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1、弗洛伊德人的潜意识不见容于社会理性,所以被压抑在意识阈下,但并未被消灭。它无时不在暗中活动,要求直接或间接的满足。成为人的一切动机和意图的源泉。潜意识代表着人类更深层、更隐秘、更原始、更根本的心理能量。是人类一切行为的内驱力,它包括人的原始冲动和各种本能以及同本能有关的各种欲望。正如人对于母体的眷恋,对于水的依思,一种莫名的冲动,一种与生俱来的神往Sigmund FreudPeoples minds no rational capacity in the community, they were suppressed at the threshold of consciousness, but

2、 not been eliminated. It constantly covert activities, for direct or indirect meet. All became a source of motivation and intent. Represent the human subconscious deeper, more secretive, more primitive, more fundamental psychological energy. All human behavior is the Inner Drive, which includes the

3、original impulse and instinct, as well as with all the various instinctive desire. As people are sentimentally attached to the mother, according to the water thinking, a sense of impulse, a birthright fascinating梭罗宁静悠远的瓦尔登湖、波光粼粼的湖滨散记,犹如莫奈画笔下色彩斑斓的点描风景,依稀可以嗅见太阳的灿烂在水畔得到,身心得到最大的舒缓,思绪不禁活跃起来,滴滴感悟、片片温存,倾诉于

4、笔端。一泓清水,一片瓦尔登湖。一个多世纪前在美国种下的树苗,在水岸渐渐滋生,100年后依旧硕果累累,渐成一种思想,一份情怀,一种皈依,一份眷恋。积淀于水,绽放于心。Henry David Thoreau Walden,the quiet, sparkling Lake Forest, like Monet point pen colorful depiction of the scenery, one can see the suns brilliant olfactory In lakeyard, the greatest physical and mental relief, his th

5、oughts could not help but become active. Drops of sentiment, a water, a Walden. For more than a century ago in the United States of saplings planted in the Waterfront gradually breeding, 100 years later still fruitful, a rise of thinking, a sentiment, a conversion, a nostalgic. Accumulation in the w

6、ater, blooming in mind.孔子“天下莫柔弱于水,而攻坚强莫之能先,以其无次易之也。” 水,刚柔并济,至性之物,处天地之间,动为溪涧江河,静为池潭湖海。厚而负舟,大道似水。故孔子以山比德、以水比智,提出 “仁者乐山,智者乐水”之说。临山而居,近水而栖,吸纳山水之灵性,培养豁达胸怀,从水之道,而不为私。ConfuciusMo weak in the world of water, and crucial to a strong first-, no, its is also easy. Water, rigid-flexible and economic, between th

7、e heaven and earth, rivers and streams for dynamic and static pool for Tam lakes, and seas. Houer negative boat, Water, the mountains than Confucius to water ratio, proposed a benevolent hill, be wise than water, said. A mountain neighbors, near water habitat, and absorb the spiritual landscape, cul

8、ture expansive vision of the Road from the water, rather than private.曹操观沧海东临碣石,以观沧海。水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。树木丛生,百草丰茂。秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。日月之行,若出其中。星汉灿烂,若出其里。幸甚至哉!歌以咏志。沧海之大,吞吐日月,含孕群星。天连水,水连天,浩浩荡荡,无边无际。志向广博,比若沧海,则心所往,势所向。The sea, the moon and throughput, including pregnant stars. Days even water, the sky, a mighty, boundle

9、ss. Broad-minded than if the sea, to the heart, to the potential.-2-迷醉于水岸,文明就这样从容迈入一段历史Lost in the waterfront, Civilization is so calmly entering a history.文明从来都发源于水。踏入一条河流,邂逅一段历史。水岸,芳华依旧。Civilization always originated in water. Into a river, Met a long history. Waterfront, still beauty.尼罗河畔,发现7000年

10、的埃及文明尼罗河,发源于赤道南部东非高原上的布隆迪高地,在埃及境内长度为1530公里,两岸形成3至16公里宽的河谷,到开罗后分成两条支流,注入地中海。这两条支流冲积形成2.4万平方公里的尼罗河三角洲,是埃及人口最稠密、最富饶的地区,人口占全国总数的96,可耕地占全国耕地面积的三分之二。尼罗河谷和三角洲是埃及文化的摇篮,也是世界文化的发祥地之一。无论马其顿王朝,抑或托勒密王朝,埃及水源几乎全部来自尼罗河。尼罗河,以生命之水孕育了灿烂的古埃及文明。Nile River and found that in 7000 the Egyptian civilization Nile originating

