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1、常用的金融英语口语对话常用的金融英语口语对话Mr. Long is from a merchant bank in Britain. He will be talking about the organization of hisbank.朗先生给大家介绍一下他所在银行的组织体系。L:I feel honoured to be talking with you today. Id like to begin with your questions.朗:我今天非常荣幸地与大家在一起聚谈聚谈。我希望同学们现在就提问。S:Where is your bank located?学:请问贵银行位于什么地

2、方?L:In London, the capital of Britain.朗:伦敦,英国的首都。S:Could you give us a brief overview of your banks history?学:您能给我们讲讲贵银行的历史概况吗?L:Yes, of course. We were established as long ago as 1869.朗:当然行啦!我们的银行早在1869年就有了。Now, it is being operated as one of the major merchant banks in the City.现在它是伦敦几家最重要的商业银行之一了

3、。S:How is your bank organized?学:请问贵行是如何组成的呢?L:Well, that is really a big question.朗:啊,这可是一个很大的问题呀!S:Let me put it in this way. How many divisions are there in your bank?学:我就这么问吧。请问贵行有多少部门?L:All together, there are six large divisions. They are Administration Division,朗:总共分六大部门。分别是:行政管理部,Investment M

4、anagement Division, Banking Division, Corporate Finance Division,投资管理部,银行营业部,公司财务部,Dealing Division and the last one, Leasing Division. Now, let me explain them one by one.证券交易部以及最后一个租赁部。现在,我就逐个来作一些解释说明。First, Alministration Division. It looks after all administrative matters, such as planning,首先是行政

5、管理部,该部负责管理事务,诸如计划制定,group financial control, accounting and audit, computer services, legal services and so on.集团财务控制,会计及审计,计算机服务,法律顾问等等事务。S:Is that what we call cost centre services?学:这是不是我们通常所称的“成本中心服务呢?L:Yes, you are right. Thats cost centre services. And then, theres the Banking Division.朗:是的,你说

6、得对!这正是成本项目服务,接下来,就是银行营业员,This is easy to understand, right?这不难解理吧!S:You mean, as in China, the Banking Division in your bank deals with loans, overdrafs,学:您的意思是,就像中国的银行那样,贵行的该部门专门处理贷款呀,透支呀,documentary credits and correspondent banking?书面信贷啦等相应的银行业务?L:Just the same. Now, lets talk about Dealing Divis

7、ion. The activities of Dealing Division includeforeign exchange,朗:正是如此。现在我来介绍一下证券交易部。该部门主要的工作就是进行外汇兑换,currency options, money market transactions, bonds, floating rate notes, Eurodollar CD,.外汇期权交易,金融市场交易,债券,浮动汇率单以及欧元CD等.S:Eurodollar CDs?学:欧元CD?L:CD stands for Certificate of Deposit, while Eurodollar

8、 means US dollar in a European bank.朗:CD是英文中“存款单的简称,而欧元指的是欧洲银行的美元,Eurodollar is used for trade within Europe.用于欧洲国家之间的各种贸易。S:Oh, I see. Next, how about your Corporate Finance Division?学:噢,我明白了。接下来请讲贵行的公司财务部。L:They provide advice to most UK and international companies.朗:它的任务是为英国及许多国际公司的提供金融咨询。In the

9、past several years, our Corporate Finance Division has expanded quite rapidly.在过去的几年里,这个部门的业务发展非常之快。S:What kind of advice do they provide?学:那么提供几个方面的咨询服务呢?L:They cover mergers, capital raising, takeovers, acquisitions and divestments, and of coursestock market.朗:诸如公司合并,资本增长企业兼并,公司收购和摆脱某权益,当然还包括股票交易等

10、。S:Mum, I follow you now.学:嗯,我现在明白了。L:There is also an Investment Management Division in our bank.朗:接下来要介绍的这个部是投资管理部,It offers services to companies, like investment trusts, unit trusts,这也是向各公司提供以下这些服务项目:投资信托,单位信托,pension funds and offshore funds. Now, lets come to the last division, Leasing Divisio

