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1、英语基本对话Introductions1. Hello. My names Peter. Whats your name?2. Janet.1. Where are you from Janet?2. Im from Seattle. Where are you from?1. Im from Madrid.2. Are you American?1. Yes, I am. Are you Spanish?2. Yes I am.Key VocabularyMy name is.Whats (is) your name .Where are you from?Im from. Are you

2、(Spanish, American, German, etc.)Hello and Goodbye - Three Short ConversationsHello1. Hello, Peter. How are you?2. Fine, thanks. How are you?1. Im fine, thank you.Goodbye1. Goodbye, Janet. See you tomorrow!2. Bye bye, Peter. Have a nice evening.1. Thanks, you too!2. Thanks.Key VocabularyHello. How a

3、re you?Im fine, - OK, - well, thank youGoodbye, - bye byeSee youtomorrowHave a nice evening, - day沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中Telling the TimeWhat time is it? - I1. Excuse me. Can you tell me the time, please?2. Yes, of course. Its seven oclock.1. Thank you.2. No problem.What time is it? - II1. What time i

4、s it?2. Its half past three.1. Thanks.2. Youre welcome.Key VocabularyExcuse me.Can you tell me the time, please?What time is it?Its half past.Itsquarterpast.Its ten to.Its quarter to.oclock沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中Giving and Requesting Personal Information1. Whats yoursurname(family name)?2. Smith1. Wha

5、ts your first name?2. Fred1. Where are you from?2. Atlanta, Georgia1. Whats your job?2. Im a teacher.1. Whats your address?2. 34 White Street1. What is your phone number?2. 308-67301. How old are you?2. 541. Are you married?2. Yes, I am.Key Vocabularysurname, family name, first nameWhere are you fro

6、m?Whats your job? address? phone (telephone) number?How old are you?Are you married?married, single,divorced, separated沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中In a ShopShopping for a Sweater1. Can I help you?2. Yes, Im looking for asweater.1. What size are you?2. Im an extra large.1. How about this one?2. Yes, thats n

7、ice. Can I try it on?1. Certainly, theres the changing rooms over there.2. Thank you.1. How does it fit?2. Its too large. Do you have a large?1. Yes, here you are.2. Thank you. Ill have it, please.1. OK, how would you like to pay?2. Do you take credit cards?1. Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and Ameri

8、can Express.2. OK, heres my Visa.1. Thank you. Have a nice day!2. Thank you, goodbye.Key VocabularyCan I help you?Can I try it (them) on?size - extra small, small,medium, large, extra largeHow does it fit?changing roomsHow would you like to pay?credit cards沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中At the AirportChecking

9、 In1. Good morning. Can I have your ticket, please?2. Here you are.1. Thank you. Would you like smoking or non-smoking?2. Non-smoking, please.1. Would you like a window or anaisleseat?2. An aisle seat, please.1. Do you have anybaggage?2. Yes, this suitcase and this carry-on bag.1. Heres your boardin

10、g pass. Have a nice flight.2. Thank you.Passport Control1. Good morning. Can I see yourpassport?2. Here you are.1. Thank you very much. Are you a tourist or on business?2. Im a tourist.1. Thats fine. Have a pleasant stay.2. Thank you.Key VocabularyCan I have your ticket?smoking, non-smokingwindow, a

11、isle seatbaggage, suitcase, carry-on bagboarding passflightCan I see your passport?tourist, business沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中Asking for DirectionsDirections I1. Excuse me. Is there a bank near here?2. Yes. Theres a bank on the corner.1. Thank you.2. Youre welcome.Directions II1. Excuse me. Is there a su

12、permarket near here?2. Yes. Theres one near here.1. How do I get there?2. At the traffic lights, take the first left and go straight on. Its on the left.1. Is it far?2. Not really.1. Thank you.2. Dontmentionit.Key VocabularyIs there a _ near here?on the corner, on the left, on the rightstraight on,

13、straight aheadtraffic lightsIs it far?沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中In a Motel / HotelGetting a Room for the Night1. Good evening. Can I help you?2. Yes, please. Id like a room for the night.1. Would you like a single room, or a double room?2. A single room, please. How much is the room?1. Its $55 per night.