11、 from the equator in the southern highlands of East Africa, Burundi Heights, in Egypt length of 1,530 km, cross-strait 3-16 km wide valley to Cairo later divided into two tributaries, into the Mediterranean. This tributary alluvial formation of two 24,000 square kilometers of the Nile Delta, Egypt i

12、s the most populous, the most fertile regions, the total number of the countrys total population of 96 per cent, the countrys total arable land area of two-thirds of arable land. Delta and the Nile Valley Egypt is the cradle of culture, is also the birthplace of one of the worlds cultural. Whether M

13、acedonia dynasty, or Ptolemy Dynasty, Egypt almost all the water from the Nile. Nile water to nurture life of a brilliant ancient Egyptian civilization.内托罗斯山下,淌过2750千米的两河文明在圣经中,幼发拉底河被称为伯拉河,是继比逊河、基训河及底格里斯河之后,第四条源于伊甸园的河流。源于土耳其东部安纳托利亚高原的内托罗斯山脉。巴比伦建立之初国力隳弱,但由于地处幼发拉底河和底格里斯河流域中心,扼守西亚商路要冲,又有两河长期积淀而成的肥沃土壤,因

14、此具有极为有利的战略和经济地位,政治和经济力量不断增强,终于尼布甲尼撒二世时达到鼎盛。幼发拉底河,以6000多年的两河文明,见证巴比伦王国的盛衰兴亡。Within the mountain, the two Changguo 2750 km river civilization In the Bible, the Euphrates River known as Bala, is the ratio Hudson, and the Tigris River-based training, the fourth of the river from the Garden of Eden. From

15、 the eastern part of Turkey, the Anatolia Plateau Tuoluoshi mountains. Babylon beginning of the establishment of Hui weak national strength, but is located in the Euphrates and the Tigris River valley center, controls the Shangluo hub of West Asia, the long-term accumulation of the river, two from t

16、he fertile soil, it is extremely favorable strategic and economic status, political and economic strength has continually increased, and finally reached its peak when Nibujianisa II. Euphrates, the two years to 6000 River civilization, and witness the rise and fall of Babylon prosperity of the Kingd

17、om.与哥伦布,共睹亚历山大渡海东征在亚、欧、非三大洲之间,有一片广阔的蔚蓝色的水域,镶嵌于陆地之中。它东西长约4000千米,南北最宽处约1800千米,面积约250万平方千米。这就是世界上最大的陆间海地中海。古希腊人,凭借沿岸海岸线曲折、岛屿众多、拥有许多天然良好的港口的地中海,占据三个大陆的核心交通要道。地中海,西部通过直布罗陀海峡与大西洋相接,东部通过土耳其海峡和黑海相连,倚借繁盛的海上贸易,成为了古希腊文明的摇篮。With Columbus, see a total of Alexandria harbour War In Asia, Europe and non-between thr

18、ee continents, a vast blue waters, in the land of the mosaic. It is about 4000 km things, broad at its widest point about 180 kilometers north and south, an area of about 2.5 million square kilometres. This is the worlds largest land between the sea - the Mediterranean. The ancient Greeks, with twis

19、ts and turns along the shoreline, many islands, has many good natural ports of the Mediterranean, the three occupied the strategic core of the mainland. Mediterranean, west and the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar connecting the east and the Black Sea through the Turkish Straits linked

20、 to Reliance by prosperous maritime trade has been a cradle of civilization of ancient Greece.巴颜喀拉山北麓,浸润5000载华夏芬华黄河,中国第二长河,源于青海巴颜喀拉山,流经9个省、自治区,汇集了40多条主要支流和1000多条溪川,行程5464公里,流域面积达75万多平方公里。黄河全流域水土资源丰富,光照充足,雨热同期,从150万年以前的更新世,滴滴汇聚,亘古不息,以凝重、粗犷、浑厚、豪放的风格,孕育出世界最古老、最灿烂的文明。横亘在东方大地的黄河,滋润了蕴藉深厚的五千载华夏文明。Northern

21、BayekllaHill boundaries of the Chinese 5000years histroy Yellow River, Chinas second long river originates from the Qinghai BayekllaHill, flows through nine provinces, autonomous regions, brought together more than 40 of the main tributaries of the River, and more than 1,000-, 5,464 km journey, the

