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1、高考英语阅读理解基础练习题362014高考英语阅读理解基础练习题(36)及答案阅读理解Soapy turned off Broadway. It seemed that his route to the desired Island was not to be an enjoyable one. Some other way of entering limbo must be thought of.At a corner of Sixth Avenue electric lights and cunningly displayed wares behind plateglass made a

2、shop window bright. Soapy took a stone and threw it through the glass. People came running round the corner, a policeman in the lead. Soapy stood still, with his hands in his pockets, and smiled at the sight of brass buttons.“Wheres the man that has done that?” asked the officer excitedly.“Dont you

3、figure out that I might have had something to do with it?” said Soapy, not without hatred, but friendly, as one greets good fortune.The policemans mind refused to accept Soapy even as a suspect. Men who break windows do not remain to talk with the law protector. They take to their heels. The policem

4、an saw a man halfway down the block running to catch a car. With drawn club he joined in the chasing. Soapy, with anger in his heart, wandered along, twice unsuccessful.On the opposite side of the street was a restaurant of popular styles. It provided food to large appetites and modern purses. Its p

5、lates and atmosphere were thick; its soup and napkin thin. Into this place Soapy took his muddy shoes and telltale trousers without challenge.At the table he sat and enjoyed beefsteak, flapjacks, doughnuts and pie. And then to the waiter he betrayed the face that_the_minutest_coin_and_himself_were_s

6、trangers.“Now, get busy and call a cop,” said Soapy. “And dont keep a gentleman waiting.”“No cop for you,” said the waiter, with a voice like butter cakes and an eye like the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail, “Hey, Con!”Nearly upon his left ear on the senseless pavement two waiters threw Soapy. He aro

7、se, joint by joint, as a carpenters rule opens, and beat the dust from his clothes. Arrest seemed but a rosy dream. The Island seemed very far away. A policeman who stood before a drug store two doors away laughed and walked down the street.5What did the word “Island” in the passage refer to?A. A ve

8、ry pleasant hotel in Broadway.B. One of the cities in America.C. A place where lawbreakers were sent to.D. A shop at the corner of the Sixth Avenue.6Why did Soapy stand still outside the shop window?A. He was waiting to be arrested.B. He wanted to help the policeman.C. He intended to play a joke wit

9、h the policeman.D. He was watching the policeman chasing the man who ran to catch a car.7What did the underlined words in Paragraph 6 mean?A. The man had never seen the waiter before.B. The man was penniless.C. The man was a stranger to the city.D. The coin was not real so that the waiter refused to

10、 accept it.8Why did Soapy go into the restaurant?A. He was very hungry.B. He wanted to have a dinner with someone.C. He wanted to draw the policemans attention by having dinner without pay.D. The restaurant was cheap and he had not much money.答案本文是美国著名短篇小说家OHenry的著名短篇小说警察与赞美诗的一段节选,讲述了主人公一个名叫苏菲的人,整天无

11、所事事,一心想进监狱,而屡次失败的经历。5C。词义推断题。依据第一个事例:苏菲砸碎了一家商店的玻璃,当着警察的面说是自己干的,并让警察将他带走,可知他想去的地方是监狱,也就是违法的人被送去的地方。文章最后一段提到的“Arrest seemed but a rosy dream. The Island seemed very far away.”也是暗示,故C项正确。6A。推理判断题。由文章可以看出,商店的玻璃是Soapy自己砸的,可知B、C两项错误;而D项看警察追捕赶车的人也不符合他的心理,而且正是那个人使他的计划泡汤的,因此D项也不对。7B。句意判断题。依据下文的Now, get busy

12、and call a cop可知,Soapy让服务员找警察,很明显是在说自己身无分文,而且后文还提及他因此被揍了一顿。8C。推理判断题。由文章最后一段的最后三句内容可以知道,他之所以去餐馆大吃一通,就是想因不付账而引起警察的注意。Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago. At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but in Lincolns case, his self-determination and forc

13、e of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history. He has become a role model in the self-made America.If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit, look no further. Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed, and the second one made him bankrupt, so he had to

14、 spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt. He also lost 8 different elections. It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time: the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress, for land officer, for Senate, all of these failed, and the first time he sought the

15、 vice-presidential nomination, he got less than 100 votes nationally. But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission. Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, “Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is

