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1、地道英文俚语AZ431440地道英语句典A-Z #431-440地道美语实用句子中英对照总汇,把整体美语环境带到你面前唯一途径。(某些措辞可能不雅或冒犯,请读者原谅和自行选择)r: 耳: () ear; () ear-shape items银耳: white Tremella耳塞: earplugs 耳朵: ear耳垂: earlobe耳挖子: ear pick白木耳: white tree fungus*他(耳边细语)1说(他多么爱她)2: He (whispered in her ears)1 and said (how much he loved her)2.*她告诉她(十来岁的女儿)1

2、什么都是(左耳入右耳出)2: Whatever she tells her (teenage daughter)1, (it goes in one ear and out the other)2.*那个人有(穿孔1a/下垂1b/ 尖1c/细菌感染1d/听觉灵敏1e)的耳朵: The person has (pierced1a/floppy1b/ pointed1c/infected1d/ sharp1e) ears.*(董事会)1去(外面)2(搜寻)3(新总裁)4(等于)5对(第二把交椅的)6(财务总监)7(打了一个耳光)8: The Boards1 search3 for a (new C

3、EO)4 from outside2 is like5 (a slap on the face)8 for the second-in-command6 CFO7.*他说: “菲的(音乐已经1a/歌曲已经1b)对我时常是(悦耳的音乐)2能够(把我置于差不多做任何事的情绪)3.”: He said: “Feis (music has1a/ songs have1b) always been (ear candy)2 for me and can (get me in the mood for just about anything)3.”*今早当(喝咖啡休息)1时他(意料不到地/ditto)2说

4、: “我的耳朵(灼热)3(一定有人在谈及我)4.”: This morning during (coffee break)1 he said (out of the blue/unexpectedly)2: “My ears are burning3 and (someone must be talking about me)4.” *这些(学校女孩子)1于(一开始有生动有趣闲话的暗示)2她们便(竖起/ditto3a/开着3b) 她们的(耳朵)4: These (school girls)1 (perked up/pricked up3a/opened3b) their ears4 at th

5、e (first hint of a juicy gossip)2.*那(子公司的)1 (会计主任)2(有困难的工作)3来(担当)4(总公司)5的(耳目6a/监视人6b) (同时)7(获得)8他(本地同事)9的(信任)10: The subsidiarys1 controller2 (has the difficult task)3 of acting4 as the (eyes and ears6a/watchdog6b) of the (Head Office)5 while7 securing8 the trust10 of his (local fellow workers)9. *他

6、的(同事)1在(办公室)2对他说: “在(这里周围发生的事情)3是(荒谬)4的.” 他回答道: “(小心)5! (隔墙有耳6a/你不知道谁在窃听6b/你永远不知道谁在听着6c).”: His colleague1 said to him in the office2: “(Things happening around here)3 are ridiculous4.” He replied: “(Be careful)5! (The walls have ears6a/You dont know whos eavesdropping6b/You never know whos listenin

7、g6c).”*他说: “如果你有(一些重要的事要说)1(我洗耳恭听2a/让我们听罢2b/开始说罢2c) (否则)3不要(浪费)4(我的5a/ 我们的5b) 注: “我”是比较不客气的语气的(时间)6.”: He said: “If youve (something important to say)1, (Im all ears2a/lets hear it 2b/go ahead and say it2c), otherwise3 dont waste4 (my5a/ our5b) time6.”饵餌: () bait; (饼) cake鱼饵: (fishing bait/fishing l

8、ure)*在(多年没有赚过钱的公司)1之(分享利润计划)2只是个(安抚士气低落工人)3(没有意义4a/毫无重要性4b)的(用来平息不满的诱饵)5: A (profit sharing plan)2 in (a company that hasnt turned a profit for years)1 is just a (meaningless4a/ inconsequential4b) sop5 to (pacify the demoralized workers)3.*他说: “来把你的舅舅弄来明天的(家庭聚餐)1我们可以告诉他一个(漂亮的单身女孩子)2(也被邀请)3但我不认为他会(上钓

9、/受诱饵上当)4.”: He said: “To get your uncle to come to tomorrows (family dinner)1, we can tell him a (beautiful single girl)2 (is also invited)3, but I dont think he would (take the bait/ditto)4.” 尔爾: () you 古;r: 二: () two*他在(赛跑)1(第二名次)2: He (was placed second/came second/was the runner-up)2 in the race

10、1.*(不论)1(他怎么样努力尝试)2他(在任何事情)3(时常只是占第二名次/ditto)4: (No matter)1 (how hard he tried)2, he (always came in second/was always the bridesmaid but never the bride/was always the second-best)4 (in anything)3.*他说: “(经历过)1(课程2a/训练2b)后所有那些(空手道动作)3对你会成为(第二天性)4.”: He said: “After (going through)1 the (program2a/

