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1、完整word版外研版中考英语复习试题题附答案外研版中考英语复习试题题(附答案)中考英语复习测试卷(四) Class_ Name_ No. _Score_ 一、单项选择(共15小题,计15分) 1. The underlined part in the word “photos” is pronounced as _ . A. /s/ B. /is/ C. /iz/ D. /z/ 2. -Nancy, how long does it take to fly to Canada? -Sorry, I dont know. But I can telephone my father to _it

2、for you. A. do B. check C. catch D. find 3.-Your brother doesnt get up early, does he? - _. But he gets up late on weekends. A. No, he didnt B. Yes, he does C. Yes, he did D. No, he doesnt 4. - Your grandparents were very great. - Yes. They supported my fathers schooling _ they were very poor. A. as

3、 if B. even though C. so that D. what if 5. Dont worry. You _ plenty of time to decide. A. will be given B. have given C. will give D. are giving 6. My house is very near a busy street. It _ be very quiet. A. can B. must C. mustnt D. cant 7. -Whom would you like to be your assistant, Jack or David?

4、-If I had to choose, David would be _choice. A. good B. better C. the better D. the best 8. - A new baby came to the earth _ a sunny winter morning. - How nice. A. on B. in C. of D. at 9. Do you know _ the soldiers came to Yingshi Town? The roads were badly broken. They had to walk there. A. why B.

5、when C. how D. where 10. -Who is the girl _ is reading a book quietly in the classroom? -Oh! Its Maria, my new classmate. A. what B. who C.whose D. which 11. -What a hot day! Have you had a drink? -Yes. But Id like to have _ after work. A. it B. one C. other D. another 12. -What should I do, doctor?

6、 -_healthy, you should take more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. Having kept 13. When will Han Hans new book _? Sorry, I dont know. Im looking forward to his new book, too. A. come on B. come out C. come in D. come over 14. I saw Lisa in the street yesterday, but she didnt see me. She _ t

7、he other way. A. was looking B. is looking C. looked D. has looked 15. -We had a football match with No. 15 Middle School yesterday. -_. I missed it. A. What a pity! B. Im afraid. C.I dont think so. D. Im sorry to hear that.二、完形填空(共15小题,计15分) On the afternoon of March 11th, 2011, Japan, Daniel was w

8、ashing the dishes in the kitchen as usual. Jenny , his wife, was folding the clothes and listening to music in the bedroom._16_ , he felt that his body was shaking. Daniel had the quick response that there was an earthquake! He _17_ loudly, “Dear, earthquake! Go to the bathroom!”Jenny heard the shou

9、ting ,_18_ the first aid box quickly and ran into the bathroom. The house was _19_ even more strongly. The bathroom was next door to the kitchen. Daniel picked up a kitchen _20_ and two pieces of bread outside the kitchen. Daniel tried to run along the wall to help Jenny. _21_, it got dark suddenly

10、with a loud noise. The house broke down and many things fell from above. Jenny was quickly buried in them. She felt breathing very_22_. She tried to stand up but it was _23_. A few minutes later, the land was _24_. Jenny heard the sound of a short breath and thought it was Daniel! She shouted to him

11、 but there was no _ 25_. The voice was probably weak. Jenny kept saying his name and she finally heard an answer. The couple _26_ and calmed each other. They knew that there must be a way to _27_. Denial _28_ they were close and were parted by the fallen stones and some power. He started to dig with

12、 the kitchen knife. He felt pain from his fingers. Finally , he _ _29_ _ away the last piece of large stones. Daniel touched Jennys hand, and then dug all the stones around her body._30_, Jenny had a normal breath slowly. 16. A. Suddenly B. Unluckily C. Really D. Actually 17. A. spoke B. said C. war

13、ned D. shouted 18. A. took up B. put up C. set up D. put away 19. A. falling B. burning C. shaking D. moving 20. A. bowl B. knife C. fork D. plate 21. A. However B. Otherwise C. Besides D. Therefore 22. A. easy B. natural C. simple D. difficult 23. A. possible B. necessary C. impossible D. special 2

14、4. A. silent B. noisy C. usual D. strange 25. A. answer B.sign C. talk D. result 26. A. forced B. encouraged C. suggested D. thought 27. A. relax B. communicate C. succeed D. escape 28. A. found B. worried C. considered D. imagined 29. A. put B. moved C. gave D. got 30. A. Finally B. Firstly C. Quic

15、kly D. usually 三、阅读理解(共14小题,计28分) (A) Lisa never had the chance to know her father. He and her mother divorced when she was just a young child. Even though he didnt move far, he never came to visit his children. Lisa often wondered about her father. What did he looked like and what he was doing. All