11、n.退休抚恤金及境外资金管理。现在,我们就说说我们银行的最后一个部门,就是租赁部。Obviously, it organizes leasing packages for lessors and lessees.顾名思义,它的工作就是为出租人和承租人牵线搭桥。S:So, thats how you organize your merchant bank in London.学:就这样,您就把一个伦敦主要的商业银行运转组织起来了。L:Yes, thats what we do.朗:正如您说。T:Time is up. Mr. David Long, thank you very much for

12、 coming here to give us such animformative lecture.教:时间到了。朗先生,感谢您抽出宝贵时间,给我们大家详细介绍了银行的组织体系They were really temples which collected deposits and made loans.实际上,那些银行只是一种收集存款并进行的放款的场所。S1:I see, but I had always thought that banking started during the Renaissance in Europe.学1:我明白了,但我原来一直以为银行业务始于欧洲文艺复兴时期。

13、N:No, it was much earlier than that. Then, there were banks in ancient Greece and Rome, too.周:不,比那个时期早多了。古希腊和罗马都有许多银行,It wasnt until the breakup of the Roman Empire and the decline in trade and commercialtransactions that banking lost its previous importance.直到罗马帝崩溃和商贸业务的衰落,银行业才失去了它以往的重要性。S2:What ab

14、out the laws against usury during the Middle Ages?学2:中世纪时,放禁止放高利贷是怎么回事?Didnt such laws make it illegal to charge interest on loans?这些法律没有规定贷款收取利息是非法的吗?Z:Yes, they did, but these laws were gradually changed during the 14th and 15th centuries andbanking functions started appearing again in Italy and B

15、elgium and later in France,周:是的,规定了,但是这些法律在14,15世纪时逐步地改变了,银行的作用又在意大利和比利时开始出现,后来又在法国,Germany and England.德国和英国。S3:So we can really say that banking restarted during the Renaissance.学3:所以实际上我们可以说,银行业在文艺复兴时期又重新开始了。Z:You are right. We can easily see the need for the development of the banks during thatp

16、eriod.张:对的。显而易见,银行的发展正是出于那个时期的需要。当欧洲从中世纪封建制度的禁锢中挣脱出来时,Commercial and financial transactions had once again started to become more complex asEurope emerged from the feudal system of the Middle Ages.商业和金融交易再一次开始变得复杂起来了。S4:Could you tell us more in detail?学4:您能说得再具体些吗?Z:Yeah. For one thing, many banks

17、started that way, especially in France and England,周:是的。一方面很多银行就是这样兴起的,特别是在法国和英国。but they gradually expanded their activities to handling deposits and loans,可是他们逐渐地扩展他们的经营活动,发展到从事储蓄,贷款,issuing and trading bills of exchange and even issuing their own notes;发行和买卖汇票,甚至发行他们自己的货币。for another thing, they

18、started the fractional reserve system which is the central feature ofmodern banks.另一方面他们开始建立起部分储备制度,而这一点正是现代银行的主要特征。S5:When did the idea of central banks get started?学5:建立中央银行的想法是什么时候开始的?Z:Well, the first bank that was partially owned and controlled by a state government wasestablished in Venice in

19、1587.张:哦,第一个由国家政府部分拥有和控制的银行是1587年在威尼斯建立起来的。Then, the bank of England appeared. We could call them semi-public.后来英格兰银行出现。我们称这种银行为半公立银行。As a matter of fact, the central banks with specific regulatory functions were created in themiddle of 19th century. OK, we call it a day.事实上在19世纪中叶具有明确常规作用的中央银行已建立起来

20、。好吧!下课。A:Good-bye!全:再见!S:Good evening, Zhang Jun. Come in please. Would you like some coffee or tea?斯:晚上好,张军,请进。喝咖啡还是茶?Z:Anything will do.张:什么都行。S:Have some tea, please.斯:那么就来点茶吧!Z:Thank you.张:多谢!S:You said on the phone yesterday that you had some questions about foreign exchangedealing.斯:昨天的电话里你说要问

