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1、英语练习英语练习一、英语知识运用(共1题,合计10分)Section Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D.No one doubts the power of the media, and no one doubts the media is useful to those in power. Newspapers have vast (1) compared with any other

2、 published print, they are published frequently, and are (2) through wide distribution networks. For most people, they (3) the most substantial consumption of printed discourse (语段). (4) the powerful in society should attempt to control and influence them is (5) question. (6) there is also a conflic

3、ting myth of the freedom of the press, that journalists are free to give an objective (7) of anything they think newsworthy. And that, (8) journalists on a particular newspaper may be constrained (限制) about what they can report, the reader has a choice because of the variety of newspapers on (9) New

4、spapers in this regard have been (10) as the third estate, an essential ingredient of democracy; the information they give is (11) to be sufficiently important and trustworthy to allow voters to make judgments about the record of the political parties (12) elections and to make informed decisions ab

5、out which party to (13) . Lord Northcliffe, the newspaper owner, once said that real news is something (14) somewhere wants to hide, and that all the rest is advertising. He obviously saw the (15) of the press as a watchdog for any inefficiency, irrationality, injustice, corruption of scandalous (丑恶

6、可耻的) behavior for which those in power may have been (16) However the press as we know it has been hi-jacked by those with political and economic power. First, they have done this through ownership. Second, they have done so by the dependence of newspapers on advertising. Third, they have (17) the a

7、mbiguities in what is newsworthy to their own (18) And lastly they dominate the way the world is represented in the news since they are gatekeepers controlling the (19) of the news and are being (20) quoted in it.1A circuits B circulations C dispatches D cycles正确答案B试题解析:报纸比其他印刷品拥有很大的发行量,circulations

8、“发行量”,符合文意。Acircuits“电路;环形道”;Cdispatches“急件;新闻报道”;Dcycles“周期;循环”。 2A accessible B affordable C abundant D approachable正确答案A试题解析:该句主要讲报纸的发行量和广泛的发行网(wide distribution networks),由此可判断选项应该与报纸是否容易得到相关,accessible“可/易得到的”,如:a collection of books made accessible to the public“最近才向公众开放的一批藏书”,其他选项不合文意。Bafford

9、able“能够买得起的”;Cabundant“丰富的,大量的”;Dapproachable“可接近的;和蔼可亲的”。 - 3A consist B institute C construct D constitute正确答案D试题解析:对大多数人而言,报纸构成他们对印刷品最重要的消费,所以选constitute“构成,组成”,如:Twelve months constitute a year.“12个月为一年。”其他选项不符合文意和语法。Aconsist“组成”,常与of构成词组,如:The house consists of six rooms.“这幢房子由6个房间组成。”Binstitut

10、e“创立;制定”;Cconstruct“构造,建造”。 - 4A What B How C That D Why正确答案C试题解析:这是一个主语从句,从句陈述一个事实,所以选C,其他选项不符合语法。 - 5A in B beyond C without D beside正确答案B试题解析:这些介词与question构成的用法有不同含义:beyond question“毫无疑问;确定无疑”,如:When defeat is beyond question,nothing matters.“当失败不可避免时,什么都无所谓了。”beyond question可做表语或状语。in question意为

11、“正被讨论的”,如:Congress debated the matter in question.“国会就此事进行辩论”。without question意为“毫无疑问;毫无异议”,常做状语,如:They obeyed me without question.“他们毫无异议地服从我。”beside the question意为“与题无关,离题”,词组中一定要有the。 - 6A Thus B Meanwhile C Although D However正确答案D试题解析:第一段主要讲述媒体的威力及其对掌权人士的用处,并强调人们对此确信不疑。第二段指出人们对新闻自由存在一种不一致的虚构观念(c

12、onflicting myth),两段之间有转折关系,所以排除表因果关系的AThus“因此”和递进关系的BMeanwhile“同时”;CAlthough“尽管”表让步关系,可引导从句,在句中不符合语法。因此选However“然而”。 - 7A account B editorial C statement D comment正确答案A试题解析:记者自由地对有新闻价值的事情作出客观的_。选项中只有account“报道,叙述”符合文意。Beditorial“社论”;Cstatement“声明;陈述”;Dcomment“评论;意见”。 8A only if B if only C as long a

13、s D even if正确答案D试题解析:这句的内容与上句的that从句有并列关系,都是指人们的虚构观念。该句的主从句之间有让步关系,所以选even if“即使”,其他选项不符合逻辑。Aonly if“决不除非”,表条件;Bif only“要是多好”,常用虚拟语气;Cas long as“只要,如果”。 9A display B offer C exhibit D show正确答案B试题解析:报纸是出售的,因此选offer,on offer意为“提供的,供出售的”,如:a limited range of subjects on offer“提供的有限几门课程”。其他选择与on搭配的意思均为“

14、陈列的、展示的、展览的”。Adisplay“展示,陈列”;Cexhibit“展览;展览品”;Dshow“展览”。 10A put aside B taken over C looked down upon D held up正确答案D试题解析:欧洲封建社会把人分成几个等级,僧侣被称为第一等,即the first estate;贵族被称为第二等,即the second estate;资产阶级为第三等,即the third estate;新闻界和新闻记者被划为第四等,即the fourth estate;科学界为第五等,即the fifth estate。而句中说报纸被视为第三等,地位上升了,所以

15、选held up“举起;抬起;提起”,其他选项不符合文意。Aput aside“储存;保留”;Btaken over“接管;接办”;Clooked down upon“轻视,看不起”。 11A counted B speculated C supposed D estimated正确答案C试题解析:人们期望报纸提供的信息是足够重要和可信的,但事实并非完全如此。be supposed to do的含义为“人们期望应该,但事实不是”,如:The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.“新法律本应防止犯罪。”其他选项不合文意。Acounted作“期待,指望”含