16、 she knew was his name: Jeff White. After Lisa grew up, she became a nurse at a hospital, where she would help provide medicine and comfort for patients in their final days. A few weeks ago, she received a new patient whose name was Jeff White. When Jeff came into his room, Lisa asked him if he had

17、any children. Jeff told her that he had two daughters, Lisa and Elly. Lisa couldnt hold her tears back. She told him, “ I am Lisa, your daughter.” Jeff embraced her, saying that he was not a good father. And the daughter held his hand and kissed him. Then Jeff began to sing This Magic Moment. Jeff c

18、ould have just weeks left to live, so Lisa wanted to make the most of the time she had with him. Lisa also brought her kids to the hospital to meet their grandfather. The kid made cards for him with the words, “ I love you.” Forgiveness is also a kind of love. 31. what happened to Lisa when she was

19、young? A. Her father lost his job. B. Her mother died. C. Her family moved to another country. D. Her father left the family. 32. What did Lisa know about her father? A. Her fathers looks B. Her fathers name C. Her fathers hobby D. Her fathers job 33.What does the underlined word “patient” mean in t

20、his passage? A. 医生 B. 病人 C. 家属 D. 手术 34.From the passage we know that_ A. Lisa has a brother. B. Lisa hates his father. C. Lisa has a sister. D. Lisas father hates her daughter. 35. This passage mainly tells us that _ A. Kids should love their father. B. The father should love his kids. C. Forgivene

21、ss is also a kind of love. D. Fathers shouldnt leave their families.B New York is one of the last large American cities to have some of its policemen on horseback. The New York police have 170 horses working in certain parts of the city. The horses are expensive to feed, but it is even more expensiv

22、e to look after them. Because the horses must walk on the streets, they need special horseshoes. In fact , they need more than 8,000 of them each year. Every police horse in New York gets new shoes every month. Keeping these shoes in good repair is the job of six blacksmiths. There are only about th

23、irty-five of these blacksmiths in the whole United States. The cost of shoeing a horse is between twenty dollars and thirty-five dollars, and it takes a good blacksmith two or three hours to do the job. A blacksmiths job is not an easy one. He must be able to shape a shoe from a piece of metal and t

24、hen fit it to the horses foot. The blacksmith must bend over all the time when he is fitting the shoe and must hold the weight of the horses leg while he works. Clearly, a blacksmith must be very strong. But even more important, he must be able to deal with horses-for before the blacksmith can begin

25、 his work, he has to get the horse to lift its leg. One of the blacksmiths in New York is James Corbin. He came to the country from Ireland in 1948. He not only makes horseshoes for the police but also works for a group of horse owners near the city. Corbin became interested in blacksmith because hi

26、s father did it, and, as he puts it, “Its a good way to make a living.” 36. According to the reading passage, a blacksmith must be likely a_ man. A. clever B. rich C. strong D. lucky 37. James Corbin became a blacksmith because he_. A. was interested in horses B. was needed by the policemen C. drew

27、a picture of the horseshoe D. had to make a living 38. In the reading passage “to shape a shoe” is to_. A. fit it on the horses foot B. use it for two or three hours C. make the form of a horseshoe from a piece of metal D. draw a picture of the shoe 39. The best title for the passage is “_”. A. Poli

28、cemen on Horseback B. Blacksmiths and Horseshoeing C. James Corbin, a Blacksmith D. Horseshoeing is a Good Way to Make a Living 40. Which of the following is true? A. Only a few large American cities have some policemen on horseback. B. New York is the only city in America to have some policemen on

29、horseback. C. Policemen on horseback enjoy travelling around the United States. D. Policemen on horseback are less expensive than those in cars.C Sarah Williams went to a boarding school(寄宿学校). Here is one of the letters she wrote to her parents from the school.Wentworth Girls School Beachside July

30、25th Dear Mom and Dad, Im afraid I have some very bad news for you. I have been very naughty and the school principal is very angry with me. She is going to write to you. You must come and take me away from here. She does not want me in the school any longer. The trouble started last night when I wa

31、s smoking a cigarette in bed. This is against the rules, of course. We are not supposed to smoke at all. As I was smoking, I heard footsteps coming towards the room. I did not want a teacher to catch me smoking, so I threw the cigarette away. Unfortunately, the cigarette fell into the waste-paper ba

32、sket, which caught fire. There was a curtain near the waste paper-basket which caught fire, too. Soon the whole room was burning. The principal phoned for the fire department. The school is a long way from the town and by the time the fire department arrived, the whole school was in flames(火焰). Many of the girls are in hospital. The principal says that the fire was all my fault and you must pay for the dama

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