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1、I like math. 2 A:Do you like math?Yes,I do. / No ,I dont. 3 A:Whats that? Its my science book. 4 Does he like math? Yes,he does. 5 Does she like music?No, she doesnt. 她/他用 does 第二单元一、现在分词动词中文readreading读swimswimming游泳eateating吃singsinging唱paintpainting画画studystudying学习sleepsleeping睡觉playplaying玩runr

2、unning跑writewriting写dodoing做dancedancing跳舞规则如下 1.动词+ing read-reading eat-eating paint-painting sleep-sleeping do-doing sing-singing study-studying play-playing 2. e结尾的动词去掉e+ing 如write-writing dance-dancing3. 一个元音,一个辅音结尾的要重写辅音 如run-running swim-swimming4. 练习 写一写下面的分词read eat paint sleep sing study pl

3、ay write dance 二、 be动词的应用单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称主格Iyouhesheitwethey宾格mehimherusthem1. I(我)+am 例句:I am happy. 我快乐。你)+are 例句:What are you doing ?你正在干什么?3.he/she/it( 第三人称单数)+is 例句:He is fishing.他正在钓鱼。 She is reading.她正在读书。 Its a English book.这是一本书英文书 。4. 所有复数+are 例句:We are singing.我们在唱歌。 They are playin

4、g.他们在玩。 You are reading.你在读书。口诀: 我接am,你接are,他接is,复数全接are,Be动词用法要记好。练习:1.A:What he doing? B: He fishing. 2 A:What you doing? I reading. 3 A:What they doing? They sleeping. 4A:What she doing? She running.第三单元Sunday周日Wednesday周三Saturday周六today今天Monday周一Thursday周四week一周birthday生日Tuesday周二Friday周五basketb

5、all篮球happy快乐 play basketball打篮球Play the violin弹小提琴Play ping-pong打乒乓球Play soccer踢足球Play baseball打棒球Play the piano弹钢琴 词组 句型:A:What day is it today? B:Its Sunday. A:What do you do on Sunday? B:I play basketball on Sunday.第四单元one1two2three3four4five5six6seven7eight8nine9ten10eleven11twelve12thirteen13fo

6、urteen14fifteen15sixteen16seventeen17eighteen18nineteen19twenty20Get up起床Have breakfast吃早餐Go go bed去睡觉Go to school去学校Have lunch吃午餐Do homework做作业Get home到家Have dinner吃晚餐Its time to +到做.的时间句型1 What time is it ?Its five oclock. 2 Its time to go to the lake.第五单元 My bodyhead-头mouth嘴earears耳朵handhands手eyeeyes眼睛leglegs腿armarms胳膊nose鼻子footfeet脚课文: This is his body. These are his arms This is his head . This is his mouth. These are his legs Whats he doing? Hes dancing. Aha, hes Pinocchio.Touch you nose! Touch your mouth! Close your eyes.

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