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裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第58课完整资料doc文档格式.docx

1、s v.增加7 plant pl:nt v.种值8 church t:t n.教堂9 evil i:vl a.坏的10 reputationrepjutein n.名声11 claim kleim v.以为其后果12 victim viktim n.受害者,牺牲品13 vicar vik n.教区牧师14 source s:s n.来源15 income inkm n.收入16 trunk trk n.树干一、单词讲解blessing1)n. (single)神恩,福气,福分,神的保佑,祷告ask for Gods blessing求神保佑say a blessing 做祷告a blessin

2、g in disguise初看似乎不幸,过后看来却是幸事,祸中福count one s blessings 知足bless-blessed(过去时)-blessed(过去分词)2)v. 求神赐福于某人或某事;赐予某人健康、幸福及成功eg. Bless those who are hungry lonely or sick.求神赐福于那些饥饿、孤独或患病的人。Mrs. White is blessed with 12 children.Mrs. White太太有12个孩子,真有福气。God bless you!(用作感叹,表示谢意或情义或别人打喷嚏时说)You ve bought me a pr

3、esent? Bless you!你给我买了个礼物是吗?太感谢你了!disguise1) n. 伪装wear a bread as a disguise带个络腮胡子来伪装一下eg. He was in disguise, so I couldnt recognize him.他乔装打扮过了,所以我没认出他来。She made no disguise of her contempt.她很露骨地表示轻蔑之意。2)v. 伪装,假扮eg. I couldnt disguise my anger. 我掩饰不住自己的愤怒He disguise himself as a woman for fun.他男扮女

4、装,只为了好玩。disguise one s voice 改变说话腔调,发假声音tiny taini adj. 极小的tiny-tinier(比较级)-tiniest(最高级)small 小的little 小的(含有可爱之意)mini-构成合成词minibus 小公共汽车miniskirt 迷你裙minicab 小出租汽车puny (贬义)弱小的,瘦小的,发育不完全的,未充分发挥的eg. A tiny little girl was singing very well on TV.一个纤小的女孩在电视上唱得很好。possess v. 拥有eg: They possess three cars.

5、他们有三辆汽车。possess patience 有耐心possess courage 有勇气be possessed with (尤指人的思想)被控制,支配be possess by(尤指人的思想)被控制,支配eg. She was suddenly possessed with fear.她突然被恐惧的情绪所控制。eg. She was suddenly possessed by fear.Possession n.1)u(ownership) 领有,持有,具有eg. Ive had possession of this house for 7 years.我拥有这房子己经七年了。2)c财

6、产eg. He lost all his possession in the fire.他在大火中丧失所有的财产。be in possession of 拥有eg. he is in lawful possession of a shotgun.他合法的拥有一支猎枪。possessor n. 拥有者(owner)possessed adj.(被强烈的感情,恶魔等)缠附的,疯狂的eg. He studied like one possessed. 他拼命用功。He fought like man possessed. 他进行了殊死的战斗Possession is nine points of t

7、he law.现实占有, 败一胜九。(占有或控制某物者打起官司来总占上风)cursed adj.可恨的,讨厌的(定) (hateful,unpleasant)a cursed person -个可恨的人curse1)n. 咒骂的话,咒语be under a curse 被诅咒的eg. the witch laid a curse upon the princess.这个巫婆诅咒这个公主the witch laid the princess under a curse.2)n. 脏话,咒骂之词Go to hellConfound itYou shit!3)v. 诅咒eg. He cursed(a

8、t)his bad luck. 他诅咒他的坏运气I cursed her for spoiling my plans.因为他破坏我的计划,所以我诅咒他。increase1)insv. 增加,增长increase one s speed 加速eg. The population has increased greatly. 人口急剧增长。increased profits 增大的利润2)sn. 增加的量a wage increase 工资增加额an increase of nearly 50% over last year.比去年差不多增加百分之五十a 50% increase 百分之五十的增长

9、同义词:add to 增加,增加到raise 提高,增加grow 增加,成长enlarge 变大,扩大,增大反义词:decline (数量,力量,权力等)削减decrease 变少,变小reduce 减少plant1)n. 植物,树术wild plant 野生植物garden plant 花园里的植物plants and animals 动植物2)n. 工厂,生产设备a chemical plant 化工厂a power plant 电厂3)n. (在犯罪,阴谋等集团卧底的)眼线,坐探eg. They discovered that he was a police plant.他们发现他是警察

10、的卧底。4)V. 种植,栽种eg. We re going to plant trees around the house.我们打算在房子周围种满树eg. Famers should know the time to plant.农民应该知道种植的时间。5)布置,安顿,固定eg. Policemen were planted along the route of the parade.警察被部署在旅行的路线上。planter 种植者或花盆church n. 教堂,礼拜,礼拜仪式go to church去教堂churchgoer按时去教堂做礼拜的人attend church 去做礼拜at chu

11、rch 在做礼拜in church 在做礼拜eg. Church begin at 9 oclock. 礼拜在9点开始。They are at church. . 他们在做礼拜as poor as a church mouse 一文不名 类似:go to school 去上学go to university 去上大学go to college 去上大学 be out of hospital出院be sent to prison入狱 be at work 在上班evil1) adj.道德败坏的,邪恶的an evil reputation一个恶名声2) adj. 令人不快的,坏的,有害的an ev

12、il smell 难闻的气味an evil temper 坏脾气evil weather 恶劣的天气give sb the evil eye恶毒的目光an evil tongue 说人坏话的恶习reputation1)C名声eg. He has a good reputation as a doctor.他是个名声很好的医生。He has a bad reputation as a doctor.他是个名声很差的医生。She has a reputation for generosity.他因慷慨大方而出名。have a reputation for laziness 以懒惰出名He has

