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1、国家电网专业技术人员电力英语水平考试选择题讲解解析题目范围,ABC级都在其中。单选3. 判断5 9 10 11 13 15 补全短文1 6 7 8 10 12 阅读理解1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 都是266页以后的section电力英语考试选择题讲解Section1 1. The orange is too high on the tree . Its out of my reach(伸出手).I need someone to help me.2. The city is named after famous president. (这个城

2、市是著名的总统名字命名的) named after短语”命名”3. It took millions of people several years to build the Great Wall.4. I have always considered(考虑过的/认为) you my best friend.5. If I take this medicine twice a day, it should cure (治愈)my cold. 如果我服用此药,一天两次,就应该治愈我的感冒6. It is considerate 考虑周到的 of you to turn down the radi

3、o while your sister is still ill in bed. 这是体贴你调低收音机,你的妹妹还在床上生病。7. Its not quite certain 肯定that he will be present at the meeting. 这不是肯定的是,他将出席会议8. It was natural (自然)that he count(计算) the days before going home.9. when she saw the clouds(乌去密布) she went back to house to fetch(取) her umbrella(伞).10. T

4、he metals which we find in the earth include(包括) iron , lead and copper. 在我们地球上发现金属包括有铁,铅和铜11. Your hair needs to be cut(剪) ;would you like me to do it for you.12. It was difficult难 to guess猜测 what her reaction反应 to the news消息 would be.13. Contrary相反 to your prediction预言 , they lost the game.14. We

5、say that a person has good manners if he or she is polite , kind and helpful to others. 我们说一个人具有良好的风度,如果他或她是有礼貌,善良和乐于助人。15. He is always kind , never cruel ,either to people or to animals. 他总是仁慈,从来没有残忍,不管是人或动物16. we should be careful仔细 when we are doing our exercises.练习17. The tallest hat帽子 would ma

6、ke him so tall that people would stop calling him a little man. 高顶帽子令他非常高大,人们将停止称他是小个人。18. Everyone seemed(似乎) to turn(变成) a blind(失明) eye to the rubbish (垃圾)on the floor. 每个人都似乎在地板上又视而不见垃圾19. If you have a house full of children an rubbish垃圾, you will next keep it clean(清扫)20. You are very lucky(幸运

7、), because you have a chance(机会) to study at college(大学)21. I was ashamed of 耻于when I lived生活.22. Xiao wang always comes up with (提出)wonderful(极好) ideas.23. Considering(考虑到) his age(年龄), he is unable to take the job.24. It is impossible to know in advance(预先) what will happen.25. Although尽管 many you

8、ng people are keen (热心,渴望)on going abroad(出国), he prefers(宁愿) to stay and work in his own country.26. The doctor has warned(警告) time and again(屡次) that smoking will affect(影响) his health, but johny just wont listen27. Youd better最好 have your cat repaired at once立刻, or you will be late for professors

9、 教授lecture演讲28. This is the very house in which Mr.Zhou once 曾经lived居住.29. The old photo ( reminded him of使.记起 )his childhood儿童时代 in the countryside农村30. He slipped and broke his leg. As a result 因此he would have to away from school for two weeks. 他滑倒摔断了腿。因此,他将不得不从学校离开了两个星期 Section2 1. Peters latest

10、book is so good that is beyond all praise赞美不尽彼得的最新著作是太好,超越所有的赞扬2. His failure to pay his debts confirmed证实 their suspicion怀疑 that he was not to be trusted. 他没有支付他的债务证实他们的怀疑,他不值得信任3. Sorry, I took your pen by mistake错误过失对不起,我误拿了你的笔4. The sisters differ in在不同 their interests兴趣.5. I long for渴望 an oppor

11、tunity 机会of seeing you. 我渴望见到你一个机会6. We have lessons every day except 除外on Sunday7. Failure(失败) to communicate沟通 resulted in导致 the high divorce rate. 不沟通导致离婚率高8. I am glad to have been given已获得 a change改变 visit访问our country. 我很高兴能有更改访问贵国9. Ruth finally最后 managed达成 to find what she was looking for露丝才

