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1、please take your time over these questions, and give your answer.1. how do you expect to benefit from the program that you are applying for? it is known that experience does count for an employee to find a satisfying job. in order to achieve more valuable experience in marketing and management, i ha

2、ve made up my mind to apply for this program. on the one hand, i expect to learn more things about my life since i think nobody could be a successful employee or employer unless he is a qualified human being. on the other hand, i think it is a good opportunity for me to learn more advanced theories

3、about both marketing and management. besides, since there are many excellent teachers and classmates, i consider it is a great chance to learn from them. i hope to bexxe an excellent person and to accumulate more experience about both my life and my career.2. how do you see your career progressing?a

4、s a matter of fact, i have been working in china for four years. and during these four years i have decided that my future career could be starting a business by myself or working in a multinational xxpany. no matter which one i choose at last, the first step would be arming me with enough advanced

5、theories and rich experience. the beauty of life lies in its uncertainty. but it is necessary to make preparation for this uncertainty. and i consider it is a good opportunity for me to join the program to make a good start for my career. my aim is to be good student and learner at the very first, a

6、nd then a great practitioner and creator.3. describe your major strengths and weaknessesas a young man, i know there is still much for me to learn. i confess that it is quite urgent for me to learn more things about those advanced theories within my major. besides, although i have learnt some theori

7、es, yet it makes me confused to apply them into practice. however, i am a good learner. i have learnt a sentence that the most valuable people in this world are not those who know everything, but those who are able to learn everything. and thank goodness, i am a good learner with firm perseverance a

8、nd creativity.4. do you adapt well to new and challenging situations?i have grown up from a xxmon family in china and my growing process has helped me to form good habit of being independent to choose. when my classmates were wondering how to spend their four years in university, i was joining diffe

9、rent clubs and enjoying my life in school. when i worked in beiersdorf hair care, it took me one month to have a full understanding of the whole work theories and practice and i became a leader there in two months. there are different kinds of challenges in both life and work, yet i have confidence

10、in myself that with diligence and intelligence i can cope well with them.5. do you consider yourself to be international in outlook?as far as i am concerned, it is necessary to have a full understanding of the domestic market to be “international in outlook”. since i have been working for four years

11、 and i have read lots of news about chinas market, i have at least a good understanding of the domestic situation. besides, i have worked in beiersdorf hair care, which is a foreign xxpany in china. the working and studying experience there gave me a good opportunity to see things with an internatio

12、nal outlook, which i appreciated very much. however, it still takes time and diligence to be really “international in outlook”, which i hope to bexxe by joining the program.6. what are your personal interests?although my major in university was marketing, yet i have a strong love for art. whats more

13、, i have a wide range of hobbies in my spare time. i love painting, which i think is a nice way to talk to my inner world and mother nature. my major has offered me opportunities to bexxe a successful employee or employer, yet it is my personal interests that help me to enjoy life more. when i am fr

14、ee, i would like to listen to music and travel to different places. as far as i am concerned, music and travelling can both help me to get out of fatigue and weariness of work.7. additional information to support your application .i have got 6.5 for ielts and the scores for my curriculums in univers

15、ity were over 80. i had joined different clubs in university and i had won several prizes in xxpetitions all over china. i am a simple person and i would try my best for my goals no matter how hard it could be. my favorite sentence is that “there is only one success-to be able to spend your life in

16、your own way”. i think it is true and i am willing to try every little possibility.第二篇:我们每个人在儿时,都曾拥有过伟大的梦想。只是不知道在成长岁月中的什么时候,被改掉了,被偷走了,或是因为我们给予的滋养不足,梦想的种子仍深深地埋在土里,难以发芽。随着年龄的增长,我的内心却有个声音不断提醒着我“找回你真正的梦想吧!不管过去这段时间里,你曾把它藏在什么地方,或是被改掉,或者被偷走,快走吧,你要去把梦想找回来”。而我的梦想就是成为一名优秀的酒店管理者。因为父母工作的原因,我对于酒店管理这个专业很感兴趣。无论寒暑假



19、位顾客。所以您的offer对我的未来的职业发展起着至关重要的作用。第三篇:留学奖学金的英文感谢信kamenori foundation thank-you note dear kamenori,im very grateful for giving me thisopportunity to kamenori foundation,this is kamenori foundation to give me ascholarship, i can be a chinaandjapanexchange student. i am very happy, because my first visi

20、t to japan, this isa exchange students i can furtherunderstand japan.perhaps, i still can bexxefriendly relations between china and japans representative. because japan is iamlonging for the, i will go to japan. i heard that japan has a lotof food, such asjapanese ramen, sushi, great kan

21、to cook, tuna and many otherfood. of course thejapanese kimono is also very beautiful, japanese cherryblossom and mount fuji,this beautiful scenerylet us linger. this time i as an exchange student i cannot only learn aboutjapanese culture, school, living habits, i also want to knowthat im moreintere

22、sted in japanese anime. i think the japanese anime is notonly shows thejapanese culture, but also shows that the japanese uniqueimagination, such asa block, naruto etc excellent cartoon, not only in the worldpopular, andjapanese culture of the world, this is very unique.i hope i go to japan, i will

23、have a very deep memory, there wasa lot offriends, learn about japanese culture, bexxe china and japanthe friendlyrelations between the witnesses. then i get a scholarship, i ammore sure i willbe very good in japan, the japanese family getalong, iam very grateful to the kamenori foundation t

24、o give me a scholarshipandopportunity, so that i can be in japan to learn more, learn more,make morefriends, and at the same time, this to my future plan has abetterfoundation.congratulationsafs program students第四篇:我的留学感谢信留学经验分享20XX年春,我从公司辞职,在家专心考试准备赴美读书。认识海翔是一个比较偶然的机会。有一天在某大学路过时看到了海翔的海报,于是晚上半信半疑地去教室听了陈老师的讲座。对于中介公司,我是抱有比较强的戒心的。大概因为自己以前的工作也有中介性质,我深深清楚中国目前的服务业现状,大部分公司和服务人员都是只想着挣钱而不考虑服务质量,也缺乏相应的服务理念和素质。听完讲座,对海翔的第一印象还不错,虽然公司刚刚起步,但是陈老师在讲座时说的很多大实话让在公司工作两年的我十分有感触。我现在还清楚地记得他对于公务员的看法和我不谋而合,一种隐约的信任感油然而生。暑假参加了陈老师在北京的gm

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