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1、 Its up to you, but nothing too violent, please.2. Where are the speakers?A. At a gym.B. At a restaurant.C. At a cinema.根据男士的话“what kind of film do you want to see?”以及女士的回答“Its up to you, but nothing too violent, please.”可推知,对话者正在电影院讨论看什么电影,故选C。【点拨】地点推断一直是英语听力能力考查的重点和难点。本段材料语言生动、应景,还原在电影院选择电影时的真实场景。

2、Text 3 伦敦旅行的感受 29 How was your trip to London? It was fantastic! I visited a lot of places: churches, museums, and the royal palaces. And the weather was fine. Horrible traffic, though.3. What does the woman dislike about her trip?A. The weather.B. The traffic.C. The scenery.【解析】事实细节题。根据女士的话“Horribl

3、e traffic, though.”可知,女士对她的伦敦之行很满意除了交通情况很糟糕,故选B。Text 4 赶去开会 37 How much time do we have before the conference? We dont have to hurry, do we? Dont worry. Its 7:30 now. We still have an hour and a half. It takes only thirty minutes to get there.4. When will the conference begin?A. At 7:30.B. At 8:C. A

4、t 9:00.根据女士的提问“How much time do we have before the conference?”和男士的回答“Its 7:30 now. We still have an hour and a half.”可知,会议开始的时间是9点,故选C。【点拨】数字计算一直是英语听力能力考查的重点和难点。学生应注意辨别材料中出现的数字是否与设问有关,并掌握简单的数字计算能力。Text 5 谈论Ann 31 Hey, did you see Ann in the office this morning? Yes, but why did she have such a long

5、 face? Im not sure. I heard she failed to get promoted.5. What are the speakers talking about?A. A job position.B. A fellow worker.C. A new office.【解析】主旨大意题。根据对话者认为Ann早上在办公室里板着脸的原因可能是没有升职可总结出,他们聊天的主题是他们的同事,故选B。【点拨】主旨大意一直是英语听力能力考查的重点和难点。提取对话者谈话的关键词(本段关键词为in the office、get promoted)并加以总结是解题的要领。【地道表达】a

6、 long face: 板着脸;郁闷的表情get promoted: 升职Text 6 看医生 77 What about the problems Ive been having? Not serious. Take some medicine and you will get a better nights sleep. Thank you. How should I take the medicine? Take one pill about thirty minutes before you go to bed. How long should I take them? Thirty

7、days. Is there anything else I can do? Dont worry so much about things at work. Should I stay home from work? No, its not necessary. Just remember to stay calm.6. What seems to be the mans problem?A. He doesnt sleep well.B. He has no more pills.C. He cant focus properly.根据男士的提问“What about the proble

8、ms Ive been having?”以及女士的回答“Not serious. Take some medicine and you will get a better nights sleep.”可推知,男士需要服药是因为睡眠状况不好,故选A。7. What is the man advised to do?A. Stay home from work.B. Have a check-up.C. Stop feeling anxious.根据女士的话“Just remember to stay calm.”可知,女士建议男士保持心态平和、禁止焦虑,故选C。【点拨】stay calm同义转述

9、为stop feeling anxious。Text 7 开车or骑自行车 169 Youre late! Yes, Im really sorry. I had to wait for ages for the bus. Why didnt you drive? Ah well, Ive sold my car. Oh, are you getting a new one? No, Im not getting another car. Ive decided to live without one. Wow. What made you do that? I think there are

10、 too many cars. And this town is already far too polluted. Well, thats true. But a car is useful. I dont think so. Not in the city center, anyway. I can never find anywhere to park. And you spend most of the time sitting in traffic jams. But how are you going to get to work? Im thinking of getting a

11、 bicycle. Dont you think bicycles are dangerous? Not really, I dont think theyre as dangerous as cars. Well, I couldnt do without my car. I have to take the children to school every day. I dont think children get enough exercise these days. They should walk to school. Okay, I see what you mean.8. Ho

12、w did the man get to work today?A. By bike.B. By bus.C. On foot.根据男士的话“I had to wait for ages for the bus.”可推知,男士今天是搭乘公交车上班的,故选B。9. What is the mans major concern about driving a car?A. Expenses.B. Health.C. Environment.根据男士的话“I think there are too many cars. And this town is already far too pollute

13、d.”可推知,男士最担心的是开车会对环境造成污染,故选C。【点拨】B选项具有很强的干扰性,在材料中男士也有提到。此题的解题关键在于女士问男士卖掉车的原因,男士首先回答的是太多的私家车对城市环境造成了污染。10. What does the woman think of using a car?A. Its costly.B. Its dangerous.C. Its convenient.【解析】观点态度题。根据女士的话“But a car is useful.”可知,女士觉得有车很方便,故选C。【点拨】useful同义转述为convenient。【重点词句】for ages: 很长时间far