11、training2b) all those (karate moves)3 should become (second nature)4 to you.”*一个(球员)1说: “(我们去欺骗谁人)2? 如果我们的(球队)3不是(联赛最差那一队)4, 那(必定是很接近的第二队)5.”: A player1 said: “(Who are we kidding)2? If our team3 is not (the worst in the league)4, it (has to be a close second)5.”贰貳: () capital print of “二”FFFf: 发發:

12、() send (out; to); (酵) leavening; (涨) swell up; (泄) blow off (temper); (病作) flare up (sickness); (射) shoot (gun); (生) occur; () generate, e.g., (芽) buds, (热) heat, (电) electricity; (扬) augment; (育) physical growth; (展) develop; (财) get rich; (播) broadcast; (起) initiate; () unit of bullets or shells;

13、 (票) invoice沙发: (sofa/couch)发令者: starter (of a race)发烧友: (buff/fanatic/ enthusiast/fan) 发达国家: developed countries 发展中国家: developing countries*我们公司(按月)1(发薪)2: We (get paid)2 monthly1 in our company.*那(工厂)1(工资不能够发出)2: The factory1 (is unable to meet payroll)2.*那(演说者)1说: “(你若有问题)2(请随便发言)3:The speaker1

14、said: “(Please speak out freely)3 (if you have a question)2.”*如果你(发出/ditto)1(友谊的气氛)2(那是你所得回)3: If you (send out/give off)1 the (friendship vibes note: not “vibe”)2 (thats what you get back)3.*三个月(完全病症消失)1后他有另一个(心脏病复发)2: He had another (heart attack relapse)2 three month after (complete remission)1.*

15、今天我们的(簿记员)1(吃完中午饭回来)2(发散出酒精气味)3: Our bookkeeper1 (reeked of alcohol)3 when she (came back from lunch)2 today.*他说: “一旦我的(花粉症)1开始(爆发)2时我知道(春天已经来临了)3.”: He said: “I know (spring is in the air)3 once my (hay fever)1 starts to (flare up)2.”*他说一套(科幻电影)1(触发2a/激发2b)他对(科学)3的(兴趣)4: He said a (sci-fi movie)1 (

16、sparked2a/ inspired2b) his interest4 in science3.*(任何契约一方的)1(破产)2是(条款)3中(触发事件)4(来终止合同)5: The bankruptcy2 (of any one contractual party)1 would be a (triggering event)4 in the provisions3 (to terminate the agreement)5.*(欧元的发起)1对(美元的)2(至上的地位)3(导致/ditto)4(真正的)5(威胁)6: (Euros launch)1 (poses/presents)4 a

17、 real5 threat6 to (U.S. dollars)2 supremacy3.*对明天的(太空船)1(发射)2(每事都准备好去发生3a/不会发生3b): (Everything is a go3a/Its a no-go3b) for the launch2 of the spaceship1 tomorrow.*很多父母(发觉很难接受)1他们的(孩子)2将来(有一天)3会(离别家庭)4: Many parents (find it hard to accept)1 their children2 will (leave home)4 someday3.*那公司说它(权力散发的)1

18、(支部)2能(迅速)3对(市场转变)4 (作出反应)5: The company said its decentralized1 divisions2 could promptly3 respond5 to (market changes)4.*那(被告)1(声称)2他不是(发起/ditto)3那(打斗)4而是被(激发)5去做它: The defendant1 claimed2 he did not (initiate/ start)3 the fight4 but was provoked5 into doing it.*她说: “(找到)1(那么近工作地方)2(这么好的租用公寓房子)3(真

19、是幸运的发现)4.”: She said: “Locating1 (such a nice rental apartment)3 (so close to work)2 is a (real lucky find)4.”*他说: “除非(一些紧急事情)1(预料不到发生/ditto)2下星期一我将会(出席会议)3.”: He said: “Ill (attend the meeting)3 next Monday unless (something urgent)1 (crops up/happens unexpectedly)2.”*他说: “五分钟后(我会陪你)1随着我(迅速发出/ditto

20、)2(两个)3(紧急的电子邮件)4: He said: “(Ill be with you)1 in five minutes after I (get off/fire off/quickly send out)2 (a couple of)3 (urgent emails)4.” *(球赛之)1(中场休息时间)2(双方球迷之间)3(在看台)4(爆发/ditto)5(一个打斗)6: (A fight)6 (broke out/erupted)5 (at the stand)4 (between rival fans)3 (during halftime)2 (of the game)1.*这

21、年(正在发展/ditto)1成为这公 司(销售)2和(盈利)3(两者)4 (创新纪录的一年)5: This year is (shaping up/progressing/ developing)1 to be a (record year)5 for both4 revenues2 and earnings3 of this company.*一个(不容差错)1的(企业文化)2会(妨碍)3(员工的)4(自发性)5, (参与)6和(创造性)7: A (corporate culture)2 that is (unforgiving of mistakes)1 would discourage3

