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本文(委托持股协议 中英文对照模板.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

委托持股协议 中英文对照模板.docx

1、委托持股协议 中英文对照模板委托持股协议Shareholding Entrustment Agreement甲方(委托方):Party A (Entrusting Party): 法定代表人:Legal Representative: 注册地址:Registered Address: 乙方(受托方):Party B (Entrusted Party): 国籍:Nationality: 证件号:Document No.: 住所:Domicile: 甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于 年 月 日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:Party A (hereina

2、fter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B (hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conducted friendly consultations and concluded the following agreement concerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on (MM/DD/YY). 一、委托持股及股权归属I. Shareholding Entrustment and Equ

3、ity Ownership1、委托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件,委托受托方以受托方名义持有委托方所有的 公司 的股权(以下简称“指定股权”);受托方同意根据本协议规定的条款和条件接受委托方委托,以自己的名义持有指定股权。1. The Entrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the Entrusted Party with the ownership of the Companys equity (herein

4、after referred to as “Designated Equity”) which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in the name of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees to own the Designated Equity in its own name and accept the entrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the terms and con

5、ditions stipulated in this Agreement. 2、双方在此确认:2. Both Parties hereby confirm the following: (1)自 年 月 日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。(1) Since (MM/DD/YY), the Entrusting Party shall enjoy all the shareholders rights and inter

6、ests and assume all the obligations and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity; the Designated Equity will not belong to part of the proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The Entrusted Party will only serve as the nominal shareholder of the Company and will neith

7、er be entitled to the corresponding shareholders interests nor bear losses and responsibilities arising from the ownership of the Designated Equity. (2)受托方因自身债务而导致纠纷、诉讼可能导致指定股权被冻结、查封、拍卖、变卖或受到其他损失时,应书面通知委托方,并向相关债权人、诉讼法院说明指定股权的性质,确保指定股权不被冻结、查封、拍卖、变卖或遭受损失。(2) In case that the Designated Equity may be f

8、rozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or many undergo any other loss due to any dispute or litigation arising from the Entrusted Partys own debt problems, the Entrusted Party shall notify the Entrusting Party of the foregoing incident or loss and inform relevant creditor and court of the nature of t

9、he Designated Equity to ensure that the Designated Equity will not be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, sold off or undergo any other loss. 二、股东权利的行使 II. Exercise of Shareholders Rights 1、基于指定股权而产生的在公司所享有的股东权利及义务,均由委托方享有并承担。股东权利包括但不限于公司股东享有的下述权利:1. All the shareholders rights and obligations for the Com

10、pany arising from the Designated Equity will be enjoyed or assumed by the Entrusting Party. The shareholders rights include but are not limited to the following rights enjoyed by the Companys shareholder: (1)以转让、赠与、出资、质押、抵押、托管、租赁等可能使指定股权所有权发生转移或受到限制的任何方式处置指定股权;(1) The disposition of the Designated E

11、quity in such ways as transfer, betrothal, financing, pledge, mortgage, trusteeship or lease that may change or constrain the ownership of the Assigned Equity; (2)公司股东会出席、召集及表决权;(2) The rights of attendance, assembly and voting at the shareholders meeting of the Company; (3)股东会提案权;(3) The right of s

12、ubmitting proposals at the shareholders meeting; (4)公司董事、监事提名权;(4) The right of nominating the directors and supervisors of the Company; (5)分红权;(5) The right of profit-sharing; (6)公司剩余财产分配权;(6) The right of distributing the remaining property of the Company; (7)根据法律、法规及公司章程,作为公司股东应享有的其他权利。(7) Other

13、rights the shareholder shall enjoy according to relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company. 2、委托方在行使上述公司股东权利时,受托方应给予无条件配合和协助(包括但不限于向委托方或委托方指定的其他出具授权委托书或出具法律、法规性文件要求的各项有关法律文件等),将上述股东权利授予委托方或委托方指定的他方。2. While the Entrusting Party is exercising its rights as the sharehold

14、er of the Company, the Entrusted Party shall render support and assistance unconditionally (including but not limited to the issuance of power of attorney or all relevant legal documents required by the law and regulations to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party)

15、 with a view to transferring the foregoing shareholders rights to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusted Party. 3、委托期限内,若委托方转让指定股权,公司实施分红、送股、转增股本,该等权利及收益由委托方享有。其中的分红款、股权受让款、现金分红款,受托方应出具委托指令,委托公司、付款方将其直接付至委托方帐户,若公司、付款方直接付给受托方的,受托方应在到账之日起3个工作日内全额划至委托方指定帐户;送股及转增股本作为委托财产,由受托

16、方按本协议规定代为持有。3. If the Entrusting Party transfers the Designated Equity and the Company distributes dividends, presents shares or increases the capital stock during the term of entrustment, such rights and benefits shall be entitled to the Entrusting Party. The Entrusted Party shall issue a power of

