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最新人教版八年级英语初二上册Unit 8 优秀教学案含答案Word格式文档下载.docx

1、6切碎香蕉。7把牛奶倒进搅拌机内。8剥香蕉皮。Step 1情景导入Teacher:We all know that milk shake is very delicious.I believe that most of us like it.But do you know how to make a banana milk shake?环节说明:由美味可口的奶昔引出它的做法,激起了学生的学习兴趣。Step 2完成教材1a1c的任务1学生领读1a中的单词和词组,学生识记并且互相提问这些单词和词组。(3分钟)2认真观察图片,将这些单词和词组填在图片中的横线上,集体核对答案。(5分钟)3大声地朗读图

2、片中的句子,为听力做好铺垫。(2分钟)4听录音,按听到的顺序给句子排序,师生共同核对答案。5熟读制作奶昔的过程,并用三分钟背诵下来。(4分钟 )6两人一组练习对话,向大家介绍奶昔的制作过程,然后邀请几组学生表演对话。参考案例A:B:First,peel the bananas.7小结训练。1)Turn (turn) on the blender before you use it.2)I spent two minutes cutting (cut) up the bananas.3)Dont_drink (not drink) the orange milk shake too much.4

3、)He put (put) on his coat and went out.5)Dont turn_on (打开) the radio,the baby is sleeping.6)Please pour_the_milk_into_the_blender (把牛奶倒进果汁机中)7)If you want to make fruit salad,please cut_up (切碎) the fruit first.8)How do you make a banana milk_shake (奶昔)?9)Put the bananas and icecream in (把放进) the ble

4、nder.1a1c听说环节让学生掌握了奶昔的制作过程,小结训练巩固练习了本节课重要知识点。Step 3问题探究1turn on的用法1)打开灯turn_on_the_lightturn on打开(电器等的电源),其反义词是turn_off关上。这种由“动词副词”构成的短语中,当宾语是名词时,可置于动副词短语后面,也可以在动词和副词中间。但当宾语是代词时,则只能放在动词和副词中间。类似用法的短语还有:调高(声音)turn_up;调低turn_down;切碎cut_up等。()2.Can you help me pour some water _ the cup?AinBinto CatDto答案

5、选择B,pour.into.意为“把倒入到”。请学生们做前面课时训练部分。Section A (2a2d) yogurt,honey,watermelon,spoon,pot,add,finally,saltanother ten minutes,one more thingHow many bananas do we need?How much yogurt do we need?We need one cup of yogurt.I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.Dont forget to add some salt.

6、1How many和How much对可数名词与不可数名词的数量进行提问2学会用first,next,then,after that,finally描述程序学会用first,next,then,after that,finally描述程序一、预习课本P58新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1酸奶_2.蜂蜜_3西瓜_ 4.勺_5锅_ 6.增加_7最后_ 8.食盐_二、认真预习2a2d,找出下列短语和句型。1再有十分钟_2还有一件事_3我们需要多少香蕉?4我们需要多少酸奶?我们需要一杯酸奶。5我想为星期六的聚会做罗宋汤。We have learned how to make a banana mil

7、k shake.I believe we all know how to make it.Who can tell me how to make a banana milk shake?(Ask some students to describe how to make a banana milk shake.)Today I will teach you how to make Russian soupa kind of delicious soup.Then you can make it for your parents.Let them taste the delicious soup

8、.Do you like to learn it?Students:Yes.OK.Lets learn how to make Russian soup together.这个环节既让学生复习了上节课学到的知识,又引出了本节课的学习内容,一举两得。Step 2完成教材2a2c的任务1大声朗读2a图片中的单词并两人一组互相背诵单词。2认真听录音,按要求填写2a表格,小组内核对答案并且讨论how many和how much的用法区别。3再听一遍录音,在每种材料的下面写出所需要的数量,集体核对答案,完成2b。4再听一遍录音,并跟读以整体感知对话内容。 (3分钟)5根据2b中的听力信息,两人一组练习对

9、话怎样制作水果沙拉,邀请几组学生展示对话内容。Lets make fruit salad.OK,good idea.How much yogurt do we need?One cup.How many apples do we need?Let me think.We need two apples.OK,and how much6小结训练。(4分钟)用how many,how much填空。1)How_much yogurt do we need?2)How_many apples do we need?3)How_much water does he need?4)How_much sa

10、lt does she want?5)How_many watermelons do they have?对画线部分提问。6)We need two spoons of honey.How_many spoons of honey do you need?7)We need two_spoons_of honey.How_much honey do you need?本环节的学习锻炼了学生的听力和口语能力,小结训练更是巩固练习了how many和how much的用法。Step 3完成教材2d的任务1认真阅读2d对话,然后回答下列问题:1)Does Anna have a party on S

11、aturday?2)How many ingredients do we need if we make Russian soup?3)How long does it take to make Russian soup?4)When do we add the salt when making Russian soup?2学生自读2d对话,然后结对练习对话,并请几组学生来表演该对话。3小结训练。(D)1._ do we need?AHow many yogurtBHow much cup of yogurtCHow many yogurtsDHow many cups of yogurt(B

