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1、5、Shes very good at playing the _(i.i.l.v.o.n).6、Collecting _(s.s.p.m.t.a) is my favourite.二、根据情景,选择一个正确的答案,把答案的字母编号写在括号内。(本大题10分,每小题1分)()1、-I often go to work bus . What about you?-_ A、Me too B、I dont know C、Im sorry( ) 2、-Whats your hobby?_ A、 Im a teacher B、 I like swimming C、Im Jack( ) 3、-Mary,

2、your English is very good. - _A、No, I dont B、Youre right C、Thank you( ) 4、-_ -Its sunny and warm A、Whats the matter with you? B、Whats the weather like in Kunming? C、 Whats the date today?( ) 5、-_ -Shes a TV reporter. A、What does your sister like doing? B、Whats your sister going to do? C、 What does y

3、our sister do?( ) 6、-_ -I wear size 20. A、How big are your feet? B、 How long are your feet? C、 How bigger are your feet?( )7、Excuse me where is the bank please?_A、I dont want to tell you. B、Sorry, I dont know. C、Here you are.( ) 8、你想知道John上周末干了什么,你应该问他:A、What did you do last weekend John? B、Where di

4、d you go last weekend John?C、How did you go there last weekend John?( ) 9、你不小心把同学的书弄脏了,你应该对他说:A、Excuse me B、 I m very sorry C、 I m very sorry to hear that( )10、你告诉妈妈你比Mike高,你应该对妈妈说:A、I m tall than Mike B、 Mike is taller than me C、 I m taller than Mike.三、单项选择。选择一个正确的答案,把答案的字母编号写在括号内。(本大题15分,每小题1分)。()

5、1、The rain comes from the_ A、sun B、clouds C、vapour()2、Can I have_orange juice please? A、some B、an C、a ()3、In China, drivers drive on the_side of the road A、right B、left C、middle()4、If you feel_, you must see the doctor A、happy B、bored C、sick( )5、The cinema is north of the hospital. So the hospital i

6、s_of the cinema A、east B、south C、west()6、The killer whale has 40 teeth, each_20 cm long. A、up to B、 has C、are()7、_are running in the park A、Jack and Jim B、Mr Blank C、Amys mother()8、My ruler is 5 cm_than yours. A、taller B、smaller C、longer()9、Shes super! She can jump_than others A、higher B、high C、tall

7、()10、We_to Guangzhou at 8:00 last night A、get B、got C、go()11、Wu Yifan doesnt_to school by subway. A、goes B、went C、go()12、What_the woman like? Shes tall and young. A、is B、does C、are()13、My leg_. My throat is_ A、sorehurts B、hurtssore C、hurshurs()14、Thanks for_me A、tell B、tells C、telling()15、They helpe

8、d the old woman_clothes yesterday A、wash B、washing C、washed四、中译英,每格只填一个单词。(本大题10分,每格1分)1、我非常喜欢阅读杂志。I like_magazines very much.2、我们应该努力学习。 We_study hard3、爬山是我的爱好。 _ _ is my hobby4、昨天你买礼物了吗? Did you_ _yesterday?5、看,他们在跳舞。他们多兴奋啊!Look, they are_.How_they are!6、一直走5分钟,你就会看到图书馆。Go_for 5 minutes, then you

9、can see the_五、根据上下文填空。每格只填一个单词。(本大题15分,每格1分)1、I go to work_bike and my sister goes_foot.2、If you have a fever stay_bed_a few days.3、Does your father teach English? No,he_. He_math.4、_the_with you, Sarah? -My throat hurts5、-_ _are you? - I m 70kg-Oh, I m 60kg. Youre 10kg _ than me.6、-_did you go on y

10、our holiday? - I went to Shanghai. -_did you go there? -By train. -_did you go with? -I went with my fiend. Amy -_you have a good time there? -Yes, we had a lot of fun.六、在方框内选出合适的单词完成短文,把代表该单词的数字编号填写横线上,每个单词只能用一遍。1、on 2、off 3、red 4、green 5、did 6、didnt 7、policeman 8、friend 9、go 10、got It was Saturday

