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1、统考大学英语B英汉翻译复习A1. A good memory is a great help in learning a language. 好的记忆力有助于语言的学习。2. A teacher should have patience in his work.当老师应当有耐心。3. Air pollution is more serious than water pollution.空气污染比水污染更为严重。4. Although very important, intelligence is not necessarily the key to success. 尽管聪明十分重要,但它未必

2、是成功的关键。5. As long as there is water, plants wont die quickly.只要有水, 植物就不会很快死亡。 B1. Beijing Olympic Games can make Chinese people work harder. 北京奥运会使得中国人民更加努力工作。2. But Ive got room for only two of you in the house.但是我家里只能住下你们其中两个人。3. But little Smart is not really that smart. 但是小灵通并不是真的很灵通。4. Business

3、 success depends on hard work. 事业上的成功依靠努力工作。5. By 1900, states had laws against selling cigarettes to young people.到1900年,大部分州已经颁布了禁止向青少年出售香烟的法律。C1. Can you express yourself clearly in English?你能用英语清楚地表达自己的意思吗?2. Can I download this material without paying any money?我可以免费下载这份资料吗?D1. Did you go fishi

4、ng with your friends last Sunday?上周日你跟朋友去钓鱼了吗?2. Do you think students should do a part-time job?你认为学生应该做兼职吗?3. Do you mind my smoking here?我在这里吸烟你介意吗?4. Do you still have anything that you dont understand?你还有什么不明白的吗?5. Dont you mind my opening the window?你不介意我打开折扇窗户吧?6. Dont you think smoking is ha

5、rmful to your health?你不认为吸烟有害健康吗?E1. Each year some of his money is given to the best scientists and writers of the world. 每年他的一部分钱都会奖给世界上最优秀的科学家和作家。2. Every student has free access to all the sources in the library. 每位学生都可以自由使用图书馆的所有资源。3. Everyone was in bed except me. 除了我,所有人都上床睡觉了。F1. Fewer high

6、school students are smoking now than a few years ago.相比若干年前,现在吸烟的高中生少了。2. Fires may do more damage than the earthquakes.火灾造成的损失可能比地震还严重。3. From the East Coast to the West Coast it is about 3,000 miles wide. 海岸线东西相距3000英里。G1. Give us a few more minutes to decide. 再给我们一点时间来做决定。2. Go down this street u

7、ntil you reach the second street lights.沿着这条街一直走到第二个交通灯处。H1. He called the doctor and made sure they would meet at five.他打电话和医生确认他们将在五点见面。2. He doesnt know what life means to him.他不知道人生的意义。3. He had to leave early yesterday. 昨天他不得不早些离开。4. He has been learning English for years.多年来他一直在学英语。5. He has s

8、ympathy for all poor people.他对所有的穷人都有一颗同情心。6. He has the habit of making notes while reading. 他有阅读时记笔记的习惯。7. He is a world famous pop star. 他是一位着名的世界流行明星。8. He is always making excuses for being late. 他总为他的迟到找借口。9. Hes growing more like his father now.他现在长得越来越像他爸爸。10. He is thinking about moving to

9、a new place.他正在考虑搬到一个新的地方。11. He keeps looking at himself in the mirror.他总是照镜子。 12. He knew the time of the meeting.他知道开会时间。13. He often went from town to town giving lectures.他经常奔波于各个城镇作演讲。14. He prefers coffee to tea. 与茶相比,他更喜欢喝咖啡。15. He stopped smoking.他戒烟了。16. He stopped to smoke.他停下来,开始吸烟。17. H

10、e was satisfied with his new car, and drove to work in it the very next day.他对自己的新车感到很满意,第二天就开着去上班了。18. How do you spell your last name?你的姓是如何拼写的?19. How long have you collected your stamps?你集邮有多久了?I1. Ill be waiting for you at the library this time tomorrow.我明天这个时间在图书馆等你。2. Ill call you as soon as