16、more important than any other.”He could have quit many times-but he didnt and because he didnt quit ,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his life as a role model for future generations. Linco

17、lns high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set. A major influence Lincoln has on the united States today is simply through the good example he set when it came to honesty, persistence and leadership.36.According to the first paragraph, which of

18、 the following statements is true?A. Lincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.B. Like Lincoln, a poor origin leads to a bright future.C. America is considered self-made because of Lincoln.D. Self-determination and will contributed to Lincolns success.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据but in Lincolns case, h

19、is self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his countrys history.可知是林肯的决心和意志导致他的成功。故选D。37.What is Paragraph Two mainly about?A. How Lincoln made his way to the White House.B. Lincoln suffered various failures.C. Lincoln was a man who never quit.D. Lincoln o

20、nce lost two business ventures.【答案】C【解析】段落大意题。根据If you want to learn about somebody who didnt quit, look no further.可知林肯是个不放弃的人。故选C。38.Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?a. He was paying off his debt. b. He failed in the run for land officer,c. He got less than 100 votes national

21、ly. d. he stuck to his mission, e. He went bankrupt.A. b-c-c-d-a B. c-3.-b-c-d C. 6-c-s-b-d D. d-c-s-b-c【答案】B【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知顺序是:e. He went bankrupt.-a. He was paying off his debt.-b. He failed in the run for land officer,-c. He got less than 100 votes nationally.-d. he stuck to his mission,故选

22、B。39. What is the function of Lincolns famous saying in Paragraph Two?A. To tell us that determination is the most important to success.B. To attract readers1 attention.C. To show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times.D. To summarize Lincolns story.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。根据Then later in 1860, on su

23、ch a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, 可知这句话是为了表明为什么他能度过难关。故选C。40.Why does the writer consider Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America?A. Because he still influences America as a role model.B. Because he set a good example to the present politi

24、cians.C. Because of his great personalities.D. Because he went through diverse difficulties.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。根据Lincolns high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set.可知林肯还是一个榜样并影响了美国人,故选A。阅读理解The Golden Gate Bridgethe iconic gateway to San Francisco

25、 Bayhas experienced 70 years of rain and shine. A wonder of engineering, it is also sadly a site where people commit suicide by throwing themselves off its heights.At the entrance of the Golden Gate strait, where the Pacific Ocean meets the San Francisco Bay, sits the Golden Gate Bridge. Stretching

26、across the strait for more than 2,700 meters, the bridge connects San Francisco and Marin County. It was built between 1933 and 1937, when it was the longest suspension span ever built. Today its ranked about seven or eight. The main span, which is the span between the towers, was 4,200 feet (1,280

27、meters), making it the longest bridge ever built at its time.San Franciscos residents love their citys worldfamous landmark. Resident Peter Richards says, “The bridge is iconic, obviously. Its something that identifies San Francisco as a place, and as a city on the Pacific Rim. For me, its very impo

28、rtant. I look for it when I am trying to locate myself in the city.”Yet for Nancy Langhofer, another resident, the bridge means something entirely different. “This bridge is a cursed thing to me; it is a tragic symbol.” Since its completion in 1937, some 1,200 people have jumped to their deaths, giv

29、ing the bridge a notoriety as a site for suicides. Film director Eric Steel made a documentary about the Golden Gate suicides. In the 2006 film, called “The Bridge”, his cameras captured 23 of the 24 suicides in 2004.Nancy Langhofer wants measures taken to prevent people from jumping off the bridge.

30、 “I am giving postcards to people. It says: demand a suicide barrier. Its been a longtime argument here in San Francisco about whether or not to fix a suicide barrier on the bridge and a friend of mine committed suicide in 2004. It is really too easy for people to climb over the railing.”The Board o

31、f Directors of the Golden Gate Bridge began exploring the possibility of building a barrier two years ago, but not everyone is in favor of the idea.One resident, Diana, commented, “I dont think building a barrier to prevent that is going to help a lot. Its just going to make it uglier. Then people w

32、ho are trying to jump over are just going to find other places.”Another person, Jonathan, when asked if he thought barriers should be built, said, “I personally do not. I think it will destroy the view, it will destroy the experience of walking across the bridge.”But Nancy Langhofer replies, “There is a bridge in Canada that I know of; it has high incidents of suicides. They put up a fence or some kind. Why not do it here? Its been here since 1937. Its time.”

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