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1、英语综合练习五英语综合练习(五)第一部分语言知识及应用(共两节,满分30分)第一节完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从110各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Consider these situations:You have just read an excellent book and want to tell a friend about it. You have seen an exciting movie and want to 1 your instructor to go to see it. You have heard an

2、 inspiring lecture,and want to 2 your new found knowledge with a roommate who didnt attend the lecture.How to give this type of 3 ?You could tell everything you 4 about the book,movie,or lecture,but you will probably just want to select the 5 points and tell these to your listener. This,of course,is

3、 called summarizing(概括)To create a good summaryone that is both accurate and brief(简洁)you need to follow two steps. First, 6 information by reading,taking notes,or listening carefully so that your summary is as brief as possible but still accurate and 7 .Your audience will help you decide how thorou

4、gh you need to be. If you give your summary to 8 ,perhaps for an examination,it will need to be extremely complete 9 accurate. You will need to keep in mind any 10 your instructor might have given you during the lecture to indicate what he or she considers especially important. If you are summarizin

5、g a movie for a friend,you can be less thorough. Part of the task of summarizing is knowing what to include and what to leave out.【文章大意】本文告诉我们怎样简明扼要地转告信息。1A.requestBremindCpersuade D. expect解析:选C。 persuade sb. to do sth.说服某人做某事。2A.share B. talkCshow D. discuss解析:选A。与室友 “分享”你新学到的知识。3A.knowledge Binfo

6、rmationCinstruction D. technology解析:选B。怎样传输这类“信息”。4A.write down B. rememberCbelieve D. prepare解析:选B。把你“记得”的有关书籍、电影、讲座的一切告诉他人。5A.leading B. impressiveC. chief D. major解析:选D。major points“要点”。6A.send B. analyzeCreceive Dgather解析:选D。gather information“收集信息”。7A.readable BrelaedC. complete Dacceptable解析:选

7、C。 accurate and complete“精确而完整”。 instructor B. a friendCyour family D. your audience解析:选A。在导师面前做概述。9A.but B. orC. as well as D. instead of解析:选C。extremely complete as well as accurate 特别完整精确,as well as意为“还,又,而且”。10A.talks B. passagesCclues D. stories解析:选C。记住导师给你的所有“线索”。第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

8、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Most of us have been in both positions: the giver and the receiver. And while a certain amount of joy can be picked from being a receiver, 11 enormous amount of joy comes 12 giving.I have been offered help and offered payment 13 certain things I

9、 do, and I almost always turn down such offers. I know I shouldnt, but its a pride thing. I do expect payment when I do a regular job, 14 I just wish to help when I do something for someone. However, when we turn down offers for help, we do not realize it. But it actually hurts those 15 offer help,

10、and we are denying those people the chance 16 (feel) the joy of giving. Most people on this earth will not offer genuine help if they cannot do so. And if they do, they are motivated only by the desire to share 17 they have with others.The next time you 18 (offer)help, no matter what that offer may

11、be, do not turn 19 down! Swallow your pride and allow that helpful person the 20 (please) of giving! And when you can ,pay it forward and bless it back!【文章大意】文章通过作者自己的亲身经历来告诉我们在生活中作为“给予者”和“接受者”应该怎样去做。11.解析:an enormous amount of “许多的;大量的”,因为 enormous 是以元音开头的单词,所以要用an。答案:an12解析:come from “来自”。这里是说“很多幸

12、福感是来自给予”。答案:from13解析:这里是说“我因为一些事情也曾接受过帮助和报酬”。答案:for14解析:上下句是转折关系,故此处要用but。答案:but15解析:who此处引导定语从句修饰先行词those,those在此处指代人。答案:who16解析:此处用不定式作后置定语修饰 chance。答案:to feel17解析:what 此处引导宾语从句,作动词share 的宾语,同时在从句中作动词have 的宾语。答案:what18解析:此处意为“下次如果你被提供帮助”,故要用被动语态。答案:are offered19解析:turn down “拒绝”,it 指代前面的offer。答案:i

13、t20解析:此处用名词pleasure 来作动词allow 的宾语。句意为“放下你的架子,让那些愿意帮助你的人得到给予的乐趣”。答案:pleasure第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。ATo a traveler from a city, the Australian outback(内地)can come as a shock and even as lack of expectation. On a map a town is marked by block letters bu

14、t it may turn out to be a rambling old bush pub built seventy years ago and still kept open by a man and his wife to give a drink to passing travelers once in six weeks. They hold a race meeting once a year to collect all the checks and pay the licensebut where would Australia be without the refuge

15、of shelter and “real meals”, the kindly men and women and the comfort they provide for travelers of the track? Some towns boast a few cottages, a population ranging from five to fourteen, men, women and children all total(总共加起来),and the old age pensioners on the hillside. They tell great tales of th