22、 employees4 initiative5, participation6 and creativity7.*(圣诞老人游行)1将会(如计划所定)2这星期天在香港(市区中心)3(发生4a/举行4b): (The Santa Claus Parade)1 will (take place4a/be held4b) in downtown3 Hong Kong this Sunday (as planned)2.*(有强烈迹象1a/没有迹象1b)那(一对超级巨星)2的(离婚)3是(即将发生/ditto)4: There (are strong indications1a/is no indic

23、ation1b) that a divorce3 of the (megastar couple)2 is (in the air/imminent/about to happen/ forthcoming/coming/about to take place)4.*这个(低级的文员)1(凭借着)2 (苦功)3和(决心)4(发展成为)5一个(真正的)6(行政人员)7: Through2 (hard work)3 and determination4, this (junior clerk)1 has (blossomed into)5 a genuine6 executive7.*他说: “(

24、不管什么事情发生/ditto)1, (我们一家人)2定会(留在一起/ditto)3.”: He said: “(Come what may/ Whatever happens/No matter what)1, (our family)2 will (stay together/ stick together)3.”*一年前今天这(乐队)1(发行)2他们(在四十八小时达到白金销量)3的他们(第一张唱片)4: A year ago today this group1 released2 their (first album)4 and it (went platinum in forty-eig

25、ht hours)3.*在有(闭门的董事会议/ditto)1 下(肯定)2(有些事情)3在(发生/ditto)4但(没有其他人知道任何东西)5: There have been (board meetings behind closed doors/closed-door board meetings)1 and definitely2 something3 is (cooking/going down/happening/taking place/going on)4, except (no one else knows anything)5.*那(组织者)1说: “今年的(中学科学展览会)

26、2在(创新)3, 我从来没有见过(那么多发明能力)4.”: The organizer1 said: “As for ingenuity3 in this years (high school science fair)2, I have never seen (so much inventiveness)4.”*(本地)1的(救济食物分配中心)2需要(义工)3(协助)4来(分发/ditto)5(免费餐)6给(穷困急需)7的人: The local1 (food bank)2 requires help4 from volunteers3 to (dole out/dish out/distr

27、ibute)5 (free meals)6 to needy7 people.*如果(事情)1(依照计划)2(发生/ditto)3我们的(零售店)4将会在(这秋初)5在(纽约/ditto)6(开张做生意)7: If things1 (come to pass/happen)3 (according to plan)2, our (retail store)4 will (open for business)7 in (New York/the Big Apple)6 (the very beginning of this fall)5.*他(打电话给我)1说: “(我很抱歉)2(一些重要事情)

28、3(意料不到刚发生/ditto)4明天我(将不能够跟你聚午餐)5.”: He (called me up)1 and said: “(Im sorry)2 (something important)3 (just came up/just crop up)4, and I (wont be able to meet you for lunch)5 tomorrow.”*(街上传闻)1是这(矿业公司)2 (将会有重大发现3a/已经有重大发现3b)它的(股价)4正将会(冲上云霄意)5: The (street rumor)1 is this (mining company)2 (is onto s

29、omething big3a/has made a major discovery3b), and its (stock price)4 is about to (skyrocket through the roof)5.*今早我们(绰号)1(冷静先生)2的(销售员)3从在(长时期出差后)4(慢吞吞走进/ditto)5(办公室)6并说: “(发生什么事啊/ditto)7.”: This morning our salesman3 nicknamed1 (Mr. Cool)2 (moseyed into/strolled into)5 the office6 (after a long busi

30、ness trip)4 and said: “(Whats happening/ Whats going down/Whats up/Whats cooking/Whats going on/Whats the scoop/ What gives)7?”*(年老人/ditto)1应该有(足够知识)2来(识别/ditto)3(病症)4当它们(意料不到时发生/ditto5a/突然发生/ditto5b): (Older people/Elders/Elderly)1 should be (knowledgeable enough)2 to (recognize/ identify)3 (sympto

31、ms of illness)4 when they (crop up/happen unexpectedly5a/ emerge suddenly/arise abruptly5b).*(店子经理)1从(钱柜/ditto)2(盗用钱/ditto)3(有很长时间)4, (正当)5(总公司)6(发觉/ditto)7(发生什么事)8她(逃走已有很久)9: The (store manager)1 had been (skimming/stealing/ embezzling)3 from the (cash register/till)2 (for a long while)4, and (by t

32、he time)5 the (head office)6 (got on to/figured out/ discovered)7 (what was happening)8, she (was long gone)9.*那早在(办公室)1(每一个人)2都(冷落他)3时他(察觉)4有事在(发生/ditto)5, (结果是)6他们(计划了)7给他(惊喜生日派对)8: He sensed4 something was (up/happening)5 when everyone2 (ignored him)3 in the office1 that morning, and (it turned out)6 they had (a surprise birthday

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