14、 too: 很大程度上;很多;非常sit in traffic jams: 交通堵塞;堵在路上Text 8 非凡的人生经历 159 Hey Heather, can I sit here? Yeah, sure Jonathan. Hows your day? Good. Say, are you planning your summer travels? Well, not yet. I was just reading a story about this woman, Ellen Wilson, who climbed up Mount Tumalungma. Yeah, I read

15、that too. A rather extraordinary experience, isnt it? Ninety-six days! Shes actually a graduate of our college, class of 2012. Oh really? So, Jonathan, what amazing thing have you done? Well, I just went cycling across South America. You didnt! I did. Just last year before I entered the graduate sch

16、ool. It was such a brilliant time. Four months on the road enjoying wonderful scenery in the country, in towns and in cities all along the way. I got a bit tired, though. Sounds great. Hmm. Maybe I should think seriously about my big life adventure. Like taking a long walk across a national park. Wo

17、w. Let me know if you need someone to go with you.11. Who reached the top of Mount Qomolangma?A. Ellen.B. Jonathan.C. Heather. 根据女士的话“I was just reading a story about this woman, Ellen Wilson, who climbed up Mount Tumalungma.”可知,一个名叫Ellen的人登顶了珠穆朗玛峰,故选A。【点拨】climb up同义转述为reach the top。12. How long did

18、 the man spend on his adventure travel?A. 96 days.B. Four months.C. One year.根据男士的话“Four months on the road enjoying wonderful scenery in the country, in towns and in cities all along the way.”可知,男士的冒险旅途持续了四个月,故选B。13. What does the woman think about doing in the future?A. Walking through a national

19、park.B. Cycling along a country road.C. Camping out in the mountains.根据女士的话“Maybe I should think seriously about my big life adventure. Like taking a long walk across a national park.”可知,女士想要徒步穿过整个国家公园,故选A。【点拨】take a long walk across同义转述为walk through。【重点词句】graduate: 毕业生。此处为名词。You didnt! 在此段材料中并不是单纯表

20、示否定,而是透露出说话者十分惊讶、吃惊的感情。Text 9 学生消费习惯 142 Hi Matt. May I ask you a few questions? Certainly, Julian. What do you want to know? Im doing a study on the spending habits of students in our school. Im writing a paper for my social studies course. That sounds interesting. To begin with, how much money do

21、you get from your parents a month? I get about five hundred dollars. How do you spend your money? I spend about three hundred dollars on food. You know how I like to eat. Yes. What about the rest of the money? Well, I spend on shows about thirty dollars a month. Games, uh, for rental of tennis court

22、 and balls about fifty dollars. I do spend some on things like reading material. And the rest I save. What about clothes? My mother buys them for me. Thanks a lot, Matt. Youre welcome!本段对话中Julian就Matt的消费习惯进行了采访,为自己的研究积累数据支持。本段对话非常贴近学生的日常生活,体现了英语语言的交际性和实用性。14. What is Julian doing?A. Planning her bud

23、get.B. Conducting an interview.C. Giving advice on studies.根据对话开头Julian询问Matt能否问他一些问题,以及后面Julian说自己在做学生消费习惯的一些研究等可推知,对话中Julian正在对Matt进行个人采访,故选B。15. Which costs Matt most each month?A. Food.B. Clothes.C. Books.对话中Matt说自己每月从父母那拿500美元,其中有300美元是花在饮食上,由此可知Matt每月一大半的消费都是用来买食物,故选A。16. How much does Matt sp

24、end on sports a month?A. About $15.B. About $30.C. About $50.根据对话中“Games, uh, for rental of tennis court and balls about fifty dollars.”可知,Matt每月租用网球场和网球要花费大约50美元,故选C。17. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Strangers.B. Schoolmates.C. Co-workers.根据对话中“Im doing a study on the sp

25、ending habits of students in our school.”可推知,Julian和Matt在同一所学校上学,故选B。to begin with: 首先rental: 租金Text 10 如何打造可以激发创造力的工作环境 219 Hello everyone. Im very glad to be here to talk to you. People need to feel secure and comfortable so they can be creative. Well-designed workplaces often create environments

26、that make employees better thinkers. So today, Ill talk about how to design workplaces that inspire creativity. I hope you can find it useful. First, the colour of the office walls. Decorate your office with green. Other bright colours such as light blue and yellow can also increase creativity. Calm

27、er colours help us concentrate. Green also reminds us of nature, which may help us to relax. Avoid red when you are choosing a colour. While it can give us a feeling of energy, it also affects our ability to analyze information. Then, lets turn to lighting. Lighting is also important. Too dark, and

28、workers can feel sleepy. While, if it is too bright, it can make them feel anxious. The best kind of lighting is natural light. It makes us happier and more productive. When it comes to artificial lighting, warm colours are the best. But if we need to concentrate, a bluer light is better. Space is another important matter. A company might want to develop a variety of spaces in an office so staff can find privacy if needed, but also work in open areas for creative thinking.本段独白的主

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