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1、but the wine and the song,like the season has all gone.chorus:Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,you gave me love and helped me find the sun;and every time that I was down,you would always come aroundand get my feet back on the ground.Goodbye, Michelle, itwith the flowers every whereI wish that we cou

2、ld both be there. 教学步骤:1. 展示westlife的照片,介绍这只乐队,Westlife(官方译名西城男孩;又译西域男孩)是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体. Westlife在爱尔兰和英国走红,在非洲、澳大利亚与亚洲也很受欢迎。SEASON IN THE SUN 这首歌是westlife首张同名专辑里特别好听的一首歌曲。2. 因为此歌曲的歌词比较简单,所以可以不用让学生看歌词,先给学生放一遍,让学生听听里面都能听到什么句子。3. 之后老师发歌词,歌词中有空缺的单词,再次让学生听歌曲填空。4. 老师简单介绍歌词中的句子和难理解的单词5. 再次听音乐,让学生学习跟着唱,

3、唱的方式可以多种多样,男生女生 分组唱等等。第2课时歌曲复习第一课时学习的歌曲,并学习一些学生自己准备的相关内容1, 教师需要在前一周留的家庭作业里面包含以下作业,找出一首你最喜欢的英文歌2, 查阅出歌手的资料,了解歌词大概意思,最好做成PPT展现给大家在课堂上可以让学生自己讲讲喜欢的歌曲和歌手以及一些相关的背景资料3,选出一首大家公认为最好听的歌曲,由教师指导学唱第3课时视像色拉英语Mr G: How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? Mr B: Its lovely outside! 外面的天气晴朗! I hope it doesnt rain! 但愿别下雨.

4、How did you do that? 你是怎么做到的? Do what? 做什么? As soon as you mentioned rain it started pouring! 你一提到雨, 就开始下大雨! Impossible! 不可能!t get windy! 但愿别刮大风!s worse than a tornado! 这简单比龙卷风还糟糕! Shut up! 闭嘴! Dont say another word! 什么都不要说了! What a terrible day. 是糟糕的一天! Now ? where is my friend? 嗯? 我的朋友在哪儿?二、教学重点词汇

5、1、 mention 提及2、 pour 倾倒, 下大雨3、 impossible 不可能的4、 tornado 龙卷风句型1、How is the weather today? 今天天气怎样?Its fair/lovely. 天气睛朗. What a terrible day.天气真糟糕。What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样?I hope it doesn2、As soon as 一.就 Eg: As soon as you mentioned rain, it started pouring! 你一提到雨, 就开始下大雨了. Ill

6、 call you as soon as I arrive home. 我一到家就给你打电话. ll start the meeting as soon as the chairman comes. 主席一来,我们就开会. He left as soon as he heard the news. 他一听到这事儿就走了. 3、 worse than比更糟 这比龙卷还糟糕!The interview was much worse than he had expected. 那次面试比他想的糟得多. 4、How did you do that ? 你是怎么做到的?5、Dont say any ot

7、her word . 什么也不要说了!三、教学步骤:1、小组展示活动:daily report .2、观看第一遍 (只看教学内容),独立完成第一部分习题,全班反馈。3、观看第二遍(完整的看一遍),同桌或小组讨论完成第二部分习题,反馈。4、观看第三遍(只看教学内容),就视频内容开展一些拓展讨论。(机动,视时间而定)5、个人小反馈。四、教学支持1、daily report 课件版本(提前一周下发给下一周汇报的小组,让他们准备相应的内容,并进行指导。)2、练习材料Part 1 look at the video, try to read the new words and sentences. (让

8、学生看第一遍之前,先看看练习便于有针对性的去听。 mention 提及 pour 倾倒, 下大雨 tornado 龙卷风 How did you do that ?Dont say any other word .Part 2 look at the video again , try to make sentences . As soon as 一.就 Well start the meeting as soon as the monitor comes. 班长一到,我们就开会。 _I hope 我希望_worse than比更糟糕 The interview was much worse

9、than he had expected. 那次面试比他想的糟得多。 3、反馈练习: Number the events. ( ) The rain pours. ( ) The wind blows hard. ( ) It is a lovely day. ( ) Mr G falls down from the sky . ( ) A big tornado comes.第4课时B:Hey whats going on? 嘿! 发生什么事了?m so sorry! 我很抱歉!I didnt mean to disturb your hunting! 我不是有意要打扰你打猎的!G:Dont

10、 worry about it! 不用担心。I shouldnt have been hunting so close to your cave anyway. 不管怎样,我本不该在 你山洞附近打猎。Really I feel terrible about it! 真的,我为些感到十分抱歉 I hope this wont come between us. 我希望这件事不会影响到我们的关系。No problem. 没问题。s nothing - really! 真的没什么!There are plenty of other animals to catch. 这里有很多其他的动物可以捕捉。Ok

11、ay Im glad you feel that way. 好 我很高兴你能这么想!The beast is returning! 野兽回来了!This time I guarantee I wont disturb you! 这次我保证不会打扰你了!1、 Disturb 打扰2、 hunting 打猎3、 be close to 接近,靠近4、 cave 洞穴5、 beast 野兽 句型 1、WhatHey, what 嘿,发生什么事了?2、I didnt mean to我不是有意要。 我不是有意要打扰你打猎的 t mean to hurt you. 我不是有意要伤害你。3、 Shouldn

