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1、 四、教学重难点(Teaching points and difficulties) 1.教学重点:掌握本节课的单词。 2.教学难点: vegetables的读音和拼写以及句型What would you like ?的灵活运用。 五、教法与学法(Teaching Methods and Studying Methods) In this lesson, I will use “Task-based Teaching Approach”, “Communicative Language Teaching Method” and “TPR Teaching Method.”That is to

2、say, I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making a survey, “What would you like?”to help Ss to get a better understanding of the key phrases. I will arrange these activities: guessing game, finishing a survey and making a chant and so on. 六、教学过程(Teaching Procedures) Step1. Gr

3、eetings and Warm-up ( 5 minutes ) After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson with the Ss by doing actions in unit4.It can form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt knowledge. Step2. Presentation ( 15 minutes ) Fi

4、rst, free talk with Ss, “What can you do in the classroom/bedroom/living room/kitchen?”to lead “We can cook or eat delicious food in the kitchen.”With the help of the picture, Ss can say the words about food we have learnt. Then I will introduce the new words of this lesson. With the help of the PPT

5、, I set a situation in the kitchen to present the new words of this lesson .Here pay attention to the new words vegetable, vegetables and their pronunciations. To consolidate the new words, I set two links: Whats missing? And I think you guess, guess what would I like? The games can stimulate the Ss

6、 interest of the lesson. They also can practice the Ssspeaking ability. Next, by playing the PPT, I set a scene about having dinner. T: Its time for dinner. Look! There are a lot of delicious foods. I feel so hungry now. Id like some rice. What would you like? Have Ss try to say: I present the new w

7、ords and sentences in the situation, which relates to the Ssreal life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally. Step3. Practice ( 10 minutes ) 1.Game: Role the turntable. Have Ss role the turntable by themselves and make the dialogue in pairs. Ss must be very interest

8、ed in it. As we know, playing a game is a good way to study. Ss can make dialogues using the new words and sentence, it draws all Ssattention. It can help Ss use the sentence pattern in a real situation. 2. Chant! Show a chant on the PPT, listen to the chant and say it together. Then have Ss make a

9、new chant. In this step, I will give students a free space to show their abilities . Task-based Teaching Approach and Communicative Language Teaching are used here. Making a new chant is to check if Ss can use the dialogue correctly and skillfully. Step4.Consolidation and extension.( 10 minutes ) 1.

10、Let the Ss listen to the tape and answer the questions. Open the books and check the answers. Then read the dialogue in groups loudly. This task is to develop the Ss listening and reading abilities, and also, their abilities of cooperation will be well developed. 2.Do a survey. Ask Ss to fill in the

11、 blanks on page48.In this way, it can develop Ss good habits and achieve the aim of mastering the learned knowledge in situation. 3.Play the CAI. 七、 作业及板书设计 (Homework and Blackboard Design) 1.Homework: Design your own ideal menu for our school this week. Describe your menu to your friends. 2.The las

12、t one is the blackboard design. My blackboard design includes key words and sentences, its very clear. 板书: Part A. Lets talk What would you like for dinner? soup. Id like some noodles. vegetables. 五年级英语(上)Unit 3 Whats your favourite food? 第二课时说课稿 一、说教材 Whats your favourite food?选自PEP 的五年级上册第3 单元第二课时

13、,是有关食物话题的教学内容。 教材的Part A lets talk部分充分地考虑到小学生的实际需 求,设计了真实自然的情景餐饮。从三年级学的西式快餐到四年 级学的中国食物,再到现在五年级学的中国餐饮,它既体现了本套教 材循序渐进,螺旋上升的编排意图,又体现了英语知识承前启后的紧 密相关性,符合学生的认识规律。 1、语言任务: 在本次教学活动过程中,教师是组织者,起引导作用;学生是 “主角”,是活动的主体,他们以小组为单位,进行口语、笔头练习。教师和学生之间既是师生关系,同时也互相合作、交流,因此又是合 作伙伴关系。这次活动采用情景法、交际法及“任务型”教学途径。 在教学过程中,关注学生的情感

14、,尊重每个学生,保护他们的自尊心 和积极性,营造宽松、民主的教学氛围,建立融洽、和谐的师生交流 渠道,依据本单元的教学目标,并结合教学内容设计贴近学生实际的 教学活动,鼓励他们在学习中尝试,吸引和组织他们积极参与,从培 养学生的合作精神和语言运用能力。 2、教学目标 根据教材内容和英语课程标准的要求,我确定以下目标: (1)知识目标:能听懂、会说句子“What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner today?和句子I have 并能在实际情景中进行运用。 (2)能力目标:1、能听懂提示语,按照Lets try 的录音内容判断两张配图的正误。2、能够用英

15、语“点菜”。3、能够相互调查一日三餐的用餐情况4、能用英语设计出适合小学生一日三餐的营养食谱。 (3)情感、策略、文化目标:1、用任务型语言教学途径,让学生在“做”中学,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。培养学生学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行交际实践。 3、教学重、难点 根据教学内容及教学目标,我确定以下教学重、难点: a、重点是:能熟练使用句子“What do you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner today?和句子I have 进行问答练习。 b、难点是:是句子“What would you like for lunch?”与“What do yo

