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1、中考英语总复习提分特训语法专项训练四语法专项训练四动词概述及时态和情态动词动词概述及时态一、单项填空1.Long time no see!Oh,it like years since I last saw you.A.feelsB.soundsC.seems D.looks答案:C解析:seem like意为“好像”;look like意为“看起来像”。句意:自从我上次看到你,似乎已过了很多年了。2.The radio the cold weather is coming,with strong winds from the northwest.A.speaks B.saysC.tells D

2、.talks答案:B解析:say强调说的内容。句意:收音机说寒冷的天气就要来了,有来自西北方的强风。3.Listen,the country music so sweet.A.smells B.soundsC.feels D.looks 答案:B解析:句意:听,乡村音乐真悦耳。音乐听着很悦耳,用sound。故选B项。4.He the dishes and went out with his friend.A.put on B.put upC.put off D.put away答案:D解析:句意:他收起餐具和他的朋友一起出去了。put on“穿上”;put up“搭起”;put off“推迟”

3、;put away“把收起来”。故选D项。5.Im sorry I my exercise book at home this morning.It doesnt matter.Dont forget it here this afternoon.A.left;to take B.forgot;bringingC.left;to bring D.forgot;to bring答案:C解析:“leave sth.+地点”表示“把某物落在某地”;forget to do sth.“忘记去做某事”。bring“把带过来”;take“把带走”。故选C项。6.The tomato and egg sou

4、p nice.Did you make it by yourself?Yes.Would you like another bowl?A.tastes B.smellsC.sounds D.feels答案:A解析:taste“尝起来”。句意:西红柿鸡蛋汤尝起来很美味。是你自己做的吗?7.Follow me and Ill you the way to the washroom.A.fall D.invite答案:C解析:show“展示”。句意:跟着我,我给你说去洗手间的路。8.Smart phones are more and more popular now.So

5、they are.But they still too B.costC.take D.spend答案:B解析:they在此指代物smart phones,因此用cost。9.If you dont know how to stress,you can ask your parents and teachers for help.A.argue with B.agree with D.part with答案:C解析:argue with“与争吵”;agree with“同意”;deal with“处理”;part with“分离”。由句意“如果你不知道

6、如何处理压力,你可以向父母和老师寻求帮助”可知选C项。10.He decides to the difficult problem by himself.A.try out B.check out D.hand out答案:C解析:try out“试验”;check out“检查”;work out“解决”;hand out“分发”。由句意“他决定独自解这道难题”可知选C项。11.The book wont until the end of the year.A.come out B.come overC.come true D.come on答案:A解析:句意:这本书直到

7、年底才会出版。come out“出版;发行”。故选A项。12.The radio is too loud.Please .A.turn it down B.turn it upC.turn it on D.turn it over答案:A解析:由上一句“收音机太响了”可知下一句应该是“请调低音量”。turn down“调低”。13.How much is your coat?Oh,it me 100 yuan.A.cost B.spentC.paid D.took答案:A解析:it代指上文提到的物“your coat”。故选A项。14.The birthday cake was into se

8、veral pieces and the children began to eat.A.fallen B.drivenC.divided D.knocked答案:C解析:divide.into.意为“把分成”。由句意“生日蛋糕被分成几块,孩子们开始高兴地吃起来”可知选C项。15.Is your father in now?No,he to Pan Changjiang Memorial with his friends.A.has been B.has goneC.will go D.went答案:B解析:由答语“不”可知其出去了还没有回来。故用has gone to。16.My uncle

9、 will call me up when he in Jinan.A.arrives B.will arriving D.has arrived答案:A解析:由when引导的时间状语从句,如果主句是一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。故选A项。17.The boy his right leg when he was riding to school.A.hurts hurting D.has hurt答案:B解析:由时间状语从句when he was riding to school可知,“腿受伤”这一动作发生在过去,因此用一般过去时。18.Ex