12、t have 本不该做(却做了) t have been hunting so close to your cave, anyway. 不管怎样,我本不该在 4、Anyway 不管怎样 Eg:The handbag is a bit expensive. But, Ill buy it anyway. 这个手提包有点儿贵。不管 怎么样,我打算买下来。四、练习材料Part 1 watch the video , try to read the new words and sentencesDisturb 打扰/ hunting 打猎/ be close to 接近,靠近/ cave 洞穴/ be

13、ast 野兽/ Part 2 watch again,answer the questions1、 Are there any animals to catch?_2、 Is Mr. B brave?3、 Are they best friends?第5课时表演Shopping 一、 常用句式 1、 营业员常用语 (1)What can I do for you? 您要买什么? (2 ) May / Can I help you? 我能为您效劳吗? (3 ) What kind / style do you want? 您想要什么种类(类型)的? (4 ) What size / color

14、do you want? 您想要什么尺码(颜色)的? (5 ) How many / How much do you want? 您要多少? (6 ) How about this one? / What do you think of this? 您觉得这个怎么样? (7 ) It fits you. Its the latest fashion, very popular. 很适合您。这是最新的款式,很流行。 (8 ) Anything else? 还要点是那么吗? (9) Please take your time and let me know when you need help.

15、您慢慢看,需要帮忙就叫我。 (10 ) Here is the receipt, please keep it. 这是收据,请您保存好。 (11) Here is your change. 这是找您的零钱。 (12) Youre welcome. Please come again. 不客气,欢迎下次光临。 ( 13) Thats the price at a discount. 这已经是折扣价了。2、顾客常用语(1) How much does this cost? 这是多少钱?(2) I like this. 我喜欢这个(3) I would like to take this one.

16、我要买这个。(4) Do you have any other colors / size? 有没有别的颜色(尺寸)?(5) May I try this on? 我可以试穿这个吗?(6) Where is the fitting room?试衣间在哪里?(7) Thats too expensive. Can you cut me a deal? 太贵了, 你可以算便宜一点吗?(8) Can I pay by credit card? 我可不可以用信用卡付帐?(9) Where can I change money? 在哪里可以换钱?(10) What time do you open/cl

17、ose? 你们几点营业/打烊?(11) Im looking for a gift for my friend. 我要买这个礼物送给我朋友。(12) Please wrap this for me. 请帮我把这个包起来。(13) Thank you, but Im just looking. 谢谢,可是我只是看看二、 运用范例A: What can I do for you? Im looking for a skirt for my birthday party. We have plenty over there. Can I have a look at the yellow one?

18、Sure. How much is it? 100 yuan. Do you have size 7? Yes. Ill take it. Here is the money. Thank you. Not at all.教学步骤1. 以自由问答的方式将学生们的注意力引到讨论的主题内容Shopping 上来,先让学生自己说一说作为顾客和作为营业员都可以说哪些话?2. PPT展示“常用句式”。其中有些个别比较难的地方需要给学生解释一下,要求学生做好笔记。3. 给学生看完运用范例之后,给学生一些情景,要求学生以小组为单位编一段对话并写下来,然后根据自己小组编的对话来进行表演。(1) 假设你和两个好

19、朋友约好到金源购物中心去逛街,你要买双新鞋,你的一个好朋友想买个新书包,另外一个想买条牛仔裤。(2) 假设你们班的一个同学过生日,你和其他两个同学约好去给这个同学买生日礼物。4. 学生在写的过程中,老师要不断来回巡视,帮助学生解决一些拼写或语法的问题。5. 如果有小组没写完,那就留作课后作业,下次课再进行表演。第6课时G:Pardon me 对不起 Is this position still available? 这个职位还有空缺吗? Sure is just fill out this application 当然 先填写申请表。 Could you tell me what kind o

20、f experience is required? 能告诉我需要 什么样的经历吗?None 不用 Uh what qualifications do I need? 哦,那我必须具备哪些条件? Dont worry about it? 别但心 Wed like to offer you the job 我们乐意给你这份工作. No kidding? Cool! 不是开玩笑吧? 太棒了!Gee Im the new security guard. 嘿, 我是新来的保安. 单词1、Application 申请表2、 experience 经验3、 qualification 资格,条件4、secu

21、rity guard 保安 句型1、be availablePardon me, is this position still available? 对不起,这个职位还有空缺吗?All the rooms are available. 你可以用所有的房间. Mr. Smith will be available this afternoon. 史密斯先生今天下午有空. 2、be requiredCould you tell me, what kind of experience is required? 能告诉我需要什么样的经 历吗?A bachelor degree is required

22、for the job. 应征这份工作必须有学士学位. 3、offerd like to offer you the job. 我们乐意给你这份工作. ve been offered a job in Japan. 日本有份工作要聘请我去做. We offered to help him, but the refused. 我们提出给予他帮助, 但他拒绝了. 4、 KiddingNo kidding?I saw Tom Cruise last night. 我昨晚见到汤姆.克鲁斯了. No kidding? 不是开玩笑 吧?5、个人小反馈Application 请 experience 经验 qualificati

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