12、找到她一直在寻找10. The local 地方government政府 will offer提供 us what we need. 当地政府将为我们提供我们所需要的11. The room became completely dark when the candle went out熄灭房间变得完全黑暗当蜡烛熄灭时12. Pollution is said to cause使 many people to suffer from患 cancer癌. 污染是说令许多人患上癌症13. The doctor said he would try his best to relieve减轻 her o

13、f her pain痛苦.医生说,他将尽最大努力,以减轻她的痛苦14. Do you enjoy reading about the adventures冒险 of the great explorer伟大探险家 in the African forests非洲丛林15. It is impolite无礼 to stare盯着 at somebody or follow跟着 him constantly不变地.这是不礼貌地盯着别人,或者不断地跟他走16. We entered the museum just to find只是为了找 a shelter避难所 from a shower阵雨.

14、我们走进博物馆只是为了找到避雨的所。17. Baby-sitting保姆 is part of an off-camp job. 保姆是场外阵营工作的一部分18. Please speak loudly and clearly to make yourself heard and understood. 请大声说话,显然使自己听到和理解。19. Smallpox天花 left留下 lasting持久 scars 疤痕on George Washingtons nose and cheeks脸颊 but most artists艺术家 kindly亲切 left out遗漏 the pockma

15、rks痘痕 when painting画 his portraits画像. 天花离开乔治华盛顿的鼻子和脸颊,但大多数的艺术家请留下了凹坑时画的肖像持久的伤疤.20. Handwriting is how you present现在 yourself on paper.21. It is a Japanese custom风俗习惯 to take off ones shoes before entering a house.22. You may ask your teacher in case of difficulty在生活上遇到困难时你可能会问你的老师23. The young girl

16、made up her mind to get rid of摆脱 her bad habit习惯. 这位年轻的姑娘下了决心摆脱她的坏习惯24. It was in Greece希腊 that Olympic competitions started.正是在希腊的奥林匹克竞赛开始25. It seems似乎 that his opinions看法 are always different不同 from his girl-friend. They dont get along相处融洽well.26. The price of houses is going up while that of car

17、s has been brought down only to about 80 thousand yuan在房屋价格在不断攀升,而汽车,已降至仅约8.0万元27. Milk easily goes bad in hot weather. Youd better put it into the refrigerator冰箱28. Mr. White was made chairman主席 of the committee委员会, who was in charge of负责 the project项目.29. Her husband wasnt content with 满足于what he

18、gained and wanted to get more. 她的丈夫并不满足于他所获得的,并希望得到更多的30. When Tom woke up he was in the hospital, but he didnt know how that had come about发生造成的. 当汤姆醒来时,他在医院里,但他不知道怎样发生的 Section3 1. Johns sudden突然的 death死亡 was a great blow打击 to his mother and it took her a long time to get over自中恢复过来the grief悲痛.2.

19、Unless除非 you go by依照 nature自然, you are sure to be punished处罚 by it.3. His heart stopped beating跳动 just when we reached the hospital.4. look! The flowers in the garden are growing成长 lovely可爱.-How I wish I had a small piece of ground士地 when I could plan打算 some flowers of my own!5. His parents couldnt

20、get through打通 to him on the telephone , so they decided决定 to go to his school and see whats wrong.错误.6. Mum, why do you always make me drink a cup of fresh新鲜 milk every day?To get为了 enough足够 protein蛋白质 and nutrition营养 as you are growing up成长.7. Selecting选择 a mobile移动 phone for personal个人 use is no e

21、asy task工作 because technology科技 is changing变化 go rapidly迅速. 选择供个人使用的移动电话是不容易的,因为技术迅速改变去8. With the gas cut off , I couldnt cook dinner煤气切断,我不能做饭9. Would you mind介意 if I used your dictionary字典?-Go ahead继续10. She took a glance一瞥,一眼 at her watch and saw that it was already lunch time.11. Grown-ups成年人 s

