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1、 on Dongfang Street 在东方大街上 over there 在那边 2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here ? 请问这附近有电影院吗?Yes, there is. /No,there isnt. 有./没有。3. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢? How can I / we get there? 我/ 我们怎样到那?回答Turn right/ left at the 在 地方向右/ 左转.或Go straight 向前直走. 或You can take the No.31 bus.

2、你可乘坐31路公交车去。4. Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. 是的很远/ 不是很远。 Unit 2 Ways to go to school一 知识点归纳(一)、 词汇 四会 bike ( 自行车) by ( 乘坐) slow down 慢下来其他 bus (公共汽车) foot (脚) stop 停下来交通工具traffic tools train (火车) how (怎样) plane ( 飞机) go to school (上学) ship (轮船) taxi 出租车 ferry 轮渡 sled 雪橇 subw

3、ay ( 地铁) ( 交通工具前加by ,表示乘坐,但步行要用on foot ) (二)、重点句型 询问交通方式用疑问代词how n How do you go/come to school ? 你怎样去/来上学? I go/come to school on foot . 我走路去/来上学。n How does your father go to work ? 你父亲怎样去上班? He goes to work by subway . 他坐地铁去上班。 询问地点,用疑问代词where Where is your home ? 你家在哪里? Its near the post office .

4、 在邮局旁边。Where are the teachers ? 老师们在哪儿They are in the teachers office .在老师的办公室。 问路: How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 我怎么去福星医院?You can take the No .1 bus . 你可以乘坐1路公交车。 交通规则(traffic rules ): Stop and wait at a red light . 红灯停 Go at a green light . 绿灯行Slow down and stop at a yellow light . 黄灯停 You

5、 must drive slowly. You must wear a life jacket. You must stop at a red light 你必须开慢点。 你必须穿救生衣。 你必须在红灯时停。 Dont go at a red light. Dont run on the ferry. Dont let the dogs run too fast. 不要在红灯时走。 不要在轮渡上奔跑。 不要让狗跑的太快。 Unit 3 My weekend plan 一、知识点归纳(一)、 词汇 四会 next week /weekend 下周/ 周末 newspaper 报纸 this mo

6、rning 今天上午 comic book 漫画书 Time this afternoon 今天下午 word book 单词书 (时间 ) this evening 今天晚上 this weekend 这个周末 dictionary 字典 tonight 今夜 tomorrow 明天 post card 明信片 take a trip 去旅游 theme park 主题公园activities see a film 看电影 others pet shop 宠物店 (活动) go to the supermarket 去看电影 ( 其他) supermarket 超市 visit my gra

7、ndparents 参观祖父母 shoe store 鞋店二、 重点句式和句型: 本单元中出现的一个重点语法是一般将来时:表示将要发生的动作或状态 ,常和表示将来的时间连用。 构成: 陈述肯定句: 主语 + be going to + 动词原形+ 其他 例子 I am going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is going to take a trip by train this weekend. We/ They are going to see a film tonight.否定句: 主语 + be +

8、not going to +动词原形+其他 例子 I am not going to (go to) the bookstore by bus this afternoon. He/ She is not going to take a trip by train this weekend. We/ They are not going to see a film tonight. 一般疑问句: Be+ 主语+ going to +动词原形+其他 ? 例子: Are you going to the bookstore by bus this afternoon? Yes,I am . No,

9、 Im not. Is he/ She going to take a trip by train this weekend? Yes, he/ She is. No, he/ She isnt. Are we/ they going to see a film tonight? Yes, we/ they are. No, we/ they arent.特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句 ?例子: What are you going to do this afternoon? Where are you going this afternoon? How are you going t

10、o the bookstore this afternoon? When are you going to the bookstore by bus? (以上特殊疑问句中are you 可以替换为is he , is she, are they, are we等) 三、 重点句型:1. were going to see a film about space trael! 我们将要去看关于火星之旅的电影。2. We are going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.我们打算去人民公园画一些画。3. Have a good time! 玩的愉快。4.

11、-What are you going to do in the future? 你将来想干什么? -Im going to be a science teacher one day. 或I want to be a science teacher one day. 我想将来有一天当科学老师。 Unit 4 I have a pen pal本单元的重点是谈论某人的兴趣爱好,语法是动词的-ing形式和动词的第三人称单数形式。一、词汇: dance (dancing) 跳舞 sing (singing ) 唱歌hobby play football (playing football) 踢足球(爱

12、好) read story (reading stories ) 看故事 hobbies do kung fu (doing kung fu ) 练武术 live (lives) in Shiyan 住在十堰 like (likes) 喜欢 teach (teaches) English 教英语 study ( studies Chinese 学习汉语) go (goes) hiking 去远足 cook (cooks ) Chinese food 制作中国食物)第三人单数 watch (watches) TV 看电视 read (reads) newspaper读报纸 do (does) w

13、ord puzzles 猜字谜二、句型:1 询问某人的兴趣爱好:-Whats your hobby?(单数句式) What are your hobbies?(复数句式) 你的爱好是什么?-I like reading stories and singing. 我喜欢读故事书和唱歌。 I also like我也喜欢 - Whats Peters (his) / Amys (her) hobby? (单数句式)What are Peters (his) / Amys (her) hobbies? (复数句式)- He / She likes reading stories and singing

14、. 他 / 她喜欢读故事书和唱歌。2. 表示征求别人意见: Can I also be his pen pal? 我也可以做他的笔友吗? Sure.当然。三、语法用法:(1)表达喜欢做某事,通常要用动词的-ing形式, 即:like doing sth. 如:like singing / playing football / listening to music / playing the pipa / watching TV等(2)一般现在时的用法表示经常或习惯性的动作或状态,常与every day /morning /evening ,often, usually, always,some

15、times 等状语连用。 We do morning exercises every day. He usually goes to school by bike. 结构:肯定句:主语+动词+其他。 如: Miss white teaches English. 否定句:主语+dont/doesnt +动词+其他 如:Miss white doesnt teach English. 一般疑问句:Do/ Does +主语+ 动词原形+其他? Does Miss White teach English? 肯否定回答:Yes,she does ./ No, she doesnt . 备注:第三人称单数

16、用does, doesnt. 没有does,doesnt 时 动词必须要有变化。四、语法记忆小锦囊 一般现在时用法记忆歌:肯定句的现在式,不是三单用原形,要是三单就加s,es, 若是否定疑问句,没有be就加个do,碰到三单加does。 如把does加在前,动词就要还原形。 第三人称单数记忆小诀窍:我不能S,你不能S,他们她们它们、大家都不能S。 谁S?他她它S。 Unit 5 What does he do ?(一) 词汇 四会 singer (歌手) writer ( 作家) Hong Kong ( 香港) head teacher 校长 dancer 舞蹈家 sea (大海) worker

17、 ( 工人) cleaner 清洁工 factory ( 工厂) postman ( 邮递员) driver 司机 stay ( 保持)职 业job businessman ( 商人) secretary 秘书 university (大学)三 会 football player 足球运动员 help ( 帮助) fisherman (渔民) money (金钱) scientist ( 科学家) gym ( 体育馆 ) police officer (警察) use ( 使用pilot ( 飞行员) type ( 打字 ) coach (教练) cook( 厨师) quickly ( 迅速地) (二 )重点句型 询问职业What does he(she) do ?/What is he(she) ?/Whats his(her) job? 他是做什么的?He/ She is a doctor. 他是一个医生。What do you do ?/What are you ? / Whats your job? 你是做什么的? I m a student . 我是一个学生。 询问工作的地点Where do you work ? 你在哪儿工作?I work

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