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1、指导教师 李秀娟2012年3月29日 滁州学院外国语学院二0一二年三月二十九日On Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of Cultural Difference ByMeng Jie Under the supervision ofLecturer Li Xiujuan A ThesisSubmitted to the Foreign Language Department In Partial Fulfillment of the RequirementFor the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in E

2、nglish At Chuzhou UniversityMar 29, 2012滁州学院本科毕业论文(设计)原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 签名: 年 月 日AcknowledgementsI would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all these who helped me in one way o

3、r another in the completion of this thesis.First of all, I owe great indebtedness to my supervisor, lecturer Li Xiujuan whose strict demands and insightful suggestions are indispensable through all the stages of development and revision of the thesis. She has made lots of corrections and suggestions

4、 while reading my drafts of the thesis. Without her patience and wisdom the present thesis would be unthinkable. Special thanks should also be extended to all of the teachers who taught me during my four years of study in Chuzhou University, in particular, associate professors Liang Duanjun and Yao

5、Zhiying for their enlightening instructions.At last, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my family and dear friends. With their consistent support and encouragement, I would be able to carry on my study and complete this thesis. AbstractAdvertising plays a crucial role in the process of p

6、roducts selling. It is not only a marketing means but also an activity for spreading the culture which matters a lot to the initial creation and spreading of the advertisement. As we know, choosing an effective marketing method helps both to greatly improve the products selling and culture spreading

7、. Therefore, the translation of advertising apart from the considered skills outside, also should take the effects of culture differences into consideration so as to achieve the target of selling the products as well as promoting culture and trade exchange As a trans-culture communication activity,

8、it is inevitable for advertisement translation to be imprinted with national culture. As a result, when we do the translation, the priority not only should be given to the existed language differences between two countries but also the culture differences. Only do that can we get good spreading resp

9、onds. Otherwise we can not achieve the desired spreading results even with more than twice the efforts. The thesis focuses on comparing four aspects including national values, thinking mode, culture values and taboo from the point of culture differences to discuss their influences on the advertiseme

10、nt translation. This thesis is divided into four parts: the first part is the introduction, a brief sketch and understanding of advertisement. The second part provides a brief analysis of the functions of advertisement. The third part discusses the Sino-Western cultural difference and its influence

11、on advertisement translation from the aspects of national values, modes of thought, cultural values and taboo. Part four makes suggestions for advertising. The last part concludes the main context of the whole paperKey words: culture difference; influence; advertisement translation摘 要广告在商品销售中起着举足轻重的

12、作用,它既是一种营销手段,也是一种以文化为载体的传播活动,它的创作,传播与文化密不可分,有效的营销不仅有利于产品的销售,而且对文化的传播有极大地促进作用,因而广告的翻译除了考虑翻译技巧的因素外,还应该从文化差异的影响,从而达到销售产品,促进经贸和文化交流的目的。广告翻译作为一种跨文化翻译,不可避免的打上不同名族文化的印记,在翻译时,我们既要注重两者之间语言上的差异,又要注意文化上的差异,否则很难达到理想的传播效果。本论文主要从中西方不同的民族价值观,思维模式,文化观念,以及禁忌这四个角度进行比较从而来探讨这些文化差异对广告翻译的影响。 论文框架分为四个部分:第一部分介绍了对广告的理解及本文的主

13、要内容;第二部分简要分析广告的功能;第三部分从民族价值观,思维模式,文化观念,禁忌四个方面对中西方文化差异进行比较并探讨其影响下的广告翻译;第四部分提出广告翻译的建议;第五部分总结全文。关键词:;文化差异;影响;广告翻译Table of ContentsAcknowledgements .IEnglish abstract.IIChinese abstractIIITable of contentsIV1. Introduction. 1 1.1 Understanding of the advertisement.11.2 Main content of the thesis. 1 2. T

14、he functions of advertisement.22.1 To spread the information.22.2 To serve profitable and non-profitable purpose.22.3 The brands role in advertising.33. Influences that cultural differences exert on advertisement.33.1 From the view of national values.33.1.1 Chinese culture: Emphasizing on team or co

15、llectivism.4 3.1.2 Western culture: Appreciating the individualism.43.2 From the view of thinking mode.5 3.2.1 Chinese people: Using indirect means of expression.5 3.2.2 Westerners: Thinking in straightforward ways. .53.3 From the culture values.6 3.3.1 Chinese people: advocating living in tradition

16、al and stable lifestyle.63.3.2 Westerners: Purist of ever-changing lifestyle.6 3.4 From the influences of taboo.7 3.4.1 Influences of animals.8 3.4.2 Influences of colors.94. The suggestions for advertising translation.95. Conclusion.11Bibliography.12On Advertisement Translation from the perspective

17、 of Cultural Difference1. IntroductionAdvertising has several different meanings. It means different things to different people, but they all relate to the Latin word “advertere”which means “turn the mind to”. According to Webster dictionary, advertising is to make comparison of various definitions

18、of an activity that calling the attention of the public to something. Advertising, in board sense, includes the profitable commercial advertisements and non-profitable public service advertisements as well as notice. In narrow sense, advertising refers to commercial advertisement. To narrow the mean

19、ing of advertisement, it is an attempt to persuade the target consumers to buy certain products from the perspective of marketing, therefore, advertisement is a paid activity organized by companies or organizations that aim to spread their information. As a matter of fact, advertising has penetrated

20、 our life and enriched our culture. With the development of economy and accelerating globalization, advertising business is growing at a shocking speed. Advertising, as a tool of spreading information, has been applied to many areas of human activities. Therefore, advertising translation, as a type

21、of cross-culture communication and a new field of study, is receiving more and more attention. However the translation of advertising from Chinese to English or from English to Chinese is far from satisfaction due to lack of relevant knowledge .It is known to all that advertising plays an important

22、role in the process of product sale. However, it is not only a marketing tool, but also a culture carrier. Therefore, when translating advertisements, we should take many possible influences into consideration .Most advertisements are translated in a literal level, but little attention has been paid

23、 to the culture differences between two different countries.Richard E Porter, one of the scholars who early studied cross-culture communication, states that culture differences is the main obstacle in cross-communication and it should be taken into consideration when communicating with other countri

24、es .Advertising translation can be seen as a form of cross-culture communication because of the influences of many aspects, such as the different languages and different cultures, therefore, we may not successfully reach to the target audience. Therefore, the thesis aims at analyzing these aspects a

25、nd their influences on the advertising translationGenerally speaking, the paper mainly discusses the influences that exert on the advertising translation from four aspects: national values, thinking model, cultural values as well as taboos.2. The functions of advertisementNowadays, advertising, as a

26、 way to spread information, has become more and more attractive because of its thought-provoking and recreational method. Besides the pleasant and vivid scene .the successful slogan has proved successful in capturing the target consumers. Sometimes,advertisement can be regarded as the fashion leader

27、, because the appearances and behaviors of the characters in the picture have been followed buy a large number of people, especially the young people.Advertising has a lot of functions. Among them, there are two mainly conspicuous aspects: one is regarded as culture carrier; and the other is seemed

28、as an effective way to spread information. As one of the important culture factors, advertising reflects our life today, motivations, desires and values and reacts to all kinds of social changes brought by a reaction against advertisement. The world is changing rapidly with the development of globalization and intensive communicatio

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