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1、bring指从别处向说话人所在位置或地方拿,多译作“取来,拿来”;take指从说话人处“将拿(带)走”;get表示专程“去某处将拿(带)来”carry没有方向性,但含有负重的含义,可以理解为“扛,背,提”等。Could you _ _ _ _? 你能去帮我拿些苹果来吗?2. Well, you shouldnt worry about not having breakfast then. worry about sth “为而担心”;worry about (not) doing sth. “为做担心”e.g. Dont _. 担心你的学习Lily is _.Lily在担忧通不过这次考试sth

2、. worry sb. “使烦恼,使担忧” I dont know what is _ _? 我不知道什么使她烦恼。be worried about sb./sth. His mother _ _ _ his health. 他母亲在为他的健康担心五.知识拓展延伸一、词汇1. Though he is one of the most famous writers in China, he is _.(谦让的)2. Children are often _ about everything. ( 好奇的 )3Shes _ (熟悉) with the 12 animal signs in Chin

3、ese culture.4.I was afraid at first but then I knew they were _ (harm).5.Most people arent used to _ (西方的) food.6. He was _(luck) to lose all the books borrowed from the school library.7. Andy felt _ at the _ ending.(amaze)8. A day is d_ into 24 hours.二、选择题 ( ) 1. How much does the new bike_? I_300

4、yuan _ it.A. cost , paid on B. spend, spent for C, pay, spent on D. cost, paid for( ) 2. Would you please _? A、not trouble me B、not to trouble me C、to not trouble me D、trouble not to me( ) 3. Its quite clever _ you _ out the problem. A、for, working B、for, to work C、of, working D、of; to work( ) 4. Th

5、ey _ the maths problem when I came in. A、worked on B、were working on C、were working D、were working for( ) 5.- Robert s never late, _? - _. He always comes on time. A. is he; No, he isnt B. isnt he; No, he isnt C. is he; Yes, he is D. hasnt he; Yes, he is( ) 6. Mike likes football a lot. He is tired

6、enjoy the football matches.A. too, to B. so, never C. never too, to D. so, that( )8. -Are you sure you dont mind my opening the window? - .A.Yes. Do please. B. Certainly not C. No. Do please D. Yes. Youd better not.( ) 9. Mrs. White has _ that she is not able to get a job.A. so little education B. s

7、uch little education C. so a little education D. such a little education( )10.If it isnt yours, it must be _ .A. somebody else B. somebody elses C. else somebody D. elses somebody三、动词填空。1. What a beautiful picture! Can it _ (put) up at Christmas?2. - Wheres my pen? - I just (put) it here on the desk

8、.3. Mum told me spring _ (follow) winter.4. -Dont park here. - Sorry, I _ (not see) the sign.5. Try (phone) his home number if his mobile phone is kept off.6. What are you thinking about _ (spend) the summer holiday?7. She has been used to (stay) up late in the evening since she worked as a writer.8

9、. Its dishonest of them _ ( copy ) other students homework.9. _ ( look) ater his mother, he gave up the chance of studying in American10. We are told (not swim) in this river六教学反思同学们,通过本节课的学习,你掌握了哪些知识?还有哪些疑惑?Reading1 1、进一步了解有关星座的知识; 2、认识和了解与性格有关的词汇; 3、掌握描述人物性格和品质的知识。 了解和人的个性相关的词汇和句子。1.决定你的星座_2.有时候_3

10、.节省钱_4.太过担心_5.和其他人吵架_6.保密_7.去不同的地方旅行_8.生气_9.关心、在意_10.公平地对待每个人_11.和别人分享食物_ 12. 一年被分成12个星座。_13. 有时不原谅别人的过错是你不明智所在。_14.你擅长制定和计划事情。_15. 他有足够的耐心长时间等候而不恼怒别人。_16.你尝试把一切做的不同。_17.你喜欢梦想一切。_(二)请同学们预习P143-144中12个星座的名称以及所对应的时间,并学会朗读 1.You are patient and do not give up easily. 你执着耐心,不轻易放弃所做的事情。give up放弃 give up

11、sth / doing sth 放弃某事/ 放弃做某事 注意:当it 或者them等代词做宾语时,只能放在up的前面。give it / them up ._ _ bad for _. My father _already _ _ _吸烟有害健康,我爸爸已经戒烟了._. Please _ _ _.起床晚对身体不好,请改掉吧。2.You love peace and do not like to argue with others.你喜欢和平相处,不喜欢和人争吵。argue with sb 和人争吵,争论 argue with sb over/ about sth就某事和人争吵,争论I_ _ h

