不论是否需要技术和特殊训练。r 不可数,多用指工作本身,平常我们每做一事无论大小,都可以称为r。eplent 指受雇于他人,领取工资谋生计,并且比较固定的工作。areer 指职业、事业;指某种经过特殊训练而又为之献身的终身事业,带有崇高色彩。prfessin 指必须受到特殊教育及训练才可胜任,带有专业性质的工作,多为创造性的脑力劳动。【练习】用upatin,b,r,eplent,areer,prfessin的适当形式填空。1) She has a gd _ in the ban 2) She is

10、 an arhitet b _ 3) She abandned her stage _4) Graduates are finding it re and re diffiult t find _ ) Please rite dn ur nae, _ and address here in the frIV重点词汇1 struggle vi≈n斗争;拼搏;努力1) The ere struggling t get ut the burning ar 他们挣扎着从烧着的车里往外爬。2) The b is abut their struggle fr liberatin 这本书写的是他们为解

11、放而作的斗争。词语归纳struggle fr 为而斗争struggle ith / against与作斗争struggle t d sth努力做某事straggle t ne s feet挣扎着站起a life-and-death struggle生死搏斗练习 按要求填空或翻译。1) The are _ _(为而斗争) the psitin2) The struggled all thrugh the ears _ us _ the apanese(介词)3) The fx struggled _ _(esape)4) He _ _ _ _ (挣扎着站起) and dragged sll ah

12、ead2 equip vt&vi 配备;装备 equipent nu 装备;设备1) The equipped theselves fr the expeditin 他们为远征治装。2) A gd eduatin shuld equip u fr life 有良好的教育能受用终生。重点用法equip sb/sth ith 用武装某人;用装备某物equip sb/sth fr 为而武装某人;为而装备某物a piee f ffie equipent 一办公设备1) The sldiers ere ell _ _ (装备好了) eapns 2) e ust equip ung teahers _ _

13、 _ (对付) diffiult hildren3) This librar is equipped _ (介词) ati researh4) ur lassr _ _ _ (装备有) a puter and a tape rerder3 regret (regretted) vt (对)遗憾;惋惜 n,u 遗憾;惋惜1) If u g n, ull regret it 假若你现在就走, 一定得后悔。2) I regret t sa the b has been filled 十分抱歉, 那个工作已经有人做了。regret t sa/tell/annune/infr 遗憾地说/告诉/宣布/通知

14、regret ding / having dne sth 后悔做了某事 regret that 遗憾/后悔练习 用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空或翻译。1) I n regret _ (leave) shl s ung2) _ _ _ _(非常抱歉), I a unable t aept ur invitatin3) I regret _ (infr) u that ur ntrat ill nt be reneed 4 redue vt&vi 减少;减缩 redutin n缩减,减少,降低1) He redued his eight fr 98 t 92 ils/b 6 ils 他把体重从98

15、公斤减少到92公斤。2) The refr has redued us t servants f the State 这一改革把我们都降为公务员了。redue sth (fr) t 把某物从减少到 redue sth b 减少多少练习 根据句子意思填入正确的介词。1) e ust redue ur expenses _ 300 uan a nth 2) Their utput has been redued _ 10 perent fus vt&vi 集中(注意力);聚焦 n ,u 焦点;中心点 1) Fus ur aera 把照相机的焦距调准。2) Her beaut aes her the

16、 fus f attentin 她长得漂亮, 很惹人注目。fus n集中于fus (ne s attentin/ind/effrts) n集中(注意力/心思/精力)于 1) The fus f reent researh has been _ (介词) envirnental issues 2) All ees _ _ (集中于) her3) The fused their ind n _ (d) the experient 6ent vi&vt 表达意见;作出评论 n , u 评论;议论 1) The sandal aused a lt f ent 这丑闻引起了很多议论。2) “ill u

