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牛津译林英语8B Unit2 Travelling 知识点.docx

1、牛津译林英语8B Unit2 Travelling 知识点 牛津译林英语8B Unit 2知识点1、重点词汇【短语归纳】1.on business出差 2.leave for动身去3.a few 几个,一些 4.have/has been to去过e from来自 6.each other互相7.have a fantastic time玩得开心 8.the whole day -整天 underground乘地铁 10.roller coaster(游乐场的)过山车 high speed高速 12.such as例如13.take photos拍照 some s

2、hopping购物15.a couple of一对;几个,几件 16.have fun玩得开心 the end of在末尾 front of在的前面 about 怎么样 20. how long 多久,多长时间e back回来 22. winter holiday寒假23.look at看 24. be away from离开25. half an hour半小时 26. in spring在春天27all year round终年,一年四季 28. theme park主题公园29. by the way顺便问一下 30. three and a half

3、hours二个半小时31. some day将来的某一天 32. on the way在路上33. get excited变得激动 34. later in the afternoon下午晚些时候35. run after 追赶 36.under the fireworks在烟火下37. have gone to去了, 38. have a look看一看39attend a meeting开会,出席会议 40.go for a picnic去野餐41. a member of的一员 42.Chinese Gardens中国园林43. natural beauty天然美景 44. fly to

4、飞往45.on cold and snowy days在寒冷的下雪的日子里 the lake在湖边 47.a visit to South Hill南山之旅48.cannot stop doing sth 忍不住做某事 49.move at high speed 高速移动50.take a direct flight 直飞 51.the May Day holiday 五一节假期2、重要句型1.Can I join you? 我可以和你一起去吗?join用作及物动词,意为“加入”,表示加入某一组织、党派、社会团体或某一人群中,从而成为其成员。join后常出现club,army,tea

5、m,group以及表示人称代词宾格的单词等。My father joined the army after he finished middle school.Will you come and join us for supper?【拓展】take part in意为“参加参与某项工作、活动、游戏或会议等”,强调参加者持积极态度,并起到一定的作用。take part in之后接名词或动名词。相当于join in.join sb.in意为“参加到中”。eg.A lot of students are playing football on the playground; Lets join t

6、hem in playingfootball!2.Were having a fantastic time here我们在这儿玩得很高兴。fantastic形容词,“极好的”have a fantastic time相当于have a great/good/nice/wonderful time或 enjoy oneself或have a lot of fun表示“玩得很开心”。eg.Hainan is famous for its fantastic beach. We had a fantastic time in Beijing Amusement Park yesterday.3.It

7、 moved at high speed and was really exciting! We were screaming and laughing through the ride它高速运转令人激动,整个乘坐过程中我们一直在尖叫大笑。 (1)speed名词,“速度”,常构成短语:at high/low speed “以高低速”;at full speed“全速”。The train began to pick up speed.火车开开始加速。提醒表示“以速度”要用固定结构at a/the speed of。 eg.Its travelling at the speed of sound

8、.它以音速运动。(2)ride名词,“(乘车或骑车的)短途旅程”,常构成短语:a short bus ride“短途公共汽车旅行”;an hours ride乘/骑车一小时的路程”. eg.We are all very excited through the whole ride.拓展 ride动词,“骑(马、自行车等);搭乘”。eg.People rode horses in the past.4.Next,we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal.接着我们匆匆去一个餐馆吃了一顿快餐。(1) hurry此处用作不及物动词,意为“匆忙,赶

9、忙”。eg.If we hurry,well get there in time,要是赶紧的话,我们会及时到那里。【拓展】hurry的常见搭配:hurry to+地点名词 匆忙去某地 eg.Tom had breakfast and hurried to school.hurry to do sth. 匆忙做某事 eg.They hurried to help the children.hurry up 赶快 eg.Hurry up,or we will be late.hurry off 匆忙离开 eg.He picked up her bag and hurried off.hurry也可

10、作名词,意为“匆忙”。 in a hurry意为“匆忙地”(2)动词不定式短语to have a quick meal在句中作目的状语,说明去餐馆的目的。动词不定式构成的目的状语可位于句首,用逗号与主句隔开,也可以位于谓语动词之后。eg.To learn Japanese,she went to Japan. You should work hard to get good grades.5.I ran after them and couldnt stop taking photos我追赶他们不停地拍照。cant stop doing sth表示“不停地做某事”。如:She couldnt

11、help laughing when she heard the joke.拓展类似的结构有:stop doing sth.“停止做某事”stop to do sth.“停下(正在做的事情)来做(另外的)某事”|cant help doing sth“情不自禁地做某事”stop/keep/prevent sb from doing sth. 表示“阻止某人傲某事”6.After the parade,we watched a 4-D film.游行结束后,我们看了一场4D电影。watch此处用作及物动词,意为“观看,注视”。可构成短语:watch TV看电视;watch matches看比赛。