22、basin area of over 750,000 square kilometers . Yellow River basin-wide water and soil rich in natural resources, adequate light rain Heat Over the same period, 150 million years ago from the Pleistocene, drops of aggregation, time immemorial off to a grim, ruggedness, uninhibited style, and carries

23、out the worlds oldest and most splendid civilization. Land along the Yellow River in the east, moisture by the contained 5,000years Chinese civilization.-3-水,形而上学的居住考量Water, deep inclusive, and carries everything.游离于物象之外,却以独有的尺度,衡定思想,度量生活,盈溢思辨之智。Divorced from the spirits, Is a unique yardstick, Valu

24、e for thinking Metric life, The surplus of speculative excess.易经乾三连,坤六断,震仰盂,艮覆碗,离中虚,坎中满,兑上缺,巽下断。易经八卦,坎为水卦像,坎卦为二坎相重,渊深不测,水道弯曲,人生历程波澜壮阔。绝颠聪明,心诚行有功。谋事顺畅可成。Book of ChangesBook of Changes, Hom Gua like water, Kan Gua for the two-phase Hom, Profound mishap, watercourses bending, life history magnificent.

25、Britain must smart, heart-to meritorious. Can be seen as smooth.堪舆学“堪,天道;舆,地道”。堪舆即风水,风水则风与水,取“流通”之意。“浅渚波光云影,小桥流水人家。”是人们对江南水乡的基本印象,江南园林文化中,更是与水离不开。宅边无水已经成了堪舆学的忌讳。风水之法,得水为上。山藏风,水藏山,风水亦“山水”。“山环水抱、藏风聚气”,山水之气流通,斯即为乘气纳气之吉地,遇水生财,以求生旺之气。GeomancyGeomancy that is wind and water, Water is the perception of the

26、 basic impression, and garden culture, and the water is indispensable. Miyake has become geomancy anhydrous edge of the taboo. Fengshui of the law, in the water. Hill possession of the wind, water reservoir Hill, feng shui is Landscape. Hill Central hold water, wind-gas reservoir, Landscape of the g

27、as flow, which is Andean gas satisfied by the Kyrgyz gas, water leads to the survival gas.-4-在江河湖海中只有湖是人类最优质的栖居地rivers, lakes, the sea Lake is the only best Dwelling of human不同于江海之浩瀚奔放,不似河流之汹涌澎湃,湖,静谧深邃,历尽数千年的蛰伏,以其渊博而温婉的精髓内涵,植入人类思想的意识深层,亲历人类的进化衍变,由物质层面持续升华,臻达一种精神境界。恬淡与平静中包容万物,深蕴超然生活意境。唯有湖,才是最适宜人类居住的界

28、域;唯有湖,才是人类最优质的栖居地。Unlike the vast imaginative leap, not as the surging rivers, lakes, the quiet deep and experienced several thousand years of sleep, with its profound connotation of the essence and Mild, implantation of deep awareness of human thought, witnessed the evolution of human evolution, fr

29、om material Sublimation sustained level, reaches a spiritual realm. calm and tolerant in all things, living overriding mood. Only Lake, is the most suitable for human habitation bounded domain; only lake, is the best human beings to inhabit.人,历史的主角在水岸,于湖畔The protagonist of history. In the waterfront

30、, by the lake.草木无言,山水无知,然而面对山水形胜,古代的圣贤亦难免动容,以水论事,以水喻理。“稀世大宅,亲水为上”的建筑思想,即是人们对于水的无上尊崇。自古以来,滨湖而居一直就是人们的居住梦想。Speechless vegetation, landscape ignorance, but face-landscapes shape, the ancient sages would inevitably moving to the water discussion, know as water. Discovering rare, hydrophilic for ideological construction, that is, people respected for the highest water. Since ancient times, people LAKESIDE neighbors has been the dream of living.西湖“未能抛得杭州去,一半勾留是此湖”西湖,如诗似画,宛若一段美丽动人的故事。阳春三月,草长莺飞。苏白两堤,桃柳夹岸。水波潋滟,游船点点,山色空蒙,青黛含翠。无论是形色匆匆,还是长年厮守,人们都无不为这无双的美景所倾倒。行走于堤上,除却赞叹与神往,只能怀疑是否已然进入世外桃源。凭栏

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