22、hould be responsible负责 for their own behavior行为. 成年人应该对自己行为的负责12. By improving改进 his learning habits习惯 a(n) average均分/平均水平 student can be a top one.13. When you meet with a problem, find a way to solve解答 it.14. The kitten小猫 climbed爬 the tree and couldnt get down下来15. If you check检查 your paper carefu

23、lly , some grammar 语法mistakes错误 can be avoided避免.16. The city Zhangjiakou was extensively广阔的 damaged被损坏 in the earth-quake地震17. The case手提箱 contained包含 a lot of things, including包括 a second-hand watch.二手手表18. Do you enjoy listening to records录音? I find records are often as good as和几乎一样or better than

24、 an actual真实 performance演奏.19. The high school graduated 毕了业300 students this summer夏季20. I suppose料想 you have got the post职位.-You have guessed猜对 it.21. Youre too weak虚弱. Its good for you to have plenty大量 of exercise运动.22. We will have plenty of大量 time to go to the railway铁路 station站. Take it easy!2

25、3. She was caught(catch抓住的过去式) spitting吐出,喷溅物in public公众and fined罚款 ten yuan on the spot现场.24. When the bike was repaired , it looked as good as和几乎一样 new25. The custom风俗 goes back to可以追溯到 the 12th century世纪26. We havent found the missing不见的 wallet皮夹. Lets go through详细检查the room again.27. How is Mary

26、 getting on with继续干her study? get on with sth继续28. We should pay给予 more attention注意 to generation gap代沟 , for it has become a social 社会problem问题.29. His father is very busy every day. He cant help complaining of抱怨 the rapid快速 pace步子 of modern现代 life生活. the pace of life生活节奏30. After my mother finishe

27、d cleaning up the house , she went on read接着读 todays newspaper.Section4 1. With the help of the policeman, the parents got in touch with和取得联系their lost失去 child by accident意外.2. Intelligent聪明的 people can always come up with提出good solutions解决方案 to problems.3. If anyone ever catches sight看见 of the mugg

28、er行凶抢劫的路贼 anywhere, please call the police at once.4. Where shall I get off the train?我在哪里下火车5. Every evening after supper晚餐, my parents would go out for a walk. 我的父母就出去散步6. Johnson has come down 败落in the world上层社会since his business生意 failed失败.7. If you dont give up放弃 smoking youll never get better.

29、8. With the country population人口 growing fast, the government政府 has taken the birth出生 control 控制policy政策.9. “Its already midnight午夜. Why not go to bed?-Theres still too much housework to do.10. An average平均 Japanese has 30.6 square平方 meters米 living space. 日本人的平均居住面积30.6平方米11. The building of the bri

30、dge has been held up by the heavy rain. 大桥的建设已被搁置的大雨12. Do you know when and where the sports meeting was to be held举行.13. You had better not drink water that is not boiled煮沸.14. The woman I came across 碰到yesterday is Mrs.Black.15. Work is often considered认为 to be most important thing in our life, b

31、ut in fact事实 there are many other things more important than it. 工作通常被认为是最重要的东西在我们的生活,但其实还有很多比它更重要的其他东西。16. Toms mother is seriously严重 ill. He is going to the hospital to see her.17. No matter what you do, you should put your mind 专心into it. 不管你做什么,你应该专心18. George left( leave离开的过去式)in such这样的 a hurr

32、y匆忙 that I hardly几乎 had time to thank him. 乔治离开这么着急,我几乎没有时间来感谢他19. Would you please do me a favour帮帮忙by lending借 me your dictionary for several days? 20. I happened to see偶然遇见him in the department store. 我碰巧看到他的百货公司21. May we have the pleasure荣幸of your company友伴for dinner宴会? 我们有成为你宴会同伴这个荣幸吗?22. Im sorry, sir. Theres no double room 双人间available有空的 now.23. Although she was disabled伤残的 when she was o

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