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Li Yang Crazy English IPA and K文档格式.docx

1、好,先听英式发音,它发 音是这样-Did it work?这行得通吗?Nobodys perfect.;没有十全十美的人。音, 它的发音是,curl the tongue.;卷舌.Of course,if you are a northerner,you should have no trouble curling your tongue.;当然如果你是北方人, 卷舌不应有困难.OK,now listen to these.;好,现在听这些.Now,there is one place in America that pronounces the British way.;现在,在美国有一个地

2、方 的人发英音.I know,that is the New England.;我知道,是新英格兰州.7.By the way,No.7 is similar but short one. So the British pronuciation would be;7.顺便提一下,第7个音相 似,但较短.英式发音是Whats the matter?什么事?Our English teacher is great.;我们的英语老师很好。Frankly speaking,Im crazy about American pronunciation.;说实话,我热爱美音.m just crazy abo

3、ut American pronunciation Listen to this:我就是热爱美音. 听这个: Our English teacher is great.;什么事? 我们的英语老师很好.I personally dont like British pronunciation. What本人不喜欢英音. 这是怎么回事?我们的英语老师很好.So please follow Jim and Li Yang to learn authentic,real American pronunciation;所以请跟吉姆和李阳学 地道的,真正的美音.Oh,I hope no British pe

4、ople hear this tape.;哦,但愿没有英国人听到 这盘磁带.Forget about it.;忘记它吧。China and America should work together.;中美应该携手合作。Now,there is one more pronunciation you forgot about.;还有一个发音你忘了.In forget about it there is the New York pronuciation.;在 中,有个纽约式发音.And in New York,we dont say- forget about it. What would you

5、 say?在纽约,我们不说 你们怎么说?We say- Forget-about-it.;我们说 Forget-about-it.Its one word.;是一个词.Remember its not Forget about it. Thats three words.;记住,不是 . 那是三个词.In New York,its- Forget-about-it.;在纽约,它是 Forget-about-it.第三节 后元音;My father has never traveled abroad.;我父亲从未出国旅行过。Keep calm, its nothing serious.;保持冷静

6、,没什么 大不了的事。Keep calm, its nothing serious.;I think that American English is more relax and exaggerative than British pronunciation.;我认为美式英语比英式 英语更文放松,更夸张.A little bit,yeah.;是的,有一点点.How about the day after tomorrow?后天,怎么样?Youve made the same mistake as last time.;你犯了和上次 一样的错误。By the way,in America we

7、 call this the flat a顺便提一下,在美国,我们 管这个叫平音,like after,last. real flat a象. 真正的平音a.especially in upstate New York,northern New York state,they use the flat 纽约北部的人尤其爱用 平s very nasal,too, through the nose.;这也很明显的鼻音化,气流 通过鼻子.Whos in charge here?这儿谁负责?What makes you work so hard?什么使你这样卖命?Well,Im familiar wi

8、th this pronunciation,;我对这个音很熟,because when I was in college,my roommate was from New England.;因为我念大学时,我的 室友来自新英格兰州.I went to the college in the midwest and I had to be his interpreter,;我在中西部念的大学,期 间,我得担任他的翻译,because the local people could not understand him,;因为当地人听不懂他的话, as New England.;Americans h

9、ave to be translated for Americans.Thats a joke.;美国人为美国人作翻译, 这简直是个笑话.He has a lot of confidence.;他充满了自信。Nothing is impossible.;没有做不成的事。峕 峕 峕;I need to talk to you.;我要和你谈谈。I will call you later.;回头我给你电话。Now this is one thing that I had to change when I came to China.;我初来中国时,诸多要改 变的事项中,这个音是其 中之一.I did

10、 not pronounce those words that way when I came to China from New York.;我从纽约来中国时,那 些词我不那样发音.The New York pronunciation is very different.;纽约式发音非常不同.We say talk call- its true.;我们说- 这是真的.Especially those sounds,we say- I need to talk to you. I will call you later.;特别是那些音,我们说- 我要和你谈谈. 回头我给你电话.I really

11、 cant stand any more.;我实在受不了啦。m looking for Mr.Li.;我找李先生。My mother is a good cook.;我的妈妈是一位好厨师。You look great today.;你今天看上去好极了。Hey!Jim,you look great today.;嗨!吉姆,你今天看上去 好极了.Thanks,Stone.And you look great today,too. Thank you.;谢谢,世通.你今天看上去 也很好. 谢谢.good good good cook cook cook;I want to improve my po

12、or English.;我想改进我的破烂英语。I want to improve my poor Chinese.;我想改进我的破烂中文.You must tell the truth.;你必须说出真相。第四节 合口双元音;No pain,no gain.;没有付出,就没有收获。I made a mistake.;我犯了一个错误。Dont be shy, just try.;不要害羞,只管去尝试。Jim,if you want to speak good Chinese, dont be shy,just try. Thank you.;吉姆,如果你想说漂亮的 中文,不要害羞,只管去 试试.D

13、o you mind if I smoke? (Actually I do.);你介意我抽烟吗? (说实话,我介意.)Ask him to join us for lunch.;请他来和我们 一起吃午饭。但这个句子读快的时候, 你得把join和us 连读.对,读得就像一个词.Enjoy your stay here.;祝你在这里 过得愉快。I hope I can see you again.;我希望我希望我能再次 见到你。I dont know what to do.;我不知道做什么。就像一只老虎.No doubt about it.;毫无疑问。Could you read it quick

14、ly?你能快读这个句子吗?Great! Secondly:真棒! 第二个:That sounds great.;听起来棒极了。第五节 集中双元音;Do you live near here?你住在附近吗?Weve been friends for years.;我们是多年的好朋友。t care what you do.;你做什么我都不管。Where are you from?你从哪儿来?He is from a very poor family.;他出身于一个 非常贫困的家庭。Are you sure you can do it?你肯定你会做好 这件事吗?第六节 爆破音;No problem.

