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牛津英语8A Unit1 Friends学案Word文档格式.docx

1、 h?4 ill Eddie share his Pizza ith Hb?_ 二 思考hat qualities are(nt) iprtant fr a gd friend ?Finish Part B and give se reasns三 谈论你的好友的品质1hat aes ur friend speial?2rite sething abut ur best friend t the “Teenagers agazine friend is _四 要点点拨1 have sething t drin/eat 有一些喝的 / 吃的eg 我有些事要告诉你 I have _ _ _ u 我有

2、许多作业要做 I have _2 an I have se re fd? 我能再吃点食物吗?eg 我想再要些蛋糕 I ant _ _ aes3 There is nthing else: 意思是There is n ther thingseg 我不需要别的东西了 I need _ _ I dnt need _ _4 share sth ith sb 和某人分享eg 我和妹妹住一个房间 I _ a r _ sister have prble ith有的问题我在英语上有些问题I have se _ _ English 6 believe hat he /she sas =believe his /

3、her rds 相信他所说的7 ae sb d, 使得我大笑 ae _ _ae sb+ ad (ae + 宾语 + 形) ae 作使役动词使得我开心 ae _ _五做游戏描述你的朋友,问同学们他/ 她是谁?堂检测一 根据中或首字母完成句子1 Dnt tal t hi, please eep_ (秘密)2 The present is ver _(特殊的), Ill eep it fr ever3 I bught a _(杂志)naed Reader4 Tne is _ He an pla the pian ver ell She is an h_ girl e all believe her6

4、 Daniel is a g_ b He is ver handse二 单项选择1 Its getting ht u need t drin _ aterA ne re B re se se re D an re2 I hungr an I have sething _ , please?A eat B t eat eating D eats3 Let T pla ith ur ts, a u ust learn t_A r B ae save D share4 Lil is _ hnest friend She shares happiness and rries ith eA the B

5、a an D / I dnt thin there is _ e need t d tnightA anthing else B else anthing sething else D nthing else6 Grandfather died last ee That ade us _A happil B sadl sad D happ Unit1 Friends Reading (第二时) _ 1 学习用形容词描述朋友的外貌和个性2掌握下列词和词组illing, read, singer, alst, eesight, sart, sense, bred, e, fit, advertis

6、eent, trueas sli as, be illing t d, be read t d, sene in need, ant t be a singer, travel arund the rld, have pr eesight, beause f, ae sene l sart, feel bred r unhapp, tell funn es, ae e laugh, al past, a true friend, eep a seret, sa a bad rd abut, n ff1 读以上单词,理解他们的意义。2 试着用这些问题去描述你的朋友。hat des ur frie

7、nd l lie?hat ind f persn is ur friend?hat des ur friend lie?hat ade u bee gd friends?1听录音回答下列问题:Bett:Is Bett sli? hat ind f persn is she? hat des she ant t d hen she grs up?ax:H tall is ax? h des he have pr eesight? hat ind f persn is he?a:Is a prett? h is she a true friend?2 读完成下列表格NaeAppearanepers

8、nalitBettaxa3 再读完成 P10 1部分,判断正误。4讨论: hat d u thin the best friend shuld be lie? hat ind f persn uld u lie t be?一、 所给词的正确形式填空1 a Zhu is a faus _ (sing)2 He is _(ill) t help thers3 He is ver gd at telling f_ stries4 He has big ees, but his _(ee) is pr Elsa is tall and she has_(直的) hair6 He is _(慷慨的) a

9、nd all the hildren lie hi ver uh7 h is ur _ (真正的)friend8 e an en se interesting _(广告) n TV二、阅读理解。 Are u a friend?hat are qualities f a gd friend? Trustrthiness(值得信赖) is a great qualit t l fr a friend But in rder t have gd friends, u have t be a gd friend Are u a friend? D peple trust u? D the tell u

10、 their serets? hat d u d ith their serets? If u tell As serets t B, then B uld find it hard t trust u ith their serets B a be thining, “Sine(既然) u tld e abut As serets, u uld be telling sebd else serets,” Then A uld find ut that u havent ept his serets and nt pen his heart t u an re abe its the end

11、f ur friendship S if u ant t be a gd friend, u need t hld ur tngue(舌头) and zip(关上) ur lips根据短判断正误:( ) 1 Trustrthiness is a great qualit f a gd friend( ) 2 e are gd friends, s I an tell u sebd elses serets( ) 3 If u tell e sebd elses serets, I thin u ill tell serets t sebd else, t( ) 4 “Friendship” e

12、ans “友谊” in hinese( ) nl hen u are a gd friend, u an have re gd friends Reading2 ,Exerises (第三时)2学会表达朋友品质的方法3掌握下列词和词组 前准备照片,对同伴描述照片上的人物的外貌并猜测其性格。要点点拨(1)She is as sli as I a( as +ad+ as 一样/ nt as as不及比不上不如)他象我一样细心 He is _ _ _ eHb没Eddie胖。Hb is nt as fat as Eddie(2) be illing t d =be read t d 乐意做某事He i