10、cuse me,can I your pen?Sorry,I have it to Bob.A.borrow;lent B.borrow;borrowed C.lend;borrowed D.lend;lent 答案:A解析:句意:请问,我可以借你的钢笔吗?对不起,我把它借给鲍勃了。borrow“借入”;lend“借出”。故选A项。19.Tom the piano every day when he was in primary school.A.plays B.playedC.was playing D.has played答案:B解析:由时间状语可知时态为过去时,再由every day可知

11、时态为一般过去时。故选B项。20.Alice likes doing housework.She her room every afternoon.A.cleans cleaning D.has cleaned答案:A解析:由every afternoon可知时态为一般现在时。故选A项。21.Maria the dishes in the kitchen at this time yesterday.A.does doing D.was doing答案:D解析:由at this time yesterday(昨天这个时候)可知,本句用过去进行时。

12、句意:昨天这个时间玛丽亚正在厨房做菜。故选D项。22.Are you surprised at the ending of the movie?No,because I the B.will readC.have read D.was reading答案:C解析:由答语No可知其已经读过这个故事,因此用现在完成时。故选C项。23.Students in Class One the museum next Friday.A.visited B.visitC.will visit D.have visited答案:C解析:由next Friday可知时态为一般将来时。故选

13、C项。24.The boys shouted excitedly when they to the top of the mountain.A.climbed B.are climbingC.climb D.climbs答案:A解析:由shouted可知,“登山”这一动作发生在过去,用一般过去时。句意:当孩子们爬到山顶时,他们兴奋地呼喊。故选A项。25.Look!The children trees on the hill.A.planted B.plantC.have planted D.are planting答案:D解析:由句首的look可知,本句用现在进行时。26.By the tim

14、e my parents reached home yesterday,I the dinner already.A.had cooked B.cookedC.have cooked D.was cooking答案:A解析:由句首的by the time可知,做饭发生在“到家”之前,即发生在过去的过去,用过去完成时。故选A项。27.I my hometown for a long time.I really miss it.A.left B.went away fromC.have left D.have been away from答案:D解析:由时间状语for a long time可知时

15、态为现在完成时且谓语动词为延续性动词。故选D项。28.What were you doing when we were playing basketball yesterday afternoon?I the classroom.A.was cleaning B.have cleanedC.will clean D.clean答案:A解析:由问句可知时态为过去进行时。故选A项。29.There a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.A.will be B.will haveC.has going to have 答案

16、:A解析:由时间状语next Saturday evening可知时态为一般将来时,there be结构的将来时用there will be。30.I hear your grandpa has an old cup in your home.Yes.It drinking tea long ago and my grandpa drink tea with it when he was young.A.was used to;was used toB.used for;used toC.was used for;was used toD.was used for;used to答案:D解析:

17、be used for doing sth.“用于做某事”;used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”。故选D项。二、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空1.Bob wants to know if you (go) for a picnic tomorrow.Yes.But we will stay at home if it(rain).答案:will go;rains2.Lily often (go)to school at seven in the morning.答案:goes3.The Blacks (fly)to New York yesterday.答案:flew4.The go

18、vernment said they (spend)a large amount of money on pollution the next year.答案:would spend5.You seem to know much about the city.Thats true.I (visit)it twice.答案:have visited6.Our English teacher (phone)me yesterday.答案:phoned7.Every time Mary comes,she (bring)us some flowers.答案:brings8.Three months

19、(pass)since I last saw him.答案:has passed9.Do you know the man who is (lie)on the hospital bed?答案:lying10.The teacher always (read)a funny story at the end of the class.答案:reads11.Mr.Black (buy)two pairs of shoes for his son in the mall yesterday.答案:bought12.A car suddenly (appear)around the corner i

20、n the small village.答案:appeared13.Jims mother (point)at his shoes and asked him to clean them.答案:pointed14.We are (plan)a vacation to Tibet this summer.答案:planning15.Li Ming (finish)his homework on time.He never puts it off till tomorrow.答案:finishes16.The water is polluted so seriously that we cant

