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1、 C. crayon ) 6. A. box B. book C. look ) 7. A. eat B. sit C. talk ) 8. A. cap B. cat C. cake ) 9. A. Miss Li B. Mr Li C. Mrs Li )10.A. shout B. stand C. drink 二、根据所听内容顺序在括号内写上相应的数字,将句子排序。(听两遍)(10分) ) Is this your cap? )Oh, my English book is on the floor. ) Look, your cap is over there. ) Is that yo

2、ur English book? ) Wheres my cap? ) Whats that? ) No, it isnt. ) Its an English book. ) Dont shout. )No, it isnt.三、根据所听内容选择合适的应答句。(听两遍)(6分) ) 1. A. Thank you. B. Im sorry. C. Yes, please. 2. A. Is this a book? B. Yes, it is. C. Its a book. 3. A. Its a ruler. B. This is a ruler. C. Thats a ruler. 4.

3、A. OK. B. Yes , it is. C. Thank you. 5. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. Yes, she is. 6. A. Its a lunch box. B. Its over there. C. No, it isnt.四、根据所听句子,选择其对应的中文选项。(听两遍)(8分) ( 1. A. 请把窗户打开。 B. 请把窗户关上。 ) 2. A. 别听鹦鹉讲。 B. 别听老师讲。 3. A. 别在教室里大叫。 B. 别在图书馆里大叫。 4. A. 这不是我的新橡皮。 B. 这是我的新橡皮。 5. A. 这是你的的铅笔吗? B

4、. 那是你的的铅笔吗? 6. A. 这是什么?是蜡笔。 B. 那是什么? 7. A. 你想要冰淇淋吗? B. 你想要鸡蛋吗? 8. A. 课堂上别讲话。 B. 课堂上别睡觉。笔试部分一、 找出下列各组中不同类的一项,将序号填在括号内。(14分) )1. A. blackboard B. window C. lunch box )2. A. stand up B. sit down C. pencil case )3. A. drink B. sleep )4. A. crayon B. schoolbag C. library )5. A. talk B. pie )6. A. open C.

5、 close( )7.A.what B. this C.that ( ) 8. A. he B. is C. are( )9. A. cow B. chicken C. egg( )10. A. where B. those C. these( )11. A. bird B. ducks C. chicken( )12. A. who B. it C. what( )13. A. are B. is C. an ( )14. A. time B. close C. open二、根据情景,选择最佳答案。(12分) )1.外面风很大,你可以对妈妈说: A. Close the window, pl

6、ease. B. Open the door, please. C. Open the window, please. )2. 萍萍在课堂上讲话,你可以对她说: A. Dont stand up in class. B. Dont talk in class. C. Dont sleep in class. )3. 当迈克上课迟到了,他应该和老师说: A. Im sorry, Mr Green. B. Come in, please. )4. 当询问面前的牛奶是不是对方的,可以说: A. This is your milk. B. Is this your milk? C. Is that y

7、our milk? )5.那是书包吗?不是。应该说:A. Is that schoolbag? No, it isnt. B. Is thats a schoolbag? No, it isnt.C. Is that a schoolbag? No, it isnt. )6. 那不是我的笔袋,应该说: A. This isnt my pencil case. B. Thats isnt my pencil case. C. That isnt my pencil case.三、从栏中选出栏中句子的正确答语,并将其字母序号填在题前括号内。(7分). )1. Would you like a ho

8、t dog? A. Its an ice cream. )2. Liu Tao, please open the door. B. Its over there. )3. Dont stand up. C. Yes, Mr Green. )4. Whats this? D. Great. )5. Is that your parrot ? E. No, thank you. )6. This robot is for you, Mike. F. No, it isnt. )7. Wheres your lunch box? G. Sit down, please. 四、给下面的句子选择正确的应

9、答。(填序号)(10)A. Look at the blackboard. B. What colour?C. Would you like a hot dog?D. Is that a lunch box?E. Im sorry1、-Dont drink here. 2、-_- _ -No,it isnt.3、-_ 4、-_-Yes,Mr Green. -No,thank you.5、-_-Its blue.五、阅读对话,选择正确答案。(10分) Liu Tao : Hi, Su Hai. Is this your crayon?Yang Ling: No. This crayon is g

10、reen. Its Yang Lings. M y crayon is red. Yang Ling, is this your crayon? Yes, it is. Thank you. Whats this? Its a pen. Its my birthday present.(生日礼物) . How nice! Is the new pencil case your present, too? No, it isnt. Its Su Yangs. ) 1. This is crayon.A. Liu Taos B. Su Hais C. Yang Lings ) 2. The pencil case is .A. Su Yangs B. Liu Taos ) 3. Liu Taos crayon is A. green B. red C. blue ) 4. Yang Lings crayon is ) 5. Liu Taos present is a . A. crayon B. pencil case C. pen4

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