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高中英语人教必修五课后强化作业Unit 3Section Ⅱ2 Word含答案 高考Word文件下载.docx

1、2Having deeply moved by the story, the children began to cry.3To give more water, the tree can be saved.4Being devoted to his research work, the professor cared little about other things.5Seating at the back of the classroom, he couldnt see the blackboard clearly.1.去掉第一个is或者在第一个is前加that或which。2Havin

2、g deeply moved改为Deeply moved3To give改为Given4Being devoted改为Devoted5Seating改为Seated.用分词短语改写句子。1Although we were exhausted by the climb, we continued our journey._ _ _ _, we continued our journey.2She was dressed in white and suddenly appeared._ _ _, she suddenly appeared.3Aunt Wu came in and she was

3、followed by her daughter.Aunt Wu came in, _ _ _ _.4As he is encouraged by the progress he has made, he works harder._ _ _ _ he has made, he works harder.5Once it is seen, it will not be forgotten._ _, it will not be forgoten.1.Exhausted by the climb2.Dressed in white3.followed by her daughter4.Encou

4、raged by the progress5.Once seen.完成句子1从山顶看,这座城市显得更美。_ on top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.2由于在地下埋得太深,枯死的森林腐烂而变成了煤。_ _ down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.3多次告诉她不要玩电脑游戏,她就是不听。Though _ many times not to play with computer games, she _ listen.4受到了极大的鼓舞,那些疲惫

5、的运动员尽全力赢得了比赛。Greatly _, the _ players managed to win the match.1.Seen2.Buried deep3.warned;wouldnt4.encouraged;tired.单项填空1(2013泰安月考)_, they set out to break the record for crossing channel swim.AWell equipped BWell equippingCWell being equipped DTo equipA句意:装备好后,他们准备出发打破穿越海峡的游泳记录。equip与they之间是动宾关系,故

6、用过去分词作状语。2(2013北京西城月考)_ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decided to spend another two days on the farm.AAttracting BAttractedCTo be attracted DHaving attractedB句意:受到自然美景的吸引,这个来自伦敦的女孩决再在农场度过两天的时间。句子主语the girl与attract之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。3_ with all the difficulties, he never gave up.AFaced

7、BFacingCBeing faced DFaced himself面对所有困难,他从来没有放弃过。face是及物动词,多用于face sb. with sth.的结构中,与he之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。4(2013郑州月考)_ with a bill for $5,000, Tom has taken another job during his spare time.ABurdened BBurdenCBurdening DTo be burdened负有5000美元的债务,汤姆在业余时间里又从事了一份工作。主语Tom与burden之间是动宾关系,故用burdened with表

8、示被动和完成。5_ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.ABlamed BBlamingCTo blame DTo be blamed因为学校网络的瘫痪而受到指责,爱丽丝的情绪非常低落。此处blame与Alice之间是动宾关系,即blame Alice for.,故用过去分词作状语。6_ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog.ABeing bitten BBittenC

9、Having bitten DTo be bitten被咬过两次后,邮递员拒绝给我们送信,除非我们把狗拴起来。The postman和bite之间是被动关系,故此处应该用过去分词形式作原因状语。7_ not to miss the flight at 15:20, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.AReminding BRemindedCTo remind DHaving reminded被提醒不要误了15:20的飞机后,经理立即动身去了机场。句子的主语the manager与remind之间是被动关系,且其表示的动作在谓语动词se

10、t out之前已经发生,故用非谓语动词的过去分词形式作状语,表示被动和完成。8He emigrated to America _ a better life.Ain search Bin search ofCsearched Dsearched ofBin search of意为“寻找”,为固定短语,此题也可以用searching for。9Animals suffered at the hands of Man _ they were destroyed by people to make way for agricultural land to provide food for more

11、people.Ain which Bfor whichCso that Din thatD句意为“动物遭受到来自于人类的灾难,因为人们摧毁它们是为了开垦更多的耕地来给更多人提供食物。”so that,“以便”,不符合句意;A、B两项是“介词which”结构,引导的是定语从句,根据语境,此句是表示因果关系的状语从句。in that,“因为”,符合语境要求。10_ by her husband, she decided to bring up her three children all by herself.ATo be deserted BDesertedCDeserting DTo dese

12、rtB过去分词在句中作状语,表被动。句意为“被她丈夫抛弃之后,她决定独自抚养她的三个孩子。”11Ive applied for the job but Im not very _ about my chance of getting it.Aoptimistic BoptimismCoptimistically DoptimistA句意为“我已经应聘了这份工作但对于得到它我并不乐观。”optimistic是形容词,意为“乐观的”;optimism是名词,意为“乐观(主义)”;optimistically为副词,意为“乐观地”;optimist是名词,意为“乐观主义者”。12I think if

13、 we ask a_to_us around the museum, we can understand it better.Aguide; guidance Bguidance; guideCguide; guide Dguidance; guidanceC第一空guide作名词,意为“导游,向导”,指人;第二空guide作动词,意为“给领路”;guidance是名词,意为“指导,引导”,强调行为。13She made a(n)_in our plan to play basketball when it started to rain.Arecovery BswitchCpoint Dex

