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1、英语河南省郑州市八校学年高二下学期期中联考试题河南省郑州市八校2016-2017学年高二下学期期中联考英语试题第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AI was born an albino(白化病人) in Pennsylvania in 1945. No one in my family had ever known what an albino was and what it meant to be an albino.My family and

2、friends treated me as everybody else. That was just about the best thing they could have done. It helped me believe in myself, so when troubles came along, I could deal with them.Like most albinos, I had terrible eyesight, but the fact that I could hardly see didnt bother me that much.Kids would tea

3、se me, calling me ”Whitey”. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the tip of my nose so that I could see it well enough. Even when I was eight, movie-theater clerks started asking me to pay full prices because I “looked older”.The worst part for me was that because my eyesight wa

4、s so bad, I couldnt play sports very well. I didnt give up trying, though. I shot hoops(投篮) every day. And I studied harder.Eventually, I got better at school and loved itBy the time I got to college, I was double majoring, going to summer school and busying myself with every activity I could find.

5、I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make ”albino” a positive word. And I decided to make my living with my eyes-and in sports.I couldnt see very well to play sports, but with a solid education and a drive to do it, I could make a living involved in the area I loved. Ive do

6、ne it now for over thirty years in print and in video, and now in cyberspace(网络空间). People make jokes about how Im the only ”blind editor” they know, but the jokes are affectionate, some of them signs of respect.I was just a proud albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that

7、being born an albino helped me to overcome difficulties, gain confidence and be proud of my personal achievement.1.According to the author, helped him a lot in dealing with troubles.A. his education in schoolB. the sympathy from the publicC. the special care from his family and friendsD. the equal w

8、ay his family and friends treated him2.All the following are the signs of being an albino for the author except .A. poor eyesightB. an older appearancesC. abnormally white skinD. being unable to play sports3.The authors good education and strong motivation made him successful as a(n) . A. sports edi

9、tor B. Disc Jockey(DJ) C. printer D. IT engineer4.We can infer from the passage that .A. the authors poor eyesight made him very upsetB. the author holds an optimistic attitude towards his illnessC. the author finally did well in playing sports after years of practiceD. many people laugh at the auth

10、or because he attempts to do more than he canB In my second-to-last semester of college, my favorite professor announced that he would be teaching a study abroad course over winter break in Cambodia. The more he talked about the opportunity, the more interested I became. I left class thinking I migh

11、t actually do it.My immediate excitement gave in to excuses as the weeks passed. The trip would be expensive, I would have less time to spend with my family over winter break, and I hadnt really traveled before. Most of all, I was terrified of taking the risk.On the day I made my decision, I suddenl

12、y felt as if I had finally opened my eyes and seen myself clearly. Why was I so scared to take this chance? I had moved away from home, almost graduated college and overcome plenty of small-scale fears. How could I let fear get in the way of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Besides, I had always dr

13、eamed of traveling the world and studying abroad was a major point on my bucket list(人生目标清单).So I took the challenge. I was scared yet excited on the plane, but my fears faded as soon as the wheels touched the runway. I soon found myself immersed(沉浸) in ancient, ornate(华丽的) mountain-top temples. I s

14、pent my days teaching poor orphans simple English, learned a little Khmer myself and became an expert at avoiding terrible traffic and bargaining with Cambodian store owners. By the end of my stay, I had fallen in love with travel, exploration and a life of daily wonders.My experience in Cambodia wa

15、s incredible and life-changing. I came back a different person, but a better one: a better friend, sister, daughter, girlfriend and student. I came back a grown woman instead of a young girl.After Cambodia, my life clicked into place(步入正轨). Before the trip, I hadnt known what I wanted to do after gr

16、aduation. Now I am planning on teaching English abroad. I am still amazed by my experience and thankful for everything it taught me. I now have a passion for conquering(征服) fears, big or small, and have a renewed faith in myself.5.The authors excitement to go to Cambodia faded mainly because .A. she

17、 could not afford the expensive tripB. she had no experience of traveling abroadC. she was scared of the risk she would be takingD. she preferred spending time with her family to traveling6.How did the author decide to go to Cambodia in the end?A. She had a heart-to-heart talk with her family.B. She