11、I arrive. 我一到就给你打电话。3. Ill write to you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你写信。4. Im certain hell go to see the film, because hes bought a ticket. 我确信他会去看电影,因为他已经买票了。5. Im finishing my second year of studies. 我即将完成第二年的学习。6. Im going to buy a monthly ticket tomorrow. 我想明天买张月票。7. Im sure well have a good t

12、ime. 我确定我们会过的很愉快。8. Im wondering who broke the window. 我想知道是谁打破了窗户?9. I ve been so busy lately. I havent had time to call anybody.我最近一直很忙都没有时间给别人打电话。10. I am very familiar with his name.我很熟悉他的名字。 11. I am writing this letter to complain about the service in your hotel. 我此刻写这封信的目的是要投诉贵酒店的服务。12. I cam

13、e back because of the rain.因为下雨我就回来了。13. I cant go with you today because Im too busy.今天我不能跟你一块去了,因为我太忙了。14. I could hardly agree to what you said just now. 我不能同意你刚才说的话。15. I expect she will have changed her mind by tomorrow.我预料到明天为止她会改变她的想法。16. I feel lonely without you.没有你,我感到孤单。17. I feel satisfi

14、ed with my life.我对自己的生活很满意。18. I had no choice.我别无选择。19. I have a pain in my back.我的背部很疼。20. I have no idea about it. 对此我一无所知。21. I have no interest in what they say about me. 我对别人怎么说我不感兴趣。22. I look forward to hearing from you. 我期待着能收到你的来信。23. I looked for the book on the desk but it was nowhere.我寻

15、找桌上的书,但没找到。24. I need to buy some 50-cent stamps.我需要买一些50美分的邮票。25. I saved the baby and became a hero.我因救了这个婴儿而变成了英雄。26. I think she will change her mind tomorrow. 我想她明天会改变主意的。27. I think our dream will become true.我认为我们的梦想会实现的。28. I think the picture shows us how fruit is necessary to life.我认为这幅图告诉

16、我们水果在生活中是必不可少的。29. I used the bag to protect my face from the smoke and heat.我用包捂在脸上挡住烟和热。30. I was born in the city which you visited last year. 我就出生在去年你参观的那个城市。31. I will finish reading this book in a week. 我将在一周内读完这本书。32. If you travel by ship across the pacific, you cross the International Date

17、Line.如果你乘坐轮船横渡太平洋,你会穿越国际日期变更线。33. In foreign Language Department, a checking machine is used to correct the students test papers. 外语系用阅卷机给学生批卷。34. In most country, animals are in a worse position than human being. 在大多数国家,动物比人类位于更糟糕的处境。35. In the world, soccer or football is the most popular sport.在世

18、界上,足球是最受欢迎的体育运动。36. In the past few days, news of victory has kept coming in.在过去的几天里,胜利的消息不断传来。37. Is this the magazine which you want to borrow?这就是你要借的那本杂志吗?38. It is known to all that exercises are good for health.众所周知,锻炼有利于健康。39. It is necessary to take medicine on time.按时吃药时必须的。40. It is no good

19、 hoping to read all these books. 指望能够读完所有这些书是毫无意义的。41. It is not necessary to do this work.没有必要做这项工作。 42. Its never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老。43. It takes a lot of time to learn a foreign language.学一门外语需要很长时间。44. It was a hard job, but he did not mind.这项工作很艰苦,但他并不在乎。J 1. Jane has told me a lot abou

20、t her trip.珍妮告诉了我好多关于她旅行的事.2. Jenny is fond of reading and often borrows books from the city library.珍妮喜欢读书,经常从市图书馆借书.3. Jim was intelligent, but he hated hard work.吉姆很聪明,但工作不努力.4. John has been teaching English here since he came to China in 2003.约翰2003年来到中国后就一直在这儿教英语.5. Just because you like it, i

21、t doesnt mean I will.你喜欢它,并不意味着我也会喜欢.L1. Lets find a place to shelter before the rain or well get wet.我们找个地方躲雨吧,不然就淋湿了.2. Lets sit over here until its time for you to board.我们就在这儿坐到你上飞机的时间.3. Li Ming is a friend of mine whom I have known him since childhood.李明是我从小就认识的一位朋友.M1. Many schools will not o

