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1、middle 中median 正中3. 轴和面 (Axes and Planes)axis (pl. axes),axial (a.) 轴vertical (perpendicular) axis, longitudinal axis 垂直轴, 纵轴coronal (frontal) axis 冠(额)状轴sagittal axis 矢状轴plane (平)面horizontal (transverse) plane 水平面, 横平面coronal (frontal) plane 冠(额)状面sagittal plane 矢状面median sagittal plane 正中矢状面transv

2、erse section 横切面longitudinal section 纵切面(3)附肢骨骼 (Appendicular skeleton) shoulder girdle 上肢带骨,肩带骨scapula 肩胛骨acromion 肩峰superior(medial,lateral)border 上(下,外侧) 缘 coracoid process 喙突superior (inferior, lateral) angle上(下,外侧) 角 glenoid cavity 关节盂* clavicle 锁骨bones of free upper limb 自由上肢骨 * Humerus 肱骨head

3、 of humerus 肱骨头anatomical(surgical)neck 解剖(外科)颈 greater(lesser)tubercle 大(小)结节crest of greater(lesser)tubercle 大(小)结节嵴 sulcus (groove)for radial n. 桡神经沟deltoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车olecranon (coronoid, radial) fossa 鹰嘴 (冠突,桡) 窝 medial (lateral) epicondyle 内(外)上髁sulcus for ulnar ne

4、rve 尺神经沟* radius 桡骨head (neck) of radius 桡骨头(颈)articular circumference 环状关节面radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆interosseous border 骨间缘styloid process 茎突ulnal notch 尺切迹carpal articular surface 腕关节面* ulna 尺骨olecranon 鹰嘴coronoid process 冠突ulnal tuberosity 尺骨粗隆trochleal(radial)notch 滑车(桡)切迹head of ulna 尺骨头bones of h

5、and 手骨carpal bones 腕骨scaphoid bone 手舟骨lunate bone 月骨triangular bone 三角骨pisiform bone 豌豆骨trapezium bone 大多角骨trapezoid bone 小多角骨capitate bone 头状骨hamate bone 钩骨hamulus (hook) of hamate bone钩骨钩Metacarpal bones 掌骨phalanges(bones) of fingers 指骨Action 动作,作用flexion,flexor (m.),flex (v.) 屈extension,extensor

6、(m.), extense (v.) 伸adduction,addutor (m.), adduct (v.) 收abduction,abdutor (m.), abduct (v.) 展Medial (lateral) rotation 旋内(外)pronation,pronator (m.), pronate (v.) 旋前 supination, supinator(m.), supinate(v.) 旋后 circumduction 环转运动(3)附肢骨骼的连结 (Joints of the Appendicular Skeleton) joints of shoulder girdl

7、e 上肢带连结coracoacromial lig. 喙间韧带Coracoclavicular lig. 喙锁韧带Acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节Sternoclavicular joint 胸锁关节Joints of free upper limb 自由上肢连结Shoulder joint 肩关节Elbow joint 肘关节Humeroulnar joint 肱尺关节Humeroradial joint 肱桡关节Joints of hand 手关节Radiocarpal joint ,wrist joint 桡腕关节,腕关节 Intercarpal joints 腕

8、骨间关节Carpometacarpal joints 腕掌关节Carpometacarpal joint of thumb 拇指腕掌关节Intermetacarpal joints掌骨间关节Metacarpophalangeal joints 掌指关节Interphalangeal joints of hand 指骨间关节pelvic girdle 下肢带骨,盆带骨* hip bone 髋骨acetabulum 髋臼acetabular fossa (notch) 髋臼窝(切迹)obturator foramen 闭孔* Ilium 髂骨body (ala) of ilium 髂骨体(翼)ar

9、cuate line 弓状线iliac crest 髂嵴Tubercle 髂结节Anterior superior (inferior) iliac spine 髂前上(下) 棘 Posterior superior (inferior) iliac spine髂后上(下)棘 Iliac fossa 髂窝Auricular surface 耳状面Iliac tuberosity 髂粗隆* Ischium 坐骨Greater (lesser) sciatic notch 坐骨大(小)切迹 * Pubis 耻骨Symphsial surface 耻骨联合面superior (inferior) r

10、amus of pubis 耻骨上下支 ililopubic eminence 髂耻隆起pecten of pubis 耻骨梳bones of free lower limb 自由下肢骨* femur 股骨fovea of femoral head 股骨头凹head (neck) of femur 股骨头(颈)greater (lesser) trochanter 大小转子intertrochanteric line 转子间线intertrochanteric crest 转子间嵴linea aspera,rough line of femur 粗线pectineal line 耻骨肌线glu