16、u have for lunch today?”的不同用法,以及对话的理解与拓展。 培养学生通过所学知识进行有效交际的能力。 4、教学准备 根据本节课教学内容的需要,我准备了教学和录音机,以此来增强课堂教学的实效性。其中图文并茂、声像与俱的相互结合,将会把学生的视觉、听觉充分的调动起来,则顺应教育现代化的发展要求,更有利于帮助学生们尽快地掌握词汇的音、形、义。 二、学情分析 从学生已有的知识背景西式快餐和熟悉的中国食物出发,加上现在提及的中国餐饮是学生非常熟悉而且经常吃到的食物。因此,他们会非常乐于接受这一话题。这样就能促使学生们乐于参与和交流学习,形成自主性的表达他们自己想要的食物。 三、说

17、教学法 1、教法 根据小学英语教学的任务,为了培养学生的学习兴趣,调动学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,我结合学生的认知规律,选择教法时注重以下的教学原则: a、由少到多、由简到繁、循序渐进和尊重学生的差异,让每个层次学生都有所得。 b、除了常规的教学手段外,我还了任务型活动。运用任务型教学途径,培养学生综合运用语言能力。 2、学法 通过引导学生观察、发现、使用和创新,使他们灵活地掌握所学内容,也促使学生能够有效地运用所学知识完成有实际意义的任务活动,从而培养学生的思维,自主、合作与探究的学习能力。 四、说教学程序 Step 1、Warm-up 1.Chicken dance 2.Greeting

18、. 3.分组。(大苹果生小苹果) Look! Today each group has a big apple , try your best to get more small apples for your group . OK? 4. Review. (教师出示若干张食物图片) Wow! So many delicious food!Do you remember them? Lets chant and review some food words. OK? For example: Mutton, Mutton, I like mutton. 学生根据教师快速出示的食物图片吟唱自编的

19、歌谣。教师及时给予小组奖励。 (设计意图:利用自编的歌谣激趣,既可以使学生兴趣盎然地走进新知领域,又可以使学生在快速闪图的过程中巩固单词,扩大了单词认知与复习。) Step2. Presentation 1. Make Students use“What about you?”freely T:So many foods are here(Teacher shows the food cards) What would you like for lunch? S:Id like What about you? (Ask another student) (Big screen shows th

20、e pictures , Ss ask and answer in pairs ) 2. Presentation and practice for“What do you have for lunch?” aPresentation Im hungry nowAre you hungry? Ss:Yes Im hungry (Guide students to speak out this sentence and do the action) LookLunch is readyThis is my lunch (Show a picture that there are some foo

21、ds on it) 马屿学区英语教研活动 P2 unit3 At the zoo A lets talk评课稿 马屿镇四小 陈冬升 xx.4.9 本课由马屿镇小丁玉洁老师执教。丁老师充分利用绘本鼠小弟,设计已学的语言,让绘本变得会讲话。本课丁老师设计了两个场景。场景一:小老鼠Nini 和Kiki去动物园看到的bear 和giraffe时的对话。场景二:小老鼠Nini 和Kiki去苹果树下,看到的苹果树、bear、giraffe、elephant吃到苹果的对话。 Kik看到苹果树很高,小动物们各有各的本领,小熊很胖,它能把苹果树撞到;长颈鹿很高,它能顺利吃到苹果,大象鼻子很长,它也能顺利够到苹果

22、时,自己也想变胖,变高,鼻子变长。本课有以下几个亮点: 1、 导入节奏欢快,重点词句突出。 有chant, lets do:Be fat . Be fat. Be fat, fat, fat. ,衔接chant,巧妙设计了challenge: Be long. Be long. Be_.的挖空有层次,突出了句子的主干,激发了学生的思维。接着Game跟老师反着说,生边说,师边在黑板上贴上今天的几个描述动物的重点形容词。 然后在ppt上呈现动物对比图片,复习用短语来描述动物,如tall giraffe, short bear,图文并茂,趣味盎然。 由此看出丁老师的各导入环节设计紧凑,环节的作用明确

23、。 2、句型呈现清晰 在呈现句型Look at 时,先后呈现了mouth , elephant, mouse,各环节作用仍然十分明确,如先呈现Its so _. 再呈现Wow! Its so _ and _. 在呈现这句合并句时,丁老师处理得十分细腻。有两句Wow! Its so _. Wow! Its so _.来合并而成。接着用mouse和elephant的特征,操练句型Look at 并分组朗读。 3、对话处理有开放,书上文本处理自然无声。 丁老师设计了小老鼠Nini 和Kiki去动物园的场景。此场景中,两只小老鼠看到giraffe时的对话,是直接呈现的。而在呈现看到bear时的对话时,

24、老师先设计挖空的对话,让学生先来描述bear,此设计灵活开放,让学生充分迁移旧知。接着通过听录音,呈现两只小老鼠表述bear的对话,这也是书上文本的对话。然后通过对两个对话的表演、齐读、复述,多种方式处理文本。由此可看,丁老师的文本处理是润物细无声的。 4、句型在场景二中得到了依次增加。 丁老师设计了第二场景:小老鼠Nini 和Kiki去苹果树下,依次看到的苹果树、bear、giraffe、elephant吃到苹果的4个对话。 看到苹果树的对话时的主句型是:Look at that tree. Oh! Its so _ . 看到bear的对话时的主句型是:A: Look at that_. B: Its so _ .增加句型 “Im so _ . Its good to be _.”。 看到giraffe的对话时的主句型是: _ . B: Im so _ . Its good to be _.增加句型 “Be_. Be _,_ ,_.”。 看到elephant的对话时的主句型是:_ that_. B: Its _ and _ .A: Ha! A _ nose. B: My nose is _ .Its good to be _. Be_. Be _, _,_.”。 本课我有一点疑问:最后Be myself. Be happy!的主题突出并不是很明显。 内容仅供参考

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