21、(drink)it.答案:drink17.The bread (taste)very nice.Would you like to have some?答案:tastes18.Where is Li Ming?He (go)to the gym.He will be back in five minutes.答案:has gone19.I (lend)that record to John but never got it back.答案:lent20.Unless it (rain),well visit Shanghai Wild Animal Park this weekend.答案:r

22、ains21.I feel confident that our school football team will (win)the match.答案:win22.Helens knowledge of space (increase) in the past few years.答案:has increased23.She went into the room and (shut) the door.答案:shut24.The boy realized he (behave) badly and decided to say sorry to that lady.答案:had behave

23、d25.Miss Li often (encourage) us to take part in physical activities after class.答案:encourages情态动词一、单项填空1.Must I clean the house now,Mr.Smith?No,you .A.cantB.shouldntC.wouldntD.neednt答案:D解析:must引导一般疑问句的否定回答用neednt。2.The last bus has left.Im afraid you walk to school.A.can B.have to C.must D.may答案:B解

24、析:must表示主观的要求;have to表示客观的需要。由上文句意“末班车离开了”可推测下文句意为“恐怕你必须步行到学校”。故选B项。3.Excuse me,could I borrow your bike?Of course you .A.could B.can C.must D.need答案:B解析:由上文句意“打扰了,我能借你的自行车吗?”可推测下文答语“当然可以”。故选B项。4.Can I go to the park,Mum?Certainly.But you be back by six oclock.A.can B.may C.might D.must答案:D解析:由but可知

25、可以去公园,但“必须”在6点以前回来。5.People wait until the traffic light becomes green.Thats the traffic rule.A.must B.can C.need D.may答案:A解析:must“必须”,表示命令。6.May I take this magazine out of the reading room?No,you.A.mightnt B.wontC.neednt D.mustnt答案:D解析:may引导的表示请求的疑问句做否定回答时可用mustnt“禁止”。故选D项。7.Whos singing in the ga

26、rden?It be Mr.Brown.He always practices singing at this time.A.must B.cant C.need D.may答案:A解析:must“一定”,表示有把握的肯定推测。8.You worry about your son.He will get well soon.A.neednt B.cantC.mustnt D.shouldnt答案:A解析:由下文句意“他不久就会变好的”可推测上文句意“你不必担心你的儿子”。neednt“没必要”。9.We use mobile phones when the plane takes off.A.

27、may not B.shouldnt C.neednt D.mustnt 答案:D解析:句意:当飞机起飞时我们不准用手机。mustnt“不准”表示禁止。10.We fight against pollution.A.may B.shouldC.mustnt D.neednt答案:B解析:由句意“我们应该和污染做斗争”可知,B项符合语境。should“应该”。11.Lingling,can I use your e-dictionary?Sure.But you return it after class.A.must B.can C.may D.would答案:A解析:答句句意:当然可以,但你

28、必须下课后还我。must“必须”。12. you come with me to Lang Langs piano concert this evening?Id love to,but I have to study for my math test.A.Should B.May C.Must D.Can答案:D解析:“Can you.?”句型中,can表示请求。故选D项。13.Fifty dollars for such a blouse! You be joking.Im serious.Its made of silk.A.must B.can C.may D.need答案:A解析:由

29、上句“这样的一件女衬衫要50美元”可知觉得“一定”是在开玩笑,must“肯定;一定”。14.Bob,where is Linda?She be in the library,but I am not sure.A.must B.may C.need D.has to答案:B解析:由“但是我拿不准”可知用may表示把握性较小的推测。故选B项。15.I cant find Dad.Where is he?Im not sure.He be in the study.A.must B.may C.need D.will答案:B解析:由上文句意“我不能确定”可推测,他可能在书房。故选B项。16.Lisa,hurry up!The bus is coming.Oh,no.We cross the street until the traffic light turns green.A.mustnt B.needntC.should D.may not答案:A解析:mustnt“不准”用来表示禁止做

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