12、【拓展】watch sb. do sth.“看到某人做某事”,此时指看到某个动作发生的全过程,或看到某个经常发生的动作。eg.I like watching my goldfish swim around in the sb doing sth.“看到某人正在做某事”,此时表示看见某个动作正在进行。eg.I watch Tom playing football on the playground. I watched them playing basketball at that time.7.We could even smell the apple pie and

13、f eel the wind.我们甚至能闻到苹果馅饼的味道,并能感觉到风。(1)smell此处用作实义动词,意为“嗅,闻,闻到”。Can camels smell the water a mile off?骆驼能嗅出一英里外有水吗?【拓展】smell名词,意为“气味;嗅觉”。The smell made me sick.这气味让我恶心。smell连系动词,后面跟形容词构成系表结构,意为“闻起来”。The flowers smell sweet这些花闻起来很香。(2)feel此处用作及物动词,意为”感觉到”。Did you feel the earthquake?I can feel somet

14、hing in my shoe.【拓展】feel常用作连系动词,其主要用法有:表示某人的感觉,以人作主语。I dont feel very well today.表示某物摸起来给人的感觉,通常要以被摸之物作主语。Your hand feels cold.你的手摸起来很凉。Silk feels soft and smooth.丝绸摸起来柔软平滑。8.Im sure youII love them.我确信你会喜欢它们。sure形容词,意为“确信的;肯定的”,常见用法有:be sure of+名词代词, be sure +that从句 意为“感到对有把握或确信 ”,主语是人。be sure to d

15、o sth. “推测一定或必然会”eg.Take it easy. Im sure of it 别着急,我对它有把握。 Im sure that I can pass the exam. 我确信我能通过这次考试。 Shes sure to arrive on time. 她一定会准时到达的。【拓展】make sure也是一个常用词组,意为“确保;查明”,后接of短语或宾语从句。They scored another goal and made sure of victory.他们又进了一个球,这就赢定了。Make sure that they know nothing about our pl

16、an.绝对不能让他们知道我们的计划。9.At the end of the day,we watched the fireworks in front o f Sleeping Beauty Castle.在那一天的最后,我们在睡美人城堡前观看了烟火。(1) at the end of意为“在的末尾,在的尽头”。There is a supermarket at the end of the road在路的尽头有一家超市。辨析:at the end of,by the end of与 in the endat the end of 在的尽头末尾,它既可指时间,也可指位置by the end o

17、f 到为止, 只表示时间概念in the end 结果,最后, 只用来表示时间概念,相当于finally,其后不接of短语(2) beauty此处用作可数名词,意为“美人,美好的东西”。还可用作不可数名词时,意为“美,美丽,漂亮”。Dont you think she is a beauty?难道你不认为她是个美女吗?If I have time,I can go out to enjoy the beauty of nature.【拓展】beautiful形容词,意为“美丽的”;beautifully副词,意为“美好地,漂亮地”。10.Where did you go during your

18、 stay there? 你们在那儿期间去了哪里?stay此处用作可数名词,意为“逗留,停留”。一般用单数形式。【拓展】stay也可作不及物动词,意为“逗留;留下”。We stayed there for three hours我们在那里待了3个小时。stay还可作连系动词,意为“保持”。相当于keep,后面接形容词作表语。The weather stayed fine for two days两天都是晴天。11.What do you think was the best part of the day?你认为那天最好的是什么?do you think在句中作插入语,意为“你认为”,它后面的

19、部分常用陈述语序。插入语一般是对一句话作适当的附加解释,若将其去掉,对整个句子并无多大影响。若把插人语提到句子的前面,它就会成为主要部分,而原来的主要部分则成为一个从句。你认为她什么时候会回来?When do you think she will be back? (do you think为插入语)Do you think when she will be back? (do you think为主句)12.I see Andy playing on the sand too,我看见安迪也在沙滩上玩。 see sb doing sth.意为“看见某人在做某事”,强调动作正在进行eg.We s

20、aw some young people running wildly in the street.我们看见一些年轻人正在街上狂跑。 see sb do sth.“看见某人做过某事”,强调动作的全过程eg.I saw them get on the bus.我看见他们上了公共汽车。Eg. I saw some boy students_basketball when I passed the playground. A. played B. plays C. playing D. to play13.He has been away from Beijing for a week. 他离开北京

21、一周了。 be away意为“不在”,表示“离开”的状态,可以和一段时间连用,away后若有“地点”须加from,即be away from。eg.He has been away from his hometown since 1992.一_ did your uncle leave his home town?He _ for nearly twenty years. A When;has left B. When; has been away C. How long; has left D.How long; has been away14.The film has been on fo

