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1、九年级第七单元学案 Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 编写人:刘珊珊 学校:土门中学 第一课时Section A 1a 2d【学习目标】1. 单词及短语:pierce,license,silly,earring,instead of等2. 学会使用should构成的被动语态,谈论应该被允许和不被允许做的事情。 4. 学会用I agree,I disagree,I dont agree表达同意或不同意。【重点、难点】学会使用should构成的被动语态,谈论应该被允许和不被允许做的事情。 【教学步骤】1、

2、创设情境,激情导入 二、自主学习、自我提高会读写本课单词。1. 与某人一起外出_ 2、从事业余工作_ 3、打耳眼_4、选择自己的衣服_ 5、驾驶执照_ 6、去市场_7、足够严肃_ 8、年级足够大_ 9、足够沉着_ 10、十六岁的孩子们_ 11、允许某人做某事_ 12、允许做某事_ 13、理发_ 14、停止做某事_ 15、在周末_16、停下手中的事情去做另一件事_ 17、代替做某事_三、合作探究、共同提高1.听录音完成1b的填空。 2. 让学生理解并复述听力对话. 并和你的同学编新对话. 3. 用1a和1b中的信息两人一组练习1C对话:四、成果展示,知识归纳1.allow“允许,许可”allow

3、 doing “允许做某事” allow sb. to do sth “允许某人做某事be(not) allowed (to do sth).“(不)被允许(去干某事) 例如:1)She me fishing.她允许我去钓鱼。2.)They dont in the reading room3)Smoking in the reading room.阅览室禁止吸烟。4)Teenagers shouldnt .青少年不应该被允许吸烟。2.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.这里should be allowed是含有情态动

4、词should的被动语态,结构是:“should+be+及物动词的过去分词”,意为“应该被”。例如:1)Sixteen-year-olds shouldnt be allowed to drive.译为: 2)The work shouldnt be given up. 译为: 3)Children to speak the truth.应该教导孩子讲实话。4)What school rules do you think (应该被改变)?3. 语法知识:本单元讲含有情态动词的被动语态。其结构为: 情态动词 + be + 过去分词 Eg. _.家长应该允许青少年上网。Teenagers _ _

5、_ to surf the Internet.( 改为否定句 ) _ teenagers _ _ to surf the Internet?( 一般疑问句 )Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.1) 应该允许安娜自己选择衣服。Anna _.2) 我能使用这台计算机吗?_ this computer _ _ _ _?3) 这本书严禁借给别人。This book _ _ _ to others.4) 这张照片可能是他2008年拍的。 The photo may _ _ in 2008 _ _. 5) we should finish the work .(改被动) 6) He can wate

6、r the flowers twice a day .(改被动) 7) They must look after the baby well.(改被动) 4. 句中get their ears pierced“穿耳孔”,属于get + 宾语 + 过去分词结构,即get / have sth. done 常用于表示请或让某人做某事。He had his bike _ ( repair ) yesterday. Ill have my hair _ ( cut ) tomorrow.5.instead 和instead of “代替,而不是”We eat rice _ noodles. They

7、went swimming instead of _(watch) the football match.The water here is not good ,so I drink coffee _.6.主语+seem+to do=It seems + that从句 He seems to be busy .=It _.7.Im really excited about seeing the famous paintings by get excited about 对。感到兴奋,about 后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式She got excited about

8、 it as soon as she heard about the good news.excited 激动的,主语通常是人 exciting 令人激动的 , 主语通常是物五、检测反馈,巩固提高 一 句型转换1. He seems to have many friends. = _ _ seems _ he _ _ many friends.2. I think your homework should be done at once. (改为否定句)I _ think your homework _ be done at once.3. People should allow teenag

9、ers to spend some time playing with their friends. (改为被动语态)Teenagers should _ _ to spend some time playing with their friends.4. We must clean our classroom every day.(改为被动语态)Our classroom _ _ _by us every day.(改为被动语态)5. We should allow them to finish the hard work. (改为被动语态)They _ _ _ to finish the

10、hard work by us.6. Students should take good care of the books. (改为被动语态) The books should _ _ _ _ _by students.教学反思: 第二课时3a-3c 【学习目标】 过程与方法 通过大量的听说练习掌握目标语言。 情感态度与价值观 学会体会父母对我们无私的爱【重点、难点】 体会英语诗歌的韵味【教学步骤】1、创设情境,激情导入 听录音,体会大意。 模仿,读出感情。二、合作探究、共同提高1.When I was a tiny baby crying all night, my mom sang to

11、 me and stayed by my side.tiny ( very small in size or amount ) 极小的,微小的The baby put his tiny hand in mine.2. When I fell and hurt myself, she gave me a hug and lifted me up. hug n,拥抱 give sb a hug 拥抱某人 hug :拥抱v She hugged her sister when she met her.lift vt 举起,抬高 The box is too heavy for me to lift.

12、辨析lift与raiselift vt 举起,抬高,强调用力把某物从地面提高到一定的高度raise vt 抬高,提高,通常发起此动作的主语是人,其后必须接宾语,可用于被动语态That package might be too heavy to lift. If you have any question, please raise your hand.3. But I talked back loudly talk back 意为:回嘴,顶嘴Dont talk back. Listen to what your father back to sb 跟某人顶嘴 Dont ta

13、lk back to your parents.4. I regret talking back, not listening to Mom.regret ( to feel sorry about sth ) v 感到遗憾,懊悔,后接动词ing 、动词不定式或that 从句。I believe you will regret leaving Paris. I regret that you see it like that.I regret to tell you that you cant pass the examination.regret 可作n 意为:懊悔 I have no re

