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1、What have you lear ned from the jobs you have held?Would you please make a brief introduction aboutyourself?Why did you take the MBA examination? Would you please say something about the currently MBA program in Chi na?Why do you choose RENMIN Un iversity to study MBA?Tell me a little about RENMIN U

2、n iversity form yourun dersta nding.How do the people around you review MBA?What s the differenee between MBA program at home and abroad?If you failed this time what will you do in the n ear future?Why do you want to be a part of MBA stude nts?Why do you thi nk you are qualified for MBA program?Do y

3、ou have a career pla n in 5 years?Do you have a study pla n if you were accepted as a MBAstude nt?What s your opinion about the requireme nt that a MBAstude nt must have work ing experie nee?How do you defi ne marketi ng or man ageme nt?Do you th ink En glish is quite importa nt in MBA study?Why?Do

4、you thi nk MBA trai ning courses will help you a lot inyour future life? Why?What do you want to do after your MBA study?What is the most important qualifieation that a MBAstude nt should have?Say a little about teamwork.Say a little about man ageme nt.How com muni catio n works in orga ni zatio ns?

5、andTell me the relati on ship betwee n the man ageme ntman ageme nt theory.What will you do if you can t find a job?Do you thi nk that the economy will get better?Who are you curre ntly employed with?What kinds of opport un ities are you look ing for?What is your biggest accomplishme nt on the job?W

6、hat joy did you enjoy the most and why?What would your former boss say about you?Why did you leave your last job?Please tell me a little about your work ing history? What kind of fields?Say a little about your educati onal backgro und.What are your stre ngths and weak ness?What do you do in your spa

7、re time?What is your impressio n of Beiji ng?What is CFO? If you were a CFO, what would you do?What is the differe nee betwee n sales and marketi ng?What do you thi nk is the most importa nt as a man ager?mba常见问题汇总(二)I.Where do you live?Well, I am livi ng in Xiame n si nee I have job over there for

8、quite some time. I really enjoy life in the seaside city like Xiame n.2s your family importa nt to you?Yes, they are very importa nt to me. Although I live alone no w, I do go back to see my pare nts at weeke nds. I n eed their support and comfort whenever I feel depressed and I also n eed them to s

9、hare my pleasure or success with me.3.Who has in flue need you most in your family?My father has in flue need me in many ways. For example, he taught me how to repair a bike and set up a tent, how tobehave bravely and so on. He is both a caring father and tough guy. I have always admired him.I would

10、 like you to tell me about a teacher who has greatly in flue need you. I would like you to talk about this topic for one or two minu tes.Looking back, I think one of the teachers who really in flue need me a lot was Mr. Wang. He was the physics teacher at the middle school. First, he took his teachi

11、 ng seriously. He was always well prepared to give his less ons and made sure we had got the importa nt poin ts. Moreover, he en couraged us to be con fide nt and brave to do everyth ing.4.What is your favorite part of the day?Well, the eve ning time for my family to stay together is really my happi

12、est time. We love each other and are always willi ng to share some in teresti ng eve nts around us and ready to give comfort and support to any family member whe n they are in trouble.5.How importa nt are frie nds to you?Friendship is very important to me. I can talk with myfriends about my family,

13、my worries, or my pla ns. They give me a lot of advice and support. I can share my happ in ess or sadness with them. Without friends, it is very difficult tosurvive in modern society, which is full of competition andstruggle.6.What do you thi nk of your boss/colleagues?Well, I can t say I feel close

14、 to every one of them, but I do find most of them enjoyable. I socialize with some people who are mostly of my age. We go out once a week to have dinneror go to cin ema. I can lear n a lot form them.7 .What do you do in your spare time?I have many things to do in my spare time. But my favorite one i

15、s reading the detective stories at home in the eve ning after I fin ish my homework.8.What is your favorite film?My favourite film is Gone with the Wind. I was deeply in flue nee by Scarlet s love for Ashley and Rhett s love for Scarlet, which was hopeless. I think she is brave, intelligent, in depe

16、 ndent, and courageous.What are the characteristics of a good boss?Inspiring, experieneed, well-dressed, polite, easy to talk to, hard work ing, hon est, sen sible9.What ben efits would you offer your employees?Compa nies offer their employees many ben efits, which usually depe nds on how long the employee has worked there and their positi on in the compa ny. These ben efits couldinclude very expensive items such as accommodation, orcha nces of traveli ng, and holiday.

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