14、changeBmake a switch“做改变/更改”,符合语境。recovery“恢复”;exchange“交流”;point“要点”。14_for power, the general conceived a plan to overthrow the government.AGreedy BAfraidCFamous DPopular由于对权力的贪婪,这位将军酝酿了一个颠覆政府的计划。greedy“贪婪的”;afraid“害怕的”;famous“著名的”;popular“受欢迎的”。15(2013青岛检测)The Internet is widely used, which_the s

15、pread of information.Aspeeds up Btakes overCgets across Dturns to网络的广泛使用加速了信息的传播。speed up“加速”;take over“接管”;get across“理解”;turn to“转向”。.完形填空I was at a grocery store buying some early potatoes when I noticed a small boy, hungrily looking at a basket of freshly picked green peas. I couldnt help _1_ th

16、e conversation between Mr Miller, the store owner, and the _2_ looking boy.“Hello, Barry, how are you today?“Fine, thank you, Mr Miller. Im just _3_ the peas. They look good.”“Would you like to take some home?“No, sir. Ive got _4_ to pay for them with. All I get is my marble (弹子) here.” “I _5_ see t

17、hat. Hmm, the only thing is that this one is blue and I like red. Do you have a red one at home?“Im not sure, _6_.”“Take this sack of peas home with you and let me look at that red marble next time you come back.”Then Mrs Miller told me, “There are _7_ other boys like Barry in our community, and the

18、y are very _8_. My husband just loves to _9_ with them for peas or whatever. When they come back with their _10_ marbles, he decides he doesnt like red _11_ and he sends them home with a bag of _12_ for a green marble or an orange one.”Several years later, Mr Miller died. At the _13_ I saw three you

19、ng men. Each young man placed his own _14_ hand over the cold pale hand in the coffin, _15_ their eyes.“Those three young men were the boys. They _16_ the things my husband traded them. Now, at last, when my husband could not change his mind about color or size, they came to pay their _17_,” said Mr

20、s Miller.With loving _18_, Mrs Miller lifted the _19_ fingers of her husband. Resting _20_ were three shining red marbles.1A.overhearing BwritingClistening DnoticingA我清早去杂货店买新鲜的土豆,看到一个饥饿的小男孩盯着一篮子刚刚摘进来的绿豆看。我禁不住听到了米勒先生和那个孩子的对话。overhear“偷听,无意中听到,偶然听到”。2A.hungry BdirtyCthirsty DpoorA上文提到hungrily,故这里选A项,

21、指看上去饥饿的孩子。dirty“脏的”;thirsty“渴的”;poor“贫穷的”,都不合文意。3A.smelling BfeelingCadmiring DenjoyingC从后文的They look good可知,这里的意思是:我在看这些绿豆,它们看起来很新鲜。smell“闻起来”;feel“摸起来”;enjoy“欣赏,喜欢,享受”,皆不符合上下文。4A.something BnothingCeverything DanythingB从上下文可知,这句话的意思是;不要了,先生。我没有钱付账。我所有的东西只不过是个玻璃弹子。5A.may BwillCmust DcanD这里承接上文:我能看出

22、来。问题是我喜欢红色的,而你拿的是蓝色的。你家里还有红色的弹子吗?may“可以”;will“愿意”;mut“必须,一定”;can“能,能够”。6A.perhaps BcertainlyCeither DgenerallyA上文米勒先生问小男孩家里是否有红色的弹子,故这句话的意思是:我不敢肯定,或许有吧。perhaps“或许”;certainly“当然”;either“也”;generally“一般地,笼统地”。7A.three BtwoCfour DmanyB从上文知,米勒先生让小男孩把绿豆带回家,下次来的时候带上红色的弹子让他看看。故这里米勒太太告诉我:在我们这个社区,还有两个像Barry一

23、样的男孩。文章倒数第二段中也提到三个男孩,故还有两个,选B项。8A.hungry BrichCpoor DdirtyC从上文可知Barry家里穷,故选C项。hungry“饥饿的”,只能表示一时的状态;dirty“脏的”,文章中没有信息。 BsellCtrade DbargainD我丈夫喜欢和他们讨价还价,用豆或别的什么农产品换他们的弹子。从这里我们也可以看到米勒先生的善良和良苦用心。bargain“讨价还价”;trade“做生意,做买卖”。 BblueCorange DcoloredA从后面的red可知,这句话的意思是:当他们带着红色的弹子回来后,他又说他不喜欢红色

24、的了。故选A项。 all Bafter allCat all Dall at onceBafter all“毕竟,还是,终究”;in all“总之”;at all“根本”;all at once“突然”。句意:当孩子们带着红色的弹子回来的时候,他又说还是不太喜欢红色的。 BgoodsCproduce DpeasCfood“食品,食物”;goods“货物,商品”;produce“农产品”;peas“豆”。从上文知这里是农产品,不只是豆,还有别的,故选C项。13A.funeral BceremonyCgathering DcommunityA从前文知,米勒先生去世了。funeral“葬礼”;ceremony“典礼”;gathering“聚会”;community“社区”。在葬礼上,我看到了三个年轻人。前面提到的是男孩,这是几年以后的事情,孩子们已经长大了。14A.strong BgentleCshaking DwarmD每个年轻人都把自己温暖的手放到了米勒先生冰凉而苍白的手上。这里填warm和后文的cold形成对比。15A.wiping BcoveringCopening DclosingA孩子们哭了。wipe their

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