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1、外研版初二上英语第22讲Module11语法篇学生版Module 11语法篇_熟练掌握本模块语法知识。must的用法 1. 表示“必须,一定要“,可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句。否定形式为must not (mustnt)表示“不能、禁止”。You must work hard if you want to go to college. 如果你想去大学,就必须努力学习。Youmustntplay with fire. 你不许玩火。2. must的一般疑问句must的一般疑问句,将must提前,回答must的一般疑问句时,肯定回答用“Yes, 主语+must”,否定回答不能用mustnt,而用“N

2、o, sbneednt.”或“No, sb dont have to. ” -Must we hand in our exercise books today? 我们必须今天交作业本吗? - Yes, you must. 是的,你必须。 - No, you dont have to / youneednt.不,你不必。can的用法 1. 表示能力(体力、知识、技能)。Can you lift this heavy box?(体力) 你能搬起这个重箱子吗?Mary can speak three languages.(知识) 玛丽能说三种语言。Can you skate?(技能) 你会溜冰吗?2

3、. 表示请求和允许。Can I go now? 我现在能走吗?Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?3. cant表示“不能,不可以”,但语气弱于mustnt。You cant put the milk in first.你不能先倒牛奶。need的用法 need做情态动词表需要,可用于肯定句、否定句及疑问句中。否定形式为need not(neednt),表示不必。Youneedntcome so early.你不必来这么早。need的一般疑问句形式需要将need提前,肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+must”,否定回答为“No, 主语+neednt”。- Need I finish tEg:

4、Our classroom needs cleaning everyday.情态动词may/might用法 1. 表示请求允许(即请求别人允许自己做某事),两者都可用,只是 might表示的语气较委婉(但并不表示过去):May /Might I sit here? 我可以坐在这里吗?I wonder if I might ask you a favor. 不知能否请你帮个忙。2. 表示给予允许(即自己允许别人做某事),通常要用 may而不用might:You may come in now. 你现在可以进来了。You may not tell him this. 你不可以告诉他这件事。体会以下

5、对话的问句与答句: A:May /Might I stay? 我可以留下吗? (表请求,可用两者) B:Yes, you may.可以。(表允许,不能用 might)1. Excuse me, sir. You _ open the door before the train stops.A. mustnt B. needntC. may not D. dont have to2.Must I learn all these words by heart?No,you_.Itll be fine if you copy them in your exercise books.A.neednt

6、B.cantC.shouldnt D.mustnt3. We need _ speaking English as much as possible .A. to practise B. practising C. practiced D. practiceThe car needs _ after rain. A. clean B. cleaningC.cleaned D. to clean5. Lynn _ be voted as the class monitor as she is so popular among her classmates.A. can B. may C. nee

7、d D. shall 基础演练一用can, may, must, cant或mustnt填空1_ you skate on real ice?No, I cant.2Whos that man?He _ be our English teacher. Our English teacher has gone abroad.3You _ listen to your teacher carefully in class.4We _ cross the road if the traffic light is red.5It _ be rainy tonight, but Im not sure.

8、巩固提高一、用适当的情态动词填空1Dont believe him. It_ be true.2You are ill, Tom. You_ see the doctor.3_ I come in?No, you_4_you tell me where the post office is?Its just round the corner. You _ miss it.5_ I look after my younger sister today, Mum?No, you _二根据汉语提示完成句子1不准在街上踢足球。You _football on the street.2当外国朋友送你礼物

9、时,你必须马上打开它。When foreign friends give you a present, you _immediately.3记住,在中国新年的第一天不能打扫卫生。Remember, you_ on the first day of the Chinese New Year.4你现在不可以听音乐,必须先做完家务活。You _listen to music. You _ finish the housework _5用英语和他们交谈很重要。Its important _ them in English.一单项选择. 1.Theres only one day to go. You

10、_finish your schoolwork by tomorrow.A. can B. will C. must D. may2.You _ eat any food in the school library.A. cant B. needntC. mustnt D. wont3.Its a gas station(加油站). You _ smoke here.A. must B. canC. mustnt D. may not4.Must I learn all these words by heart?No, you _. Itll be fine if you copy them

11、in your exercise books.A. neednt B. cantC. shouldnt D. mustnt5.Mum, may I go to Toms birthday party this evening?OK. But you _ be back before 11 oclock.A. may B. cantC. must D. neednt6 How far is Yuhua Middle School from here?Its about five minuteswalk.A. around B. over C. more than D. less than7. T

