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1、专四短语专四短语1. at large :详尽地,仔细地2. have a nodding acquaintance with 表示“对.有初步了解,对.有肤浅认识3. do away with 舍弃,废除,去掉4. in the case of :就而言,至于5. in the event of 万一,若6. with a view to 着眼于,以为目的 in view of :鉴于,考虑到7. with reference to 多用于书面语,意为”对来说”8. take.approach 采用.方法9. break away from :脱离,摆脱10. get off :出发,离开g

2、et over:痊愈,恢复,淡忘get to :开始,到达11. pull down :拆毁,拖垮12. drop off :减低,减少13. take in:欺骗take away:拿走,使离开take effect:(药效)见效,(法规等)生效take turns :轮流,依次take down:拆掉14. impose on :征税,强加15. center on:集中于16. at length :详尽地17. at hand:在手边,即将到来18. life span 寿命19. 把.归于20. distributeto把.分配给.21. contribut

3、e.to把.贡献给.22. consistent with:与一致,与相符23. gear to 使适合24. yield to :让步25. lose no time in doing sth . 立即干某事26. out of hand :难以控制的,不可收拾的27. out of place : 不适当的,不恰当的28. out of reason : 无理的,不可理喻的29. be opposed to sth./doing sth 反对30. hold to遵守,忠于,坚持I always hold to what I have said .31. at one time :一度,曾

4、经32. much of a (an)+n. 了不起的33. catch on to sth:领会,理解,懂得34. take a hint : 接受别人的暗示35. resort to : 诉诸,求助于36. cut off :切断,割断37. hang back :犹豫38. at ones disposal : 听其使用,听其支配39. wipe out :消灭,毁灭wipe away:擦去,揩去wipe off:擦去 ,除掉,购销(债务)wipe up:(用布)擦去(液体,尘土),擦干(洗过的东西)40. draw up :起草,拟定;(使)停住draw on:吸,抽烟;动用,利用;临

5、近,接近draw in:天渐黑,白昼渐短,汽车或火车到站draw down:引来,招致41. entitle sb to do (doing) sth :赋予某人做某事的权利42. give an account of :叙述,描写43. cut sb short :打断某人的话44. fight for :为奋斗 fight with :反对而战,与为敌45. in accordance with:与一致46. in the vicinity of :在附近47. in quest of :为了探索,为了寻求48. hang by a thread :千钧一发,处境危险49. none bu

6、t:只有50. none other than:不是别人(或物)而正是51. at stake:处于险境,在危险中52. what little+名词 所仅有53. run over:溢出,超出限度54. take to:开始从事take on :承担,呈现55. hold up:支持,支撑;延迟;展示,举出;抢劫56. lay sb off :暂时解雇某人lay aside :储蓄,把放在一边lay out :展示,安排,布置lay down :制定,规定57. run against:违反run for :竞选run over :温习58. its no use doing sth :做是

7、没用的59. in private:单独,私下60. comparable to /with:能与相比的61. at fault :有毛病,是问题之所在62. be intent on :一心一意,专心致志63. deficient in:欠缺的,不足的64. be popular with :受到的喜爱65. give sb an order for sth :向某人订购某物66. be characteristic of:是 特有的67. turn out :生产turn up :露面,发生68. out of stock :没有存货的69. out of practice :缺乏练习的7

8、0. go beyond :超过,超出71. as a whole :作为整体72. act upon :作用于73. across the sky:划过天空74. absence from:缺席,不在absence of :缺乏75. affection for/towards :爱,喜欢76. apology to sb for sth : 道歉77. appeal to sb for sth :呼吁,恳求appeal for:魅力,吸引力78. consent to sth :同意79. credit for sth:荣誉,赞扬80. delegate to :参加的代表81. haza

9、rd to :危险82. inquiry about:对的查询inquiry into :对的调查83. memorial to sth :引进(物)84. preference for sth:预防,预备85. precaution against :耐心86. remedy for:补救,解决87. pave the way for 为.铺平道路 88. Peculiar to 特有的 89. in the process of 在的过程中 90. be accompanied by 由伴随,同时发生 91. contradict to/with 与相矛盾92.idle away 虚度时间

10、,无所事事 93.arise from 源自于 94. get a glimpse of 瞥见 doubt 毫无疑问 in doubt 值得怀疑 beyond doubt 无疑96.defy sb to do sth 挑拨某人做某事 97.convert into/to 将转化成98.leave sb alone 别打扰 99.let alone 更别说 100.beneath ones dignity 有失身份stand on ones dignity 保持不失尊严 101.fall into disgrace with sb 失宠于某人,失去某人的欢心102.uproot sb.

