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1、Sugaravoid getting too much.Slow down when you eat.Try to relax and pace yourself so that your meals last at least 20 minutes, since it takes 20 minutes for you to feel full.Try fiberrich foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruits so you feel comfortably full.Avoid “diet thinking”There are

2、no good foods or bad foods.All foods can be part of healthy eating.【词海拾贝】1maximum adj.最高的;最大极限的2regular adj.有规律的;定期的3moderate adj.适当的4trim vt.除去5flavour n风味【问题思考】1Skipping breakfast is a healthy eating habit,isnt it?Why?_答案:No,it isnt.Because it will make you more likely to overeat later in the day.

3、2Should we slow down or speed up while eating?We should slow down while eating.为单词选择正确释义1cucumberA坚果;果仁2protective B肌肉;(食用)瘦肉3muscle C给予保护的;保护的4nut D黄瓜5eggplantE茄子1D2C3B4A5E.根据所给汉语提示写出单词1_ adj.烤制的vt.&vi.烤;烘;烘烤2_ n好奇心3_ adj.生的;未加工的4_ n顾客;消费者5_ n缺点;虚弱;弱点1.roast2.curiosity3.raw4.customer5weakness.根据英语释

4、义写出单词1_: not fat or thick;slender 2_: an amount of money that is taken off the usual cost of something3_: to weigh,to compare the importance of two things4_: something that you say or write that you know is untrue5_: the food that you eat and drink regularly6_:

5、e5.diet6.strength.选用短语的适当形式完成句子ought to;lose weight;balanced diet;get away with;tell a lie;win.back;tired of;full of1He always keeps a_and is in good health.balanced diet2She tried every possible means to_,but she is still heavy.lose weight3You_have told me you were coming.ought to4The leader tried

6、his best to_the trust of his team_winback5In order to escape punishment,the naughty boy had to_tell a lie6Those who always cheat will never_it.get away with.领会句子所用的句型并翻译成汉语1Wang Peng sat in his empty restaurant feeling_veryfrustrated王鹏坐在他那空荡荡的餐馆里,感到很沮丧。2“Nothing_could_be_better,”he thought.他想:“再没有比这

7、更好吃的了。”3It cost_more_than a good meal in his restaurant._这价格比在他餐馆里吃一顿好饭还贵。4He could_not_have_Yong_Hui_getting_away_with telling people lies.他不能容忍雍慧说谎而不受惩罚。课文表层理解.判断正(T)误(F)1Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people.(T)2Wang Peng provided a balanced diet in his menu.(F)3Yong Hui served a balan

8、ced diet.(F)4Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet.(F)5Wang Pengs customers often became fat after eating in his restaurant.(T)6Yong Huis menu gave them many energygiving foods.(F)7Wang Pengs menu gave them food containing fibre.(F)8Wang Peng admired Yong Huis resta

9、urant when he saw the menu.(F)9Wang Peng decided to copy Yong Huis menu.(F)10The competition between the two restaurants will never be over.(F).读课文回答问题1Whats the main idea of the text?Wang Pengs restaurant became empty because a new one had taken his regular customers away, and he wanted to improve

10、it to win his customers back.2Why did Wang Peng feel very frustrated at the restaurant?Because theres no customer in his restaurant on that morning.3What made Wang Peng go into the new restaurant?Curiosity.4If you are a manager of a restaurant, what should you do? As a manager of a restaurant, I wil

11、l serve my customers the healthy foods which are full of energy and fibre.Besides, the prices will be acceptable for most customers.表格填空阅读P10的Reading部分,完成下列表格RestaurantAdvantagesDisadvantagess restaurantServing foods that contain enough 1._The foods contain too much 2._Yong HuiHelping people 3._and

12、be 4._in two weeks.5._choices of food and drink on the menu:just rice,6._served in vinegar fruit and water.Prices are 7._.Not giving enough 8._.1.energy2.fat3.lose weight4.fit5.Few6raw vegetables7.high8.energy课文深层理解单项选择1When Wang Peng thought “Nothing could be better”, he means _Ahis food and drink