12、er _ _ 我就此事和她争吵了.I often_ _ my brother _ the house. 我经常为了房子和哥哥吵架3.Its silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes.不原谅别人的错误是你不明智所在 forgive,forgave, forgiven forgive sb for sth/ doing This morning , my teacher _me _ _late.今早,老师原谅了我的迟到He cant _his son _his _. 他不能原谅儿子的过错一.词汇 1.Heisan_ (充满活力的)b

13、oy.2.Hevery_ (大方)withmoney. 3.A _(好奇心的)personwantstoknowabouteverything. 4. Mike is very _(谦虚的) even though he is the top student in our class.5. I was born on 26th March. Some people think Im a little bit _(自私的).6. She doesnt want to do her homework, so she is not a _( 努力工作的 ) student.7. Suzy was b

14、orn on 26th January. She should be kind and _(明智的).8. Peter loves dreaming about everything . He is very _(有创造力的)and imaginative.9. Kittys star sign is Leo. He is strong and _( 自信的)10. Tom is _(energy).He often helps others do some heavy work. He never feels tired.11.We are_inthat_story.(interest) 1

15、2.Sheoftenmakesmistakes.Shea_girl.(care) 13.oneof_(success)businessmentheworld. 14. Sandy doesnt like to go fishing. She is an _(patient)girl15. If you want to be an inventor, you must be _(imagine).16. He is very stubborn. You cant make him give it up _(easy).二.选择题 ( ) 1.Doyoumind? A.IsmokingB.myC.

16、smokeD.mesmoke ) 2.Smoking is bad for your health. Youd better _. A.give up it B.give it up C. take out it D. take it out3.Ifitisntyours,mustbe. somebodyelseelses C.ssomebody )4.Donteat_meat.doso,Youllgetfat. muchtoo;too B.much;too C. D.much 5.Heis a businessmanand.Ihopehewillhavemore_athisbusiness.

17、 success;successfulsuccessful;success successfully;successful ( )6.Can you do the work better with _money and _ people? A litter; few B. few; little C. less; fewer D .fewer ;less( )7.We have _friends _a long time. A. made; for B. been; for C. made; at D. been; at( )8- “Mum,I get 8000 yuan a month fo

18、r the job.”-“Really?It just sounds to be true.” A. so well B. too good C. good enough D. too well( )9.Tony was weak in English because he didnt _his teacher in class. many attentions to B.notice C.listen D. pay much attention to ( )10.I cant it in English because I cant English. Can I you the

19、story in Chinese. A. speak; say; tell B. say; speak; tell C. tell; say D. say; tell; speak六教学反思 同学们,通过本节课的学习,你掌握了哪些知识?Reading2&Vocabulary 1、进一步了解每个星座及其代表的性格; 2、用形容词描述性格; 3、辨别形容词是贬义还是褒义。 用形容词正确描述人的性格。(一) 请同学们简单复述P143-144中12个星座的名称以及所对应的时间(二) 写出下列形容词的反义词active _ selfish_ proud _ strong_ fair _ patient

20、_ lazy _ clever_写出下列名词的形容词energy _ practice_ peace _ power_ humor _ create _ imagine _ difference_写出下列词的名词confident_ 写出下列形容词的副词simple _ possible_ terrible _ gentle_ comfortable_ probable_ true_ easy_1.Billy has all kinds of different ideas.比利有各种各样不同的主意。 all kinds of 意为“各种各样的”在这家玩具店你可以看到各种各样的玩具。You c

21、an see _ _ _ _ in this toy shop.2.Mr Wu spends a lot of time explaining things to us.吴老师花了大量时间给我们解释。(1)spend 花费(时间或金钱),常用于以下结构:spend time/money (in) doing sth花时间或金钱做某事spend time/money on sth 在某物会少年宫花费时间或金钱我爸爸每天早上花20分钟做运动。My dad _ _ _ _ sports every morning.(2)explain 解释 说明 常用结构: explain sth , explain sth to sb你能向我解释以下你的答案吗?Can you _ _ _ _ us?3.Daniel is very clever, but he never shows off. 丹尼尔很聪明,但他从不炫耀。 Show off 意为“炫耀”,如果后面接代词做宾语,则该代词要放在show和off之间。她很喜欢出风头。 She likes to _ _一选择填空:( )1. The dictionary _me 50yuan. Its a l

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