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1、高二英语下学期第一次月考试题实验班广东省广州市南沙区2016-2017学年高二英语下学期第一次月考试题(实验班)说明: 本试卷分为选择题和非选择题两部分,共8页,满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., is one of the worlds greatest art museums. Millions of people have entered

2、its doors to see paintings by the worlds fine artists. But if these priceless masterpieces are to be preserved, the Gallery must protect them carefully. The Gallerys 135-man guard force has successfully prevented them from being stolen, but protecting the paintings from nature is a greater problem.I

3、n past times, the owners of paintings did not protect them from damaging changes in humidity (湿度) and temperature. As a result, the life of these paintings were shortened. In the National Gallery, however, humidity and temperature are carefully controlled. The building is air-conditioned in summer a

4、nd heated in winter. The air-conditioning and heating systems are so important to the life of the paintings that the Gallery has two of each system. If one should fail, the extra one can take over.Light is another enemy of paintings. Ultraviolet rays (紫外线) in light cause paintings to fade (褪色). Long

5、 ago, paintings often hung in dark churches and palaces. A coat of varnish (清漆) was a protection from the weak light. But when museums took over the care of many paintings, they were often hung in brighter light than before. Soon they were in danger of fading. The damaging effects of light were incr

6、eased when the museums removed the varnish coating, yellowed with age.To protect its paintings, the National Gallery put a special kind of glass in its skylights. This glass allows visible lights to enter the building but it keeps out harmful ultraviolet rays. The Gallery has also developed new and

7、better varnishes which help to keep paintings from fading.Thanks to these new precautions, many of the worlds greatest paintings are being well protected for future generations to enjoy.1.The text mainly tells us about _.A. the guard force in the National Gallery B. protecting great paintings from n

8、atureC. priceless paintings of past times D. the air-conditioning and heating systems in the National Gallery2. Which of the following is NOT an enemy of paintings? _.A. Varnish. B. Temperature. C. Light. D. Humidity.3. The underlined word precautions in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to _. A. de

9、corations B. problems C. suggestions D. applications4. From the text we can infer that_.A. great artists painted in dark churches and palacesB. you can touch these paintings while you are in the National GalleryC. the care of the worlds greatest paintings is both a big responsibility and a challenge

10、D. the guard force in the Gallery has not done a good job5. From the text, we can learn that _ . A.ultraviolet rays cannot affect paintings B.great artists painted with coats of varnish C.some priceless paintings were not well preserved D.the guard force in the National Gallery has not done a good j

11、obBDrawing is a universal language. It was probably our first form of self-expression when we were babies: long before we start writing, were painting and scribbling(乱涂), both in order to make sense of the world and because we enjoy it.In the history of human culture, too, painting and image making

12、came before writing or even simple mathematics: 30,000 years ago compared to 5,000. Yet after we leave school most of us never pick up a pencil againwillingly. If asked to draw something, most adults and many older children will shake their heads and say, “ Not me! I cant draw. Im hopeless at it.”Wh

13、en you think about it, this is very strange. Drawing involves coordinating(协调) the hand and the eye with the pencil. Its a basic skill, no more difficult to learn than other amazing things that humans do, such as hitting a tennis ball over the net or writing our own name. theres no special talent in

14、volved. Anybody who can learnto write can learn to draw.So, there you are no excuse not to get out your pencil, pencil sharpener and rubber and take part in the Big Draw, a nationwide series of free art events taking place all over Britain next October. Everyones welcome: all you need is a willingne

15、ss to express yourself through drawing.The Big Draw, now in its fifth year, has already achieved two world records: one for the longest drawing in the world (1km) and the other for the greatest number of people drawing at the same time (7,000). This year, there will be an attempt to create a new Gui

16、nness World Record for the longest visitorsbook: people will be invited to leave their name and a drawing on a three-kilometer piece of paper.The theme this year is InsideOutsidePeople, Structure(结构) and Spaces, and other events planned include drawing on a three-kilometer piece of paper.The Big Dra