16、义时常用作:count sb. as“把某人看作”或count on sb. to do“指望某人做某事”;Bspeculated“推测;深思”和Destimated“估算;估计”不合文意。 12A contesting B competing C contending D hosting正确答案A试题解析:政党_竞选,根据句中voters“选民”和which party to vote for“投票支持那个党”可判断选项大概为“参加”的含义,首先排除Dhosting“主持;招待”;Bcompeting和Ccontending都有“竞争;参赛”的含义,但作这个含义用时两个词后都要加for,如:

17、contend for a prize“为奖品而竞争”,compete for public office“争夺公职”。contesting意为“争取在选举中获胜;与竞争”,是及物动词,如:contest a seat in congress“争当一名国会议员”。 13A go in for B fall back on C make for D vote for正确答案D试题解析:可以推测选民对政党所做的行动包括是否投票,所以选vote for,意为“投票赞成”,其他选项不合文意。Ago in for“致力于;沉迷于”;B fall back on“求助于;转而依靠”;Cmake for“走

18、向;有利于”。 14A anyone B someone C everyone D nobody正确答案B试题解析:一位报纸业主认为,真正的新闻是某人想在某处隐藏起来的事件,someone意为“有人;某个人”,符合文意。Aanyone“任何人”,过于泛泛;Ceveryone“每个人”,太绝对;Dnobody“没有人”,不合逻辑。 15A post B feature C vehicle D role正确答案D试题解析:根据句中as a watchdog for“作为的监察人”,可判断该句讲新闻界的作用,所以选role“职责;角色;任务”,其他选项不合文意。Apost“职位;岗位”;Bfeatu

19、re“特征;特色”;Cvehicle“传播媒介”。 16A responsible B conscientious C attributable D guilty正确答案A试题解析:腐败或丑恶行为可能是由当权者所为,能够与for构成搭配的选项为responsible,be responsible for意为“应受归咎的;承担责任的”,其他选项不合文意或搭配。Bconscientious“有责任心的;勤勤恳恳的”;Cattributable“可归于的”,常与to搭配,如:Most of the movies life is attributable to its actors.“这部电影之所以长

20、映不衰,可以说主要是演员们的功劳。”Dguilty“有过失的”,常与of搭配,如:be guilty of an important misjudgment“犯了重大判断失误的过错”。 17A explored B probed C clarified D exploited正确答案D试题解析:掌管新闻界的经济或政治要人会利用对有报道价值事件中的含糊点,所以选exploited“(为个人好处)利用”,其他选项不合语法或文意。Aexplored“探究;考察”;Bprobed“探查;察究”,常用into引出宾语;Cclarified“澄清”。 18A destinations B ends C o

21、bjects D initiatives正确答案B试题解析:复数形式的ends,意为“目标、目的”,常与to或for搭配,如:for political ends“为政治目标”,其他选项不合文意或搭配。Adestinations“目的地;终点”;Cobjects“物体;目标”;Dinitiatives“主动性”,常用作单数。 19A sources B resources C causes D facilities正确答案A试题解析:有权人士能够控制新闻的一。选项中只有sources“来源,出处”符合逻辑。Bresources“资源”;Ccauses“起因”;Dfacilities“设施,设备

22、”。 20A instantly B presumably C ultimately D constantly正确答案D试题解析:那些要人们说的话经常被引述,只有constantly“时常地;不断地”符合文意,其他选项不合文意或逻辑。Ainstantly“即刻地”;Bpresumably“大概”;Cultimately“最终”。 二、阅读理解(共6题,合计60分)Section Reading ComprehensionPart A Directions: Road the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text b

23、y choosing A, B, C or D.Text 1Right after the global financial crisis exploded in 2008, many economists fretted that countries looking to hold on to their share of a shrinking pie would become more self-interested and protectionist, plunging the planet into an even sharper downturn, just as happened

24、 in the 1930s after the Great Depression. Thanks to panic-fueled crisis management by policymakers, it didnt happen. But after three years of pain and very little economic gain, it may be happening now. The signs are everywhere. Europeans are in the middle of a potentially calamitous debt crisis, on

25、e that threatens not only the survival of the euro zone but the idea of the European Union itself: politicians are starting to talk about rolling back visa-free travel between countries. Meanwhile, OPEC is falling apart as the Saudis and the Iranians quarrel over how to control the worlds energy sup

26、ply. Then theres the rise of populist politics not only in the U. S. but throughout the rest of the world. All of this underscores the point that globalization, if we define it as the free movement of goods, people and money, was never all it was cracked up to be. The world is just not as flat as pu

27、ndits would have us think. More than half of global trade, investment and migration still takes place within regionsmuch of it between neighboring countries. Canada is the U.S.s biggest trading partner. Some 800% of global stock-market investment, for example, is in companies that are headquartered

28、in the investors home country. Exports make up only about a quarter of the global economy. Less than 20% of Internet traffic crosses national borders, and so on. The world is becoming more unified, but if anything, its becoming more fragmented. Some of this reflects the fact that rich countries, esp

29、ecially the U. S., are still much more provincial than you might think, and the political trend in an economic downturn is to become more sowitness the rise of anti-immigrant rhetoric, and the like. Even multinational corporations, those global emissaries of American capitalism, could be a lot more

30、diverse. Only 7% of the directors of FORTUNE 500 firms are foreigners. But greater economic and political fragmentation is also, ironically, a ripple effect of globalization. As wealth and power have shifted to the emerging markets, those nations now have the money and confidence to call their own shotsand their calls tend to be quite different from those we would ma

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