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江苏省学士学位英语Paper One6Word文件下载.docx

1、 B. They are eating some fruits. C. They are preparing a hot soup. D. They are drinking cold milk. 5. A. Because she does not like it.t B. Because it does not it her very well. - C. Because it is too format for the occasion.! , D. Because the man likes the other dress better. 6. A. Go out to work B.

2、 Listen carefully to John. C. Be calm and patient. D. Do the easiest thing. 7. A. He doesnt like to talk. 13. He is a very kind man. C. He is friendly. D. He is not a pleasant person. 8. A. The doctor wont see her tomorrow. B. The doctor is busy tomorrow. C. The doctor is busy all day today, D. The

3、doctor will see her today. -1 S, A. Young people are too quick in making decisions. B. Young people seldom stay long on the same iob. C. Young people lose their jobs easily. D. Young people are too eager to succeed. 10. A. She felt it was tiring. 13. She felt it was very nice. C. She thought it took

4、 less time. D. She thought it was expensive. Section B (5%) In this section, you will hear one dialogueand one short passage. At the end of the dialogue and thepassage, you will hear some questions. The dialogue andthe passage as well as the questions wiU be spoken onlyonce. After you hear a questio

5、n, you must choose the bestanswer from the four choices marked A, B, Cand D. Thenmark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center. Questions 1112 are based on the following dialogue. 11. A. English B. Art history C. Economics D. American history 12. A. She is go

6、od at calculating. B. She is good at company management. C. She is good at dealing with different people. D. She is good at words Questions 1315 are based on the following passage. 13. A. Because the great fisheries are to be exhausted. B. Because it is important for food resources. C. Because peopl

7、e have not realized the importance of sea resources. D. Because fishes are fewer than Indian Tigers. 14. A. Sea resources can last forever. B. None of the great sea fisheries are to be exhausted. C. Fish supply has no effects on people. D. Sea resources are important to people. 15. A. Europe and Asi

8、a. B. The whole world. C. Asia and America. D. North America. Part Reading Comprehension (30 minutes 30%) In this part there are four passages. Eachpassage is fo/lowed by some questions or incompletestatements. For each of them there are four choices markedA, B, Cand D . You are required to choose t

9、he best answerfrom the four choices. Then mark the corresponding letteron the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage. Time spent in bookshop can be most enjoyable,whether you are a book-lover or merely you are there to buya book as a

10、 present. You may even have entered the shopjust to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever thereason, you can soon become totally unaware of yoursurroundings. The desire to pick up a book with anattractive dustjacket is irresistible, although this method ofselection ought not to be followed, as

11、 you might end upwith a rather dull book. You soon become interested insome book or other, and usually it is only much later thatyou realize you have spent far too much time there and mustdash off to keep some forgotten appointment withoutbuying a hook, of course. This opportunity to escape the real

12、ities of everyday lifeis, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There arenot many places where it is possible to do this. A musicshop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander roundsuch places to your hearts content. If it is a good shop, noassistant will approach you with inevitable greeti

13、ng:Can Ihelp you, sir? You neednt buy anything you dont want.In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the backgrounduntil you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, arehis services necessary. Of course you may want to find outwhere a particular section is, but when he has led you there,the

14、assistant should retire carefully and look as if he is notinterested in selling a single book. You have to be careful not to be attracted by the varietyof books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shoplooking for a book on ancient coins and to come out carryinga copy of the latest best-selli

15、ng novel and perhaps a bookabout brass-rubbing something that had only vaguelyinterested you up until then. This volume on the subject,however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part ofthe text you read proved so interesting that you just had tobuy it. This sort of thing can be very dangero

16、us. Apartfrom running up a huge account, you can waste a great dealof time wandering from section to section. 16. Dust-jacket in the first paragraph probably means A. a kind of clothes B. protecting paper cover of a book C. book cover full of dust 13. title of a book 17. You may spend too much time

17、in a bookshop because A. the dust-jackets of some books are very attractive B. you start reading one of the books C. it keeps raining outside D. you have to make sure you dont buy dull book as a present 18. In a good bookshop A. nobody takes any notice of you B. the assistant greets you in a friendl

18、y way C. you feel as if you are in a music shop D. you find yourself satisfied with browsing19. An assistants help is needed A. as soon as you have entered the shop B. before you start browsing C. only when you have finished browsing D. when you have determined your choice 20. Picking up books that

19、vaguely interest you can be dangerous because A. you may forget ab9ut the book you plan to buy 13. you have to give up the best-selling book C. it makes you break your appointment D. it costs you too much money and time Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. Recreation is for everyon

20、e! Too often recreation isconsidered something that is fine for children, but anindication of unwillingness to work on the part of adults.The recreative experience brings balance into mans life, andcan be the most dominant social force in modern society. There are three principal factors in the dail

21、y life ofevery adult: his work, by which he earns his living; hisleisure, in which he gains much of his reason for living; andhis sleep, through which he recovers to be ready once more forwork and leisure. This, of course, is an oversimplification oflife, but it is an indication of the broad compone

22、nts thatmake it up. Within each of these, however, there are manylesser components, The work of a large majority of our employedpopulation is relatively dull, and often frustrating. Inaddition, the work of a large percentage of our population tsprescribed by an mthority who says, Do this or else.Thi

23、s means that relatively few people have the opportunityto make choices in their work time. Even though men maynot be ruled by machines in their work, they areautomations to s0rae degree because prescribed methods givethem few opportunities to exercise their initiative. Although there is considerable

24、 disagreement amongscientists about the activity that takes place during sleep,there seems to be good evidence that man is not conscious ofhis actions while he is asleep. This means that another partof daily living is not directed by the individual, except in thedegree that it is directed through su

25、bconscious orunconscious thoughts. This, therefore, leaves leisure asthat component of daily living in which man has theopportunity to make choices about his activity. Since he hasthe opportunity for choice, man may follow either a constructive or a destructive path. There are many waysn which man s

26、hapes his leisure, that is, the time when he is not working or slee 21. A common misconception with regard to leisure is That A. it leads to laziness B. it is the most dominant force in modern society C. it is more essential to children D. it is a waste of time for adults 22. The three chief factors

27、 of work, leisure and sleep A. are what make up a human being B. are the components of life C. are the facts of life D. are the reasons of being alive-7 23. Men are robots to some extent because work rules A. prevent them from doing as they wish B. do not give them much chance to do as they think be

28、st C. require them to work efficiently D. cause them to work automatically 24. Which of the following is NOT a reason for the dull and frustrating work most people are doing? A. Most work is mechanical in nature. B. Most work is dictated by an authority. C. Very often, people have no choice about wh

29、at they do. D. Most people have to work with machines.25. Mans leisure is different from work and sleep in that A. it allows him the freedom of choice B. it refreshes him so that he is ready again for work C. it forms the largest portion of his life D. it involves subconscious and unconscious thoughts Questions 26 to 30 a

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