17、resign, inister?” “N ent!”“部长,你要辞职吗?”“无可奉告。”ent n/abut sth/sb 对某事/某人评论ae ents/n ent n sth/sb 对某事/某人评论/不进行评论1) Have u an ent(s) _ _(ae) n the reent develpents?2) Ased abut the date f the eletin, the Prie inister _ _ (发表意见) n deisin had et been ade 3) She as ased abut the pa inrease but _ _ _ (不进行评论)

18、n itV 重点词组1 thans t 幸亏;由于;因为 (有时作反语) x b1 1) Thans t ur help, uh truble as saved 多亏你的帮助, 减少了许多麻烦。2) Thans t the bad eather, the ath has been anelled 多亏这个倒霉天气, 比赛取消了。thans t 相当于beause f /ing t /due t /thans t /n aunt f /as a result f 如:1) He as inured due t /ing t a ar aident 2) His failure is due t

19、the fat that he las experiene 3) The train arrived late n aunt f /as a result f a heav sn 4) It as thans t ur stupidit that e lst the gae 练习 翻译句子。1) 多亏了新的政策,我们现在过着幸福的生活。_2) 多亏了他的忠告我才得以成功。(用强调句) 3) 由于交通堵塞我迟到了。2 rid sb/sth f 使某人/某物摆脱 1) an peple are ring hard t rid the rld f faine 很多人在努力使世界不再有饥荒。2) Th

20、e dentist rid hi f the pain b taing ut his bad tth 牙医把他的坏牙拔掉,使他免除痛苦。重点用法 rid 短语:be rid f 摆脱get rid f 摆脱;除掉;去掉rid neself f debt 还清债务类似用法动词infr/ arn/ ure sb f 通知/警告/治愈某人练习 翻译填空。1) He struggled t _ _ _ (使自己摆脱) his guilt2) The prpsals are an attept t _ _ _ (使国家清除) plitial rruptin3) I still an t _ _ _ (摆

21、脱) ld4) The sales anager ased his en t _ _ _ (通知) everthing nerning the sales in tie) The passengers _ _ _ (警告) the danger f unstead landing3 be satisfied ith = be ntent ith 对表示满足或满意1) I as nt satisfied ith the result 我对那个结果感到不满意。2) uve dne ell at shl I ver satisfied ith u 你在学校干得不错,我对你很满意。sth satisf

22、 sb 某事使某人满意sb is satisfied sth 对表示满足或满意be satisfied t d 对做感到满意be satisfied that lause 对做感到满意a satisfied sile 满意的微笑a satisfied uster 感到满意的顾客feel a sense f satisfatin感到满足感t sbs satisfatin 使某人满意的是far fr satisfatr 远远不能令人满足it is satisfing (t d sth) 做某事是令人满意的a satisfatr explanatin / perfrane令人满意的解释/演出get/

23、btain/derive satisfatin fr ne s r 从自己的工作中得到满足练习 根据句子意思用satisf 的适当形式填空。1) I a nt _ (satisf) ith ur r u ust iprve it 2) The result desnt _ (satisf) e 3) hat he has dne is far fr _ (satisf)4) He hung up the phne, _ (satisf) ith a sile n his fae) It an be ver _ (satisf) t r in the garden6) Finane ffiial

24、s expressed _ (satisf) ith the rever f the dllar4 uld rather 宁愿1) I d rather al than tae a bus 我愿意走路而不愿意坐公共汽车。2) “Se re ine?” “Than u, I d rather nt I have t drive he”“再一点酒好吗?”“不要了,我不能再喝了。 我还得开车回家呢。uld rather d A (than d B) = uld (prefer t) d A (rather than d B) 宁愿做甲事(而不做乙事) uld rather (that) sb did / had dne sth宁愿某人做某事练习 用所给词的适当形式填空或翻译。1) I uld rather u _ (n) n, than afterards2) Rather than _ (ride) n a rded bus, I prefer _ _(al) build up 逐渐建立;逐渐增强体质;积累;开发1) u need

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