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1、外文资料与中文翻译院(系部) 机械与动力工程系 专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化年级班级 0 8级机设5班 学生姓名 周杨 指导教师 李延锋 2012年 5月 15日外文资料: China is a mining power and mining equipment manufacture and use of mechanical and electrical power.From the 20th century,modeled after the 50s the first since the mine hoist has been designed and manufactured,u

2、sed more than 6,000. With the needs of the community and the rapid development of technology,mining industry production equipment and facilities need to mechanization,electrification,The mining industry is the throat of the elevator equipment,replacement products,old products long time run,the struc

3、tural problems behind the original exposed prominent fault more serious impact on the safety of mining operations,curb the rapid development of mining industries to the national economy with to the adverse effects.With the ever-changing mine to increase production ,upgrade the machine to improve saf

4、ety,of machine to run automated,reducing operation and maintenance of the labor intensity,the speed of of the accident and so on,into the urgent requirement.Mine hoist for renovation,is extremely important. For example,wood lining hoist drum serious wear and tear,when the trees lining up to a certai

5、n degree of wear and tear on the lining must be replaced wooden reel,or a security incident is likely to affect the safety in production.And replacement of wooden drum liner is a very cumbersome process,while the high cost of wood lining reel,high maintenance costs, maintenance time.Consume a large

6、amount of manpower,material and time at the same time,and affects the security of the entire mine production and demand for production,to that end, the design of a reel turning wood lining device is a very necessary technology.As a result of taking into account the existing trees lining reel slot ca

7、r there are many devices deficiencies,the paper lining from the existing wooden reel slot cars of the principle of analyzing devices,wear and tear on wire rope of research,the role of drum parts and the forces analysis of the existing car tank equipment to improve processing methods and applications

8、,based on the user-friendly, effective and practical under the premise of turning wood on the drum liner device was designed to maximize the improvement of steel wire rope and reel service life of wood lining and reduce production costs and shorten the processing and maintenance cycle,reducing the l

9、abor intensity.Through constantly improving and perfecting the design of the drum lining wood turning can be a convenient device for turning wood drum liner,the installation of wire rope to reduce wear and tear,but also extended the service life of wooden drum and the lining can produce a substantia

10、l savings cost. HKM241.8-based transformation of hoist Jiaomei jiulishan mine hoist HKM24 1.8 Department of the former Soviet Union and type of products manufactured in the 50s,the reel structure of a typical shell thick branch. Put into use since 1963 until now,has been running for 47 years,for a t

11、otal of about 64 million out of coal t.With the increasing production to meet the needs of the mine production in 1982 had a greater technological innovation,the annual output from 1,200,000 t to 1,800,000 t. Enhance the increase in weight as a result of running some time after percutaneous invagina

12、tion and open reel welding,crack phenomenon. Also in 1985 inside the drum in two directions along the circumference,respectively,an increase of the I-11 # 2,to increase the support drum,to try to resolve open reel reel welding and the phenomenon of skin retraction.However, after running for some tim

13、e, the support drum parts and drum skin open welding,the cracks gradually serious phenomenon,there are four supported I-beam 3 has a horizontal fracture,open reel welding vice 21,all four I-beam horizontal fracture.In order to ensure safety in production,we have adopted a variety of methods,such as

14、an increase to strengthen the board,direct welding, hit 45 groove welding, welding,after annealing,and so will not solve the problem of DC welding,but welding arising as a result of repeated stress concentration,so that Open welding phenomenon more serious run-time hoister abnormal dislocation metal

15、 sound, has seriously affected the security of the entire mine production.In order to ensure safety in production, production management group and the jiulishan mining joint research,the status quo through the survey and found that the existence of the following issues: 1.Invagination serious skin d

16、rum,about 1012mm,resulting in severe deformation of wood lining,the sound of running. 2.Lord, Vice-reel wood lining wear inconsistent,resulting in the main,the Deputy reel run that is inconsistent paragraph rope wrapped around the lame often said,resulting in loading,unloading difficulties. 3.Reel s