14、grets about leaving Beijing.三检测反馈,巩固提高 完型填空The Shenzhou spacecraft set off on the evening of September 25th and landed safely on the afternoon of 28th. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Liu Boming, and Jing Haipeng _1_ back from a 68-hour flight, which included(包括) a 20-hour spacewalk and _2_ completed a spa

15、ce journey.“It was a glorious(光荣的)mission, full of challenges but the result is prefect(完美的). Im proud of my country,” said Zhai Zhigang, sitting on a chair after coming out of the _3_.During the spacewalk, Zhai wore a homemade Feitian spacesuit and _4_ 20 minutes outside the spacecraft. He said, “S

16、henzhou is now outside the spacecraft. I feel _5_. I am here greeting the Chinese people and people of the _6_ world.”After the spacewalk, Zhai Zhigang was congratulated _7_ Chinese President Hu Jintao from the Beijing control centre. President Hu _8_ the astronauts for their devotion and excellent

17、behaviours through a _9_.China has sent six astronauts into space since 2003, _10_ the countrys first spaceman Yang Liwei, and the first pair Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng.( ) 1. A. entered B. came C. went D. ran( ) 2. A .successfully B. helpfully C. clearly D. hardly( ) 3. A. centre B. airplane C. s

18、pacecraft D. space( ) 4. A. had B. took C. paid D. spent( ) 5. A. terrible B. peaceful C. well D. bad( ) 6. A. all B. super C. whole D. public( ) 7. A. for B. by C. as D. from( ) 8. A. thanked B. warned C. ordered D. asked( ) 9. A. book B. word C. paper D. phone( ) 10. A. with B. except C. without D

19、. Including教学反思: 第三课时 Section A Grammar Focus 1e【学习目标】 过程与方法 通过大量的读写练习掌握目标语言。 【重点、难点】学会写should构成的被动语态的句子。【教学步骤】一自主学习、自我提高社会工作_ 给机会 _ 做自己的决定_ 过自己的_ 继续做某事 _ 在许多西方国家_ 关心他们自己_ 被教育_ 远离网络_ 社区_ 熬夜_ 打扫、清除_ 上学迟到_ 考试不及格(失败)_ 参加考试_通过考试_ 对某人严格要求_二、合作探究、共同提高1.Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make t

20、heir own decisions?make ones own decision 自己作决定 相当于make a decision for oneself I just want to be able to make my own decision.2.Parents should give teenagers chances to make their own decisions.chance =opportunity 可数名词 机遇,机会 可接to do sth 或 of sth I never miss a chance to play football. Its a good cha

21、nce for you to meet.3. This way, when they start working they whey can manage their own lives.manage 完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面)后可接名词、代词、动词不定式I am not sure how we will manage it.You should manage to finish the work in time.4.keep+宾语+形容词 “使某人、某物保持某种状态”We should keep our school clean. keep doing 一直做某事Why do you

22、 keep laughing? keep sb doing 使某人一直做某事I am sorry to have kept you waiting for such a long time .三检测反馈,巩固提高 一、 单项选择 ( ) 1. Miss Smith is not only strict _ her work but also _ herself.A. in, in B. in, with C. with, with D. with, in( ) 2. Eating more vegetables is good _ the health.A. at B. for C. with

23、 D. to( ) 3. Stop polluting to keep the water _.A. cleaning B. cleaned C. to clean D. clean( ) 4. My father stopped smoking a year ago. A. liked smoking B. gave up smoking C. gave in smoking D. began smoking( ) 5. Volunteering in the society will be _. A. a good experience B. good experience C. good

24、 a experience D. good experiences( ) 6. _ should be allowed to choose their clothes. A. Ten-year-olds B. Ten-year-old C. Ten-years-olds D. Ten-years-old ( ) 7 Do you agree _ the plan? Yes, but I dont agree _ what he said. A. to; with B. with; to C. on; with D. to; on( ) 8. My father stopped smoking

25、a year ago. A. liked smoking B. gave up smoking C. gave in smoking D. began smoking( ) 9. Attention, please! All the mobile phones _ during the meeting. A. must keep off B. have kept off C. are keeping off D. must be kept off( ) 10. The teachers think students should _ to their homework with friends

26、. A. are allowed B. are allowing C. be allowed D. be allowing二填空1. Her parents were very angry because her daughter got her ears p_.2. We have a lot of _ (rule) at school.3. As students, we should o_ the school rules.4. Dont give up. You still have an o_ to succeed.5. We should pass the test instead

27、 of _ (fail) the test.教学反思 第四课时 Section B 2a-3b【学习目标】 学生能够认读以下单词,能够看见汉语意思说出这些单词,能够说出这些单词的派生及相关词:,achieve, race,professinal , taught, importance, support,succeed.【重点、难点】(1)学生理解课文内容。(2)掌握以下短语的用法:get in the way, worry about, now that, be serious about, spendon, care about,have nothing against doing,ach

28、ieve ones dreams. 【教学步骤】1复习巩固。问候学生,然后复习上一节课学习过的词汇。设计意图:复习课文中涉及的词汇,为学生的阅读扫清障碍,同时讲解派生词和相关词也是拓展学生的词汇量。二、自主学习、自我提高 一、预习感知1写出下列短语汉语意思并记住它们。阻碍 担心某事 做我自己的选择 一个15岁的男孩 实现他的梦想 结果 不反对做某事 进入大学 他多么喜欢跑步 的重要性 严肃对待某事 考虑 成功地做某事 唯一想做的事 专业的跑步者 他是多么爱跑步 花时间干某事 2.熟读短文,弄清文章含义。三、合作探究 1. get in the way by the way on ones way to in this way in the way the way to 2. We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams. 翻译为: 此处see的结构是 还可有 结构,感官动词还有 使役动词为 当它们改为被动语态时,注意一定不能忘了加to.

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