22、pen for lessons until the beginning of September.很多学校到九月初才开学.2. My problem is that I dont have much time to do the work.我的问题在于我没有多少时间来做这项工作.N1. Never had he thought that the project would have been completed so fast.他从没有预料到这项工作会完成的这么快.2. No matter how much it cost, he had to get the car fixed.无论费用多高

23、,他也不得不去修车.3. Nothing in the world moves faster than light.世界上没有什么东西比光速更快. O1. Okey, and I need a pen to fill out the address.好的,我还得借支笔来填地址.2. On that flight were a mother and her four-year-old son, whose name was Jeffrey.那个航班上有一位母亲和她叫杰弗瑞的四岁的儿子.3. On their way they came to a shop where bread was sold

24、.他们在途中来到一家面包店.4. One can never succeed without enough confidence in himself.一个人如果对自己没有足够的信心就无法成功.5. Only on weekends, Central Park is closed to cars.只有在周末,中央公园禁止汽车入内.6. Only those who work hard will be in a better position in the competition.只有勤奋者才能在这场竞争中处于更为有利的地位.7. Open the window and let the fres

25、h air in. 打开窗户让新鲜空气进来.P1. Playing the sport you like is considered an essential part of a persons life.进行一项自己喜欢的体育运动被认为是人生中重要的一部分.2. Please call me back when you are free.请你有空的时候给我回个电话.3. Please give this book to whoever comes first.请把这本书给最先来的人.4. Please move your chair to the window.请把你的椅子移到窗边.5. P

26、lease ring me up tomorrow morning.请在明天早晨给我打电话.6. Promise me never to be late again.答应我以后再也不要迟到了.R1. Riding bicycles can save energy.骑自行车能够节约能源. S1. Scientists think that there is no life on the Mars.科学家们认为火星上没有生命.2. She begins cooking as soon as she gets home.她一到家就开始做饭.3. She could not follow me whe

27、n I spoke to her.我跟她讲话的时候,她听不懂我的话.4. She is used to living in the countryside.她习惯住在乡下.5. She likes Mike a lot, but she doesnt want to get married so early.她很喜欢麦克,但是她不想那么早就结婚.6. She looks lovely when she is happy. 她高兴得时候看起来很可爱.7. She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five.她是家里唯一的女儿,也是五个

28、孩子中最小的.8. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time.由于地球看起来像个球,太阳在同一时刻只能找到它的一半.9. Some football teams will have games there.一些足球队将在那儿比赛.10. Some of her pictures were shown in an art exhibition in Shanghai when she was 4 years old.她4岁的时候,她的一些画就在上海的一个艺术展览中展出过.11

29、. Some parents even stop their children from meeting their good friends.有些父母甚至不让自己的孩子去见他们的好朋友.12. Some people find it difficult to ask for help.有些人发现向他人求助有困难.13. Stay here before I get back.待在这儿等我回来.14. Students can study by themselves through school network.学生可以通过学校网络自学.15. Success in business depe

30、nds on hard work.事业上的成功取决于努力工作.T1. Talking for a long time makes me tired.长时间的谈话使我感到疲倦.2. That team withdrew from the match as protest against the unfair referee.那个球队退出了比赛,抗议那个不公正的裁判.3. The cause of the fire was carelessness. 起火的原因是不谨慎.4. The doctor is very patient with his patients.这个医生对他的病人很有耐心.5.

31、 The doctor performed an operation on him as soon as he was sent to the hospital.他被送到医院后,医生立即给他做了手术.6. The earth on which we live is shaped like a ball.我们居住的地球形状象一个大球.7. The earthquake in Sichuan made Chinese people unite as one.发生在四川的地震使中国人民团结一心.8. The girls are busy making preparations for the weekend party.女孩们正忙着准备周末的聚会.9. The glass was broken into pieces.

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