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1、tablo的blonote英文版1. But if you really begin to cherish every moment,Then wouldnt that make even the most precious moments merely ordinary?2. It could be that, the deeper they lie inside your heart,The harder it becomes to reach out to them3. Time and gravity are indeed quite similar.4. Im pretty sure

2、 time speeds up little by little, the closer we get to reality.5. Dating a new person every day, and breaking up with a new person every day.Which one would be more difficult?6. I made a playlist out of my everyday lifeIt was full of the same songs7. The most important scene in a movie only exists i

3、nside the audiences head8. Just because you dont have to know itDoesnt mean its okay not to know i9. Ill stay close10. If the only thing you cant tell me is good news,Then dont tell me anything11. “Why should the past matter? Whats important is the present!”He said, wearing an 80s outfit.12. The rea

4、son I cant see my light is because you wouldnt open your eyes13. I feel like there would be some people who live in Halloween costumes all year round14. If your body feels heavy, dont drag it around.15. Things that give you headaches shouldnt necessarily give you heartaches too!16. Youve done a grea

5、t job, PD Kang17. When I finish work late, I wish home would come to me.18. Like the last few syllables, it only comes to those with abilities19. The time spent thinking about how itll all be over soon, will also be over soon.20. Even if you wake up, your dream will still continue somewhere.21. Well

6、 make some trouble, like true 12 year olds22. Hearing23. Falling is also a part of flying.24. When you push away those who try to comfort you, theyll grow tired, too25. Seems like there would be less need for fights if people wore their BGM26. Thinking that someones worth depends on how long youve k

7、nown themIs the same as thinking that your lifes worth depends on how long youve lived.27. Im afraid that building experiences would be like building sandcastles28. If youre going to cry, at least cry in front of someone29. Every day is a test; its just that there are no answer sheets30. My heart is

8、 bankrupt, but theyre still telling me to cheer up31. Dreams are tastier when you let it ripen for longer32. A door is still a door even if it only opens when you knock into it33. If memories are like houses,You should at least pay the rent34. Ive gained more than Ive lost,But I havent gained more t

9、han Ive forgotten.35. The only way to win against someone who wants to beat me is not to play the game.36. Those who are selfish need to learn what its like to be lonely37. By the time you start to miss them,Theyd already be going after someone else.38. If you want to do something that no one else d

10、oesYou must do nothing39. Congrats.40. One who only knows how to own, and not to cherish, is far from being rich41. The things that we let go are still reaching out for us42. Stop sighingHey, Ive gotta keep breathing one way or another43. The more requests I get that begin with “on your way here”,Th

11、e more I feel like an adult.44. Live your life with the mindset that,Everything youre doing now will be saved in a time capsule.45. The word popular has now been replaced with human.46. I dont want to start disliking myselfJust to seem like a good person.47. Even wizards find magic in the things tha

12、t mothers do48. Right now, my life is in its early autumn49. Date someone who makes you forget where you were going, when youre walking together50. While wishing I had ten copies of myself,Im wasting the one I have51. While wishing I had ten copies of myself,Im wasting the one I have52. While wishin

13、g I had ten copies of myself,Im wasting the one I have53. Love;Its hard, whether or not you choose to love or notSo just do it54. Good songs and autumn feel shorter than they actually are55. Some types of love are achieved not by the heart nor the body, but by the passage of time56. Your heart is li

14、ke a cloudOnly going back up after pouring down57. An abandoned word. “Rewind.”58. Twenties Theyre meant to be hard59. I overheard a conversation between ghosts.“Dude, their world is scarier.”60. Things that dont go as planned turn into unexpected events61. Theres indeed a massive difference between

15、 still and yet.62. I want to leave for somewhere I dont want to leave63. I held back my anger, because everyone told me I had toBut looking back, the fact that I held it back makes me angry64. A strange era where its possible to drift apart from strangers, too65. Theres no one who tries to understan

16、d me, besides myself.66. Life is short, and autumn is shorter.Enjoy it as much as you want.67. Cant say I get up in the morningBecause even when Im asleep, it feels as if I havent lied down68. Im okay with life being short, but I dont like how its so narrow69. Among the countless things the two of u