22、r 20 minutes 电影已经上演20分钟了。 be on意为“上演;开着”,可以表示延续状态。eg.Are the lights in your room on? 你房间的灯开着吗? 15.die死 不及物动词,意为“死”。 与其相关的词有:dies(第三人称单数),died (过去式),dying(现在分词),dead(形容词),death(名词)。eg.She is dying.她快要死了。 His father died ten years ago.他的父亲十年前去世了。辨析:die与deaddie 非延续性动词:动作不延续,与时间点连用,常用于一般过去时eg.He died 3

23、years ago.dead 形容词:与连系动词构成系表结构,可用于现在时态eg.He has been dead for 3 years.16.She can go there all year round,一年到头她都可以到那儿去。all year round“一年到头,全年”。eg.Some birds stay in the wetland all year round有些鸟儿一年到头待在湿地。【拓展】all day long“整天,一天到晚”,You shouldnt watch TV all day long。你不该一天到晚看电视。17.She can go there in an

24、y season except winter. 除冬季之外,她可以在任何季节去那里。except介词,意为“除了之外”,表示“从整体中除去”,有“减去”的意思。eg.She goes to work every day except Sunday.除了星期天,她每天都上班。(星期天不上班)【拓展】besides表示“除之外,还有”,有“加”的意思。Besides Japanese,I can speak French.except for意为“除之外”,指非同类事物间的排除,用于对前文所叙述情况的修订和补充。Your composition is rather good except for

25、some spelling mistakes.除了几个拼写错误之外,你的作文相当不错。18.did some shopping购物“do some+v-ing”是习惯用法,这类结构笼统地表示“做某事”,v-ing后不能再接名词或代词作宾语。【拓展】do some reading 读书 do some writing 写东西 do some washing 洗衣服 do some cooking 做饭 注意:“do some十v-ing”在否定句或疑问句中不能将some改为any。短语拓展:go fishing意为“去钓鱼”,由“go+v.-ing”构成,表示“去做”,多用于体育活动和业余活动。

26、常见的类似短语有:go shopping 去购物 go swimming去游泳 go skating去滑冰 go hiking 去远足 go campmg去野营 go walking去散步 19.My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning. 我和父母一大早动身去了机场。leave for意为“动身去”,后接地点名词。Leave A for B 表示“离开A地去B地【拓展】leave作及物或不及物动词,意为“离开”。 Eg. Miss Smith is leaving China tomorrow 史密斯女士明天将动身离开

27、中国。leave用作及物动词,意为“留下”。Eg. Can I leave a message to him? 我可以给他留个口信吗?leave用作及物动词,意为“遗忘,把落下”Eg. Mum left her umbrella in the shop yesterday.昨天,妈妈把伞落在了商店.leave作不可数名词,意为“假,假期”。 Eg. I want to ask for three days leave我想请三天假。20.It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong.我们花了大约三个半小时乘飞机到香港。th

28、ree and a half hours意为“三个半小时”,也可以用three hours and a half表示。在英语中表示“半”用“数词+and+a half+复数名词”或“数词+名词(单数或复数)+and+a+half”eg.The hall is about two and a half times the size of a room.21.We enjoyed this trip very much,and I hope I can visit it again some day.我们非常喜欢这次旅行,我希望有一天能够再次参观它。词组辨析:some day与one daysom

29、e day指“将来的某一天”,常用于将来时 eg:I hope I can be a teacher some day可以表示“将来的某一天”,作此意讲时,可与some day互换;还可表示“某一天”,(常用于故事的开头),常与过去时连用 eg:We want to visit the moon one day/some day. One day,a thief was caught stealing in the shop.22. I heard youve gone to Thailand.1) hear: 听说或得知(某事物)Eg. 我听说他病了。 I heard (th

30、at) he was ill.你听到那个消息了吗?Have you heard the news?hear 的其它用法:hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事hear sb. do sth. 听见某人做了某事。类似的感观动词see, watch也有同样的用法。 我听到隔壁一个女孩在唱歌。I heard a girl singing next door. 每次聚会我们都会听到Nancy弹的钢琴。At every party, we always hear Nancy play the piano.2) have gone to去了某地(还没回来),常与 Wheres now

31、? 等提示语连用have been to去过某地(但现在已回来),常与ever/never/once/twice等连用have been in已经在某地(呆了一段时间),常与for/ since等连用went to 强调在过去的某时去了某地, 常与last/ ago等过去时间连用23. We spent the whole day in Hong Kong Disneyland.1) spend on sth. 花费时间/金钱做某事spend (in) doing sth.其它的几种花费:cost: sth. +cost sb. (some money)pay: sb. +pay (money) for sth.take: It +takes sb (some

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