11、 moming. Mary wanted to_to the park with her_,Amy at 8:00. But she_up at 8:00. It was very late.She rode her_bike very qucikly(快) . At the traffic lights, the_light was_.Mary didnt stop. A_stopped her and said.“Please get_your bike. Did you see the red light?”-Yes,I_. But I_see you. ”七、阅读理解。(本大题15分,

12、每小题或每格1分)A、阅读下面的对话,根据内容选择正确的答案,把它的字母编号写在括号里。Tom came home from school with a new book.-“Its a prize奖励, Mom. ”Tom said. -“A prize? What for, dear? ”Mom asked him.-“For the natural lesson. The teacher asked us how many legs an ostrich鸵鸟 had and I said three.” “But an ostrich has only two legs. ” “I kn

13、ow it now, But all the other students said four .So my answer is the closest.”( )1、Tom is a _ A、school boy B、salesperson C、writer( )2、Tom got the prize in a_ lesson A、math B、English C、natural( )3、Toms answer to the question is_ .A、right B、wrong C、good( )4、An ostrich has _legs . A、two B、three C、four

14、( )5、“closest” in the stouy means_A、最接近的B、最滑稽的C、最特别的B、阅读下的对话,请你帮Kathy完成写给Mike的留言条。Kathy:Hello, 2833847. This is Kathy speaking.Jacky:Hello, Kathy. May I speak to Mike?Sorry, Mike isnt here.Thats OK. Please leave a message for me. Ask Mike to call me at seven this evening. My telephone number is 8765

15、432. ThanksYoure welcomeDear _, _ called you this morning, he asked you to call him at _ this _. His telephone number is _. Yours, _. C、阅读下面的对话,根据内容选择正确的答案,把它的字母编号写在括号里。Four friends are in a small town. Their names are Cook. Miller,Smith and.Karter . They have different jobs工作. One is a teacher. One

16、 is a doctor and one is a farmer. One day. Cooks son breaks弄伤his foot. And Cook takes him to the doctor. The doctors sister is Smiths wife妻子. Cook isnt a driver. The farmer isnt married结婚. He has many good hens. Miller gets eggs from the famer every week. The teacher sees Smith every morning because

17、 they are neighours邻居. Now please tell me what they do!( )1、Cook is a_.A、teacher B、driver C、doctor D、farmer( )2 、Miller is a_. ( )3、Smith is a _. ( )4、Karter is a_. 八、小作文,请以“My_”为题目,写一篇不少于50个单词的英文小作文(一个标点符号算一个单词)。(本大题10分)My_(三)(四)一、请你根据句意,写出所缺的单词或短语的正确形式,使句子完整,第一个已给出,答案写在横线上。(每小题2分,共20分)1.We usually

18、 go to school o f .2.Where is the hospital?Its next to the c .3.Wu Yifan is going to buy a c book this weekend.4.I have a pen pal.She likes d in the sea.5.What does your uncle do? Hes an a .6.Im 50kg. Youre bigger and s than me.7.Chen Jie feels sick. She h a f .8.Mike p f on the playground last Sund

19、ay afternoon.9.What did you do yesterday? We w b in the lake.10.Did you e good f on your holiday?二、情景会话。请从第栏中选择与第栏句子相应的对话内容,将正确答案号写在括号内。() ()( )1.Whats the time now? A.June 30th.( )2.Whats the matter with you? B.Fine,thanks.( )3.What day is it today? C.Its 10:00 a.m. ( )4.How are you? D.Im 12.( )5.C

20、an you do the dishes? E.Sure.( )6.Whos your Chinese teacher? F.Im sad.I have a cold.( )7.Whats the date today? G.Saturday.( )8.How old are you? H.Thank you.( )9.May I have a look? I.Yes.I can.( )10.Have a good time! J.Miss Zhu.三、选择填空。请将正确答案的序号写在括号内。( )1.-What are you going to do on your holiday?- .A. I went to Xinjiang. B. Im going shopping. C. Im reading.( )2.Mr.Brown is teacher. We students like very much.A. his; her B. my;him C. her;her( )3.-Whats he like?-Hes

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