18、 thought about what might have made her scared.C. She went through every item she had put on her bucket list.D. She realized the challenges and fears she had overcome before.7.What did the author do in Cambodia?A. She taught Khmer.B. She studied English.C. She helped local children.D. She studied tr

19、affic problems.8.What did the author think of her stay in Cambodia?A. It was relaxing and refreshing.B. It gave her a better idea of herself.C. It improved her communication skills.D. It led her to offer her help to volunteer services.C (CNN)-A killer whale killed a trainer Wednesday afternoon at Se

20、aWorlds Shamu Stadium in Orlando, Florida, a public information officer for the Orange County Sheriffs Office said.The 40-year-old woman, identified by sheriffs spokesman Jim Solomons as Dawn Brancheau, was in the whale holding area about 2 p.m. when “she apparently slipped or fell into the tank and

21、 was fatally injured by one of the whales,” he said.But a witness told CNN that the whale approached the glass side of the 35-foot-deep tank at Shamu Stadium, jumped up and grabbed the trainer by the waist, shaking her so violently that her shoe came off.WKMG: Killer whale kills trainerA SeaWorld em

22、ployee who asked not to be identified confirmed the description of the attack and added that the whale involved is named Tillikum.The incident occurred after a show called “Dine with Shamu,” said Paula Gillespie, who attended with her daughter.“During the show everything was perfectly fine,” she sai

23、d.Afterward, “we went down to look at his full body underneath the isolation tank,” she said. “Everything seemed calm and OK. The trainer was laying herself down on him and kissing his nose and rubbing him.”But the scene changed quickly, she said.“Within five minutes, she was down in the tank and we

24、 saw all the thrashing(扑腾) and the bubbles and him pushing her with his nose,” she said. “It was just so, so upsetting.”Within moments, sirens(警笛) went off and SeaWorld employees asked her to leave the building, she said.Jack Hanna, director of the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium in Ohio, said he knew Bra

25、ncheau and that she would want her work to continue. He also hopes SeaWorld continues with the work it does with killer whales.But a spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals called the death “a tragedy that didnt have to happen.” Jaime Zalac said the organization had called on “SeaW

26、orld to stop confining(禁闭) oceangoing mammals to an area that to them is like the size of a bathtub, and we have also been asking the park to stop forcing the animals to perform silly tricks over and over again.”9.What probably caused the death of a whale trainer according to the text?A. A killer wh

27、ale kissed her to death.B. She was attacked by a violent killer whale.C. A whale jumped out of the broken tank and killed her.D. She missed her steps because of carelessness and fell into the tank.10.Whats the best title of the text?A. A Great Trainer and a Wild WhaleB. SeaWorld Trainer Killed by Ki

28、ller WhaleC. What Happened Is Something That HappensD. SeaWorld Getting Rid of Its Killer Whale Show11.From the text we know that .A. SeaWorld would want Brancheaus work to continueB. SeaWorlds killer whale show bring in a lot of moneyC. different people have different reactions to the accidentD. ke

29、eping the killer whales in a tank is bound to cause deathD Robots and humans will soon be living in harmony. A singing robot is being taught to create jazz with a human in a project that researchers hope will throw light on the nature of consciousness. Antonio Chella from Italy is working with a Tel

30、enoid robot. To start with, the Telenoid will be trained to imitate the movements and simple sounds made by a human singer, and to connect music with different emotions states. Chella then plans to see if the robot can use these connections to create music. Some jazz musicians say that they should h

31、ave a mental library of musical phrases so that they are able to combine them in new ways. More importantly, however, this combination happens in a state that is similar in a sense to dreaming. Chella wants to copy these states in a machine.“This work raises interesting questions about the link betw

32、een consciousness and music making,” says Philippe Pasquier, a musician and computer scientist. But he is skeptical about whether a robot musician needs a physical body.Pasquer argues that robot are faced with two challenges. Software that can imitate Bach has already been developed. But interpretation(演绎) involves humans different tastes and judgments. “what made the Beatles famous was not so much their compositions(作品), but the fact that the interpretations of the compos

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