13、the reputation of being spiteful.他的坏心眼是出了名的。2)信誉establish a reputation树立声誉build up a reputation make a reputationeg. He is eager to win a reputation.他渴望获得名声。If the fact is published, it will ruin your reputation要是事实被公开了,会影响你声誉的。Live up to one,s reputation 不负盛名,行为与声望相符claim1)V. 要求,索要(应得的权力和财物);索赔clai

14、m the insurance 索取保险金claim the reward 要求奖赏2)v. (指灾难,事故等)使(某人)失踪或死亡eg. The earthquake claimed thousands of victims.地震造成成千上万的人死亡。3)v. 声称,声言,断言3)V. 声称,声言,断言claim to do-(某人)声称曾经eg. He claimed to have seen the Mona Lisa他宣称曾看过蒙娜丽莎(那幅画)。claim that-,例 : The lawyer claimed that the defendant(被告 )was not guil

15、ty.那个律师声称这个罪犯是无罪的。4)n. 索赔5)n. 权力,资格eg. They have no claim to this property.他们没有资格取得财产。victim1)牺牲者,受害者sufferer 牺牲者,受害者the victims of a plane crash空难事件的受害者the victims c of a swindler 受勁鬲eg. Those children arc the sad victims of their parents divorce. 那些孩了是父母亲离婚的受害者。2)(祭神的)祭品,牺牲品fall(a)victim to成为的牺牲品e

16、g. A man like you easily falls victim to the greed of others.像你这样的人容易成为别人贪婪的牺牲品。vicar(英国国教的)郊区牧师minister 基督教的牧师priest pri:st 基督教会的神职人员,牧师,神父rector n. (英国国教的)牧区长;天主教的教区首席神甫curate n. (英国国教会的)助理牧师black coat 牧师source n.1)河流的发源地(starting point of a river)the source of the Nile 尼罗河的发源地eg. This stream has

17、its source in Qinghai.这条河起源于青海2)来源,出处a limited source of income 有限的收入来源news from a reliable source 来源可靠的消息eg. Idleness is the source of all evil.谚)懒惰是万恶之源。eg. Idleness is the root of all evil.(谚)懒惰是万恶之源the source of the trouble纷争的原因3)消息来源,出处,可靠的根据historical sources 史料eg. I got the news from a reliab

18、le source.我的消息非常可靠。a source book原始资料income 收入(最通用的词)eg. What s your income? 你的工资怎么样?eg. I have an income of 200 dollars a week.我每周的收入是200美元earned income 工作所得unearned income 非工作所得eg. My income isnt enough to support my family.我的收入不足以维持家庭生计。pay 工资wage 周薪salary 月薪bonus 奖金,红包trunk1)树干eg. The trunk of th

19、at fir is about 2 meters thick.那个冷杉的树干有两米粗。2)躯干eg. He had a powerful trunk. 他身材伟岸。3)衣箱eg. She packed her trunk. 她把衣箱填满了。4)干线,主流The trunk of the Nile 尼罗河的主流5)trunk call(英)长途电话(long distance call)长途电话二、关键句型Key structures被动语态l、有些动词置于被动语态后,可采用两种形式:1)to-不定式即:be done to2) that从句即 it is said that这两种形式通常没有意

20、义上的差别,但由于不定式结构更为简单,所以经常用不定式。eg. People say that he is a genius. 人们说他是天才。He is said to be a genius. 他被说是个天才。It is said that he is a genius. 据说他是个天才。2、当一个动词带有双宾语时,两个宾语中的任何一个都可做被动语态的主语,但间接宾语做主语较为常见。eg. The manager offered the vacant post to him.经理把空缺职位给了他。He was offered the vacant post. 他被给了空缺职位。The va

21、cant post was. offered to him. 空缺职位被给了他。Exercise:把句子变为被动语态。1)She gave me a pen. 她给我一支笔。 I was given a pen. A pen was given to me.2) People say that there is oil under the north sea.人们说北海下面有石油。There is said to be oil under the North Sea. It is said that there is oil under the North Sea.3)They are sen

22、ding him abroad. 他们正在送他出国。He is being sent abroad. He asked me to wait for him. 他让我等他。I was asked to wait for him.5)The police has found your wallet. 警察找到了你的钱包。Your wallet has been found (by the police).三、课文讲解TextThe tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a . It is said that the tiny village of

23、Finley possesses a .Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. mention 对说,提到,提及mention to sb 对某人说eg. He mentioned to me that he was going to sell his car.他对我说他想要把车卖了。He mentioned the event, but didnt go into details.他提到这件事情,但是没有细说。increase vt.

24、 /vi. (在规模,数量,和程度上)增加,增长grow VI.(动植物)成长,生长,在表示数量上增加时,可以代替increaseij: The number of visitors has now increased.游客的人数增长了。The number of visitors has now grown.游客的人数增长了She has grown so much, she is nearly as tall as I am.她长了这么多,差不多跟我一样高了。the number of+(pl. )n. .的数量做主语时,谓语动词用单数 The number of people who o

25、wn color TVs is increasing every year,有彩电的人的数量逐年增加a number of + pl. (谓语动词用复数)的数量eg. A number of books have been stolen from the library. The number of stolen books is large. 图书馆的很多书被盜了The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is/was +被强调部分+that /who- 强调句式eg. It is yesterday I saw you. 我是昨天看到你的It is Henry that was fined a large sum of money.是哈瑞被罚了一大笔钱。It is Cathy that like best 我最喜欢的就是凯瑟。It is in a small city that I spent my childhood.在一个小城市里我度过童年的。It is lesson

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