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1、meatpencil7.stationhousefish8.people Bhill Clake9.dogmonkeynice10.downtrainup2Whatareyoudoing, Mum?Im_dumplings.( )A making B makes C make3Canplaythefootballs, Sam?No, I_.A can B cant C dont4_istoycar? Fiftyyuan.A Howmany B Howmuch C How5Wecansee_interestingthings.A lotof B lotsof C alot6Shecan _pia

2、no.A play B playing C plays7Look!Thebirds_ singinginsky.A am B is C are8_isyourschool?Goon.A Where B What C Whose9Look _ thepeople _ thepark.A at;in B for;at C to;in10Dowantsomemeat?_.A No,thankyou B No,Idont C No,cant11Canridefast?_A Yes,please. B Yes,have. C Yes,can.二、阅读选择阅读理解。Daddy:Hi,Huahua!What

3、doing?Huahua:amreadingastory(故事)aboutdogs.Itsveryinteresting.Oh.YoureOK!Now,Imreadyfordinner(晚餐).Dorice?No.likedumplingsandmilk.Yes.Wait(等等)!Thanks, Daddy!12WhatHuahuaA Writingletter. B Talkinghisfriend. C Readingstorybook.13WhatDaddyfor(准备)?A Breakfast. B Lunch. C Dinner.14Whichanimal(哪种动物)about,ca

4、ts,dogsorbirds? ( )A Cats. B Dogs. C Birds.15DoesA Yes, hedoes. B No, hedoesnt. C Yes, hedoesnt.16Whatdotheyhave(吃)end(最后)?A Rice. B Dumplings. C Dumplingsmilk.三、看图题17根据图片提示补全单词。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. w _ nn _r t _ m _t_ cin_m_ turn_ fl _ _er 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. b _ s_de d _ _ce h _ ng _ y r _ _ d st _ _ ng四、填空

5、题18按要求写出单词的正确形式。1.child (复数)_2.woman (复数) _3.this (复数)现在分词)5.listen (现在分词)6.swim (现在分词) _7.left (对应词)8.cant (完整形式)9. potato (复数) (单三形式)_19根据提示选择。dancingtalkingherfriendsridingbikeDlisteningmusicE.takingpicturesF.H.drinking I.playingchessJ.bookK.rowingdragonboat1.Thismyfriend,Yuguoqing.He

6、s_.2.WhatsShiJiaoqiaoHes_3.Whatdoing, Liao Yanping?4.What are theyTheyreLookatboysthere.TheyreShe issoyamilk!Hu Xiang_They aredoing,Lele?五、情景交际20当你想问朋友想不想要一些苹果时,应该问:A Doapples?B Iapples.C Do21你要告诉朋友你能够跳得高,应该说:A Ijumpfar.high.C Canhigh?22当你想问朋友能够跑得快吗,应该说:runfast.B Can23你想问Sam现在Daming在做什么,你应说:A What i

7、s Sam doing?B What is Daming doing?C What are you doing?24你想知道物品的价格时,你应问( )A How much is it?B How old are you?C How many books?六、匹配题25选择正确的句子填在横线上。boat.China.Sheswithtrain.nextsupermarket.WhereTrainnow?它在一家超市的旁边。_火车现在在哪里?_我正在读一本关于中国的书。_她在玩玩具火车。他们正在划龙舟。26情景问答。(_) 1.Im behind the tree. (_) 2.WheresPar

8、k?No,havent.(_) 3.Havegotnewbook?Yes,please.(_) 4.AmyTheywatchingTV.(_) 5.dumplings?Turnright.(_) 6. Howmuchthey? F. Theyfifty(_) 7. Can she run fast? G. Shes swimming.(_) 8. How are you? H. We want some eggs.(_) 9. Where are you? I. Yes, she can.(_) 10. Can I help you? J. Im fine.七、连词成句27连词成句,注意大小写