17、attorney to authorize the Company and Payer to directly transfer the dividends for profit-sharing, equity transfer or cash bonus to the account of the Entrusting Party. If the Company and Payer directly pay the foregoing dividends to the Entrusted Party, the Entrusted Party shall transfer the full a

18、mount of the dividends to the account designated by the Entrusting Party in three (3) working days. The shares presented or capital stock increased will be used as the entrusted property and held by the Entrusted Party in accordance with the regulations of this Agreement. 4、未经委托方书面同意,受托方不得自行或授权委托方以外

19、的其他单位或个人行使公司股东权利。4. Without the written consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party shall not exercise the rights as the Companys shareholder at its discretion or authorize any organization or individual other than the Entrusting Party to exercise such rights. 5、委托方作为指定股权的实际出资人,在受托方不能或因其他任何

20、原因未行使指定股权相应的股东权利时,委托方有权依据本协议直接行使相应股东权利而不需要受托方的另行授权。5. When the Entrusted Party is unable to or, for any other reason fails to, exercise the shareholders rights corresponding to the Designated Equity, the Entrusting Party, as the actual investor of the Assigned Equity, will be entitled to directly ex

21、ercise the corresponding shareholders rights according to this Agreement without the additional authorization of the Entrusted Party. 三、股权处置 III. Disposition of Equity 1、指定股权的质押、托管、转让(包括赠与)等事项由委托方决定,未经委托方同意,受托方无权将指定股权质押、托管、转让给委托方以外的其他单位及个人,或以投资、置换等任何其他方式处置指定股权。1. The pledge, trusteeship, transfer (i

22、ncluding presentation) and other matters of the Designated Equity shall be determined by the Entrusting Party. Without the consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Party will not be entitled to pledge, entrust or transfer the Designated Equity to any organization or individual other than the E

23、ntrusting Party or to dispose of the Designated Equity in any other ways including investment and trade-off. 2、委托方拟转让指定股权时,受托方应给予无条件配合,包括提供相关法律文件,配合委托方办理股权过户有关手续等。2. When the Entrusting Party plans to transfer the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by providin

24、g relevant legal documents and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the transfer of equity ownership. 3、委托方拟以指定股权提供质押时,受托方应给予无条件配合,包括按委托方意志与质押权人签署股权质押合同及相关法律文件,配合委托方办理质押登记有关手续等。3. When the Entrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall off

25、er support unconditionally by signing a pledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger as required by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for the pledge registration. 4、委托方拟将指定股权托管给他人时,受托方应给予无条件配合,包括按委托方意志与受托人签署股权托管合同及其他相关法律文件,配合委托方办理托管手

26、续等。4. When the Entrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, the Entrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by signing a pledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger as required by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities

27、 for the pledge registration.四、委托期限 IV. Term of Entrustment 委托期限自本协议生效之日开始至下述情形之一发生之日终止:The term of entrustment commences from the day of validation of this Agreement and terminates on the day when any of the following events occurs: (1)指定股权已全部完成股权交割过户手续,已登记至委托方或委托方指定的他方名下。(1) The formalities for th

28、e transfer of equity ownership have been completed for all the Designated Equity which has been registered in the name of the Entrusting Party or any other Party designated by the Entrusting Party. (2)受托方按照委托方指令,将指定股权全部出售,并将股权转让款全部划至委托方指定帐户。(2) In compliance with the instructions of the Entrusting P

29、arty, the Entrusted Party has sold out the Designated Equity and transfer the equity transfer payment to the account designated by the Entrusting Party.(3)本协议被委托方解除。(3) This Agreement is revoked by the Entrusting Party. 五、保密义务 V. Confidentiality Clause1、各方同意并承诺,除非本协议中有明确规定或经另一方同意,任一方均不得擅自向任何其他个人或单位泄

30、露本协议或相关事宜,与本协议有关的任何信息,在确实需要对外披露时,应经双方协商一致。1. The Parties agree and promise that unless otherwise expressly defined in this Agreement or agreed by the other Party, either Party shall not disclose any information or matters on this Agreement to any other organization or individual and the disclosure o

31、f any information on this Agreement, if necessary, shall be subject to the consultation and consent by both Parties. 2、各方均有义务在现在和将来不以任何方式故意或过失泄露在洽谈、进行过程中获知的对方及公司商业秘密,除非:2. At present and in the future, both Parties shall be obliged to disclose, by mistake or on purpose, any business secret obtained

32、during negotiations or performance of this Agreement unless: (1)该秘密被秘密拥有者一方公开而进入公众所知领域。(1) The business secret has been disclosed by its owner and known by the public. (2)经秘密拥有者一方事前书面同意。(2) The disclosure of the business secret has been proved with the written consent of the owner of the business secret.(3)执行不可上诉的法院判决裁定以及仲裁裁决。(3) The disclosure is aimed to execute a ruling of an unappealable court or an arbitration award. (4)履行国家法律、法规明文规定的义务。(4) The disclosure is aimed to perform certain obli

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