15、;没问题。Hes a popular president.;他是一位受欢迎的总统。m busy now.;我现在很忙。How does it sound?听起来怎么样?busy;He is in a lot of trouble.;他有许多麻烦。t now the reason Im crazy about this word trouble不知道什么原因,我特别 喜欢trouble这个词.Probably because I have been in a lot of trouble. All the time!也许是因为我曾陷入 许多麻烦之中. 常常陷入!s a word that mea

16、ns a lot to you.;这是一个有许多含义的词Right!Means a lot to everyone. I think so.Weve all had troubles.;对!对每个人都有许多 含义. 我有同感.谁都有过麻烦Today is a great day.;今天棒极了。Lets get together sometime.;让我们找一天聚一聚。怎么了?是被省略了 或是什么.被取消了?Then the first one is what? Well,then.;这时,第一个就怎么了? 那.Is forgotten or is canceled or is omitted?

17、是被忘记了还是被取消了 或是被省略了?No,I think its just combining the two.;不,我认为是把两个结合 在一块了.What kind of job do you have?你是做什么工作的?m different from my sister.;我和我的妹妹不同。m different from my father.;我跟我的爸爸不一样.I feel a little weak today.;我感觉全身无力。May I ask you a question?我可以问你问题吗?ve got to go now.;我该走了。s a big man in the

18、company.;他是公司里的一位要人。What does this sentence mean? He这个句了是什么意思呢? 他是公司里的一位要人。Probably he is one of the most important men in the company,;也许他是公司里最重要的 人物之一,either the president or the CEO,Chief Executive Officer.;也许是董事长,也许是 首席执行官.第七节 摩擦音;Life is beautiful.;生活是美好的。What is your favorite food?你最喜欢吃什么?s a

19、very nice view.;景色真美。Have a nice vacation!度假愉快!,它们的区别 是什么.And I told them its not as difficult as they think it is.;我告诉他们,这个并不像 他们想象的那么困难.这两 个音,但不通过气流,with their voice instead.;而用声音.用声音.Are you serious?你是认真的吗?Service is good in that restaurant.;那个餐馆的服务很好。My fater was pleased with my success.;我的父亲对我的

20、 成功感到高兴。Business is business.;公事公办。This fish is so delicious.;这鱼的味道太鲜美了。Let me show you around the city.;让我带你参观一下 这个城市吧。s my pleasure.;这是我的荣幸。I usually get up at seven.;我通常在7点钟起床。Now,this may be the most difficult sound for Chinese students of English.;这可能是中国学英语的学 生最难发的一个音.And its the same thing as

21、the f,v,s and z.;就像字母f,v,s和z.这个音有困 难,这个音再加上 声音就是了.哦,是的,这 绝对是个秘诀.用声音,but the position of your mouth muscles is the same.;但舌肌的位置相同.Thank you Jim for your teaching us such a wonderful trick. Youre very welcome.;谢谢吉姆教给我们这 么好的一个窍门. 你太客气了.t know how to thank you enough.;我不知道应该如何感谢 你。Health is better than

22、wealth.;健康胜过财富。The weather is good today.;今天天气不错。m glad to hear that.;听到这个消息我太高兴了。Where have you been hiding lately?你最近躲到哪里去了?I hate her.;我讨厌她。You have no right to do that.;你没有权力那样做。My parents are arriving tomorrow morning.;我父母明天早晨 到达这里。第八节 破擦音;That watch looks cheap.;那块手表看起来很低廉。Choose which you lik

23、e best.;挑选你最喜欢的。Shes looking for a part time job.;她在寻找兼职工作。Heres your change.;这是你的零钱。Wait a minute.;等一会儿。He makes a lot of money.;他赚很多钱。Nice to have you with us.;很高兴你能跟 我们在一起。Keep it between you me.;不要跟别人说。I think Im under-paid.;我想我的工资太低了。这没什么了不起。第十节 舌边音;s living on easy street.;他过得很富裕。Look before y

24、ou leap.;三思而后行。What did you learn at school today?你今天在学校 学了些什么?s a cool car.;那辆车很酷。第十一节 半元音;She is a wonderful woman.;她是个了不起的女人。Why did you do that?你为什么那样做?We yelled English together every day.;我们每天在一起 大喊英语。Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪儿?Chapter II 第一节 前元音;Hi,my friends all over China,now Id like to introduce a new friend to you.;嗨,中国各地的朋友们, 现在我向你们介绍一位 新朋友.Here she is! Bridget from t

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