17、w is not about turning the nation into artists, it is about helping people to acquire this universal language of communication. Its greatest achievement next October will be to bring hundreds of thousands of people together to look, imagine, draw and have fun.6. What is the writers main purpose in t

18、his text? _.A. To call on people to join a cultural event. B. To describe the history of drawing.C. To advise us to take drawing lessons. D. To explain how children develop.7. When we were babies we expressed ourselves by_.A. enjoying language B. learning to write.C. making marks on paper. D. painti

19、ng pictures of the world.8. What can we learn about drawing from the text? _.A. It is the oldest human activity. B. It came before writing or mathematics.C. You can do it well if you keep your eye on the pencil.D. It requires special ability which only a few people have.9. Who is the Big Draw for? _

20、.A. People who cant draw. B. people who would like to try drawing.C. People who want to create a world record.D. People who dont draw though they are adults.10. The Big Draw already holds a world record for _.A. the number of visitors to the event. B. the length of time spent on a drawing.C. the num

21、ber of balloons released in one day.D. the number of people drawing at the same time. C If you spent years training to be a lawyer and had a great steady income,would you leave it to undertake a silly plan that only your mum and girlfriend believed in? Thats exactly what Tom Pakenhamdid. He had the

22、idea of starting an eco-friendly taxi company and so with five environmentally-friendly cars Green Tomato Cars was born. Now,only a few years later,the company has a group of 60 Toyota Prius Hybrids. When the company started in 2006 Tom admits,”Only my mum,girlfriend Sophie,now my wife,and Jonny(his

23、 business partner) were 100 percent behind the idea of starting Londons first green cab service.” Tom,who sold his 150,000 flat to raise money for the business,received the support of some well-known persons, Buckingham Palace officials and BskyB managers. Even Al Gore is a fan. Currently carrying 5

24、00-600 passengers a day,Green Tomato Cars is a shining example that commercial success and green issues are compatible(可共存的). “All our drivers and employees are employed from the local community. We use local garages,service agents and vehicle sign-writers even though that is not always the most com

25、petitive choice. The reason is that to bring green products to the fore we believe we must not be inferior(较差的) to conventional taxis. The target is to be recognized as No.1 provider of environmental goods and services in London and around the world.” All their hard work has paid off as The Departme

26、nt for Transport has acknowledged Green Tomato Cars progress by giving them the Fleet Hero Award and last year the company was highlighted at the WTM World Responsible Tourism Day. Delighted with the publicity, Tom says,”I like to think we are playing our part with the cars switching to electricity.

27、 Carbon dioxide reductions of more than 600 tons have been achieved and this low footprint has sparked a revolution in the taxi world.”11.From the first paragraph,we can infer that_. A.Tom Pakenham was a successful lawyer B.Tom Pakenham was a man full of confidenceC.Tom was supported by lots of peop

28、le at the beginningD.It was easy for Tom to make decisions without full consideration12.The goal of the eco-friendly taxi company is to_. A.earn more money to protect the environment B.encourage more people to protect the environment C.prove commercial success and green issues are compatible D.becom

29、e the No.1 provider of environmental goods and services13.Local workers are employed in Tom Pakenhams taxi company because_. A.they provide better services B.this can help save a lot of cost C.this does good to the environment D.this can solve unemployment14.The vehicles in Green Tomato Cars are pow

30、ered mainly by_. A.petrol B.electricity C.wind energy energy15.What can we learn from the text? _. A.Green Tomato Cars has made greater profits. B.It costs people more to take eco-friendly taxis. C.Green Tomato Cars has been awarded by the government. D.Al Gore helped Tom pakenham raise mone

31、y for his company.D第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 What is the best way to catch someone who is telling a lie?For a long time, the traditional method of identifying liars was to watch their body language, including facial expressions. According to a new study, body lan

32、guage cannot be trusted. Talking, it seems, is the best way to smoke out a liar. That is what researchers in the United Kingdom found out recently. Their investigation took place at one place where lying can get you into big trouble - an airport. _16_1. _17_These are the opposite of “Yes” and No” questions. Open-ended questions force the person to stre

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