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1、17. 实现,完成fulfil,realize,achieve,accomplish,attain18. 提供,给予supply,provide,perform for,offer,yield19. 占。(百分比)take up,amount to,account for,reach20适应adjust to, adapt to, get accustomed to,condition. on21. 谴责,责怪 condemn,blame,criticize,reprimand,reproach,censure,denounce,accu se.of,charge.with22. 监管,监督,

2、指导supervise,monitor,instruct,oversee,govern,regulate,direct,administer23. 颁布,实施,执行implement,issue,carry out,apply to24. 反驳,驳斥dispute,debate,refute,argue,contradict,oppose核心名词 :1. 观点,主张 ,提议 idea,belief,assertion,proposition,suggestion,recommendation2. 假设hypothesis,assumption,presumption3. 方法,理论,措施 wa

3、y,method,means,process,approach,theory,measure4. 政策 ,制度,条例 policy,regulation,rule,law5. 比率rate,ratio,proportion,percentage,share,protion6. 平衡,均衡,和谐banlance,equilibrium,harmony,7. 问题,麻烦,争端,冲突issue,problem,conflict,contrast,clash,contradiction,opposition,contro versy8. 竞争petition,contention,contest9.

4、处境,状况,现状circumstance,state,condition,situation,status quo10. 事件,现象incident,fact,event,occurrence,phenomenon11. 后果,结果consequence,result,outcome,influence,cause and effect( 因 果 关系),side/after-effect(副作用)12. 争论,不和,差异difference,dispute,debate,distinction13. 优势,好处advantages,virtues,merits,boons,benefit14

5、. 劣势,不利,阻碍disadvantage,flaws,demerits,banes,handicap,burden,obstruction,obst acle15. 青少年 ,青年 teenager,juvenile,adolescent,youngster,youth16. 媒体 media,the print media(印刷媒体),the electronic media(电子 媒体),the press新闻界),media hype(媒体炒作)17. 控制control,grip,master,domination,government,rule,monopoly( 垄断)18.

6、保存,储藏conservation,reserve,preservation19. 花费,开销expense,cost,expenditure,payment,outlay,toll,consumption,disbursement20. 改革,改良reform,improvement,evolution21. 威胁,危机crisis,threat,menace核心形容词:1. 惊人的staggering,incredible,astounding,amazing,astonishing,surprising,stun ning,alarming,shocking2. 非凡的,卓越的,显著的r

7、emarkable,marvelous,striking,wonderful,notable,extraordinary3. 重要的,重大的 ,决定性的 important,significant,main,major,foremost,predominant,crucial,critic al,urgent,pivotaldecisive,vital4. 破坏性的devastating,ruinous,destructive,damaging5. 许多的,很多的,大量的numerous,various,myriad,a great many of, a great deal of6. 不同的

8、,多样的,有分歧的divergent,variant,varying,diverse,distinct7. 强大的,强有力的powerful,mighty,forceful补充整理: 绝不: by no means under no circumstances in no case on no occasion 考虑: take?into consideration account think about make allowance(s) for sth由于 /因为: insomuch as ? because for the reason /occasion that result fro

9、m as?since now that in that be owed to be attributed to beascribed to arise from/out of ? by occasion of sth影响: exert a profound/far-reaching impact on 就我而言: so/as far as I am concerned as far as my knowledge is concerned 就?而言: As far as ?is concerned In terms of? In case of?别无选择我,只能? ? : have no al

10、ternative but?众所周知: It is universally acknowledged that ? It is well- known to all that ? As iswell-known to all, ?只有?才能? Only by doing ?could sb do? 大: bigimmensetitanic=vast=gigantic=tremendous=enormous 正如常言所说: ( just) as the saying/proverb goes . 一定会: be bound /determined /guaranteed/certain to d

11、o 掌握: have a grasp /command of sth 正在: be under way=be on the point /course of =be about to=be on the verge of 听说: hear of sth 变得惊慌: get into a panic 取得进展: make progress in doing sth advance in step forwards课程: compulsary/selective subject 必修课 /选修课 婉转的说: to put it mildly 对?的瘾: addiction to 接触 : reac

12、h out to / have access to, be exposed to expose sb to.put树立?的榜样: cultivate the ?example for sb 即? namely 有/ 承担?的义务: assume the responsibility of shoulder be responsible for 阻止: hold back prevent sb from doing sth keep sb away from doing sth hindera check on sth deflect sb from doing sthavert sth int

13、ercept sth在内心深处: in one s heart of hearts in the cockles of the heart 表示数量的词1. 少数几个: a few +n(c,pl)2. 没几个,否定含义: few +n(c,pl)3. 少量: a little + n(u)4. 没多少,表否定: little +n(u)5. 很多 much +n(u)6. 很多 many +n(c,pl)7. 很多 a lot of/lots of+n(c,pl/u)8. 大量: a great /good deal of +n(u)9. 少量 a bit of +n(c,pl/u)10.