16、e five pubs and the three stores, police, post, bank and a jewelers shop in the days of earlier nation-building, when there were ten or twenty big stations round them, with hundreds of shearers(剪羊毛者), gold-seekers and copper-miners passing in a year. The Australia of our fathers and grandfathers day

17、 is fading fast away.Yet one of the strongest links in the outback is provided by the mail routes, some of them notorious for the dangers they pose to the traveler. Perhaps the most heart-breaking of all is the infamous Birdswille Track. This is the home of the dust-storms that may make the world in

18、visible for a week. The bush mailman is Australias hero and the outbacks best friend. He battles for years through incredible hardships, hard work and heat. He may be twenty-four hours in one sandhill and he may be three days in the bog(沼泽)of a flooded creek. He knows how eagerly they are waiting fo

19、r him, and he lives to get there. He lives for the mail, and the most precious part of it is the bundle of correspondence papers from the Education Department in some distant city. He knows that he lives and works in a continent that can count a million square miles without a school.【文章大意】这是有关澳大利亚ou

20、tback 的介绍,介绍了在广袤的内地悠闲自得地生活着的人们。他们不时地为到此游历的人们递上些水,讲述发生在这里的故事。21Whats the writers attitude toward the Australian outback?ACritical. BIndifferent.CDisappointed. DSupportive.解析:选D。从文章的字里行间我们可以感受到作者抱着积极的态度去领略outback 的风光和恬静。22In what way may a town in the outback prove to be a shock to visiting travelers?

21、APeople in the town collect all the checks in a race meeting.BPeople there are so friendly and kind.CIts so small that you cannot find the things you can find in a normal town.DPeople there can provide you with a “real meal”解析:选C。文章开始的第一、二句话就以outback 令人惊叹之处吸引了读者:To a traveler from a city, the Austra

22、lian outback can come as a shock and even as lack of expectation. On a map a town is marked by block letters but it may turn out to be a rambling old bush pub built seventy years ago.23Which of the following can best describe the character of people in the outback?ASimple and warm hearted.BHardworki

23、ng and friendly.CProsperous and determined.DLazy and lighthearted.解析:选A。从文章第一段可以看出当地人非常纯朴与热情。They hold a race meeting once a year to collect all the checks and pay the license,. the kindly men and women they provide the comfort for travelers of the track?24.Which of the following can best describe t

24、he mailman?AFriendly. BDetermined.CRelaxed. DEasy-going.解析:选B。文章第二段描述了唯一与外界接触的邮路的危险,第三段描述了在这条路上当差的邮递员成为了澳大利亚的英雄和outback人最好的朋友,因为他为此所作出的努力:He battles for years through incredible hardships, hard work and heat. He may be twenty-four hours in one sandhill and he may be three days in the bog of a floode

25、d creek. He knows how eagerly they are waiting for him, and he lives to get there.25Why are the bundles of papers from the Education Department so important?AThey tell people in the outback the latest news in big cities.BThey serve as schools for people in the outback.CThey connect people in the out

26、back with their relatives outside.DThey provide entertainment for people in the outback.解析:选B。从最后一段可以知道答案。B“This is London”, night after night, in the hot summer and early fall of 1940, a deep, steady voice came over the Atlantic Ocean from England to America, telling of Englands battle for survival

27、 under the waves of German bombers. The voice belonged to Edward R Murrow, head of European staff of the Columbia Broadcasting System.“This is London” , said Murrow, while the bombs fell and flames spread on the streets of the city. He spoke as though nothing could ever keep him from saying those wo

28、rds,without any attempt to sound heroic, but a tone of confidencea feeling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure. It could not be destroyed.The ordeal(严峻的考验)of London really started in the first week of September, when Hitler was at last convinced that the English did

29、 not intend to give in. On September 7,1940, nearly four hundred German bombers roared over the city in broad daylight. Fires flamed, house fell, gas pipes burst, and dark smoke rose from the streets. Men, women and children felt the effect of the bombs. Warnings wailed, ambulances rushed from one p

30、lace of suffering to another, and firefighters faced the flames hour after hour.It seemed impossible for any city to take so much punishment and continue to endure. It seemed impossible for people of the city to do their daily jobs, to work and eat and sleep and carry on the business of life, with t

31、he crash of bombs all around them and planes spitting fire in the skies above.But the city endured. Trains brought commuters in from the suburbs. Buses rumbled along the streets. The fires were brought under control. Bottles of milk arrived on doorsteps, and women took them in, as though the war wer

32、e a thousand miles away.Newspapers appeared and people bought them, hurrying to work and reading reports of the battle raging over London.By sensing and describing this change, which was as important in British history as the battle in the sky, Murrow proved his ability as a reporter who looked beneath the surface of events.【文章大意】本篇是

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