13、were the bestBhis food and drink were the worstChis food should have been improvedDhe could do nothing with his food and drinkA2Why did Wang Peng go into the newlyopened restaurant?ABecause he was angry.BBecause he was curious.CBecause he wanted to blame its owner.DBecause he wanted to ask for advic

14、e.B3Wang Peng was amazed when he saw the menu of Yong Huis restaurant because _Athere were only raw vegetables and water served in Yong HuiBthere were more choices of food and drink served in Yong HuiCthe food and drink in Yong Huis restaurant were more expensive than those in his restaurantDYong Hu

15、is menu gave customers more energygiving food C4Wang Peng suggested that they provide a combined menu because _Ahe liked Yong HuiBhe didnt want to lose his customersChe thought his menu was betterDthis would provide a balanced dietD如何写劝说性作文:广告类1确定体裁:广告属于应用文,主要是对产品、服务等有形或无形的商品进行宣传,以达到促销的效果。2确定主体时态:广告

16、介绍的是商品现在的状况,因此主体时态通常用一般现在时。3确定中心人称:广告宣传的是商家的产品或优惠活动,因此中心人称通常用第一人称,且常用复数形式。4确定结构:广告通常有标题,正文部分通常由三部分组成。首先点明是哪个商家在进行什么商品的宣传,总领全文;然后对商品进行具体介绍;结尾通常用号召性话语鼓动读者前去购买商品。【典型句式】广告常用开头语:(1).is on spring sale!(2)Do you want to.? Please join us!介绍商品时的常用表达:(1)It is produced is small in size and light in

17、 weight,so you.(3)As for the price,it.(4)For more information,please call.广告常用结束语:(1)Come to.!You wont regret it!(2)Why wait?(3)Come and experience our.!假如有一家名叫“阿龙”的餐馆即将开业,为了吸引外国顾客、提高知名度,请你用英语为其写一则广告。【写作要点】1你厌烦垃圾食品吗?该是你及你的家人品尝最好家常美食的时候了。2有最棒的地方菜,并提供平衡的饮食。在这里,你会发现许多蔬菜是用不同的方式烹饪而成的,海鲜应有尽有。3本店实物以色美,菜肴以甜

18、、酸、咸的奇特味道而出名;能量型实物和健身型的食物将供给你必要的脂肪、蛋白质和维生素。4一流的服务、完美的菜谱,欢迎您前来品尝。注意:1短文必须包括上述所有要点,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;2字数100左右。【范文点评】范文点评Are_you_tired_of_junk_food?_Still_looking_for_something_special_and_healthy?_It_is_time_to_treat_yourself_and_your_family_to_the_best_homecooked_meals. We have the best local_dishes an

19、d offer a_balanced_diet Here you can find a lot of vegetables cooked in different ways and every kind of seafood you can think of.Our food is_famous_for its colour and magic taste of sweet, sour,and salty dishes.The energygiving and bodybuilding food will provide_you with necessary fat, protein and

20、vitamins.Firstclass_service_and_perfect_menu.Come and have a try.You will not regret it.语言规范,过渡自然,用疑问句Are you.?开头,引入主题:It is time to.用词准确,如:local dishes;a balanced diet;is famous for;provide you with等。使用了一些专业的好句式,如:“Firstclass service and perfect menu.”假如你的一位朋友在某地开了一家名为“桃园”的饭店,请你为他写一则英语广告以吸引国外的游客。广告

21、应包括以下内容:饭店提供丰富多样的中国食物;食物美味可口,营养均衡;用餐环境好;服务质量高。注意:1短文必须包括以上内容,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。2字数100左右。Once tasted, always loved.Taoyuan Restaurant is the home of good food.We provide food from all over China and our specialties include Xiaolongbao and WonTon soup.We also offer a great variety of other Chinese tradi

22、tional foods with super flavours.A balanced diet in our restaurant will give you enough energy as well as fibre.This is a fun place to eat in, especially at lunchtime when its filled with people, locals and tourists alike, giving the place a lively atmosphere.Best service is guaranteed.Our restaurant is by the lakeside with great views of Hangzhous most famous site.Why not pay us a visit?A级基础过关.用所给词语的适当形式填空1Children show great_(curious) in everything.curiosity2Its very important to know our own strengths and _(weak)weaknesses3Workers should wear full _

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