21、问有关外币兑换交易方面的问题。Z:Yes. With the growth of global trade, Chinese companies need foreign currencies forinternational transactions.张:是的。随着全球贸易的不断发展,中国的企业也需要用外汇来支付外商。So, Id like to learn more about this topic.我想多了解一些这方面的情况。S:Thats understandable since you are a foreign trade student.斯:当然了,因为你学的专业就是外贸。Z:I

22、 understand that exchange rate is the value of one unit of a foreign currency expressed inanother currency.张:我知道汇率是指一单位以另一国货来表示的价格。But how are foreign exchange rates determined?但是这些汇率是由什么决定的呢?S:The price of one currency in terms of another is called the exchange rate.斯:一国货币另一国货币表示的价格称为汇率。This rate f

23、luctuates according to the dictates of supply and demand,汇率随供求关系而上下波动,within the limitations imposed by national and international monetary authorities.在国际及内国内金融机构所限定的范围内。Z:Well, do central bank interventions and exchange controls affect rates of exchange?张:那么,中央银行对外汇交易的干预及控制对汇率是否产生影响呢?S:Yes, of cou

24、rse. But there are still other factors which affect the rates of exchange - balanceof payments,斯:当然。但影响汇率的升降还有其它因素,rates of domestic inflation and the relative purchasing power of currencies,例如国际收支,通货膨胀率,货币相对购买力international interests, rate differentials and other factors.国际利率,利率差等等因素。Z:Are these fa

25、ctors, which create a demand or lack of demand, for a particular currency easyto identify or isolate?张:对某一特定货币来说,影响其供求大小的因素是否很容易单独挑选出来?S:No. Very difficult. These factors always work together to affect the rates of exchange.斯:不,这是非常难的。这些因素总是混在一起对汇率产生影响的。Z:Mr. Steward, what is spot rate?张:斯特沃德先生,什么叫即

26、期汇率?S:Currencies can be bought or sold in foreign exchange market either for immediate deliveryor for delivery later.斯:在外汇交易市场上,货币的买进,卖出,既可以作既期交易,也可作期货交易。So spot rate is for immediate delivery and forward rate is for delivery later.所以即期汇率就是在即期交易时的汇率,而后者就是在期货交易时的汇率。Z:Does the forward market help?张:那么

27、期货交易市场有何好处?S:Yes, the forward market is very useful for companies of foreign trade.张:那么期货交易市场有何好处?S: For example, if a company knows that it will need a particular foreign currency to pay a billin a months time,斯:例如,某公司知道将在一个月以后需要用某一种货币支付一份帐单,a forward deal enables it to protect itself.那么采用外汇期货交易,公司

28、就能避免某些风险。Z:How?张:嗯?S:The rate of exchange of a particular foreign currency is changing all the time because of thefactors I have just mentioned.斯:我前面提到过,有好几种因素对汇率升降产生影响。因此,某一特定货币的汇率一直在波动着。Future adverse movements in the exchange rate would have otherwise had the effect ofmaking the foreign goods mor

29、e expensive.若非如此,期货汇率的升降就有可能使到时所购买的外国货物价格上升。Z:Oh, I see. Now, I have a clearer picture of foreign exchange. Thank you very much.张:噢,我懂了。现在我对外汇兑换交易有了较清楚的认识了。非常感谢您。S:You are welcome any time.斯:别客气,随时欢迎你来。Z:It is quite late. Id better leave now. Thank you again, Mr. Steward. Good night.张:时间不早了。我得走了,再次感谢您,斯特沃德先生,晚安。S:Good night.斯:晚安。常用的金融英语口语对话相关文章:1.金融英语经典情景对话2.金融英语口语练习情景对话3.常用金融英语词汇大全4.常用金融英语词汇汇总5.有关金融制度英语对话

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