12、)2.How many _ do you want?Aspoon of saltBspoons of saltCspoons of salts Dspoon of salts(D)3.We walked a long way,_ we got there.Afirst Bnext CthenDfinally(A)4.Please _ the ingredients to the noodles.Aadd Bcoffee Ccut Dpour(C)5.Today is Jims tenth birthday.There are eight candles,so we still need _.A

13、two another candles Bmore two candlesCtwo more candles Danother two candle本环节的学习不仅让学生知道了罗宋汤的做法,更重要的是让学生掌握了用first,next,then,after that,finally描述事物的程序。Step 4问题探究1first,.then,.after_that,.finally,.首先,然后,接着,最后,这是英语中表达做某事的步骤的一种说法。通常你会听到英语国家的人在说first,next,then,finally和后面的内容时,他们会做一些停顿,这样就能提前告诉听者接下来讲的是一系列的步

14、骤。这一点在朗读和听力中应特别注意。21)一块面包a_piece_of_bread2)两杯水two_glasses_of_water在不可数名词前可加much、little、some、lots_of等词修饰,还可以用“数量词of不可数名词”来表示不可数名词的数量。其中数量词可以用单数,也可以用复数。()3.If you add 4 _3,you will get 7.Aon Bto Cat Dfor答案选择B,意为“把加到上”。Section A (Grammar Focus3c) cheese,popcorn,corn,machine,dig,holeplant a tree,

15、make beef noodles,get a book from the libraryDo you know how to plant a tree?一、预习课本P59新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1干酪_2.爆米花_3玉米_ 4.机器_5挖_ 6.洞_二、认真预习Grammar Focus3c,找出下列短语和句型。1植树_ 2.做牛肉面_3从图书馆借书_4你知道怎么种树吗?We have learned how to make Russian soup.I believe we all know how to make it.Who can tell me how to make Ru

16、ssian soup?(Ask some students to describe how to make Russian soup.)Today I will teach you how to make popcorn.Then you can make it for your parents.Let them taste the popcorn you make.Do you like to learn it?s learn how to make popcorn together.Step 2完成教材Grammar Focus的任务1学生大声朗读Grammar Focus的句子。2小结训

17、练。How_do_you_make_a_banana_milk_shake?(你怎么制作香蕉奶昔?)First,peel the bananas.Next,put the bananas in the blender.Then,pour the milk into the blender.Finally,turn_on the blender.How_many bananas do we need?We need three bananasHow_much yogurt do we need?We need two_cups_of_yogurt (两杯酸奶).对Grammar Focus句型的

18、填空练习能够使学生更好地来理解掌握本单元的重点语法和句型。Step 3完成教材3a3c的任务1认真阅读3a中的句子,然后圈出每个问题中正确的单词,完成后小组内互相交流答案。2熟读3a的句子,然后两人一组互相提问how many和how much的用法。3认真阅读3b中15和ae中的句子,然后根据所学的知识补全句子,完成后请学生说出答案,教师点拨。4让学生认真观察3b右侧的图片,根据图片提示把3b中的句子排序,完成爆米花的制作过程。5两人一组根据图片提示分别叙述爆米花的制作过程,并邀请几名学生来叙述此过程。6从3c方框中选出一件事情,来叙述它的完成过程并且把过程写下来,完成后小组内互相交流,并邀

19、请几名学生来展示所写内容,教师点评。(C)1.There are some bananas here.Let me help you _.Acut up themBto cut them outCcut them up Dcutting them up(C)2.I want to make a banana milk shake.Please tell me,_ milk do I need,and _ bananas do I need?Ahow much,how muchBhow many,how manyChow much,how manyDhow many,how much(A)3.I

20、 want to watch the weather report on TV.Please _ the TV for me!Aturn on Bturn offCturn up Dturn down(D)4.Please bring me _.Atwo cup of coffee Btwo cup of coffeesCtwo cups of coffees Dtwo cups of coffee(B)5._ late.Its your first day to work.ADont to be BDont beCNot be DBe not通过3a学习,让学生练习掌握了how many和h

21、ow much的用法;3b、3c的学习让学生巩固练习了如何描述程序。()1.Could you please _ the radio a bit?Its too loud.Aturn up Bturn downCturn off Dturn on答案选择B,本题考查turn的短语。turn up开大音量;turn down调低音量;turn off关掉;turn on打开。根据Its too loud声音太大了,确定要把音量调低,所以答案选择B。Section B (1a1e) sandwich,butter,turkey,lettuce,piecein my sandwich,a piece

22、 of breadDo you like lettuce in a sandwich?Yes,I do.First,put some butter on a piece of bread.1可数名词与不可数名词2学会描述三明治的制作工序学会描述三明治的制作工序一、预习课本P60新单词并背诵,完成下面的汉译英。1三明治_2.黄油_3火鸡_ 4.生菜_5片,段_二、认真预习1a1e,找出下列短语和句型。1在我的三明治中_2一片面包_3你喜欢三明治里的生菜吗?4首先将一些黄油放到一片面包上。Good morning,everyone.Do you like sandwiches?Yes,we do.But do you know the story about sandwiches?Today I will tell you the story.Then tell the story about sandwiches to the students.通过三明治由来的故事,引起学生的学习兴趣。Step 2完成教材1a1b的任务1学习1a中的单词,学生识记并

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