17、s can share,Silence seems to be the most valuable.70. How about having some time on SundaysTo re-read the most popular Blonote of the week?71. Youre sorry that you look for me only when youre having a hard time?Wish you have a hard time more often72. A pointless past; would such a thing exist?73. Re

18、gardless of where you run towardsThe past shouldnt be anything more than just a starting line74. Your parents are your ultimate fans75. If you use love as your excuse, who could say anything against that?76. Wish I could say “Ill make time for it” and actually create a couple of hours that exceed 24

19、 hours77. If you treat people as stairsYoull end up rolling down78. Away from home is where hardships await youAway from hardships is where home awaits you79. Events that cant be explained are either miracles,Or Im just bad at explaining them.80. Life cant be understood.It passes by as you try to un

20、derstand it.81. When I want to give you those that I value the mostYou ask me for those that I value the leastThats why you are my love.82. Having a peace of mind is also a skill.83. Breathing is the process of letting the sky into my body84. Why does it hurt so much not to hurt85. I need a friend w

21、ho expects absolutely nothing from me86. Her: Will you love me in your next life too?Me: Dont you dare go missing in my next life!87. In this day and ageWe listen to whatever we can hear rather looking for something to listen toWhether it be music or words88. I dont want to hear a bad person telling

22、 me Im a good person89. The words “first” and “last”.Whats the word that describes whats in between?90. If your dream is like a shark, then its a nightmare.Run away.91. Tears are the hearts way of singing its heart out92. The reason why a whisper is heard more easily than a shoutIs because it makes

23、you take a step forward, rather than backward.93. Dreams.Why is it that the further I move away from them, the sooner they approach me again?94. Hope this, too, shall not pass95. If love is so great,Wouldnt it only make sense that you would also be great if youre in love?96. If all the people in the

24、 world counted one, two, threeAnd turned off the phone in their handsThe next moment, theyd all be sitting in front of computers.97. They say time heals all woundsThen how many pills am I even supposed to take?98. Please be happy as much as I am sorry.99. If you feel that its lateIts not too late ye

25、t100. Even if you carried todays worries with you tomorrowYoud already be preoccupied by tomorrows worriesSo, just leave them for today101. Theres one similarity between love and hatred.The more you share it, the more it builds up.102. Seems like forgetting is more of a pause rather than erasure103.

26、 To throw a festival, many people are carrying the stage on their shoulders.104. The barrel was spoilt in the first place, so rotten apples keep rolling in105. When I look back in the distant futureToday will be nothing but a small dot in history.But, it will be important whether that dot was the be

27、ginning of a rising curve or a falling curve.106. A person who worries for me more than I worry for myself is greater than any worry possible107. You deserve to have your birthday celebrated every single day108. When I hit rock bottomI should get some sleep then get back up109. If you want to see pa

28、st the tip of the icebergThen dive in, even for just a little bit110. The further I fall, the deeper I fall111. I got a lot to doBut most of them are things that dont need to be done112. Please save my life113. The temperature of the heart does not know what season it is114. Countless people meet an

29、d break up over a cup of coffeeCoffee must know all about love115. An age where I look for lively people and a quiet place to be116. Before wishing someone would notice me,I wish I would notice myself117. Wouldnt it be more likely to come true if you say “I hope so!” rather than “will it really?”118

30、. While taking a photoI realised that one second is actually longer than I though119. The object thought:When they valued me and put me in the drawerI didnt realise they put me there to throw me away120. All my enemies turned out to be enemies of themselves, too121. Unimaginable events occur to enri

31、ch your imagination122. Hopefully the things that give me a headache dont turn into things that give me a heartache123. Dear my next step,Please take good care of me124. My past self is also vintageBut it doesnt seem that cool125. Seems like hope only comes to those with a lot of curiosity before anything126. Some things can only be seen when you close your eyes and listen carefully127. What will the moon look like to those who have been on it?128. Theres nothing Im more glad to see again, than the fee

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