14、大量: an/a great/a large abundance of+(c,pl/u)11. 大量: an/a large amount of+n(u)12. a great many+n(c,pl)13. 大量 : a great many of 冠词 /物主代词 /所有格 +n(c,pl)14. 大量 : a plenty of=plenties of+ n(c,pl/u)15. 大量: a large number of + n(c,pl)16. 许多: many a+n(c,sing.)17. 足够的: ample + n.(c,pl/u.)18. 无数的: numerous +n.

15、(c,pl)19. 足够的: sufficient+n(c,pl/u)20. 无数的: countless +n(c,pl)21. a variety of +n(c,pl)22. various+n(c,pl)23. 天文数字的花费: astronomical cost24. 过量的 /多余的: excess superfluous redundant25.额外的: extra added additional大多数情况下:in most cases on most occasions in the normal course of ?事情并非如此:It is not the case th

16、at一?就?,刚?: soon as , , 时态无所谓3.hardly had sb done when+ past had no sooner done than did5.nosooner had sb2.Hardly/scarcely had sb done than did done than had hardly done than did 7.the moment 8.on +n( 如 his arrival 他的到来 ),常识: common sense为了: in order to, /so as to, /for the sak

17、e of,非常: most/exceedingly/tremendously/rather/extraordinarily/considerably/fabulously 随之时间的流逝: with the passage of time, ,随着 , 的积累: as , begin to accumulate反对 / 打击: be opposed to do=object to do disagree dispute that, remonstrate with sb about sthProtest that /aginst show disapproving attitude raise

18、 one s voice aginstdisapprove of disse nt from frow n in =oppose (do ing) sth /fight agi nst 实现: realize =bring about( 带来 )=lead up to 显而易见的 /明显的: obvious apparent evident manifest doubtless transparent distinct 深入理解: have (further) insight into.丰富阅历 /开阔视野: enrich one s experience widen one s horizo

19、n expand ones outlook昂贵的: costly expensive dear luxurious 机会垂青有准备的人: chances only favour those who are ready/prepared 引起 /导致: bring about/forth give rise to raise cause lead up to prompt incur( 招致) be to blame forResult in arouse唤起人的?)=evoke=call forth=awake occasion compel one s attention(弓I起关注 )恰恰

20、相反: on the contray, , ,but it is just opposite that ,相比之下: by /in contrast , by comparision, compare to/with,科学发展观: view of scientific development 可持续发展 sustainable/sustained development 广告: commercial advertisement 迫切的: urgent pressing insistent戏剧的: theatrical 生活质量: quality of life=life quality, 的原

21、因是 , (表语从句) :The reason why , is that,在, 的背景下, :under the background of ,纳税人: taxpayer孝心: filial piety /obedience诚信: credit and honest误入歧途: go astray stray into sth 金钱至上: mony-oriented 毫无: haven t the slightest+n.遭至U /面临,: meet with+abstract n. confront(面临) face sth be face with inthe face of sth en

22、counter(遇到困难,邂逅某人) run into sb(巧遇) come across(遇到)袖手旁观: turn a blind eye to, stand by and,受.引诱: be tempted/fascinated/lured/attracted by, . Be interested in fall intotemptation be intoxicated byBe absorbed in吸引: appeal to./attract, /tempt, /fascinate, /lure, /capture ones heart/draw ones attention /

23、magnetize/engageMesmerize/captivate沉迷于 : be addicted to, /abandon oneself to, /be hooked on, /be intoxicated by/be indulged in/revel in与, 有关: be associated to/related to/connected with/involved in/concerned with/link upwith/bound up withConcerning A,:关于 A,考虑到 A。 A concerning (prep) B:名词性质,关于B的A/与B有关

24、的A 在于: lie in, rest with/on, be determined by, depend on.壮丽、壮观: majestic splendid magnificent grand awesome spectacular gorgeousprodigious resplendent对.无意见: have no ideal about have no voice with neutral=impartial( 中立的 ) 有利的: advantageous beneficial useful favourable 拒绝:decline(婉言谢绝) reject refuse 超

25、过: surpass overtake transcend exceed outweigh excel at eclipse overwhelm克服: overcome surmount bridge the , gap 不言而喻, :It goes without saying that , 是, 的时候了: It s hight time that sb did ,审查(员): censor(n./v.) censorship 审查制 强调: accentuate emphasize lay emphasis on, highlight stress punctuate作总结: to conclude/summarize/sum up In conclusion/summary/ a word,.all in all, , To draw a conclusion we can draw/come to a conclusion that 交通堵塞: traffic jamone child policy(oral)增加 /促进 /加强 /提高: enhance improve raise increase elevate

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