11、teal tuberosity 臀肌粗隆popliteal surface腘面medial (lateral) condyle 内(外)侧髁adductor tubercle 收肌结节intercondylar fossa 髁间窝medial (lateral) epicondyle 内外上髁patella 髌骨* tibia 胫骨intercondylar eminence 髁间隆起shaft (tuberosity) of tibia 胫骨体粗隆soleal line 比目鱼肌线medial (lateral) malleolus 内外髁Fibula,perone 腓骨bones of f

12、oot 足骨tarsal bones 跗骨talus 距骨calcaneus 跟骨navicular bone 足舟骨medial cuneiform bone内侧楔骨lateral cuneiform bone 中间楔骨intermediate cuneiform bone 内侧楔骨cuboid bone 骰骨metatarsal bones 跖骨phalanges (bones) of toes 趾骨Joints of pelvic girdle 下肢带连结Pubic symphysis 耻骨联合Interpubic disc 耻骨间盘Obturator membrane 闭孔膜Sacro

13、iliac joints 骶髂关节Sacrotuberous lig. 骶结节韧带Greater (lesser) sciatic foramen 坐骨大 (小)孔Pelvis 骨盆Terminal line 界线Greater (lesser) pelvis 大小骨盆Superior (posterior) pelvic aperture 骨盆上下口Pubic arch 耻骨弓Subpubic angle 耻骨下角Pelvic cavity 骨盆腔Joints of free lower limb 自由下肢连结Hip joint 髋关节Transverse acetabular lig. 髋

14、臼横韧带Ligament of head of femur 股骨头韧带Knee joint 膝关节Medial (lateral) meniscus 内外侧半月板Transverse lig.of knee 膝横韧带Anterior cruciate lig. 前交叉韧带Posterior cruciate lig. 后交叉韧带Fibular (tibial) collateral lig. 腓(胫)侧副韧带 Ligament of patella 髌韧带Tibiofibular joint 胫腓关节Tibiofibular syndesmosis 胫腓连结Crural interosseou

15、s membrane 小腿骨间膜 Joints of foot 足关节talocrural joint, ankle joint 距小腿关节,踝关节 intertarsal joints 跗骨间关节subtalar joint, talocalcaneal joint 距下关节,距跟关节 transverse tarsal joint 跗横关节talocalcaneonavicular joint 距跟舟关节tarsometatarsal joint 跗跖关节intermetatarsal joints 跖骨间关节metatarsophalangeal joint 跖趾关节interphala

16、ngeal joints of foot 跖骨间关节arch of foot, tarsometatarsal arch 足弓,跗跖弓 medial (lateral) longitudinal arch 内(外) 侧纵弓 transverse arch 横弓(4)下肢肌 (muscles of lower limb)muscles of hip髋肌iliopsoas m.髂腰肌iliac m.髂肌greater psoas m.腰大肌greatest (middle, least) gluteal m.臀大(中,小)肌 tensor m. of broad fascia阔筋膜张肌pririf

17、orm m.梨状肌internal obturator m.闭孔内肌external obturator m.闭孔外肌quadrate m. of thigh股方肌muscles of thigh 大腿肌sartorius m. 缝匠肌quadriceps m. lf thigh股四头肌pectineal m. 耻骨肌slender m. gracile m股薄肌.long(short)adductor m.长短收肌great adductor m.大收肌biceps m. of thigh股二头肌semiterninous m. 半腱肌semimembranous m.半膜肌muscles

18、of leg 小腿肌anterior (posterior)tibial m.胫骨前后肌long extensor m. of digits趾长伸肌long estensor m. lf great toe拇长伸肌long (short)peroneal 腓骨长短肌triceps m. of calf 小腿三头肌gastrocnemius m.腓肠肌soleus m.比目鱼肌tendon of heel跟腱long flexor m. of toe趾长伸肌long flexor m. of great toe 拇长屈肌muscles of foot 足肌broad fascia 阔筋膜iliotibial tract 髂筋束adductor tendinous opening, adductor hiatus 收肌腱裂孔 adductor canal 收肌管muscular lacuna 肌腔隙iliopectineal arch 髂耻弓vascular lacuna 血管腔隙femoral triangle(sheath) 股三角(鞘)femoral canal(ring) 股管(环)saphenous hiatus, oral fossa 隐静脉裂孔,卵圆窝 malleolar canal 踝管

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