13、s illing t sta ith us fr the hlidaan peple are read t live in the untr tda(3) sene in need 需要帮助的人们我们将为那些需要帮助的人们募集钱e ill _ _ fr the peple _ _(4) travel arund the rld hen she grs up她长大时想周游世界你长大时想干什么 hat d u ant t d _ _ _ _() beause f ding / beause f sth = beause + 句子He didnt e t shl n tie beause f _ (

14、有雨)He didnt e t shl n tie beause f _ _ (有雨)He didnt e t shl n tie beause _ _(天下雨)(6) have a sense f huur/tie/dut/beaut有幽默/时间/责任/美感ur teaher has a sense f huur, and ften aes us laughHe is ften late, and he has n sense f tie (7) sething rries e = sething aes e rried(8) sa a bad rd abut sb说某人坏话Its nt p

15、lite t sa a bad rd abut sene behind hiHe never sas a bad rd abut anne(9) eep a seret保密Nbd else ns it eep it a seret (10) n ver 撞倒=n ffHe ned ver the up n the tableA bus ned hi ver hen he rssed the rad(11) al past 路过/经过al thrugh 穿过/穿越(中间) al arss 横过(表面)一根据中和首字母完成句子。1a pratises singing ever da beause

16、he ants t be a s_2I _t help u if u have an prbles3He ften tells us funn stries He reall has a gd s_ f hunur4 brther is gd at aths H s_ he is!H bring the fil is! I feel b_6V_ fr e, please I ant t be ur friend7Elsa is tall and she has _(直的) hair8Father hristas is _ (慷慨的) and all the hildren lie hi ver

17、 uh9He ften tells e _(笑话) hen e have dinner tgether10e an ften see _ (广告)n Nespaper二句子翻译。1 李小姐极富幽默感。iss Li _ a _ _ f huur2 男孩子们正在那边看广告,女孩子们呢?The bs _ _ the _ ver there hat _ the girls?3每个人都认为她很聪明,但他学习不刻苦。Everne _ he is ver_ But he desnt _ _4我们的数学老师视力不好,带着眼镜。ur aths teaher _ _ _ and _ rund glasses他从不

18、说别人的坏话。He never _ _ _ abut anne6贝蒂长大后想成为一名歌手。Bett ants _ _ a singer hen she _ _7由他和我在一起,我从不感到无聊或不开心。I never feel _ r _ hen he is tgether ith e8 我们成为好朋友已经很长时间了。e have been gd friends _ _ _ _ Unit1 Friends Vabular (第四时) 1 运用形容词描述人的体格特征及外貌。2 运用合适的形容词修饰男孩和女孩3 thin,square,handse下列形容词分别可用描述什么: sli, thin,

19、fat, strng shrt, tall, lng, shrt, straight, shuld-length, brn, bla, square, rund, big, sall, bla, brn, blue, gd-ling, sart, lever, handse, funn, strng, beautiful, lvel, prett, sart, sli描述身体的词_高度 _头发 _脸 _眼睛 _男孩 _女孩 _一 根据以下问题复习1 hat is Bett, ax r a lie?2 hat ind f friend is Bett, ax r a?3 h d u lie t

20、hse as ur best friend?4 an u tell us sething abut ur best friend?二 呈现1 请几位学生站在班级前面,让大家描述他们的外貌2 请学生说出自己各部位的特征和性格三 练习完成本11页A部分和B部分四 活动1请学生到讲台上描述自己的朋友2比赛:描写人物时看谁用的形容词多一 词语辨析beautiful handse1 ars brther is a _ ung an He is tall and strng2 hat a _ piture it is! Id lie t tae it t uh uh t3 Dnt eat _, r ull

21、 get _ fat4 This ar is _ expensive I afraid I dnt have _ ne fr it bred bring David is _ ith his stud, s he desnt ften g t shl6 That as a _ fil and I fund st peple felt_( ) 1 best friend is _ He is gd at basetball A 17 eter tall B 17 etres tall 17 etres high D 17 etre high( ) 2This an is s _ that all

22、 girls run after hi A prett B beautiful gd-ling D handse( ) 3Shar is getting ld and ant up as _ as he did A high B higher highest D uh higher() 4The teaher ade us _ the rds several ties A sa B t sa saing D said( ) She is as _ as her sister A sarter B sart sartest D sarter三 根据提示写一段字,介绍你的朋友A 的情况Nae: A Age: 1 Fae: squareEes: bright, rund Nse: sall Hair: bla shrtAppearane: Prett Hbb: pla tennis _ _

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