9、。He(.)_do (?)3. making Are dumplings (?4. youhigh can jump (?5. isit station (.)八、书面表达28书面表达。假如,你是图中的小朋友,为我们描述一下你周围事物的方位吧!例:The house is behind me. _参考答案1BBCBCCCACB【解析】【详解】1.A、C两项是饮品,B项是食物的总称。2. A、C两项是地点名词,B项是街道。3. A、B两项是动词ing形式,C项是形容词。4. A、C两项是动词短语,B项是介词短语。5. A、B两项是动词,C项是名词。6. A、B两项是食物,C项是文具。7. A、B

10、两项是建筑,C项是食物。8. B、C两项是指物,A项是指人。9. A、B两项是动物名词,C项是形容词。10. A、C两项是副词,C项是名词。2A现在进行时由be+动词ing形式组成,故用making。3Bcan引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用No,主语+cant。4B用how much提问价钱。5Blots of=a lot of,意为“许多”。6Acan后接动词原形。7C主语the birds是复数,用are。8A根据答语可知问句询问地点,用where。9Alook at“看”,in the park“在公园里”。10Bdo引导的一般疑问句,否定回答用No,主语+dont。11Ccan引导的一般

11、疑问句,肯定回答用Yes,主语+can。12C13C14B15B16C12根据 “I am reading a story(故事) about dogs.”可知他在看故事书。13根据“ Im ready for dinner(晚餐).”可知爸爸在准备晚餐。14根据 “I am reading a story(故事) about dogs.”可知故事是关于狗的。15根据“No. I like some dumplings and milk. ”可知,他不想要米饭。16根据“No. I like some dumplings and milk. ”可知选C,晚餐吃饺子和牛奶。17ieomoeano

12、weiesurearo1.winner获胜者2.tomato西红柿3.cinema电影院 4.turn right向右转5.flowers花6.beside在旁边7.dance跳舞 8.hungry饥饿的 9.read阅读10.strong强壮的18childrenwomentheserunninglisteningswimmingrightcan notpotatoesdoes1.child的复数是children2.woman的复数是women3.this的复数是these4.run双写n加ing5.listen后直接加ing6.swim双写m加ing7.left左,right右8.can

13、t的完全形式是can not9.potato复数加es10.do的单三形式是does19EBDJKIHFAC1. taking pictures 拍照2. talking to her friends 和朋友交谈3. listening to music 听音乐4. reading a book 看书5. rowing a dragon boat 划龙舟6. playing chess 下棋7. drinking喝8. running跑9. dancing 跳舞10. riding a bike 骑自行车20CDo you want some apples? 你想要些苹果吗?21BI can

14、jump high. 我能跳得高。22BCan you run fast? 你能跑得快吗?23BWhat is Daming doing? 大明正在做什么?24AHow much is it? 它多少钱?25ItsChina.Shesboat.1.它在一家超市的旁边。 2.火车现在在哪里? Where3.我正在读一本关于中国的书。4.她在玩玩具火车。5.他们正在划龙舟。26DEBGCFIJAH他们在做什么?他们在看电视。公园在哪儿?right.向右转。你有新书吗?havent. 不,没有。艾米在做什么?Shes swimming.她在游泳。你想要些饺子吗?please. 好的,请给我一些。6.

15、 How 他们多少钱? They它们五十元。7. Can she run fast? 她能跑得快吗? Yes, she can. 是的,她能。8. How are you? 你好吗? Im fine. 我很好。9. Where are you? 你在哪儿? Im behind the tree. 我在树后。10. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? We want some eggs. 我们想要些鸡蛋。27He is playing chess.Do you want some rice?Are you making dumplings?Can you jump high?It is at the station.1.He is playing chess.他正在下棋。2.Do you want some rice? 你想要些米饭吗?3.Are you making dumplings? 你正在包饺子吗?4.Can you jump high?你能跳得高吗?5.It is at the station.它在车站。28The house is behind me. The rabbit is beside me. The flowers are next to me.注意方位词beside,behind,next to,on,in,under的使用。

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