14、2. Can I pay by credit card?1. Certainly. We take Visa, Master Card and American Express. Could you fill in this form, please?2. Do you need my passport number? No, just an address and yoursignature.1. (fills out the form) Here you are.2. Heres your key. Your room number is 212.1. Thank you.2. Thank

15、 you. If you need anything, dial 0 for the reception area. Have a good stay!Key VocabularyCan I help youId like a roomsingle, double roomCan I pay by credit card?fill in this formpassport numberroom numberreception沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中At a RestaurantOrdering a Meal1. Hi. How are you doing this after

16、noon?2. Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?1. Certainly, here you are.2. Thank you. Whats todays special?1. Grilled tuna and cheese onrye.2. That sounds good. Ill have that.1. Would you like something to drink?2. Yes, Id like a coke.1. Thank you. (returning with the food) Here you are. Enjoy

17、your meal!2. Thank you.1. Can I get you anything else?2. No thanks. Id like the check (bill - UK English), please.1. Thatll be $6.75.2. Here you are. Keep the change!1. Thank you! Have a good day!2. Bye.Key VocabularyCan I see a menu?here you areEnjoy your meal!Would you like .Can I get you anything

18、 else?Id like the check (bill - UK English), please.Thatll be $6.75.Have a good day!小学二(2)班班规一、 安全方面1、 每天课间不能追逐打闹。2、 中午和下午放学要结伴回家。3、公路上走路要沿右边走,过马路要注意交通安全。4、不能在上学路上玩耍、逗留。二、学习方面1、每天到校后,不允许在走廊玩耍打闹,要进教室读书。2、每节课铃声一响,要快速坐好,安静地等老师来上课。3、课堂上不做小动作,不与同桌说悄悄话, 认真思考,积极回答问题。4、养成学前预习、学后复习的好习惯。每天按时完成作业,保证字迹工整,卷面整洁。5

19、、考试时做到认真审题,不交头接耳,不抄袭,独立完成答卷。三、升旗排队和两操方面1、升旗时,要快速出教室排好队,做到快、静、齐,安静整齐地排队走出课室门,班长负责监督。2、上午第二节后,快速坐好,按要求做好眼保健操。3、下午预备铃声一响,在座位上做眼保健操。四、卫生方面1、每组值日生早晨7:35到校做值日。2、要求各负其责,打扫要迅速彻底,打扫完毕劳动工具要摆放整齐。3、卫生监督员(剑锋,锶妍,炜薪)要按时到岗,除负责自己的值日工作外,还要做好记录。五、 一日常规1、每天学生到齐后,班长要检查红领巾。2、劳动委员组织检查卫生。3、 每天负责领读的学生要督促学生学习。4、 上课前需唱一首歌,由文娱

20、委员负责。5、做好两操。6、放学后,先做作业,然后帮助家长至少做一件家务事。7、如果有人违反班规,要到老师处说明原因。班训:坐如钟 站如松 快如风 静无声班规:课堂听讲坐如钟,精神集中认真听;排队升旗站如松,做操到位展雄风;做事迅速快如风,样样事情记得清;自习课上静无声,踏实学习不放松;个人努力进步快,团结向上集体荣;我为领巾添光彩,标兵集体记我功。加分标准序号考核项目加分值备注1单元考试满分+22单元考试85分以上+13课堂小测满分+14期中、期末考试满分+35在红领巾广播站投稿一次+26在校级活动中获奖+57作业十次全对得一颗星+38课堂上得到表扬+19班干部工作认真负责+110做好事、有利于班集体和学校的事+211进步比较明显+212连续一周该组值日卫生达标本组值日生每人加2分扣分标准序号考核项目扣分值备注1没交作业、不做晚作业-12忘带书本、学具-13迟到-14在课堂上被老师点名-25不穿校服,不戴红领巾-16吃零食、带钱、带玩具-27说脏话、打架-3请家长,写保证书8座位周围有垃圾-29课间操、眼保健操不认真做-110升旗时违反纪律-211来学校不进教室,在走廊聊天打闹-112体育课打闹说话、排队不整齐-2注:每人基本分60分起,学期末核算总分,作为学期评先依据。

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