17、upport I-beam and drum parts are cracking skin serious run soon after welding cracks,and cracks have been increased and extended. Is the main,the Deputy reel 8 to support the horizontal I-beam are broken,cracks in skin reel has been extended to drum brake wheel, hoist the wrong run-time anomalies me

18、tal sound. 4.The high maintenance costs.Reel hoist wood lining must be replaced once a year,each to be 24h,the material consumption for 35,000 yuan. 5.Repair time.Reel monthly reinforcement welding carried out in more than 16h,consume a large amount of manpower,material and time. Due to these aspect

19、s of the fault,resulting in the normal operation of hoist can not be seriously affected the security of the entire mine production and demand for production,for which a technological transformation of the reel.Rehabilitation programs As the replacement cost of the elevator and the time too long,not

20、in conformity with the actual scene,after full investigation, research and feasibility analysis,we have decided to upgrade the existing machines on the basis of the transformation, that is,to keep the original motor, speed machine,the braking system,the spindle and spindle support device round, the

21、replacement of the main,the Deputy reel and reel spokes.The use of the new reel CITIC Heavy Machinery Company with a fixed rope groove, the structure of the reel one,two and a half of each reel by the reel of the drum skin is 40mm thick rolled steel plate 16Mn,tungsten above have fixed rope groove,w

22、hich is a weak branch structure Cryptocarya high-strength roll.Drum replacement program and a key link: (1)The new reel will be processed to the scene, (2)Installed in the garage outside the drilling of two in order to field drilling, (3)Crane transform garages, walk in part by the manually read ele

23、ctric, (4)The laying of railway, from the bus garages Shop Housing, in order to save time for the delivery drum, (5)Preparation of a cable car, the garage is responsible for the lifting of work outside the drum, (6)Principal, vice skip on the wellhead, (7)Hoist to remove the gate and gate post, (8)S

24、poke to the old Office disconnected from the reel, cut in half, were transported onto the Housing (9)New drum hanging in place, the scene is looking for its eyes. And then transported onto the room, eyes drilling with drilling, (10)through eyes will be hanging a new reel in place, Reaming and bolts,

25、 (11)Field testing of the hoist at all stages of technical parameters and characteristics, (12)Pile gate and gate installation and test on the ropes。 Program to determine how to ensure that the installation of the new reel spindle centerline and the centerline of coincidence is the key to this proje

26、ct. After studying the use of the original decision to hoist the main branch of the only round I,as a benchmark to look for now. When the old reel suspended from the Spindle, the technical staff from the new reel to detect only the spindle diameter and round the mouth of the branch diameter, and cal

27、culated only the mouth space, the new reel position determined by the gap is quite good, and then use Support round the old hole in the new roll number of the spokes on the eyes, drilling, Reaming, the last link to the original reel wheel support.Works in several technical issues (1)CITIC Heavy Mach

28、inery Company to use the vernier caliper to provide a new reel on the mouth and the only round of the spindle support Uehara I only measured the diameter of 1.5mm drum replacement. (2)Diameter of the brake drum wheel drum brake wheel than the original diameter increased by 40mm the original wooden g

29、ates to re-processing. (3)To increase the connection of the fastening screws, we adopted the first measurement of hole diameter, screw-processing method is to ensure co-ordination of the screw size, and the use of anaerobic technology to enhance the connection of the fastening. Through the joint eff

30、orts of all the construction workers, which lasted 60h, the successful completion of the task. After field testing, the new reel to run a smooth, radial drum beat, the oval-round gate, the two-drum winding rope to meet the requirements of the accumulated error.Effective The total cost of million ren

31、ovation project to completely upgrade the operation to solve the problems of insecurity, and ensure the safety of all mine production. Considerable economic benefits, compared with the transformation of the former: (1)Savings once a year to replace wood lining reel maintenance time, saving each time

32、 24h, (2)Once a year to replace wooden drum lining material consumption, a total of 35,000 yuan. (3)Twice a month savings Consolidation reel maintenance time per month of 16h,a year can save maintenance time 192h, can record 1.642 million yuan in profits. Transformed in less than a year to recover the full investment. At the same time enhance our province to fill a gap machine.Modified operation After the transformation,from January 1995 until now,has been running for more than 15 years,4.2 million to upgrade co

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