12、here is _ in the newspaper. You should read it. A. anything importantB. nothing importantC. something importantD. important something8.Im afraid it _ rain today.A.need B.might C.can D.shall9.The video film wasnt interesting at all, _ the little boy still watched it carefully.A.but C.then D.and1

13、0.I think _ is very important _ the children to learn to; for B.that; for; of D.that; of二. 完形填空 。Small talk is a good way to kill time and make friends. If you 1 to other countries, do you know what to say to start a small talk with local people?In Britain, the best topic is the weath

14、er. British 2 changes quite often. Its also a safe topic(话题). You can start a small talk simply by saying “Its a lovely day today, isnt it? ”Besides weather, its good to talk about gardens 3 English people. For example, you could say, “Those roses look really beautiful, 4 ?”English people love their

15、 pets. So its also nice to begin with “What a lovely 5 ! What is its name? ”In America, people like to talk about sports, 6 American football and basketball. They also talk about clothes by saying “Its a nice shirt! Where did you get it? ”The weather is a 7 topic there, too.Of course, there are also

16、 a lot of topics to avoid(避免)during small talk in western countries.Dont ask people “How old are you? ”Age is usually a 8 , especially for women. 9 ask “How much money do you make? ”It makes people uncomfortable. Dont ask strangers whether they have a girlfriend 10 a boyfriend. Politics(政治)or religi

17、on(宗教)is not a good topic for two people who have just met, either.1. A. listen B. travel C. talk D. want2. A. weather B. peopleC. food D. clothes3. A. in B. at C. with D. on4. A. dont they B. do theyC. arent they D. are they5. A. day B. rose C. dog D. bag6. A. such that B. the same asC. so that D.

18、such as7. A. dangerous B. difficultC. safe D. hard8. A. friend B. secretC. problem D. question9. A. Never B. Still C. Ever D. Usually10. A. and B. so C. but D. or_一、完形填空。Around the world, people have different ideas about what good table manners are. In India, 1 , people only eat with their right ha

19、nds. You take food from one dish on the table, usually a kind of bread or rice, mix it with food from another dish and then put it in your mouth. Your left hand stays 2 . Eating with your left hand is very rude! In western countries, people do not usually share the same dishes. Everyone has his or h

20、er own plate of food. You eat with a knife and fork and you 3 wave them around when you are not eating. Try not to be 4 when eating. People think that is bad table manners! When you go to some restaurants in different part of the world, it is important to know 5 people think is rude. For example, in

21、 China it is OK to be noisy in a restaurant. 6 , in many western countries, restaurants are quiet places. If a table is too noisy, other customers might not be happy. 7 the meal is also different from country to country. In China, one person usually pays for every one. In western countries, when fri

22、ends eat together, they 8 share the cost. This is called “going Dutch.” When westerners pay the check, they usually leave some 9 for the waiter .this is called “leaving a tip.” In the U.S., its common to leave tips of 10%, 15% or 20% of the check. The amount depends on(由决定) how good the waiter was.

23、10 waiters can get a lot of money! ( ) 1. A. such as B. in fact C. at last D. for example( ) 2. A. busy B. still C. moving D. shaking( ) 3. A. may B. must C. shouldnt D. need( ) 4. A. friendly B. quiet C. noisy D. sleepy( ) 5. A. what B. how C. which D. why( ) 6. A. So B. Or C. Though D. However( )

24、7. A. Asking for B. Paying for C. Looking through D. searching for( ) 8. A. usually B. sometimes C. never D. ever( ) 9. A. food B. drinks C. money D. flowers( ) 10. A. Bad B. Good C. Careful D. Beautiful 二阅读理解。ADifferent countries have different ideas about how to be polite. In Britain, table manner

25、s(礼仪) are important. But how do you show good table manners in Britain? Please read the following advice.How to sit: You should sit up straight(直) in your chair. When you eat, dont pick up the bowl and bring it to you. This is a very bad manner.Noises at the table: It is never a good idea to make a

26、noise at the table.Using your fingers: Usually we dont pick up food with our fingers when we are eating main dishes, but there are some foods such as pizza, sandwiches, chips(or fries) and fruit, we can eat them with fingers.Your mouth: It is not thought polite to talk with your mouth full of food,

27、nor to eat with your mouth open. Please remember not to make a noise.How much to eat: It is polite to eat the food that you have been offered, so a clear plate is a good plate. It shows that you have enjoyed the food. If you cant finish everything and you need to leave a little, thats OK. You could say something like “That was very nice. Thank you.”1.There are _ piece(s) of advice.A. six B. fiveC. three D. one2.Its _ to make a noise when you are eating.A. rude B. politeC. pleased

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