11、/oneself (from)迫使某人离开出生地103.accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于 accommodate with 向某人供应 104. make allowance(s) for 考虑到体谅到105.leave alone 不打扰 on leave 休假 106.take French leave 不告而别 107.crumble to/into 碎成样子108.get into/out of a spin 进入/摆脱螺旋状态109.vice versa 反之亦然 110. be eager for 渴望be eager to do 渴望做 111.part

12、icipate in 参与到中112.exclude from 拒绝,把赶出 113. in hast From scratch 从头开始 114. descend from 从下来,源于Descend on 突然袭击,突然拜访某人 115. owe to 欠钱,把归功于 Owing to 由于 116.lag behind 落后 117.counterattack on 对反攻118.Give emphasis to 强调 lay emphasis on 着重于119.First and foremost 首先 120. be comparable to 与可比较121.Raise an e

13、mbargo 解除禁运 on the go :繁忙 123.beat around the bush :拐弯抹角,兜圈子124.Split the difference:折中,成交125gain speed:加速126Flow out :流出127.burst out :喷发,爆发128.leak out :泄漏129.trickle out :滴出 volcano :活火山131.catch out :使原形毕露,抓住的短处 Catch on :流行,风行 illustrative of :说明,解释 badly off:穷困,缺少1

14、34.within living memory : 现在还被人牢记着,人们记忆犹新135.have a quiet word with sb :与某人私下里谈谈136.toss a coin :掷硬币 about :关心,担心 Care for :喜欢138.make the transition :进行转换139.fall out with :争吵,起纠纷140.a handful of :一小部分141.much less:更不用说 be denied :被拒绝给予143.agree to sth. :同意,愿意,答应(某事) Agree with sb. :同

15、意某人的意见Agree on(upon):对取得一致意见144.hang out :外出玩儿,闲逛 Hang about :逗留,徘徊 Hang on :握住不放,坚持,不挂断 Hang over:延续,威胁145.stumble on /upon :偶然发现146.lay out :安排,筹划147.dwell on:详细讨论148.put the final touches to :做最后的修饰,完成最后的细节 close range :接近地,近距离地150.put forth:提出,发表,生出 this point :此时此刻,目前152.progress to

16、 :发展成153.slow season:顾客少,滞销季节,多用作表语 Slack season :表示与通常情况相比生意“萧条,清淡的季节”154.low season :指旅游景点地区宾馆客少等的淡季 suspense :心神不宁,悬而未决156.entertain an idea /hope/thought :正式表达,意为抱有某种想法157.pass off :冒充,蒙骗 Pass out :昏倒Pass by :经过,路过Pass over :越过158. out of the blue:非正式表达,意外地,突然地159.none other than 和 no othe

17、r than 均意为“正是,恰恰是”,前者比后者更常用no more than :不过,仅仅 none the less :仍然,还是 160.absolute necessity:绝对必要161.A is to B what C is to D A 对于B就如同C对于D162.:come in handy :迟早会有用,派上用场163.blow ones own trumpet :自吹自擂,自我标榜e to ones rescue:解救某人,救助某人165.all the way :一路上,完全166. a wealth of something :大量,通常指有用的好东西167.not s

18、o much as.:与其说不如说168.not more than .不比更 ,后者好于前者169.turn ones back on sb :背弃,抛弃,拒绝帮助别人170.step off:齐步前进,从上走下来171.jump off:脱离172.there is no such thing as没有这样的事 discrimination against sb :歧视他人174.right moment :合适的时候175.manage /come to / make/strike a compromise :达成妥协176.anything but :绝不177.see

19、 light at the end of the tunnel :看到希望,有希望178.move on :继续进行Move off :离开Move along:往前走 ,走开179.intense heat :酷热180.pull back:撤退,把向后拉Pull up:停下,阻止Pull through :渡过难关,恢复健康Pull out :退出,撤退181. be reduced to :沦落为 armed with :配备有183 . to ones full capacity :尽某人最大的能力 in session :正在开会185.inner world :内心世界186,there is something in .有一定道理187.on the rise :在上升On the decline:在下降188.all thumbs:笨手笨脚的,笨拙的189.immerse in :沉浸在,专注于190.renowned for :因而出名191.embark on/upon:从事,着手,登上船192.nothing better than:没有比更好Nothing less than:完全是,简直是No less than :不少于,不亚于193.pull ones leg :开某人的玩笑,逗某人玩

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